
00462 Descending

Hermione was unable to say anything. I can feel the gaze of a great being looking down on my head. I opened my lips to say something, but I couldn't hear my voice.

Gladiolus smiles and looks down at Hermione. At that moment, Hermione bows her head, gasping and exhaling.

“.. Yes. ”

You hear a voice. Hermione answers with a trembling voice. Gladiolus reaches out, slowly nodding his head.

There is no dialogue. The Lord of this world and the Lord of the Empire. Each was the pinnacle of God and the pinnacle of man, but there was no conversation. It's because it's different. A hand stretched out by Gladiolus rests on Hermione's head. Hermione closes her eyes as she feels her chest burst. I couldn't think of lifting my head, looking back, or talking from this side first.

Azin stares at Gladiolus and Hermione. Azin was also feeling great pressure, but he did not look away and did not kneel. Hermione kneels, but Azin does not.

A bright light emanates from Gladiolus' hand, touching Hermione's head. The light hovers around Hermione and slowly seeps into his body. At that moment, Hermione's body trembles as if struck by lightning.

“You've done a lot of interesting things. ”

Gladiolus' mouth opens. Hermione's body slowly falls forward. He's lost his mind. Azin glances at Gladiolus with a cool face.

“... what have you done? ”

“I didn't kill him. He didn't do any harm. I was briefly blacked out by the shock of the contract. Contract?” “The arrangement with the King in the North. ”

Gladiolus glanced at the fallen Hermione and said,

“The emperors of Gracia make deals with the Spirit King. The reactions of the contract. A human soul makes a pact with all the Four Legion Spirits. If an ordinary human did this, his body would explode and die. It's good to end such a reaction with a mild fainting. ”

Gladiolus laughs low after finishing his speech. He glances back at her with a grinning face.

“Should I give him a compliment? ”

Gladiolus' head slowly tilts to the side.

“Or should I give him a beating?” “.. I don't think I've done anything wrong.” “Yes. You didn't do anything wrong. It's just... too good. ”

Gladiolus' smile grew. He looks down at Azin's shadow.

“Did you notice? The loss of connection with those in your shadow." ”

In response, he flinches and looks down at his feet. Somehow it seemed so quiet. Raw Snow has a grudge against Gladiolus. Now that the black snow is facing Gladiolus, he's not saying anything.

"I see. The shadows are blocked. ’

It wasn't just that. I don't feel the pain of always being on one side of Azin's consciousness. Since when? Ajin is a little nervous, looking for Gladiolus. Gladiolus shakes his head transversely, grinning.

“I just didn't want to keep my ears open. ”

Gladiolus glances at you as he says. A fluffy chair was made where his gaze reached.

“Sit down.”

Gladiolus also made a chair for Azin. Azin sits across from Gladiolus with a blunt, stiff face.

Things were going better than I thought. I can't believe Gladiolus is leading the conversation. Azin, who had been completely ignored or only expected a simple greeting, hid his face and confronted Gladiolus.

“I'll give you a compliment first. ”

Gladiolus looks up at Azin's face and raises his mouth tail.

“That's how you defeated the thousand horses you were preparing for as a crucible on the line. The call of the Church, including the Thousand Horses, was a test we could attack. ”

That's right. The keyword prepared to target the thousand horses and bridges is "cretin." Twins fought the Heavenly Horse, not because of their relationship with Ajin. Even if there were no pain, the twins would have collided with the Heavenly Horse.

After that? Twins die, but 1,000 horses take heavy damage. There will be great damage in killing a thousand horses who have lost their strength and ending the war against the Bridge, but the trials on the Advance were a trial that could be solved if only a pair participated.

“War against Gallios. It was almost a player-to-player -- no, surrogate dispute. ”

This was also true. The variables were Jabesh and Azin, and the two were surrogates. Without them, Gratia would have absorbed Gallios safely.

“But not the Black Forest. ”

Gladiolus' smile darkens. He crosses his chin with his hands and stares at Azin.

“The Black Forest incident was a mistake. There was no Black Forest subjugation at the foot of the story ready for First. ”

Of course you are. Ajin grits his teeth. The Black Forest was too difficult to call a dungeon. The undead there are secondly impossible to capture the queen.

“I wanted to give as much freedom as I could to the NPCs living in First. They're not AI in the first place, they're actually living beings. First's story is simple. One day the Demon King will come and defeat it. This is the end. Within that big frame, NPCs blend in with players to create a story. ”

Gladiolus talks and laughs out loud.

“But I didn't expect Verdinger to act that way. And I didn't think you'd get her approval.” “.. Then why did she exist?” “For control. ”

Gladiolus replied without hesitation.

“The undead of the forest are strong. The Black Forest is a dungeon on the top difficulty level. It's made for players, not NPCs. A dungeon for players who will not die even if they die. That's what the Black Forest was worth. And the queen was in charge of keeping the monsters in the dungeon out. You weren't a monster in the first place.” “That's right. The queen was never meant to be captured from the start. Most of the other monsters and NPCs were brought back from other worlds, but I made the queen myself. Made it pretty hard. ”

Gladiolus pauses. He smiles at the pain and asks.

“How was your fight with Verdinger?” “.. too strong.” “Of course you are. Verdinger is a monster that can be ridiculed by the transcendents who are after my place. We can't kill each other because we're immortal... but Verdinger's power alone outweighs the transcendents. Do you know what that means? ”

Ajin shakes his head. Gladiolus smiled and said.

“When you fought Verdinger, your strength surpassed yours. If Verdinger had the concept of death, you could have killed him. That means you've surpassed the power of the transcendent.” “.. it was just that moment.” “Not exactly. The title of the Escort Knight remains intact, and once the conditions are met, you will be able to wield more power than the Transcendent. Is that it? The worship of darkness. I thought I might make it, but I didn't think it would go back to the player because the queen's power is power. And you even got the Dark Worship. ”

Gladios' eyes narrowed. Azin frowns as he looks into the eyes of the god who is shooting at him.

“In the name of the Guardian and the worship of darkness. Then you will transcend the power of the five transcendents, even momentarily. You have the power to make me a god.” “.. so?” “You've become too strong. ”

Gladiolus declared him with his own mouth. His face was frozen cold.

“So, is there a problem with that? I can be confident that the power I gain is justified by myself.” “That's right. So I had a lot on my mind. The power you possess is just. It was just a bunch of overlaps. ”

The steel ball, the wall, the ultraviolet angle. Special effects and titles, including wolf heart. Special abilities of the Guardian Corps. Azin was able to defeat the queen thanks to the aid of many abilities.

“It deprives us of the special abilities of the Homocrisis title. ”

Gladiolus declared it so. In saying this, his face was frozen cold.

“You're going to deprive me of my own abilities?” “I'm not finished with you yet. How about this?”

Gladiolus' fingers cut into the air. A translucent window appears in the air with nothing. It was Azin's status window.

“I'll let you master the polarity of one of your maneuvers. And I'll level you up to 100. Isn't this the best way to trade? ”

Azin's expression was stiff. Level up to 100 and master a single masonry to polarity. Azin raises his stat window. Currently, the total number of masons that the azin did not master to the polarity was three. Jinshan Shin Gong, ultraviolet angles, and wall power. The three ballooners were growing too slowly, leaving the Black Forest and still staying at the entrance of Five Stars.

‘And level 100. ’

The higher the level, the harder it is to level up is the same as any game. The same goes for First. Defeating the Black Forest brings Azin's level to 680. This level varies by 120 when compared to the second ranking LaQuiz.

“.. resin doesn't fit. ”

But Ajin refused. If the guardian knight's ability is maintained, the target can be overwhelmed regardless of level or merit. But Gladiolus slowly crosses his head.

“You have no right to refuse. Even if you refuse, the escort knights' special abilities will be deprived. All you can do now is, what do you get from me in exchange for depriving him of his special powers? ”

Peek. Azin grinds his teeth listening to Gladiolus. After all the nagging and convincing of Azin, the escort knights' abilities will be deprived.

‘I wanted to make a deal... but this is a one-way loss. ’

I can't help it. Ajin swallows a sigh. As long as Gladiolus is willing to deprive him of his powers, there's no way to convince him of anything he says here. Then like Gladiolus said, he had to hear what Azin could get his hands on.

“... the Demon King. ”

Azin's mouth opened.

“When will the Demon King come? Please let us know.” “That's a surprise. ”

Gladiolus mutters with a pitiful smile.

“No, you're down now. ”

Ajin didn't answer. When will the Demon King come? It was the same question as when this game ended.

‘You must know the time of the coming. ’

That way we can prepare from here. To keep Camilla from dying as a saint. And to defeat the Demon King.

“Six years.”

Gladiolus' mouth opens.

“The Demon King arrives in six years. I wonder... when is the best date? Will you decide?”

Gladiolus smiles and asks. At that point, he frowned and shot Gladiolus.

“.. are you serious? ”

“Of course. The date doesn't matter anyway. If you want, I can drop you off right now. In that case, six years from now, The date is October 3rd.” “I'll do that. The Demon King arrives on October 3, six years from now. ”

October 3.

It was Ajin's birthday.

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