
00421 Reanimation

There was a lot of good feeling. Asin, lying on the bed, sighed lightly and raised his upper body. Leaning back against the wall, I saw the scent of Raw Snow lying beside me. Still a little nauseous, she turns her back.

“You just asked me to hold you tight. ”

“When did I! ”

I turned my head and shouted. Azin smiles in relief. The black snow scent flashed on my lips, and I turned back and looked at the pain immediately. Azin reaches out and sweeps the cheeks of Raw Snow. As I pulled out the hair that sticks to my sweat, I felt sick.

“So, did you check? ”

“... what. ”

The smell of raw snow puckered my lips.

“You doubted whether I was related to another woman or not. ”

“... Never mind. I was upset, too. ”

Raw snow groans. Azin tucks the duvet over her body, and the smell of raw snow pushes away the duvet with a kick.

“It's hot.”

“Then why don't you take a little distance? ”

Azin looks down at the arm with the black snow scent around his waist and asks. At that question, I looked at the pain by raising my gaze with a shiver and black snow scent. Azin was smiling. I meant it.

“... no. ”

Raw snow murmurs in a small voice. She tightens her arms and grips her waist firmly. She closes her eyes, leaning her head against Azin's stomach.

“If you don't do this, I think you're going somewhere. ”

There is a small rumbling sound inside the boat. Not the sound of hunger, but the sound of life. I liked the sound of Raw Snow. So quietly, without saying anything. I listened to the sound coming from Azin's stomach.

“It's an avatar.”

The smell of Raw Snow muttered. It's been about two years. It is time that Raw Snow did not leave this world and did not meet Azin in reality. Ajin silently hears the murmur of the Raw Snow scent. He sweeps the hair of the Raw Snow.

“I'm not going. ”

After a little silence, Azin opens his mouth. I laughed a low aroma of Raw Snow.

“I know. Wherever you go, I'm coming after you. ”


“Kill him. ”

It was harsh, but his voice was smiling. Azin laughs as if he knew it would be.

“So I can't go because I'm scared. ”

I looked out the window one night. You've been hanging around for a while. He kicks his tongue and raises his hand to touch his cheeks. My back was sore and my body was numb. It's the Avatar's body, so if you turn the game off and get out of the capsule, you're going to get a little headache.

“... black forest. ”

Azin opens his mouth. The shoulders of Raw Snow slightly trembled.

“I'm leaving. I sent it to the emperor, and he accepted it. I don't know when... but the Emperor said he would move, so we should move soon. ”

“... are you going to find him? ”

“I wanted to go alone, but that's impossible. We need to pull the plug somewhere else. ”

The scent of Raw Snow gives a slight nod. She reminds me of Persian. She was caught by the al Qadion, smiling with a crying face.

Let's be honest. Are you satisfied with your current situation? The scent of Raw Snow looked out of the window Azin was looking at. Without Persian, the aroma of Raw Snow was able to monopolize azine. If you don't crave more, even in the game, you can monopolize pain.

She's a woman after all. I feel happy that the man I love is looking only at me. I was a little jealous when Persian was around. The scent of Raw Snow chewed my lips well. I've never thought about it like this in my life.

“.. do you want to save Persian? ”

Raw Snow asked. Maybe, no, definitely. Raw Snow thought she was selfish.


And he didn't hesitate to answer. I asked again about the smell of Raw Snow.

“Do you love Persian? ”

It was a slightly embarrassing question. I didn't know the smell of raw snow would bite it, so Azin looked at the smell of raw snow with a slightly surprised face. There was no jealousy, no anger, no feeling. I was really curious about the smell of Raw Snow, so I was serious. I can see the pain in the eyes of Raw Snow. Azin looked at the face of such raw snow for a moment.


And Azin replied. Who do you love more? I didn't ask about the smell of Raw Snow. I didn't have to ask. The aroma of Raw Snow felt a bit refined, so I nodded my head.

“That's enough. ”

Raw Snow had a soft smile. She leans against Azin's arm, clearing up the confusion and agitation in her mind. If Azin wants it, that's fine. Maybe I've become quite a woman. Bit of a fool. The black snow scent is dazed, and I reach out my hand. Her outstretched hand enters between her legs.

“I wanted to do it. ”

When I saw Azin's face, I smiled at the smell of raw snow.


This place is dark and damp. And it's quiet. Persian recalls how many times he thought about it. Her house, built around the lake, is usually unoccupied. She lived alone and was barely satisfied with it. At least it's better than breathing with other monsters.

But today is a little different.

The queen lies in Persian bed with nothing to say. I'm not sleeping. She looks at Persian, sitting across from her head with her bare hands.

Never mind.

She said so, and Persian was desperate to follow her. She tries not to be conscious of the queen, so she focuses on reading.

There was an enormous amount of books here. It was collected by the Queen as a hobby and written by the undead who live here. The queen has lived a long time. The vast majority of those years were futile, and reading was one of the provisional ways to soothe him. Fortunately, the undead, especially the undead who have lived for a very long time, is like living history.

Among them, the protagonists of an interesting story are the dark knights and the rich. Corrupt knights and wizards were not born in these forests, but were born outside and led into these forests. They knew a lot of stories, and they turned their stories into books to satisfy the queen.

The queen loves stories. To immerse herself in the story, she also enjoys playing with the outside flesh. She kept all the books that the undead had written, and even wrote the stories she had heard during the fun.

And the Queen gave Persian many books she kept. It was not a small consideration for Persian who could not leave this forest. The queen simply wanted someone she could empathize with. She couldn't empathize with her own emotions, so she wanted someone to empathize with and flatter her.

That was Persian.

“The Book of Laphedra. ”

The queen opened her mouth. I looked up at Persian looking at the book. The queen was still lying down.

“It was quite an enjoyable story. It was ugly, it was beautiful, it was extremely human. ”

La Fedra is one of the Death Knights living in these woods. The book Persian was reading was written by LaFedra himself, composing a single story of his time as a Gracian knight.

He was a knight in the territory, and loved the lord's wife. The lord's wife was interested in the flesh, not the mind of the young knight, and it became a dangerous prank. The Lord's wife and Raphedra met a few times. In the Oval Office where the lord was not, in the bed where the lord lay. In the old warehouse where the supplies were stored.

It didn't take long for the lord to get to know him. The angry lord grips the bridge and the wife shouts. That wicked and lewd knight forced himself to commit a crime. The lord was overwhelmed by his cry for mercy. Laphed is angry and desperate for betrayal. He ran away from the chase and became possessed by evil feelings and became Death Knight.

“Is physical desire different from emotional love? ”

The queen asks, "Persian hesitates for a moment and nods."

“.. I think lust and affection are different. ”

“It's lust. I've had a few experiences with human sexual activity. A man's body, a woman's body. Nothing too great. ”

“.. in this case, I think it's a little more emotional. ”

“To whom? Laphedra? Or the lord's wife? ”

“To the lord's wife. I mean, you're curious. ”

“She already knew what she was doing. But what are you curious about? ”

“I know, but... it's something else. Even if you've already eaten it, if you're a different chef, you can make a different flavor. ”

“That just means you can do virtue. Humanity's emotions don't really matter. ”

The queen smiles low. Persian closes the book. She sighs and places the book covered on the table. The queen has no idea how she feels. I know, but I can't empathize with it.

‘They look a little bit alike. ’

Persian people who can't empathize with emotions also know. That's what Ajin, the enemy I met, said. With more time and experience, pain became empathetic to emotions.

Is that even possible for the queen? The empathy of non-human beings with human emotions. Persian thought it was impossible.

At least humans have no sympathy for the slaughtered pig.

“It's a little late, but I wanted to tell you a good story. ”

The queen rises up. The duvet flutters down.

“He will come into these woods. ”

The Queen is troubled. The words make her face pale. It's not that you don't know who the queen is talking about. I know too well what kind of man you're talking about.

“Why..? ”

“To save you. ”

The queen grinned and laughed.

“He'll bring an army here. They will come frontally against the undead of this forest. That's pretty cool. Against me and my army. Bringing in a live human army? ”

“.. I can't. How...?"

“I already told you about him. To save you. How many people will die in the process? I wonder how much the human army can handle the monsters in these woods. ”

The queen smiles bloody.

“Remarkably, he seems to have no conscience over him. They think it doesn't matter if they can save one of you, even if tens of millions of people die. ”

Persian kept his mouth shut. The azin she knew was still someone else.

“I had a great time. ”

“.. are you going to ignore him? ”

“There are no batteries in these woods where humans have come back alive. ”

The queen replied with a steady voice.

“This is my forest. The forest I rule. A living human can't return from these woods. Even dragons can't make it through these woods alive. Because it's a challenge for me. ”

The queen approaches Persik with a hissing sound. She reaches out and touches Persian cheeks.

“Maybe that's a good thing for you. ”

The queen's eyes narrow.

“A human with a short life and a lifetime of vampires. It doesn't suit you. You can't be a human. You have to be a monster. Better a vampire than Death Knight. It suits you.”

The queen murmured.

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I caught Papullatus 73 times, but I couldn't eat my weapon...


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