
00527 Kidnapping

Hearing that, he didn't react to anything. I know who I am and where I belong. The Bloodthirsty Lord knows for sure. With that confidence in his heart, he slowly lowered his tobacco pipe.

So what do we do? The Blood Beast already knows all the facts.... do I have to lie? I'm quite confident in acting. For years, I've been hiding my identity here in the Land of the Blind and living as a ambassador. I have never been suspicious. I never did anything worth catching.

“... How did you know? ”

I was confident in the acting... but my brother didn't act. Lies, too, because it was meaningless to ask such questions against a bloodthirsty monk who already knew everything and was convinced. That's why Hyungdaewon became amazingly bold.

However, I was curious. I've never been suspicious before. I've never been tracked by the Bloodline before. I can't believe the Bloody Blind Lord came to me so suddenly.

Did you know that from the start? You knew... and you pretended not to? No, it can't be. Why did you come to see me now, four days after kidnapping a bloodthirsty adopted daughter? If you wanted to secure my recruit, you could have done it that day. Why are you here now? ’“Is there a reason why the script explains it to you? ”

Azin's feet don't stop. In response to the thumping of his feet, his heart thumped.

A hundred openings. It's been called that for decades. It's going to be an open ark, and it's going to make the name even bigger. If you keep growing, you'll be the first to go after them, and maybe even become a Muslim monk. No, I'm sure you will.

Hundreds of them were called that. Everyone recognized a hundred talents and a hundred people. Even the shrouded elders of openness and the former master of the ship, Steel Gu Jina. I grew up with that look and expectation.

The sectarian moat has fallen. Open sneaks into the shadows. Gu Jina died of old age, and Gu Jina, the granddaughter of Gu Jina, became the new ark and became a prostitute by entering the palace under Mt. Hao to deceive my identity. That was the era, and that's how openness became.

And a hundred of them.

Funnily enough, even so... Hyung-daewon had never even noticed his death. I thought it was dangerous, but I didn't think I'd die. Actually, I didn't mean to think about it. But this time... this time I knew for sure. The coming footsteps, the beating heart, the shadows.

It's his death that's coming right now.

“... I was just wondering. ”

But it's a grave. He raised his head and saw pain. Yeah, I wasn't thinking, but I was scared. But... I knew this would happen one day.

I just didn't think it would be today.

‘Coming to me... is not knowing the existence of the Ark.’ “That's right. The locus does not know who the Ark of Openness is. ”

At the same time, Azin's lips opened. He said that, and his face turned white.

"My thoughts...! ’

“Isn't that amazing?"

Azin paused in front of his brother while saying so. His eyes flutter and tremble looking up at the pain. Azin grins.

“I know what you're thinking. So... the name of the Ark is a synonym. I can't believe Gu Jina died. I'll have to overthrow the Bloodbath Intelligence Service. No, in this case, the Ark's paperwork is excellent. I didn't think Gu Jina, the previous owner of the ship, was dead, and Gu Jina's new granddaughter was working as a prostitute. ”

Don't think. I'm reading your thoughts. Hyung-hwan desperately erased the thought that came to his mind.

“It's pointless. I have a lot of skills. Not only do I read your mind, I know how to do a lot of things. ”

Azin's hand reached out to Hyung-hwan.

“so you don't die. However, it can cause many times as much pain as death. You can cut and rip and crush your limbs and restore them and repeat him a few hundred times. You can make a paperwork you care about if you don't want it, and you can rip her limbs out with your bare hands.” “That... that can't be...” “You think that's impossible? ”

Azin's golden eyes flash. His body trembled in his gaze. Possibly. The thought filled his mind. At that moment, Hyung-hwan was clearly aware. What was in front of him was not the death of Hyung-hwan.

It was worse than death.


Tears burst from your lower lip and blood flows. Hyung-hwan opened his eyes and reached for Ajin. Hundreds of openings. They were the first to be called the Late Index ten years ago, and they have never failed to practice. I've been hiding my skills as a sign, but I think I can count on Hyung-hwan's skills to be within ten fingers in the city.

However, the target is not good. Kang Yong-hwan's eighteen pages of open air didn't even touch him. Immediately, his arm twists. Quadruck! A bizarre twisted arm points up at the sky, and his mouth widens.

“Isn't that amazing?"

Ajin looked down at Hyung-hwan, standing in the back. Hyung-hwan groaned with a broken arm.

“Without touching your body, the throne can kill you as much as it wants. So... no, no. ”

The smile disappeared from his face.

“I was going to tell you not to use vain resistance... but I've changed my mind. Resist. Resist all you want. It's good to attack the main location and try to escape. Whatever you want. Do what you want. So, how about a suicide attempt? ”

I meant what I said.

“Do whatever it takes. The more you resist, the more I'll enjoy it. ”

Hyung-hwan shivered and shook his head down.

Despair presses down on your head.


The paperwork was not stupid. Failure to kidnap a half-breed nun. And the aphrodisiac who was directly involved in the kidnapping betrayed the opening and stuck it to the bloodthirsty. If you look at the flow, you catch the tail of the opening. We have no choice but to get caught. He met Hyeong-hwan in person with the other members of the opening.

‘If you get caught, you'll get a big one. ’

The paperwork woke me up. Four days ago, when I heard that he had failed. I thought the paperwork would be here. And that thought...

I didn't tell him. If I told you, he would have acted in some way. To be precise, the paperback was no longer involved with Hyung-hwan. If he hears information from the butcher, what the bloodthirsty lord can understand is even the brother. Yeah, that's as far as bloodthirsty men go.

‘All I know is where I am. If you get caught and discuss my position. Of course I'm gonna get caught. ’

Of course, I did not think that Hyung-dae-hwan would talk. But not necessarily. No matter what it takes, the location will be revealed.

Maybe right now.

Of course it didn't matter. After meeting with Hyung-hwan four days ago, the paperwork left the station immediately. Although Hao Moon's gaze was not distracted, he should pay more attention to Hao Moon's gaze than to Hao Moon's gaze.

‘I mean.'

The paperwork walked slowly. She raises the mirror on one side of the room. Then I took a slow breath.

As I took off the bandages on my face, the paperback had a lot to think about.

There was no complaint on my face. I don't think it's a pretty face, but... it was my favorite. Ever since I was a kid. Her grandfather, Gu Jina. The open ark of the front row sits a little paperback on its knees and speaks to everyone. It's my granddaughter who doesn't get sick even if I put it in her eyes.

Once, a paperback... loved Hyungdaewon, a disciple of Gu Jina. It is a story of a time when Gu Jin-ah did not die, the tide did not collapse like this, and the opening did not hide into the pitch. When no one thought that paperwork would be an open ark. A star that opens when it's called the Hundred Brothers, and it's not called the Open Ark of generations.

It's an old story.

“... Goodbye, brother. ”

The paperback mumbled like that and completely removed the bandage. Hyung-hwan will die. Certainly not a comfortable death. He will surely be tortured, and he will suffer greatly. Even if Hyung-hwan can't overcome the pain and speaks about paperwork, the paperwork won't complain about Hyung-hwan.

Rather, the sinner is on the paperwork side. The paperwork was discarded. I let him die.

“I'm sorry.”

That's what the paperwork said again.

The face reflected in the mirror was a mess. It was the earthquake that set my face on fire. It's not just faces. The whole body. The paperback looked down at his body with a bandaged name. I applied some medicine, but I burned my whole body. No matter how good the medicine is, I don't listen to burns like this. In fact, even though it was hard to move the body, the paperback moved without hesitation.

The pain was familiar to her.

‘The adoptive daughter abduction failed. ’

The paperback glances at his face reflected in the mirror. Burned, melted, and tangled his face again. Even now, if I touch my hands, my swollen blisters will burst and my pus will flow out. This wound will not disappear for the rest of your life unless you remove the osteoclast.

‘It's okay.'

There's no more foolishness in your face and body anyway. It's meaningless. I've driven my brother to his death. The papule slightly touched the blister on my face with my fingertips. The pain that seemed to make my nerves tingle caused my papules to tremble.

‘I can't use my openness. ’

Operated as a clay. Exposure to the Big Band and other openings does not result in a full exposure. Yeah, right now. But the danger remains unchanged. How far do they weave from captured branches? The question is to what extent it was exposed.

‘No openness. Then I have to do it. ’

The paperback was bandaged again on his face. I don't need to be prepared. I've done enough of that before. Fortunately, there was no need to be so prepared for what the paperwork was about to do.

No one knows about this place. All I know is a paperwork. Ever since Hao Moon became a prostitute, I never came to this place. We used to have an opening to transport things, but the one used in the errand no longer exists.

I buried their bodies under this room.

“... I'm sorry. ”

The paperwork muttered once again.

For Hyung-hwan and the others.

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