
00403 Departure

“Good work.”

The emperor came up with his arms spread out and said. Azin, who looked inside, ignored the frightening gaze on this side, raised his head toward the approaching emperor. The emperor smiles and stands before Ajin.

“That's more than I thought. I thought it was a little better than the Gratia Knight. ”

I meant it. The emperor has also been to the knights from Jinshan many times. Among the Imperial Knights, some are Muslim.

I admit that their work without balls is quite remarkable. They are better than the Knights of Gratia who draw the power of Ahdim. At least with a twist, with a sword. The power built up from the start is different. But I thought it was enough.

Gratia's true power is magic. Even the emperor naturally thought that magic was superior to skilllessness. But that preconception was shattered today. A dragon, known as a magical manipulation, was killed by a Muslim.

“Can all advanced Muslims do that? ”

“Then I wouldn't be at the top of it. ”

Azin shrugs and replies. It's too early to discuss peaks. Ajin didn't see the whole line. All he knows is that it takes a wavelength and a safa. Just as there is a transcendent existence like a dragon in the evolution, there may be such existence in the evolution.

But if you look only at the frequencies, Safa, and within it, Ajin was the culmination. At least he thought he did. There are no Muslims there who are stronger than Ajin after Thousand Horses died.

“Looks like the peak of the Moorish can catch a dragon with his bare hands. ”

The emperor raised his mouth and said. At that, Ajin smiled in relief. “I just got lucky.” It was a modest thing to say, but not just humble.

Serikrapa was an outsider. It was the arrogance of Sericrapa that put up close combat against the shaman. If he had cast his magic with Bress from a distance, he would have struggled, too. The emperor smiles at Azin, his head bowing.

“That's one thing. It's the fact that you built the ball. I'll give you a title.”

The emperor said comfortably. “A title?” Azin nods loudly as he looks at you.

“You defeated the dragon. This should be enough to get you a title. So... what can I get you? If you had a birthright, I'd give you a baron. You don't even have the proper title, so you can't even give me a place to stay. ”

The emperor opened his lips for a moment.

“I'll give you the Earl's seat. ”

The emperor speaks. Muren beside him looks in astonishment. “Your Majesty, it's too..!” Muren was embarrassed and said, and the emperor looked at Muren.

“It's my decision. ”

The smile disappears from the Emperor's face. He lets out a cold face.

“I, the master of Gracia, have made this decision for this emperor. No one has the authority to grant the title. It is I, the Emperor of Gratia, who have that authority. What is the matter with me that I will give my people a title? ”

“Th-this is unprecedented. Even though they call them knights, they're semi-nobles. He's a semi-noble. He's practically a commoner. He decided to become a nobleman...”

“I see. Then I'll take my birthright. ”

The emperor nods. He stands before Azin. “Kneel down.” The emperor said, and Azin knelt on his knees without much complaint. I don't care if he's an Earl or a Earl.

Without a chairman's sword, the emperor raised his right hand. The emperor's right hand rests on Azin's shoulder.

“Subnoble azin is officially a nobleman of Gracia. His title is Birch, and the castle he will have in Gracia honors the dead Blue Dragon Sericrapa and honors him as Sericrapa. ”

The emperor's hand rises on the opposite shoulder of Azin.

“Ajin Serikrapa. You are the birthright of Gracia from this day forward. Back there.”

The emperor's words stopped.

“The Earl gives Erl title to Azin Serikrafa. ”

A sudden word. Muren's mouth opens. “A hundred, Earl?” Muren stammers. The emperor turns his head to Muren's muttering.

“No problem. Müren, I respect what you're saying, and I gave you your title first. And after he had hunted Sericrapa, he gave him the title of Earl again. ”

“Thank you. ”

Azin bows his head. The emperor spoke.

“You may serve your own lands if you wish, but Earl Sericrapa is currently in charge of the Knights escorting the Four Crowns, Hermione, and we must detain him immediately." If Hermione doesn't need a Escort Knight later, then we'll make a new stop. ”

The emperor turned away saying so. Muren tries to add Moora, but he sighs and shuts up. Only if the emperor wants to go away. Azin looks behind the far-off emperor and touches his shoulder.

‘I don't know what you're up to. ’

A simple favor. I didn't think I'd be doing you any favors. Azin turns around, returning his taste.

The fleet that was halted by the Serikrapa assault has begun to move again. After the fall of Sericrapa, the Guardian Dragon of the Gallios Kingdom, half of the invasion of the Gallios Kingdom has already been successful. I don't know if you've suffered damage to the fleet, but not a single ship was destroyed by the dragon attack.

“How was it?”

On returning to Janis, Rivera, who was waiting, coldly approaches and asks. “What's that?” Azin looks at Rivera and asks.

“Sericrapa. Were you strong? ”

Rivera quickly asked. Azin nods, dusting off the dirt on his body.


“But you took him down. ”

Rivera has failed in this battle. Her role was to guard the Imperial family aboard this ship with the other wizards who remained in Janice.

“I didn't have to. ”

Rivera pouts. Sericrapa has fallen so far in vain compared to the history and notoriety of her life. Serikrapa's attack did not reach Janis.

“You've been promoted. ”

Azin bows his head toward the approaching Hermione. “The title?” Hermione squints, startled.

“I received the last name of the deceased Sericrapa. And the Emperor himself gave me the title of Earl. ”

Hermione looks surprised at what Ajin says. It is unprecedented for a sub-noble to become an Earl at once. Earl Rivera had a fair share until he became Earl, and as a warrior, she built a lot of support and support for the Empire people.

“An Earl with a dragon. I've worked so hard to become an Earl. ”

Rivera pouts. Ajin does not respond to her grumbling.

“That's a good look. ”

You hear a voice, a purple star. Again, she deceives Azin's senses. Azin glanced at the purple star. Seeing Azin, the purple star smiled and bowed his head.

“This is nothing but the death of a few thousand years old. Even though he's that strong. ”

To be honest, I was surprised and interested at the same time. Purple stars looked up at the pain.


Inside the purple star, the queen touched her chin. Sericrapa is an ancient dragon that has lived for thousands of years. Even though he did something foolish, his death was too futile. Especially the queen's attention was the right of Azin to pierce the walls of Sericrapa at once.

‘It's not magic. ’

Beyond magic. You can see more power than magic, even with just a fist outstretched. And instantaneous acceleration. That speed is also unusual.

Are you really a free man? ’

Everything was more than the Queen thought. Persian told me about Azin, but I didn't think he'd be this strong. Every movement transcends man. With a physical ability like that, you should think of it as something else, not a human being.

‘I heard you were defeated by the al Qadion. ’

That was a year ago. It's been a year since. The Queen could not believe what Alcadion and Persian had said. The al Qadion defeated him. Of course, alkadiones are powerful. He is the source of all vampires and has lived a long life as a dragon. An Alcadion under the full moon cannot easily be killed by a queen.

Compared to the current pain. Under the full moon? The Alkadion will not be defeated.

“Thank you."

Ajin said, looking at the purple star. The existence of purple stars continued to question Azin. I can't even read existence. No matter how sharp the senses are, purple stars invade the aching senses as if they were there from the beginning.

‘And strong. ’

There seems to be an endless amount of magical power peering at the moment. Is this hypnotism, too? I don't know if I'm possessed by the magic of purple stars.

‘No, it can't be. ’

If that's possible, the magic of purple stars is more than dragons. Even the magic of the dragon did not deceive the senses, but I cannot think that purple stars are possible.

The ship has moved forward. It is said that you defeated Sericrapa, but the power of the Kingdom of Gallios is not the only Sericrapa. In the beginning, they were islands, and they used the sea as a stage to pillage the lands west of Gracia.

Even without Sericra, Galios' navy is formidable. Pirates of Galios in particular are both pirates and navies.

The attack took place about three days after it passed through Sericrapa's realm. A cannonball from afar strikes without warning. It wasn't just a blow to the wall, it was an attack aimed at sinking.

But it didn't fit. An observer captures the cannonball and immediately enters the intercept. Dozens of cannonballs explode in the air. The golden star rocks the staff.

“Navy of the Gallios Kingdom. ”

Report to the Emperor. The emperor, sitting on the deck, looks back at the late Emperor Belpegore.

“How many? ”

“Fifty, I think. ”

“Fifty. First line. ”

The emperor mutters. He empties half the wine and rises to his feet.

“You don't seem to be negotiating at all, judging by the massive assault. ”

Even if you had negotiated in the first place, you would have sunk them all and taken the survivors captive. There is no compromise with the Kingdom of Gallios as long as you have killed Sericrapa.

“What do you want me to do? ”

Earl Belpegor asks. Fifty, the emperor muttered. With that much power, you can easily defeat a Wizard with a concentrated fire. Gracia is the empire, the ruler of this continent. For thousands of years, Gratia has been like that. It has a different firepower than a weak country on the defensive side.

“Wizard pulls back. ”

The emperor opened his mouth. He looks to the Marquis of Belpegor.

“It's been a long time. We'll split the ball. ”

“Thank you."

Earl Belpegor bows his head at the words of the emperor. He gave the Navy a chance. The Marquis of Belpegor turns away, appreciating the emperor's words deeply.

Monsters don't have to come out now. This is a Human battlefield. Earl Belpegor's orders have fallen to the Navy fleet. Hundreds of ships have moved. Azin looks at the fleet of deserters.

“Looks like you're giving the Navy a chance. ”

“The Navy didn't get the ball up in the battle with Sericrapa. He's trying to get the ball to the Navy before he reaches the Kingdom of Gallios. ”

Hermione mutters. Hundreds of them. There was nothing to fight.

The cannonball sounds loud.

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Reason for failure yesterday:

Maple 2 is so much fun...

I'm sorry... Harbin...

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