
00358 Alcardion

It has been a week since I was recognized as a knight by Adim and became a free knight. In the meantime, Ajin stayed in the temple of Adim and received the least education the knight should know. Although it is sad to be recognized as a knight, it was the other knights of the past who taught him what to know.

Most of them are retired from the front line, and teaching is not a courtesy, but a current celebrity. In other words, it was the stories of the Knights and Knights who were the uprising of Azin.

There are five knights in total, all of whom belong to Emperor Gratia. With the exception of the death squad guarding the Emperor, four. Red Knights, Black Knights, Blue Knights, Steel Knights. The masters in charge of the knights are the masters acknowledged by Adim, and the knights belonging to the five Imperial Knights are said to be excellent.

Among the other nobles, there are many outstanding knights. But when asked the most outstanding question, those who trained Ajin put their mouths together and said the same name. Dragon Slayer, Grand Duke Hemonia Biggenhardt. None of the Imperial Knights' captains broke the sword of Grand Duke Biggenhardt, and the Crucifixion Knights he had said they had no significant damage compared to the Imperial Knights.

‘It's hard to join the Imperial Knights. ’

It'll be good for you, but you can't join the Imperial Knights because you don't have any connections. Every knight is a follower of Adim, and everyone is a predecessor to him, but we cannot use him as a link. If it had been used as a connection, there wouldn't be a wandering freelancer without an affiliation.

‘Is it faster to enter the proper nobleman's palace? ’

If you are good at Ajin, you can quickly show off your skills. Nevertheless, it was because you were less constrained to enter the home of the local nobles without choosing the Imperial Knights. Trouble will be frequent if racists remain in many capitals, and if they respond individually, only this side's reputation will deteriorate. It would be easier to enter the nobles' homes where racism is less discriminatory and accumulate balls to raise awareness.

It was the presence or absence of weapons that worried my heart. It's common to think of knights in armor and swords. I was worried about it, so I said no problem. You don't have to handle a sword as a knight. There are many knights who use swords, but there are many knights who deal with other weapons besides swords. It is not that there are no knights who deal with fists and feet.

Even after confirming it, there was no more problem. After all the basic training in the temple was completed, Azin left the temple of Adim. Even after a week, the entrance to the temple was filled with those who stood in line to receive the blessings of Adim. I wonder what happened to that kid a week ago. Azin remembers the face of the boy who left the temple with a pale face. Well, it's none of your business. Azin crosses those who line up with a bloodsucking smile.

“Where are you going? ”

The smell of Raw Snow asked.

“I'm going to catch an inn around here first. We need to do a little research on other territories. ”

I was going to ask Gold and the others about him. He knows more about the fatherly period than he does about it. The Lord will feel no ill feelings for a man of Jinshan. And the next thing to think about is the landscape. What Azin wanted was a land of moderate isolation and high risk. A place where monsters can be raided or deterred from nearby territory. You need that case to build a ball.

“Well, by the way, ”

Raw snow opened my mouth. She glances at the pain with a slightly embarrassed face. Azin tilts his head toward the view of the Raw Snow. It's because I've never seen a Raw Snow look like that before.

“What's the matter? ”

“Persian is a little strange. ”

The black snow murmurs. Azin lets out a brief groan. He was also noticing something strange about Persian lately. She's stuck in the shadows, not coming out. I don't know why. I've been asked a few times by Raw Snow and Azin, but Persian smiles are hard and he doesn't answer why.

“.. I think I'm hiding something. ”

That's not a guess. What could Persian possibly be hiding in the first place? Azin frowns slightly and thinks clearly. Since when? I look back on my memories. A week ago, when we crossed the Bull 's-eye Desert and arrived in the Hizen. I spent a day in a house with Gold.

What happened back then? I keep thinking about it, but I can't feel it. What was associated with Persia that day was only that Legnom, the dungeon master of the desert, mentioned blood magic. Do you still have that in mind?

‘I don't think so. ’

Even when I first entered the Hizen territory, Persian was fine. Even after leaving the nest of Gargarcia, the black snow scent and the usual scorching, and even arriving at the Hizen, there was no discomfort.

But the next day, Persian attitude changed. Less words, more thoughts. without trying to come out of his shadow. Azin thinks for a moment and opens his mouth.

“Let's talk about it. ”

Azin says so and goes into the shadows. The Castle of Shadows was shrouded in silence. Azin looks around the hall. I don't see Persian. Azin sighs and takes a step.

I found Persian after a long walk through the vast castle. She lies on the bed, topping her head with a red duvet. Azin spits a low cough at the look of a Persian.

“... Persian. ”

When she clears her throat and is unresponsive, Azin calls out her name. There was no answer, but the sheets were slightly flinched. Ajin slowly approaches the bed. He scratches his chin and calls out Persian names again.


“... don't call me that. ”

A small murmur leaks out. He sighs and scratches his head. “What the hell is going on?” The question did not return an answer. Azin looks back at Persian lips. The fluffy duvet twitches.

“Aren't you going to tell me? ”

You ask again. The duvet slumps over and Persian sticks out his face. Azin kicks his tongue at the pale Persian face. Although originally pale, Persian faces were not overly pale. The dark shade was under the eyes and the lips were thin. Seeing that face, Azin's expression was a little stiff. He noticed something unusual.

“What the hell is going on? ”

Azin reaches out and grabs Persian's shoulder. At that point, Persian looks down, surprised. Her lips crack open, trying to say Moore, but she eventually shuts up without speaking to the end. Ajin said again with a stiff face.

“Why didn't you tell me? ”

“.. because knowing doesn't change anything. ”

Persian mutters, his glances twitching. He squeezes Persian's shoulders tightly and stares her in the face.

“How do you know that? ”

“I know. ”

Percik mutters, avoiding the see-through gaze of Azin. He chewed on his lips with his helplessness. He lays down Persian shoulders.

“.. Persian is not a god. ”

In the past, I heard the same thing from Persian.

“And even if it's a god, you can't see the future. No one knows what's going to happen. No one knows if things are going to change. I don't know what happened to Persian, or what you're going through right now. ”

You grimace and squint, then look up at Persian's face.

“I don't want to see Persian suffering alone. ”

“... because I know. ”

Persian barely speaks. It was a pressed voice. Dark circles filled my eyes with tears. She snorts and lowers her head.

“Knowing... there's nothing he can do.”

“I thought you didn't know. ”

He doesn't shout. Azin's voice is cold and calm. However, there was a strong strength in not wanting to retreat. Persian raises his head and looks at Azin. Azin shuts his lips and reaches out to wipe her eyes.

“... a week ago, the Vampire Lord of the Black Forest came to visit. ”

Farsi barely speaks. She sighs and informs Azin of the situation she's in. A week ago, Alcadion Rubyheart, the Vampire Road in the Black Forest, visited Persia. I put a curse on Persian hearts, and a week later I came to hear the answer. It is said that the week is today.

“Why didn't you tell me? ”

After listening to all of Persik's stories, he remained silent for a long time, and then he spit it out. He sighs and covers his hair with his hands. I can't believe we made contact in the Black Forest first. I never imagined things would turn out this way... but Azin chewed his lips off.

“... what if we run away? ”

“Even if I move into reality, my body is not an avatar like Azin. The heart will explode and die. ”

“... weren't vampires immortal? ”

“Almost immortal. Normally, but on a full moon night, the vampire's immortality is almost complete. But even with that immortality, we can't stop this curse. This is a curse made by vampires to kill vampires... And as a wizard, the Alcadions are several times higher than I am. You can't unhook it with magnetism. ”

Persian wags his head, speaking powerlessly. “.. nothing has changed in the end.” Persian muttering grits his teeth.


I spit it out in annoyance.

“Since you can't stop him, you're just going to do what he says? Are you saying you want to be taken to the Black Forest? ”

“Then what?! ”

Persian shouts with a soft bow.

“You think I'm going because I want to go? I... I don't want to go either. When I first came to this world, I was in the Black Forest for a while... but I don't know what the Black Forest is like. I came straight to Ajin.”

Persian's words stop. Her eyes tremble. I had forgotten when the island of beginnings disappeared, and its beings were moved to this world. Persian was in the Black Forest. And she immediately returned to Ajin.

“.. while Persian was in the Black Forest, the al Qadion could not find him. ”

Azin mutters in a cold voice.

“And now he's come looking for Persian. ”

“.. I don't know. ”

Why is the Alcadion looking for Persian now? Persian had no idea why. Ajin, who was thinking for a while, sharpened his teeth.

“The curse cannot be lifted. The Alcadion is after you. And today, he's coming for answers. ”

Azin mumbles and rises to his feet.

“... curses are usually lifted when a cursed man dies, right? ”

“.. there's a death curse, but in this case, yes. ”

“Then it's simple. ”

Ajin breathes out loud.

“Maybe we should just kill him. ”

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