
00404 Departure

We don't know about the naval war. How the ship moves, how it should spread out over the sea. A large fleet of a few hundred small ones. The order of the Grand Marquis of Belpegor, the gun commander, is issued, where the orders are sent back to each of the Admirals. Seeing hundreds of ships moving towards dozens of ships, the pain spilled low.


As long as you choose to concede the ball to the Navy, there's nothing for Ajin to do. I'm just standing here and watching the Navy do its job.

‘Give the ball to the Navy. But it's not just like that. ’

The wind has changed. Ajin broadened his senses. I can see the movement of the rapidly flowing wind. Moving the wind is a huge magical force.

I raised my head. You see the emperor floating in the air above Rebecca. Every time the Spirit King of the Young Wind gestures behind his back, there is a huge wind. Concentrating your gaze, you see the little wind spirits carried by the wind. They fly in the wind, pushing the Gracians' ships forward.

‘Somehow I thought it was too fast. ’

The magic summoned by the Wind Spirits and the Magic Legion of Gracia pushes the ships forward. There's nothing to see. The merciless slaughter will begin. Ocean, ride ‘boat’ with background like that. Although there are rowers, boats are heavily influenced by the wind.

And the wind is dominated by Gratia. It has to be a one-sided fight. Soon,

You hear a cannonball firing. I felt the smell of gunpowder. High cannonballs were poured into the fleet of the Gallios Navy. Hermione, standing beside Azin, looks at the rain of cannonballs and the emperor who seems to dominate them.

“How are you feeling? ”

Azin glances at Hermione and asks. Hermione did not immediately answer the question. Honestly, I didn't feel like war when I came here. I got on a boat for almost a month and spent it at sea. There was no battle. I encountered the Sea Dragon Sericrapa about a week ago, but I also didn't think Hermione was a war.

I just felt like I was in a completely different world. The emperor of Gracia did not stay in the castle. He came out on the battlefield himself, stood at the lead, Rebecca, and fought the great dragon directly. Every time the emperor gestures, the spiritual kings standing behind him shake the sea.

Maybe I'll just stand there.

“... It's a dead end. ”

Hermione replies with a weary face. He raises his hand and touches his face. How I spent my childhood. That's what I thought at the moment. How did I spend my childhood and youth? I received basic education in the Imperial Court. Etiquette and language, mathematics and philosophy. All of that can be referred to collectively as one genealogy.

Hermione did not agree. At least Hermione has learned nothing like what the current emperor does. I learned about strategy and tactics, but all Hermione learned was "Human War."

“I haven't learned how to handle monsters. ”

Hermione mutters.

“I didn't even learn how to be a monster myself. ”

The emperor Hermione saw was a monster. And Azin agreed with that. Maybe the emperor didn't speak for himself. From now on, this is a monster fight.

That was admitting to being a monster. The emperor of Gracia was like that. A man, but not a man. Who is responsible for the lives of tens of millions of empires and reigns over them. Those who can drive their hundreds of thousands and millions to their deaths just by wishing.

“Can I do that? ”

Hermione asks. Asin considers an answer for a moment. Hermione's concerns were not of a nature that Azin could hear and let go. He wasn't an emperor. He didn't want an emperor.

“.. wouldn't it be all right if I did? ”

Azin opens his mouth. It was ambiguous. I couldn't find the right answer right now, so I just wanted to avoid the situation. However, Hermione nods her head with a serious look at Azin's words.

“.. well, they're all the same. My brothers, my brothers. They also grew up human. They didn't grow into monsters. I don't know how to be a monster. I don't know how to handle monsters. ”

Hermione smiles in relief.

“Still, I'm better off than the other brothers. At least there's a monster beneath me. ”

Hermione looks at Azin and says, Azin laughed at that. The sound of the cannonballs shook the sky. Azin frowns, deafening at the noise.

“Quite a commotion.”

I glanced at the direction of the sound. Most of the battleships in the Galyos Kingdom were sunk, and the surviving sailors were strangling the wreckage and floating on the sea.

“Do you have room to burn them? ”

The emperor asks, and the late Lord Belpegor shakes his head.


“Then throw it away. ”

He said as if the emperor was not great. “But the method of captivity...” Earl Belpegor's expression puzzles, and the emperor smiles bloody.

“Where did you establish the law of captivity? ”

“I'm Gracia.”

Earl Belpegor replies with a trembling voice. It's already hundreds of years old. The Emperor gives a big nod to the words of the late Lord Belpegore.

“There are only three countries under the law of captivity: Gracia, Gallios, and Nornia. Galios will soon perish... and the only place he can think of is Nornia. ”

The mouth of the emperor rises.

“If we lose the nobles and nobles of Galyos and they flee to Nornia, After the exile, what if the Emperor of Gracia works for a homicidal maniac who's immoral? Whatever you say. If you don't like it, you can start a war. No prisoners. Ignore them. I don't want to burn a useless human and feed him. ”

The emperor's voice is resolute.

“From this day forth, the law of captivity does not exist in the laws of Gracia. Prisoners have no respect. Do not respect the enemy. Kill him or throw him away. Either. Maybe both. ”

The emperor turns his head and looks at the Marquis of Belpegor.

“When the garbage is cleared, call in the boats. To the Kingdom of Gallios. ”

The Marquis of Belpegor has no further objections. The prow turns to the side on Lord Belpegore's orders. The voyage begins again.

How many times have I encountered the Navy of the Gallios Kingdom? They try to resist at all costs by firing cannonballs, but they're all useless. The Navy of the Kingdom of Gratia, in conjunction with the Wizard's aide, completely destroyed the fleet of the Gallios Kingdom, and numerous Stragglers wandered the seas.

It was the emperor who ordered it, but he didn't seem to feel any guilt or psychological pressure. He casually enjoyed sunbathing on the deck and was immersed in reading with wine. During the turbulent sound of the cannonball, you asked Muren to do some magic to block the sound.

Around the time the territory of the Kingdom of Gallios was seen, 50 fleets came out to sea. They watered the sail white and did not fire a cannonball. The message was not seen at all, but full of doctors who only wanted to stop this unilateral war.

The emperor summoned all the princes. Azin is Hermione's guardian and has gone up to Rebecca with Hermione. The emperor comfortably stretched out his feet on the long chair, wearing thin glasses and looking down at the book. Azin glanced at the cover of the book the emperor was looking at.

On the battlefield, a man slaughtering tens of thousands of lives reads a romance novel for nothing. Azin laughed unknowingly at the discord. Although some of the princes were scornful, Azin ignored their gaze.

“They want to surrender. ”

The emperor drank a sip of the drink with him. Then I suddenly looked around at the princes. The emperor holds out the glass in his hand with a expressionless face.

“Do you want a drink?”

No one answered. The emperor kicked out a small tongue. “Even if I wanted to take care of something.” He mumbled like that and drank a bunch of drinks in the glass.

“Let's hear it. ”

The emperor opened his mouth. He looks back at the princes' faces one by one.

“They're surrendering with a whirlwind. No more presumptions. It is natural and inevitable. But I have suffered a number of overwhelming defeats. ”

The emperor smiles bloody.

“The Sea Dragon Sericrapa, who was protecting them, died and became a nobleman's last name. Their boasting navy sank miserably and helplessly like a decapitated pirate who was plundering. They have resisted for a long time, and may have dreamt of seeing some fun with this great empire. ”

The emperor's eyes narrowed.

“It became a false dream. It's a dog. Gratia never loses. This vast empire is wrenched and burned. And the emperor at his peak must be iron and insensitive. Now, what do you think? ”

The emperor rises up. He walks slowly across the deck with his backpack. He lays his hands on the ledge and looks at Galios' fleet from afar.

“You must first become iron, which was meant to be the masters of iron. What do you think is right to do against those who do not resist? There are no answers. Answer what you feel. ”

“We have to sink it. ”

The coolest thing was Arcade, the second pope. In response, the emperor turned his head and looked at the second emperor.


“Because they're the enemy. ”

Alcade bows his head as if to speak plainly, and in response, the emperor does not change his face, but looks at Alcade.

“Are you saying that because you think you can sympathize with me for answering? ”

“.. Yes? ”

Alcide looks at the emperor in embarrassment.

“Because I said iron blood, you asked me to put your personal opinions aside and answer them to suit my mood. ”

“Th-that's not it. ”

“Yes. They are enemies, as you say. Do we have to kill them all just because we're enemies? Why? You think they're gonna crawl up here if you don't step on them? If you want to, say so. You just have to step on it and kill it again. ”

The emperor smiled and replied. Other princes hesitated and searched for answers. A simple pun. The emperor nailed it, saying there was no answer in the first place. It is simply a task to find the answers that match his mood and his intentions.

“We have to sink it. ”

Hermione opens her mouth. He hesitates and clenches his fist in a slightly uneasy manner. The emperor narrowed his eyes, looking at Hermione's face.


“It's because the emperor of Gracia is iron and insensitive. ”

Hermione replies.

“The emperor of Gracia must be a monster. We have to do things that we can't understand, that we shouldn't do, that we shouldn't be human, that we shouldn't be human. We cannot rule over tens of millions of Gracians without it. The emperor must be the monster himself first, turn his blood into iron and kill his emotions. ”

Hermione speaks. The emperor claps his hands as if to keep trying.

“Some of them will be sinners and some of them will be innocent. But this is war, and this is the battlefield. You can't count them all. They are the Navy of Gallios, not the Imperial People of Gracia, but the people of a country that Gracia must defeat and conquer. ”

Hermione swallows her breath.

“So the emperor must not show mercy. If the emperor decides not to drink the poison, we don't get a say in it. Even if their deaths are regrettable, we must ignore them. So they have to sink everything. We must sink, not take prisoners, and immediately land in Galyos' territory. ”

“Sounds reasonable.”

The emperor nods. The mouth of the emperor slithers.

“That was a pretty good answer. ”

The emperor's gaze was on Azin. Against that gaze, Ajin bowed his head with a bloody smile. You caught me. I sent Hermione a beeper to tell him the answer.

“Blood and disliking. Yeah, that, too. But there is another reason. ”

The emperor who was carried behind saw the sea.

“I just want to kill them all for a reason. Those bastards invaded my land and plundered it. They raped virgins, kidnapped young children, enslaved men. They were the ones who killed the old man and took the taxes they had to pay me. ”

The emperor revealed his teeth.

“So kill him. They stole nothing from the Emperor. ”

The emperor raises his hand.

The cannonball is fired.

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Maple 2 ID is' colorful '. This is Manfreb Berserker.

Valar... I want to clear Valar... Why can't I clear it if I put 700,000 Dill in it...

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