
00465 Return

Mungyeonghee stared at Camilla, blinking her eyes. You said you were twelve.

‘Maybe he's from Gracias. It's growing fast.'

Camila was much taller than the other girls of her childhood. Her breasts were beautifully raised, and even though she still had a tattooed teat on her face, she was quite feminine compared to her age. She looks ten or five years older than 12.

‘.. who do I look like? ’

Mungyeonghee tilted her head, looking at Camila's face. I had never seen him before, but it was familiar. Who did she look like? Mungyeonghee glanced at her eyebrows.


In Mungyeong-hee's head, the star struck. Mungyeong-hee's face was pale. Similar. The atmosphere was the exact opposite, but the face itself resembled a mural.

Maybe he was born between a blindfold and a mural. No, it can't be. A 12-year-old who's twice the age of a swordsman and a Wall Swordsman would make such a joke. Wally swords are also Gracians, so they may just resemble each other.

[Aren't you supposed to leave the fish to the cats?]

You hear the sound of Raw Snow. Asin, who was sitting outside the chair, lifts his head and looks at the smell of Raw Snow.

[What do you mean?]

[He likes women.]

In saying that, he glanced at Mungyeong-hee. Women are better than men. When Ajin first adopted Mungyeong-hee, Raw Snow scent hindered strange emotions from spreading between Mungyeong-hee and Ajin, so he directly pursued Mungyeong-hee. At that time, Mun Kyung-hee confessed so.

And it was not a lie.

[.. are you going to touch my stepdaughter?]

[You don't know that.]

The scent of Raw Snow sent a message by placing the shredded meat on Camila's plate. In saying that, Ajin looked at Mungyeong-hee who was scolding Camila.


[Yes, Lord.]

One whistle can be spread that the bass is not superior. Mungyeonghee looked at Camila and saw pain.

[Just in case, if you want to ask my daughter... so...]

[.. didn't I tell you before? I said I liked someone I could depend on.]

[Then why are you looking at my stepdaughter?]

[.. resembling someone.]

Mungyeong-hee blurred the end of the word. It's because I thought it would be rude to say that it looks like a wall-to-wall sword. In Mungyeonghee's words, Ajin's face was slightly stiff.

‘Well, yeah. ’

Camila is growing rapidly. Even when I was in the facility, I did not differ significantly in size from my peers, but my day grew differently since I was adopted by Ajin. Eat good food and get a good environment. The Black Snow scent did not spare Camila's support. Not only academics, but Camilla's hope taught her to be a shaman.

And the woman's body sucks it all up like a sponge.

As she grew older, Camilla became more like Devello. Of course. Camilla's a Doppelgänger of Devello. The stellar horse of the martyrdom that appeared on the line. It was the Doppelgänger of Azin, but on the outside it did not resemble him very much.

Because there was 100 years between Ajin and Thousand, and he lived his life for 100 years, and the process of that life remained in his face. The atmosphere, the facial expression, the facial contours. Most of it changed, and in the end it didn't resemble Ajin very much.

But Camilla is different. It's been 10 years between Camilla and Devello. Being a foster daughter of Ajin changed the atmosphere a lot, but the depression and cold atmosphere of the first time I saw her in the facility did not completely disappear.

[Strange thing.]

Ajin sent a message to Mungyeonghee.

[Just a resemblance. Don't worry too much.]

At that, Mun Gyeong-hee nodded slightly. Then he bows his head politely towards Camila.

“I am Mungyeong-hee, who is in charge of the bloodthirsty army. I meet the Lord Blissful.”

The fluent words of Gracias flow without a hitch. After hearing that, Camila opens her eyes and smiles widely.

“Yes. Take good care of him, soldier. ”

“You may remove. ”

Mungyeong-hee bowed his head as if to ask for forgiveness. Ajin looked at the formal Mungyeonghee, and found the spices buried in Camila's mouth. Azin reaches out without a care and wipes the seasoning on Camila's lips with his thumb.


Camila quickly reaches out and grabs Azin's wrist. Then, with a playful face, I opened my lips to taste and eat the seasoning. Azin stares at Camilla dazed for a moment.

“Your hands are getting dirty. ”

Camila smiles brightly. Azin's shoulders tremble.

The patriotism that was not there was boiling.


The bloodthirsty beast, the fact that the bloodthirsty horse broke the old pulmonary canal and returned has spread throughout the city. Of course, the pulmonary duct was just a horse. Most players knew that plasma azine was not in the pulmonary duct, but in Gracia.

And some npcs knew that. That's why some of the Safaris in the Bloodbath were able to act violently. Strange rumors that a blind man has left the bloodline and moved to Gracia entirely. That's why the thick sapphic waves drove the bloodthirsty blind out of their control.

“A letter came from the bloodline. ”

A mountain. A mountain fortress deep within that mountain. Construction of eighteen greenery into one.

The stars are green.

“So, what? ”

The woman on her body groans. Kangaroo reaches out as he groans with a joyful face. Rich breasts were pressed against thick fingers. The reporting man clears his throat as he looks up at the tightly tightened hip muscles of the rhythmic swinging river.

“This is an order from the oath himself. He wants us to march on the Wall's Bloodline.” Crazy bastard. Why would I go there? ”

Kangaroo grumbled with a smile as if it were ridiculous. The fortress of Muang Mountains was once a palace of great power. He was the king here, as well as the king of the green bandits that roamed the sunny forest.

“Hey, you go upstairs. ”

Kangaroo grabs the head of a woman who cries out, "It's good to be in bed." A woman boarded on the lower half of the river that sat on the edge of the bed. The face of the man I was looking up was even more distorted. He glances up and down and spits his guts out, looking busy at the holes and the things of the river going back and forth.

“An oath of oath. ”

“The guy who's been playing in another town for four years comes back and says," How much do you think he'll listen to you? ”

Kanghwan giggled. He reaches out for a wobbling pair of tits. I grip and pull, and the woman groans.

“If you tease him, tell him to come here himself. I don't know if they have balls like that.” “.. Are you serious? ”

The man shakes his head and asks. Strong enough to answer the question, he nodded loudly.

“That bastard's a level one... I don't think I can handle him on my own. Then I don't have to fight alone. ”

Rather, it was good. While biting the nipple on the sole of the foot with my lips, the river was cold. Four years the oath was gone. There was a rift in the bloodline in the void for four years. The merger of greenery accelerated the crack. The river was a master of excellence, and the greenery he led made most of them players.

It has the absolute advantage of being immortal. After being subdued, he resurrected four hours later, so the greenery really wrinkled the mountain line like a wreck. Along with the vanquishing, some of the thick Sapa clans that were conspiring in the bloodshed combined with greening.

“Send me a proper reply. I don't think I'll be able to go because I'm sick of my body, so I was wondering if the oath Lord could come here himself. Alone.”

The fact that the Green King is a player is known to all advanced players. Azin knows him, too. Since your avatar can't hear you, it's a blatant mockery.

“S-can I do that?" ”

“Why not? Perfect timing. ”

I screwed up like this, but if I remain silent in the bloodthirsty side, I can properly poop on the face of the beast. If so, it's better.

“And get in touch with the other dens. Pick some elites and send them to the fortress alive. And for those of us who are working with them.” Are you planning on catching the Ondrite? ”“ You can't kill him because he's the same player anyway. But I can get it from a lot of things. ”

If you succeed in killing the monk with a trap, you can drop the statue of the monk as tall as the sky into the butthole. The other Safa waves that have remained neutral so far will also be shaken. The tail of his mouth was torn straight up.


“... I have a reply from the Sanctuary. ”

The office where the paperwork disappeared was neatly empty. Among them, Ajin looked at the documents that Mungyeonghee was holding and received a report. Mun Kyung-hee's face changed colorfully throughout reading the documents, and at the end, she chewed her lips well.

“What do you say?”

“.. I don't think I'll be able to go because I'm not feeling well, so the oath wants me to come alone. ”

A provocation from the front. Mungyeong-hee's eyes frowned. Of course, you don't have to listen to this. They tell me to come alone, but I have no reason to go alone.

It was an idea because Mungyeonghee is an npc.

‘It's easy to take a troop and trample the Green King and his forces. But he's a player. I'm not going to die.’

Killing them at the Fortress of the Living will bring the Green King back to life. The resurrected may brag that the beast is a coward. Of course, that doesn't hurt him very much.

It's just that the image is a little broken. The pinnacle of bloodline. Safa first, Murim first. If such an image is shaken at all, the bottom will groan. Azin laughs low.

“Send me a reply. Then I'll go alone.” “.. Yes? ”

Mungyeong-hee's eyes widened. Ajin smiled and said again.

“Send me a reply that says I'm going alone. ”

“Are you serious?”

Mungyeong-hee asked in a surprised voice. It's reckless. It's a blatant trap. Nothing to see. Forest elites will be gathering in the fortress now.

“I was just about to need a scapegoat. ”

Azin laughs, spinning.

“If you set an example for the greenery, the other doorways will know. Who's standing on top of his head. Who the oath is." “But... if, just in case, the oath..." “Don't doubt it." ”

Azin shakes his head.

“It's better this way. You need to show the dog how scary the owner is.” At least... why don't you bring a squadron? "” “No, I don't need it. Didn't the Green King tell you? Come alone, then. ”

Azin raises his cup of tea, saying so.

“Since I told you to take off your horn, we'll leave tomorrow. ”

There was something I wanted to test. I've mastered the Jinshan Shrine with polarity, but I haven't tested its power yet.

And the worship of darkness. I also haven't had a chance to try this out, so I haven't opened it yet. Mount Muang. It was a perfect test stage.

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