
00528 Kidnapping

“... big... ugh...”

Hanging upside down, my brother groans in agony. A few dozen radii, a few dozen recuperations there. Not only that, all kinds of torture was done to the body of Hyung-hwan. Break bones, heal, chop arms, heal, cut bellies, heal. Hyung-hwan saw his intestines ripped out and coming back in, his limbs cut off and reborn, and saw burnt skin regenerate in the fire several times.

I'd rather be crazy. No, I'd rather be crazy. He's not crazy. Dozens of different kinds of magic protected him from losing his mind. He stretched out his arms and sighed.

The room was filled with a strange smell. His stools, his urine, his vomit, his blood, his intestines, his sweat... it all smelled tangled.

The mind is not delusional. It was as sharp as a knife.It was magic like that. He wanted to die right away, but he couldn't.

The executioner stands in front of him with his arms crossed. His reflection in the eyes of Hyung-hwan was the most ruthless devil in the world and a healer with superior skills than anyone else in the world.

At the same time, he was unmanned, with the best man-made skills in the world.

“How are you feeling? ”

Ajin asked while gazing at his panting brother. Hundreds of openings. Once a glorious name, but now hanging upside down in front of Ajin, Hyung-daewon was more than just a dung dog. Hyung-hwan stared at the pain with his arms stretched out.

In fact, you didn't have to torture him like this. It's because I already have all the information I need from Hyung-hwan. Before Hyung-Hwan talked, Azin broke his mind and took all the information about paperwork and openness.

It was not very useful information. Openness was run thoroughly as a viscous tissue. Even Hyeong-dae-hwan, the nearest person to the opening book, does not know everything about opening.

Azin searched for the location of the open edges he had found through the Great Hall, and captured them successfully. However, the information obtained from them was also extremely limited. With their tails in their sights. Ajin kicked out his tongue imagining a memorable paperwork.

‘I like your head. ’

I had to admit. It was a paperwork that allowed openness to be run in this form, and it was only a paperwork. Not only did I have a good head, but I was also poisonous. Who could have imagined that she would enter the whorehouse by herself and hide as a whore?

You missed the paperwork. When Azin sent a chase party, the paperwork hides its tracks away from the brothel where it had already been hiding. I did some more tracking there, but I couldn't get a copy of the affidavit. I couldn't catch the ribs because of the pain of where she was hiding.

‘We already know we've got a tail. I can't find him because I'm determined to hide. ’

You've solved all the vampires. I was looking for a paperwork. But I haven't heard back yet that I have the paperwork.

“... holding me like this...”

Big brother giggled. Azin narrowed his eyes and looked at his brother.

“You mean you... couldn't... catch the… ark… khh… khh…!” “That's right. ”

Azin recognizes him with a grave face. He made a loud noise and approached Hyung-hwan. Hanging upside down, his brother saw Azin approaching and shivered. He laughs, but he's afraid of azin.

It was natural.

“She's smarter and more vicious than I thought. Well, with that skill, you've been able to escape the bloodbath's pursuit for a long time. So... are you happy? ”

Azin was exhausted.

“She knew you'd been captured, so she left you and snuck away. What could the woman who hid herself do? ”

He clammed his lips. He wasn't a fool. He also knew that he had been written as a discard of paperwork.

And I didn't have a grudge against him.

“... would have escaped. ”

Hyung-daewon opened his mouth. It was also the desperate wish of Hyung-daewon.

“Flee the Wall, forget your vengeance... and live alone in a place no one knows." Fortunately, the Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu Gu 'a is learning how to work with one body... and has some money. Yes. He will live like that... without ever getting involved with the Moors again. ”“ Haha! ”

When Hyung-hwan said that he was troubled, he burst his smile. He shakes his head to the left and to the right, and pushes his body with his hands.

“Actually, I don't understand. ”

Azin said that with all his heart.

“There's nothing wrong with being open. After the war against the martyrdom, he left for Gracia immediately. Since then, the bloodthirsty have been oppressing the sect? Well, I had no choice. But it wouldn't have done any harm to open up. ”

It is true. The bloodthirsty man crushes the frequencies, and the opposing gate is trampled. As a result, many of the elite factions were exterminated and entered the Citadel. But it wasn't open. Openness was too numerous for the bloodthirsty to touch. So, blood-borne blindness itself did not stimulate much.

And in fact, before the bloodthirsty man could even touch it, the opening covered its tracks. Although openness hides its appearance and beggars try to pursue its path, it is only a small number compared to the whole openness. The opening that keeps the vein that way, the paperwork that keeps the vein open. Why are you so hostile to the bloodthirsty?

“I don't know if the Throne or the Bloodline killed the Ark of Gu Jina." But the bloodthirsty man did not kill the Ark of Gu 'er. I didn't even know Gu Jina was dead. ”“... Haha! ”

He burst out laughing as if it was ridiculous.

“You don't even know why you have a grudge... yes... you do. Our grudges against people like you don't make any sense. No, the vengeance of the Ark of Gujarati, not us. ”

Hyeong-hwan's eyes glowed.

“Whose fault do you think it is that Moorish has become here? Bridge across the sea? No, bloodthirsty. You, blind, bloodthirsty bastard. I made the Moorish hell. The councillors of meaningful factions died screaming for their intentions. The Safari bastards who carried blood blindness attacked the small gates just because they were innocent, and killed all the women without having to rape and protect young children and old people.” “Go on. ”

Ajin urges you with a grumpy face.

“The trench has lost its power and Sega has fallen. Many open avenues have spoken of narratives since ancient times, but there is no place in the world to speak of them anymore. The former Ark, which worshiped righteousness and negotiation more than anyone else, sighed and died on its own accord! You... you... you! Because of your bloodline! The future of the glorious sect is gone. The future of Miss Gu Jin-seo...!” “and your future as well. ”

Azin laughs loudly. You talk like you have a great reason, and this is what you end up with. Azin chuckles and shakes his head to the left and to the right.

“I see. You said it was the throne that turned the world into this place, and you threw stones at it. Well, if that's the case, I'll smile and hit you with a stone. Yes. It's probably because of the throne that the Moorish has become what you say it is. The whole point is blood blindness. ”

Ajin said that and took a step back from his brother.

“You little safaris. Bloody bastards. Rubbish. Right. You're right, and that's what this safari is all about. We were incompatible in the first place. Safa did not lift her head when the tide was heavy. The Confederates used to persecute Safaras just for being Safaris, and kill them just for being savages. Why do you call it so unfair that there's something different? It's the same thing.” “I..." “Didn't I? Yeah, it could be. Not everyone in the sect would persecute Safa. Just like not everyone in Safa persecuted the sect. Everywhere I go, there are people out there, and there are people out there who are especially unlucky. Some people die from accidental stones thrown at them and are trampled on their feet. Some people throw rocks, others talk. Yeah, that's the way the world works. And so does Moorim.”

You hear a loud scream outside. Outside, the final of the Great Forest was underway.

“Your grumbling, your grumbling paperwork. Well... that's just it. The script is a person who takes a lot of grudges. Nothing special about it now. It's still a little warm. I was wondering why all the paperwork and openness was killing me and... yeah, right. It's not much of a grudge. That's why it's nothing special. Do you understand what I'm saying? ”

A smile was made on Ajin's face.

“The paperwork has sold itself. You're holding a paperwork. Hidden in the open. Planned by openness. Planned by a paperwork. All of them are 'so-so’. Oh, but it was pretty good. The abduction of the adopted daughter of the throne. Thanks to you, the script is very... angry. That's why you're here. ”

Azin mutters and turns away.

“I'll search the world and find you an affidavit. I'll find him... and bring him to you.” “My! ”

Behind Ajin, Hyung-daewon wrote evil.

“All of us... were insignificant...!” There's a bug crying. ”

Azin mutters.

“That's it. ”

The door is closed.


It was during the finals of the Low Hadou Forest War that the occupiers attended the seminary and the Chongnam Memorial Hall. The two of them stared at each other without moving a bit since the shampoo began. In fact, according to the level of the bureaucracy, the number of monasteries was higher than the amusement park, but the method of the circus was a feast that could not be easily overcome by the fierce invention of the bureaucracy.

Thanks to this, the unarmed and spectators were overwhelmed with tension, but Jinhee who was watching believed in the victory of the philosophy did not doubt it. Psychology is a masterpiece of the imperial court, because he himself said that the Chongnam Youth Fair would not be his opponent.

In the end, Jinhee had no choice but to pay more attention to the rewards that would be given to the philosophers as the final winner of the dance. The winner of the Choreography will be able to ‘ask' the Bloody Blinder something. The reward he received will certainly return to Jinhee, and Jinhee thought about what to ask the Bloodthirsty Lord for in return.

‘You will be refused to marry. ’

Anything else, then. What should the blood oath ask to accept without rejecting it? What should we ask to adequately capture him within the line that the bloodthirsty lord accepts? Jinhee is silently submerged in her thoughts, under the escort of the guards.

I was.

In a crowded audience, someone moved. The movement was staggered, but the body movement was extremely subtle. But the limits were clear. In-young who was approaching was caught by the vanguard surrounding Jinhee, and the vanguard immediately stopped at the person approaching the window.

“... Hail. ”

Spitting it out caused her more pain than when she set the whole body on fire.

“Hail, blood oath! ”

The shout of evil resounded like a lion's howl. All the echoes of the March March March resound throughout the non-presidential election.

“Long live the bloodline! ”

The screaming continues.

“All hail! All hail! Bloody hell!... thousand, thousand, thousand! ”

It was a scream of blood.

“The blood oath is the true king of the Moors, the true king of Jinsun! ”

In a successive shout, the astronomer, who was on the dance floor, opened his eyes wide and looked at you. He shouts that in front of Jinhee, the emperor's daughter, and in front of the imperial guards who follow him. Not only that, many spectators were watching and listening to him.

After the shout, a paperback wrapped in a large garment spread out his arms widely.

The bandage round her body explodes.

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