
00422 Notice

“... a vampire. ”

Persian voice trembles. Her fist tightens. Several times, Persian had decided to turn Azin into a vampire. It was due to expectations that the side would be strongly connected with Ajin.

I thought about it, and I never really did it. Ajin was as good as he is now, and Persian was satisfied with that as well.

And yet you're one step ahead of it. Persian chews his lips well. What if Azin becomes a vampire? The body of reality is no problem. It's the avatar that's made of vampires.

But if so, would it be good for him to be a vampire? If you become a vampire, you'll never get out of these woods. As Persian as it has been, his freedom will be deprived.

“.. no. ”

Persian barely squeezes out his voice. The queen's eyes narrowed. Arguing with the queen. It was not allowed in these woods.


I would have killed him without asking. One way or another, he would have died for sure. But the queen did not. It was unusual, but the queen ignored Persian rudeness.

“.. because he wouldn't want that. ”

Persian mutters. The queen's jaw twitches. She feels a little joy and asks again.

“That man should not be because he does not want him to be. That's what you're saying, even if I wanted to? ”

“... what the Queen wants, what she wants. ”

Persian barely replied. In reply, the queen smiled low. “Of course you are.” The queen nodded her head. There is no comfort in accepting an ordinary human being as a vampire. Especially the knights. Dark Knight is a monster who turned his faith into negative energy, but vampires are different. If you become a vampire, you must give up the power of Adim.

‘In his case, it seems that the weight of the power of Adim is not very high. ’

Nevertheless, giving up faith is a great penalty.

“So give up what my side wants? ”

The queen asks. Persian does not answer, but she cannot be unaware of what that silence means. The queen smiles a little.

“He's the one who wants to invade my territory. I see no reason to show mercy to that man. ”

“.. please. ”

Persian bows his head. The queen does not wipe her smile, but looks at Persian.

“You ask only of me. ”

The queen is troubled.

“Because I'm tying up your freedom? Because you're trapped in these woods? ”

Persian chews his lips well.

“Well, from your point of view, I'm the one who's selfish and evil. I don't intend to make excuses for him. You don't have to make excuses in the first place. You were brought here by the Alkadion, and I'm just keeping you by my side. If you want your freedom back, you'll have to defeat the Alkadion first. ”

The queen rises.

“But that and me turning that human into a vampire is a completely different story. If we want to avoid him, we have to keep him out of these woods. ”

Hearing that, Persian realizes. What is the queen's expected answer? Persian chews his hesitant lips. Her gaze falls down. The queen is forcing Persian to choose between the two.

Will they or won't they? Persian shoulders twitch. It was clear what she wanted. Of course I want him to come here. I want you to come to this forest and save yourself.

But it can't be saved. Azin's arrival in these woods is not to save Persian. I'm just staying with Persian. Ajin has work to do. And you can't do that in these woods. Persian barely raises his head.

“.. please don't come. ”

So Persian said. I've been waiting for that. The queen felt her heart filled with fullness. She doesn't know how she feels. However, the current situation was so exciting. Violent emotions. And to ignore the true winds of that emotion and to take it down. The queen opened her lips.


The queen smiled and replied.

“But it's the man who makes the choice. I'm just delivering your message. I don't know what he'd choose if he listened to you. ”

The queen approaches Persic. Persian bows his head. You see the queen's white feet on the edge of her gaze. The queen reaches out and hugs Persian.

“You poor child. ”

With a small voice, the queen cowers in Persian ears. The queen's body is cold. Far colder than Persian bodies.

“That's why it's fun. ”

A grinning smile sounds like the Devil's grin.

Azin stands slightly surprised and stares at the visitor suddenly. Her visit never occurred to me, so I was even more embarrassed. I didn't know what to say, but I couldn't spit it out because I was more embarrassed.

“It's been a while.”

The purple star smiled brightly and said. It made me move back in time when it stopped. Azin nods a little later. The black snow scent behind Azin's back shifted between purple stars and azine with a bunch of frowns.

“.. suddenly why? ”

Azin asks. The Pentagon's five stars return to Gratia and return to the tower at the same time. Purple stars, too. She's still in the capital. No, he's the second. Why did she come to see him alone?

“I want to talk to you. ”

Purple stars answer. Azin glances at the scent of raw snow. [That's not the case.] He adds in haste, and the smell of raw snow shifts his lips and avoids gaze.

I sat across from the reception room. Raw snow didn't return to the room, and purple stars didn't care about it either. Maid Craftsman Sarina brings Wagon in with a tense face. She senses a neodrama going on in this house, and she feels a slight tingling of it.

Of course, that feeling will be shattered in a spectacular fashion. Sarina sets up the tea and refreshments and takes Wagon out of the room. The door closes in the reception hall, and the purple star says nothing. Instead, she took off the robe she was wearing and placed it beside her. She wears a pale black dress, and the smooth legs make her brow twitch slightly.

“So, what do you want? ”

Asin asked before the smell of Raw Snow exploded. Purple stars did not answer. She looks around the room without saying anything. Slowly look at the wall, through the furniture and through the decor. And the gaze stayed on him, and I saw the black snow scent sitting next to him. The purple star's eyes slowly closed and reopened.

The atmosphere changed.

Azin pulls his chin back without even knowing it. My whole body was cold and my heart stopped for a moment. The eyes of Raw Snow opened wide. The black snow-scented hand extends to the purple star without a chance of drying it out. To grab her neck. No. It's about to break your head. A clenched fist flew to the head of the purple star.

“No. ”

The purple stars tingle. The fists of the Raw Snow stop. It wasn't a purple star magic. The black snowflake stops his fist from reaching to his will. The scent of Raw Snow stared at the purple star with a pale face.

“... who are you? ”

The black snow scent bites. The purple star is relaxed, even though the fists of the black snow stop in front of you. She picks up a teapot and pours it into her glass.

“I've come to tell you a story. ”

Purple stars opened their mouths. She looks at the black snow and azine with narrow eyes. That gaze was not the purple star's eyes that Azin knew. Something wrapped around it. Azin trembles and barely clenches his fist at the powerful ominousness he feels in his gaze.

“.. who is it? ”

Azin asks, and the purple star smiles low and takes the cup to her lips.

“Verdinger Selgernia. ”

Purple stars answered, I couldn't have known that name. Azin's face is pale. The same was true of Raw Snow. Berger Selgernia. It is the name of the Queen who rules the Black Forest. Conceptual beings. Immortal monsters.

“.. how could you? ”

The queen cannot come out of the forest. That was for Azin to know. Didn't I tell you about the enemy from the Black Forest? The queen will never leave the forest.

Bullshit. The queen is in front of Azin now. The queen did not fully understand Azin's embarrassment and doubts. She smiles thinly and speaks.

“A message from Persian Duna. ”

The queen frowns. Her face distorts.

“Do not come into the forest. Don't try to save me. Forget about me. Live like that. She asked me to tell you that. ”


Ajin spits it out. The queen smiles low and enjoys her reaction. Azin's fist tightly clenched.

“What nonsense...”

“This is exactly what Persian Duna asked me to deliver. I didn't mix up any of the lies. She sincerely doesn't want you in that forest. ”

Azin kept his mouth shut. Don't come into the woods? Don't save me? Nonsense. Ajin gritted his teeth.

“.. all of a sudden. How can I trust him? You're lying.

“Because I'm afraid of what? ”

The queen asked again.

“What fear do I have of ruling that forest that I tell lies to you? I am the queen of that forest, and in that forest there is an army of undead who follow me. We don't need Necromancers, we don't need Black Mages. That forest will never fall to Humans.” The queen said as if laughing.

“With an army like that, what are you afraid of, telling lies to you? ”

The queen's eyes turn toward the Black Snow.

“You're quite strong. Humans are too high, but that doesn't scare me enough. Killing dragons won't kill me if it's possible. And so are you. ”

The queen's eyes ache.

“Only two humans. Is that the army of Gracia? Emperor? Even that's funny. There's nothing I'm afraid of. Because I didn't know fear at first. I don't know death, and neither does the army of my forest. Why would I tell a lie like that? ”

Azin kept his mouth shut. She's not lying. So, what she said was Persian wind.

“.. what about her? ”

Azin asked with a face that he couldn't understand. The queen answered without a lie.

“If you come into that forest, you'll never go back alive.” Death is... ”

“Curse, not death. You're gonna be a vampire. Or maybe it'll be Durahan. Either way, you will become something other than a man. ”

He swallowed his breath. I don't know what she's talking about. What Persian wants to stop you from doing is telling Azin not to come. After understanding it, Azin's shoulders shrunk.

“For me? ”

“I see.”

The queen nodded slightly. At that, he laughed low. Crazy. He spits at you in a low voice.

“So, you came here to tell me that? ”

“That was the quickest way. ”

The queen replies: Azin's eyes narrow.

“You thought you could make it back here alive? ”

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Papullatus 84... Still no weapon...

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