
00461 Descending

I'm going to see Gladiolus.

Azin on a horse buried such thoughts in his heart. When was the last time you saw him? Beta service is over, sailing party. Azin saw the face of the Creator for the first and last time.

The god with the five transcendents. The goal of the game was to select a new god by competing with the elected surrogate. I have no questions about that intuitive and simple rule.

‘But you can think of it as an opportunity. ’

There was no way to contact Gladiolus on the surrogate side. Although there was a war in the capital, Gladiolus would not have come to the temple unless it was time for immediate immediacy. Sneaking into the temple won't allow us to meet Gladiolus.

However, it is not possible to meet inquiries on the first website or gm page outside. It was only during the boat party that Gladiolus appeared in an official capacity.

‘Maybe we can make a deal. ’

Of course, he doesn't have anything to trade with God. But that depends on what Gladiolus asks of Azin. Ajin chewed his lips well. In this situation, what Azin most wanted was information about the Demon King. The Demon King's Strength? I'm not even curious about that.

When is the Demon King coming? I just wanted to know that.

‘I don't think he's going to answer the question. ’

Gladiolus, who was talking about fairness, did not seem to be the only one who would give information to Azin. If a deal is possible, what can Azin give Gladiolus in return for that information? What can man give God?



Ajin called out to Adim in his heart. Adim, the knight god, has always been on one side of the Azin ritual. When I was doing business with the Queen in the forest, I received great help from Adim of Azin. Without the help of Adim, he couldn't have driven the Queen away like that.

[What the hell.]

I heard the voice of Adim. Adim saw everything that had happened in the forest. Azin assassinated the Emperor and deceived everyone naturally. But Adim did not criticize him very much. It's human work. If he truly betrayed the Emperor, then he would have been greatly disappointed by him.

But Azin had never acknowledged the emperor as his own emperor. For Adim, it was not a mass murder that Azin killed the emperor. A murder that could be anywhere on the battlefield. That was it.

Have you ever met Gladiolus? ’

Adim did not immediately answer Azin's question. Gladiolus. The name of the Creator. Adim was one of many gods in Gracia, a particularly great and powerful one. Adim was often called the God of Knights, but he was also the God of War. There was the existence of Adim in the history of all the wars that existed in Gracia.

Gladiolus, the creator, is something that even such an illiterate being cannot touch. Gladiolus created the whole world, and even the gods humans serve. Even though Adim is a God of knights and is worshipped as a God of war, for Gladiolus, he is only a creature of his own making.

[... the great one.]

Adim replied with a cautious tone.

[I can't even remember the last time I saw you. You humans are called gods... but he and I are not the same. I can't go there to see her. Me and all the gods of the world. Even the Queen of the Forest, which you were classical about, was only a creature of her own making.]

Even the same gods have this level of awe. Ajin kicks his tongue small. I can't help it. This vast world is actually a game, and most people, including Adim, are NPCs that live in the game. It is certainly true that even if they are living people, the system's restraints are unknown to their mechanism of action.

As for Adim, the new god, he did so. Adim is composed of azin and consciousness, and he can read the feelings and thoughts that he feels.

But Adim can't read the idea of the game. Even if Azin logs out and disappears from this world, he won't be able to recognize it. Even though Azin is explicitly thinking about games, systems and Gladiolus, he can't read him.

It is not just Adim. Every npc in the world did. If Azin logs out in front of them right now and disappears, they have no questions about it. It is the same with the resurrection after Ajin is dead, and the death penalty. They do not realize that Azin is dead and resurrected from the dead.

‘I don't need the help of Adim. ’

I expected it to be the same God for a while, but the connection with Gladiolus seemed unexpected. I can't help it. Azin narrows his eyes and glances at the side. You can see Hermione's wagon.

Shortly after, a wagon carrying escorts and Hermione arrived at the temple of Gladiolus, just outside the capital. The temple of the Creator was large and magnificent enough to make the temple of Adim a jest.

How many spells are there? ’

There is a huge magical flow around the temple. It was a complex twisted magical feeling. With that kind of flow, even if a dragon crushes the Brest, the Temple won't be shut down. Even though a dragon would never have to go to the temple of the Creator.

[Your Majesty.]

Ajin secretly sends a message to Hermione getting out of the wagon. Hermione pauses and looks back at Azin.

[Can I ask you a favor?]

Azin looks into Hermione's eyes and asks. Hermione blinks at the question and nods slowly.

[May I enter the temple as well?]

I asked him directly. Entering the temple is to see the new emperor greet Gladiolus with his own eyes. Originally not allowed. It is permitted only for the new emperor to enter the temple and meet the Creator.

“Um... ”

Hermione had no choice but to hesitate. It is breaking the tradition that has always been so. I hesitated.

“I'll do that. ”

But Hermione finally nodded her head. I never used obedience. This was Hermione's judgment. Is it Hermione's friendship that underlies it?

‘Not bad. ’

Azin thought as he looked at Hermione's spinning back. It's hard to empathize with the irritability of friendship, but this is better if you can produce Hermione's reaction without using absolute submission.

“I will enter with the Marquis Sericrapa. ”

That's what Hermione said to the churchgoer of Gladiolus, who came out to meet him. Even a bishop of the Creator, the order of the emperor within the Gracias is absolute.

“Ha, but Your Majesty. This is a sacred ritual... with only one more observer. ”

The parishioner stammers and spits, but Hermione frowns coldly and pushes his claim. After receiving that gaze, the bishop flinched and stepped back.

“If the Lord refuses, I will let you go in the middle.” Oh, okay. “”

The bishop accepted Hermione's words with a face that he had no choice. The order of the next emperor to rule this great empire. If I refuse for no reason, I may be struck by fire later. The bishop accepts his words, and Hermione nods slowly and passes him by.

‘You've changed a lot. ’

When I first met him, he didn't make a good point, so he felt vulnerable. Azin smiles and looks at Hermione's back in a red cloak. Although the majesty of the Emperor is still pale, the original position is to make people.

‘It would be fine to have friendship with the Empire's owner. I'll give you a copy. ’

Hermione and Azin enter the temple. The temple is empty. It was the first time I had entered the temple of Jesus, but I already knew where to go. Hermione crosses the temple on her feetless steps.

“I don't know why you want to see the Lord.” “Simple curiosity. ”

Azin replied with a face that was not bulky. At that, Hermione bursts out a low smile.

“Curiosity. I thought you said you didn't trust Gladiolus.” “The faith that exists there is very different from the faith of Gracia.” “In the book of Gladiolus, God created all the worlds. That whole" all of the world "thing would include progress. Why is there no Gladiolus in your religion? I've always wondered that. ”

Hermione moves a little faster. Where he was headed was in the center of the palace. Originally this is a sacred ritual that no one watches. Even a bishop who can be a representative of the Gladiolus Church cannot observe the Emperor's immediacy.

Hermione and Azin arrive at the center of the temple. Azin looks up at the open ceiling. Bright sunlight descends in a straight line from a wide circular hole. Hermione glances up at it and opens her mouth.

“Stand here. ”

Hermione said so and stood on the ground with a hole in the ceiling. Then I got down on my knees slowly. A large cloak rests helplessly on the ground. Hermione closes her eyes with her hands on her knees.


Azin looks at Hermione, sitting with his back turned. When he went to meet Adim, he was floating alone in the center of the temple without coming alone. But it wasn't Gladiolus.

‘Surely I shouldn't be here. ’

Is the Creator that narrow? When he thought about it, he felt the air tremble thinly. Azin's eyebrows twitched. The light spilled from the ceiling brightened. It became so dark that it could no longer be seen as light. A white beam falls in a straight line and envelops Hermione's body.

And the air changed again. Azin looks over Hermione's head with a white face.

He has long gray hair. The wind doesn't blow, but that long head looks nice. Azin looks at the man with his eyes closed. What I saw at the boat party and what changed was my head and clothes.

And then I felt a huge power that I didn't dare to feel. The power of the Creator was to laugh at the Queen who had suffered so much. Even if it is the same god, it is different. I also felt the strength of Adim endlessly, but if Adim were the river, Gladiolus was the sea. No, not the sea. The universe itself.

“Raise your head. ”

Gladiolus' eyes open. If you put the galaxy in the snow, it's that kind of snow. The endless depths and tons of light blend together to sparkle. Gladiolus' spit was low, but heavy. Hermione immediately raises her head.

“You are the master of the new empire. ”

Gladiolus said that without giving Ajin his sight.

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