
00359 Alcardion

Kill him.

It was easy to say, but it was actually possible or impossible. I didn't think much about it. It was anger that was clearly felt. To Persian who never told him anything, and to Alcadion who suddenly appeared and put a curse on her. Ajin sits chewing his lips. The sun went down, and it became night.

Full moon.

You're out of luck. Azin looks up at the sky and thinks: Vampires under the full moon become immortal. Their opponent is the source of all vampires in the world. I'd be comfortable with a handicap, but I don't have a handicap. Azin laughed as he thought so. It was a dry smile.

Persian crouches silently. Even at night, they didn't stay. It was to prepare for the Alcadion raid. You come to a rare forest, and you set a campfire there. Raw snow scent was a messy face. She can't leave right now. It's because Azin said he would go first. The problem with Azin is that he's directly involved.

“.. bam. ”

Persian moans low. My heart started to ache. She felt instinctively. Something was coming. Smurfintine malice tightens her heart, and she feels distressed breathing. I could feel the darkness of the night shivering. The wind stopped, but the branches of the forest swayed and wept like beasts. The small campfire shakes as if it were extinguished.

Azin rises up.

He looked like a demon coming down from the sky. The black cloak around his body flares, and the full moon behind his back becomes a shining light that envelops him. Azin clenches his fist and smokes, raising the alkadion. The golden eyes of the al Qadion, which had slowly fallen down, met the eyes of Azin.

I felt like my heart stopped. Without even knowing it, his feet are pushed back, and he puts his strength into his knees. I felt under pressure just by looking at it. At the same time, it's crisis, it's fear.

I felt like I was going to die. You chew the tip of your tongue. The stench of your blood pierces the swollen spirit and silences you. Azin vomited. The smell of mixed blood caused muscle tension.

The alkadion's feet touch the ground. He looks around first. Once more, the eyes of the Alcadion met the eyes of Azin. He leans against the tree and glances at the scent of standing raw snow. A little surprise appeared on the Alcadion's face. Then, the al Qadion saw Persian. He smiles thinly, looking at Persian's pale face.

“You're trembling. ”

The Alcadion is troubled. Persian gazes at the Alcadion with a smile on his face. Alcadion smiles low at Persian silence and slowly approaches her. “Why are you shaking? I'm not gonna kill you.” The Alcadion's words make Persian eyes narrow.

“A beautiful lady deserves respect. I have no intention of harming you. I'm just asking you to come to the Black Forest. I don't intend to commit you, get drunk, or kill you. All vampires in the world come from me, but you're the only exception. That means you're just like me. You've got to show them enough respect. ”

“... on the subject of trying to force him to go. ”

“The Black Forest is the only undead land in the world. ”

Alcadion replied with a clear face.

“Of course it's where the Undead should be. Not a bad place. Except for the rude little ones running wild. I've already told the Queen about you. You have a place to call your own. It's a peaceful place. If you want, I'll take your clans with you and make them inhabitants. ”

The Alcadion approaches Persian, speaking in a calm voice.

“There is no problem. I will bring humans to you periodically. There is no hunger. If you are lonely, ask the Human Procurement for permission. This alkadion, no one, speaks ill of you. I wouldn't climb up on a bunch of off-the-grid kids. ”

Persian doesn't answer. Alcadion continued:

“For the pleasure of it, I'd like to introduce you to some of the incubators or the circulars you know. I'm not interested in that kind of thing. Even if you want to, I don't really want to fit in. So...”

The head of the alkadion moves. A wedge! His fist grazes the hair of the al Qadion. Alkadion's gaze slowly returns to him. Azin chews his lips and does not stop attacking. Papa Baek! The attack continues at a glance. The al Qadion slips away as he pulls his foot back. Azin's attack pierces the air in vain.

“You have no manners. ”

The al Qadion is dying. Hurry. Azin saw the alkadion's movements and thought so. But what is quick is also painful. He can be faster. Azin takes a deep breath. Azin's body disappeared. The al Qadion pulls his retreating foot forward and raises his arm. Qazi! Azin's swinging feet are stuck in Alcadion's forearms.

“Are you asking me to fight? ”

The Alcadion asks in a calm voice. There was no need to answer. I just heard strongly that I was going to kill this bastard. It's been a long time since I felt such ferocity. The Internal Affairs went crazy empathizing with the image of Ajin. The red force envelops his body. I was intrigued by the eyes of the Alcadion.

“You're an advanced man. Did he say no ball?”

Got it! Azin's fist pierces through the Alcadion's body. However, the Alcadion's body, pierced by Azin's fist, collapses into a fog. The fog drifts through the darkness. You hear a chuckle.

“The working man is very interesting. Makes humans less like humans. Do you?”

The alkadion pops out of the darkness. He asked with a swirling smile. The red force is shot through his face. Quasique! I can definitely feel it. The Alcadion's head has been smashed.

“Fast. And strong. You're stronger than any human I've ever seen. ”

But the voice never stops. Azin turns his head in the direction of his voice. Alcadion applauds.

“Excellent. Quick reaction.”

Azin's fist is in the mouth of the al Qadion. But the clapping doesn't stop. The fallen body of the alkadion splits into mist. Azin turns as he sharpens his teeth. The Alcadion's smiling face is near.

“But your opponent is not a man. ”

His voice was crooked. The swinging fist does not reach the body of the al Qadion. He was like a ghost that didn't exist. The fog drifts through the darkness of Azin. Are you just going to avoid it? The moment I thought about it, an Alcadion attack came. Dozens of traces are shot at Azin. Azin immediately reacted. You smash all the fangs of the body shot forward. Charging through the body with self-defense, it's a simple charge, but its power is like a cannonball. The al Qadion smiles at the sudden splashing of azine.

“Looks like a boar.”

The alkadion was so flattered. His hand extends in front of him. A transparent wall emerges in front of the Alcadion. Azin raises his fist in his hand. I punched you, Kwazic! The barrier is broken in a single blow. The Alcadion takes a step back. His fingers twitch and a wall forms as long as the distance is stretched. Azin's fist broke it again.

Go on, go on. Alcardion is bitten backwards, and Azin's fist does not stop. Dozens of defenses have been breached. The al Qadion chuckles.

“Ask me why. Why do you want to fight? ”

“Because you're a dick. ”

Ajin replied with an annoying voice. Qasim! The wall in front of the Alcadion has been breached. A successive fist flew into the face of the Alcadion. You hear the hand of the al Qadion. Argh! Azin's fist is in the hands of the Alcadion.

“Weren't you and I meeting for the first time today? ”

“You may feel shitty at first sight. ”

“You have a bad temper. It's like an animal.”

The Alcadion is exhausted. The Alcadion's gaze changes. The golden eyes turned pale. At the same time, a dark aura gushed from his body. Legnom, the Dungeon Master of Bully Saal, wraps around his body the magic he emitted when he opened the door in the dark dimension.

“A raging beast needs a falcon. ”

The alkadion mutters. It's about to strike. Azin felt a slight tingling sensation of pressure on his skin, but was not hesitant. He's dangerous. We can't beat him on our own. Even though I can feel it.

I didn't stop. I could see the dark colors, but I didn't mind. So you want me to stay put? That's not possible. Ajin recalls Persian in a blanket. He cried that he didn't know what to do. Honestly, I don't know. What are we gonna do? Alcardion is strong.

But I can't do nothing. Thousands of rainforests descend on the Blue Mountains, and all the laws and regulations known to the Convergence Werewolf. All hands on deck. The al Qadion glances at the devil, standing behind Azin's back, as if he was interested.

That was it. Kuang! Azin's fists and Alcadion's hands clash. The old armor covering Azin's arm is cracked. All my years are different. The strength that has been built up for as long as I have lived is different. Different from race in the first place. Humans and vampires. Ordinary humans cannot defeat ordinary vampires.

Equally, extraordinary humans cannot defeat extraordinary vampires. I've lived thousands of years. I can't stand it for years. Of course, genius transcends time.

If the opponent is a genius, the difference will not be reduced. The workshop is back and forth. A red force splashes out and the magic and power are intertwined. Azin swallows spilling blood. I thought you said you were a wizard. Azin twists his waist and pulls his fists together. Short drop from there, clogged. The Alcadion's face suddenly approaches. The fiercely erected fingertips flew to Azin's neck. I thought of a thousand moves. Spill.

No, I can't spill it. Qazi! The Alcadion capital is on Azin's shoulders. The alkadion attacks are too swift and sharp to let out. The fingers on the Alcadion's shoulder twist. The peculiar sensation that seeped in opened his eyes and cut off his arm without hesitation.

“I have a good feeling. ”

Alcadion smiles and says. Furrbuck! A bloody trench protrudes from the severed azin arm. If I hadn't severed my arm, the trachea protruding from the inside would have torn me apart.

“But wouldn't it be too easy to rip your arm off? ”

“Better than dying. ”

Ajin spits out in a split voice. I didn't even touch it properly. You stop the bleeding on the left arm's bloodstream, which you cut yourself. Azin sighs loudly and glances back. Persian sits silent. I looked at myself with a hard face of raw snow.

“... a shame. ”

He mutters like that and turns back to the al Qadion. “Still outstanding for humans.” Alcadion smiles and says,

“Such a waste to kill. ”

He said so, walking loudly. That means you're going to kill him. Azin bends his knees, allowing him to even his breath. Vampires under the full moon become immortal. So you're not completely immortal.

‘Closer. ’

Azin stiffens his posture and sees the alkadion approaching. I slowly put my strength into my body. It cannot be used consecutively. Walls and echoes are too much power for his body to take.

But this is all I have to write, so I can't help it. As the distance of the alkadion narrows, Azin reaches out. The Alcadion's eyes are wide open. At an inevitable rate, fists fly into the head of the Alcadion. The al Qadion casts a spell in a hurry. No, it's slow. The spell that was about to unfold pierces Azin's fist. The shield was destroyed before it even formed.

The upper half of the alkadion flew off without a trace.

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