
00466 Returning

‘It's not some headless idiot. ’

On the river side, that's what pain looks like. You'd hardly expect someone in the position of an oath to come here, insisting on coming here himself. Ajin looks up at Mt. Muang with a grumpy face. It is said to be a mountain on one of the most advanced arms. It was indeed an amazing sight to be called.

“It's useless. ”

The aroma of raw snow standing next to me was so flat. At that point, he agreed to some extent. Finding a Fortress in that rugged, tall mountain is hard work, even if it's not enough to find a needle in the desert.

“Are you going to erase the entire mountain? ”

Persian asks. He looks back at Persic with a nonsense look on his face.

“Why do you erase a healthy mountain? ”

“Aren't you here to be cruel? ”

“What does that have to do with erasing mountains?” “That's the only way to live in the majesty of the beast. ”

I said with a serious face. It was a piece of advice from my experience at the peak of martial arts. But Ajin shakes his head across.

“I don't intend to wipe out the whole mountain.” “It's possible, right? ”

The smell of Raw Snow lit up my eyes and asked me. In saying this, he laughed and did not answer properly. Azin raises his eyes and looks up at the enormous mountain of independence.

Can you erase it? I thought about it for a moment. The power of the Jinshan Shrine has not been properly assessed by Jinshan himself. It used to be a three-star catapult. I can't triple-- no, more than triple.

Jin Chun-ma-shik is the most powerful tool used by Jinseon Thousand Horses. The higher the achievement, the stronger its power will be compared to before.

‘Maybe I can erase it. ’

Of course, I don't intend to try.

“We should talk about it first. ”

“With who? The green mountain bandits?” Then who else do you want me to talk to? "” What are you talking about with those motherfuckers and shit? ”

The smell of Raw Snow grumbled and said.

“People at the top of a group, you can't look down on them. In this case, it's better to get rid of those bastards who won't listen to me for the purpose of answering the door.” “You don't trust me that much?” “I don't know about anything else, but I need you to work as one of the two masters and the wife.” “You once called yourself a Maiden, and you called yourself a Maiden. ”

Against Azin, the face of Raw Snow rose red. She shrugs. She lifts her foot and kicks her shin.

“I did it because of Master's majesty! What's wrong with you?” Then I shall be your wife. ”

Asin replied coldly to the heavy, screaming smell of raw snow. In response, the black snow scent opened its eyes wide as it tightened its lips. I didn't think Ajin would take it so coldly.

“Time to s-feed Camilla. ”

In this situation, the response of the Black Snow scent was to run away. She hurries into the shadow of Azin. Azin glances at Persian with a big smile.

“What about Persian?”

“I'm not as grumpy as Racunda. ”

Persian shrugs and replies.

“Either way, in my case, I prefer to be called by my name.” “If you say so.” “It's not dangerous, is it? ”

Persian asked with a slightly worried face. At that, Ajin shakes his head, smiling.


“In that case, I'll go back to the Bloodshed too. ”

The bloodthirsty top floor connects Azin's office with his shadow. Azin smiles deeply, watching Persian fade into the shadows.

“You worry a lot. ”

He mutters as he reaches for the mountain.

The road up the mountain chose a rough paved road. They are raiding merchants across the mountains or plagues. Of course, he's keeping an eye on the mountain path, so Ajin decides to wait for them to make contact first. It's because it's hard and bothersome to run through the mountains on your own feet.

‘I replied and left, but I came slowly on purpose. I'm sure they're ready for you. ’

I rode a horse, but it took me almost three months to travel. Thanks to its connection to the shadows, Camilla was brought along when she passed near the tourist attractions and enjoyed the trip together.

The journey itself was pleasant. Azin's face sank cold. Not from now on, we're not leaving the bloodline for three months just for sightseeing.

“How long are you going to watch? ”

Azin's mouth opened. The horse was loaded with weight. As the air around you cools down, the dense forest trembles. The sound of the spit shakes the inner voices of those hiding on the tree.

“Hmm. ”

They groan and fall from the tree. They looked at the pain with a stiff face. Ajin smiled and glared at them.

“Are you a member of the Bandit's Keep? ”

“... who are you? ”

The man with the beard is hot and asks for some time. In saying this, he smiled and built a backpack.

“Don't you know the face of the beast? ”

“Curse... blood oath? Hematoma azine?”

The flinchy and surprised man asked. Do not attach a horn. It's not because of arrogance.

“You're a player.”

“Everyone here does. ”

He stares at the pain with a slightly tense face. RPG means a role play game in which the user plays characters in the game. However, if the opponent is an NPC, they do not need to be immersed in the role as if they were the same player.

“I'd like to meet a vegetarian at the Citadel. Are you alone? ”

The man asks. He raises his arms as if to look at him.

“Who else is here but me?” “... you've got some nerve. I won't die because I'm a player anyway. Is this it?”

The man croaks. At that, he smiles and lowers his arm.

“Whatever you say. So, what about the Green King?” “Don't rush it. My boss told me to greet him with all due respect if an oath should come. ”

He says so, turning around. Other bandits who were looking at Ajin with a slight frown followed the man who turned first.

“... stir. ”

One of the slightly dumber ones approaches Azin.

“... authentication shot.”

It was not a difficult request, so I stood beside him. The man who went first looked back at the absurd face. Today, First was a game played by millions of people around the world. Of those billions of players, ranking # 1 is, in a sense, the same as global celebrities.

After the authentication shot, Ajin followed the players of the Fortress to the deepest part of the mountain. They skillfully navigate the mountain paths as they make their way, and Ajin follows them some distance.

‘You're spinning. ’

Is it to prevent us from knowing where it is? Maybe that, but... Azin glances at you. Although he hid it in secret, it was obvious to Azin. All kinds of traps and institutions were hidden all over the forest.

"It's a fortress. If I don't come here to subdue them, I won't be able to see the living quarters. I'll be framed by the agency." ’

If the fishing is floating, the runners speed up ahead.

Soon after, Azin arrives at the fortress of the living. There must have been this much room in the mountains. Azin looks a little curious and looks around the fortress. It is almost the size of a small city.

‘There's a lot.’

Different genders. How many? After the Green King consolidated the green, he heard that the majority of the main fortress, as well as the Royal Fortress, had been replaced by players. Azin looks at the large building in the middle of the Citadel.

I felt a clear and sticky gaze. The moment I walked into the fortress, I saw a great many gazes stealing from me.

‘You seem to have entered the enemy camp alone. ’

I wasn't afraid. Ajin follows the man in the back to the fortress.

“.. what's the first place you rank? ”

The man's mouth opens. He pointed to the stairs and said,

“Consider the situation well. Don't be embarrassed because you got robbed. Maybe it's worth a look. The humiliation of ranking number one... you know, when you get a video like this and it starts on YouTube or First Homepage. It's what you used to do. ”

It's time to beta test. Azin smiles in relief. That was about five years ago.

“Reminds me of the old days. It was fun.” “.. you know? Back then, when you hit him in the head. Valcoon Raid... and the Thorn Forest. I was there.” “Is that so? What was Nick?” “You wouldn't know. I wasn't a name. ”

The man spits it out and stares at Ajin's face. With that fierce look on his face, Ajin smiled softly.

“If you don't like what happened back then, try a challenge. I'll take care of you. ”

The man did not answer Azin's words. With a smile on his face, Azin climbs up the stairs.

The top floor was empty. It looks empty. It seemed to be hidden and hidden, but Azin was able to capture a few dozen techniques looking into this side of the world.

“I've had a hard time coming from afar. ”

“You know him well. ”

Ajin speaks in a casual voice and heads to the front of the river sitting in a chair. As he watched the coming pain, his eyes narrowed.


Azin's mouth suddenly opens.

“Giant House, White House, Bloody House, Green House, Green House, Green House, Blue House, Blue House, Golden House, Blue House, Blue House, Green House, Green House, Blue House, Green House, Black House, Green House, Green House, Green House. ”

The brow frowned. Aji grins.

“This way, the record is 18 pieces. It was... it was the door, the compatibility door, the vent window. Right?" “.. so? ”

Ganghwan grabbed the armrests with his hands and asked. Non-inspection doors, compatible doors, vent windows. These are the emerging safaris that have been hit so hard while Ajin was on the move. Munjoo is a player and most of his pupils are players.

“Looks like they're all here. ”

Azin's lips twisted. 20 of them. Azin looks up at the ceiling. He said that, and he burst out laughing.

“Of course, number one is number one. The work without balls is amazing. ”

The river rises up. That's the signal. 20 men fall from the ceiling and surround Augin. All of the eighteen greenery shareholders that Ajin mentioned, as well as non-inspection doors, compatible doors, and vent doors.

“It's out there, too. ”

“The elite of each house and doorway. I don't think you can handle a head count like this, even if you're number one in the ranking.” “You've had a hard time retrieving it in time. It's because I came late on purpose, so thank me.” “... what? ”

Kangaroo frowned and asked. At that, he smiled.

“I came late on purpose. Gangal, so you can play tricks on me. Hmm. Still not enough? How about this? I can wait a few months without doing anything here. Where else are you gonna put your reinforcements? Are you bluffing?” “What are you bragging about?” Son of a bitch. Not so close. ”

His face distorted.

“You're going to die here. ”

Kangaroo shouted.

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