
00340 Desert

“Are there any? ”

As soon as the word "goodwill" came out, Azin immediately put his hand into his arms. He lets out a pocketful of money, grunting as if to listen. “Here you go.” Azin bowed his head and gave me a bag of money. The man smiles gladly and receives a bag of money. He smiles satisfied with his heavy weight and opens his pockets of money.

“He knows something. ”

He laughed as he said so. Fuck, I love it. Ajin smiled at me and thought. “Glad you're satisfied." That was the end of it.

Phew! An arrow flying from a distance pierces the man's temples. He falls to his side with a smile on his face, and his mouth widens. “Raid!” One of the brigands shouts. Azin looks down at the dead Magistrate with a half-dazzled face, with an arrow in his head. Meanwhile, the Mages quickly prepare for a counterattack.

“You bastards!”

I heard shouting from a distance. Azin turns his stiff head and looks at you. A horde of riders rushes towards you. “You bastards!” One of the Magran screams.


The smell of Raw Snow was dazed to see the sudden crowd. The Margaeries rush at them. A fight broke out in an instant. Azin frowns and grabs the bag of money that the dead man was holding tightly in his hand. “I don't know.” Azin spits it out looking down at the dead man's face. I ducked my head because I wanted to avoid bothering you.

“Are you all right?”

It was the Martyrs who destroyed them. Azin narrows his eyes as he looks at the approaching crowd. They were not advanced people. Ajin stares at the man on horseback, sitting at the front. He grins and sneezes off the horse.

“I don't think you're hurt. ”

“.. thank you for your help. ”

Son of a bitch. Ajin swallows the swearing words he wants to stick behind him. In Azin's words, the man shakes his head with a big smile. “No, I did what I had to do.” That's what he said. He glanced over the azin, blacksnow and Persian flavors. He tilts his head as if it were strange.

“Huh. You guys are big. Are you trying to cross this deserts without an escort? ”

“Well, I thought it was fine. ”

Azin shrugs. The man shook his head kicking his tongue. “It's suicide to walk across the desert barefoot, as the fanatics have been in so much trouble lately.” That's what he said, and then he pulled something out of his chest.

“Too late for introductions. I'm Lawrence, commander of the Mercenary Corps. ”

“... is Ajin. ”

Azin takes the horse and looks at what Lawrence took out. It was a mercenary made of silver. “.. mercenaries?” Azin tilts his head. Lawrence quickly began to explain.

“Our mercenaries are Silver Grade mercenaries certified by the Mercenary Guild. It's a small number of people, but it's an honor for everyone. Everyone is a Class C mercenary, and I am a Class B mercenary. We're actually on our way back from Gracia with a Merchant Guild escort. What do you think? ”

Lawrence's eyes glow.

“If you pay the proper amount, we will safely escort your journey to Gracia. ”

I said, "Why are you trying so hard to explain what you're not even curious about?" Azin looks at Lawrence with a dark face. Lawrence tilts his head at the moment in Azin's expression and finishes speaking.

“We pride ourselves on crossing the Bull 's-eye Desert as professionals. From the point of the oasis to the quickest way, we know everything. ”

He opened his ears. He was a little moved and asked Lawrence.

“How long will it take? ”

“To Gracia? Well, if that doesn't happen, we'll be there no later than 20 days. ”

20 days at the latest. It was a month before Azin left the desert. After more than ten days of difference in time, there was actually no reason to worry. It was true that there was no need for escort, but if we can reduce the time it takes to leave the escort, there is nothing wrong with escort. “How much is the pay?” Azin asked. I had never used mercenaries or escorts before, so I didn't know if Lawrence was talking about a reasonable price, but it wasn't too much of a burden, so I paid for it immediately. Lawrence smiles with a single smile, handed over a pocket of money.

“You'll be pleased. ”

“By the way, can I ask you a question? ”

Azin opens his mouth. “What?” Lawrence asks, and Azin looks down at the dead Magran.

“Apparently, the storm troops are being defended by the dragon Gargarcia in the desert... Can we just kill the Magran under the dragon's protection like this?" ”

“The desert is vast. ”

Lawrence smiles and answers.

“It's true that Gargasia was defending the storm troops, but killing a few Magdalene doesn't mean that Gargasia ran into any bubbles. To be precise, it is not the storm that Gargasia protects... it is King Yugahao of the storm troops. ”

Lawrence rides on the horse, saying so. Azin, Raw Snow, and Persian also rode on camels.

“Well, I'm not wrong to say that Gargasia is defending the storm, since the oil field is the storm breeze. It is true that Garcia's existence prevents her from completely subjugating the Margaeries, but rest assured that killing just a few people won't upset Garcia. ”

Lawrence has the upper hand. Mercenaries from Lawrence's mercenaries, including him, encircle camels bearing azin, Persik and Raw Snow. Azin glances at the mercenaries' faces. There were six mercenaries, including Lawrence. There's not much of a number, but Lawrence assured me you'd be good at coming and going to the desert.

“Then, why are you three going to Gracia? ”

It was a red-headed woman with a slight freckle around her nostrils. She covers her mouth and looks back at the Black Snow scent and Persian side of her hat.

“.. sisters? ”

“I'm in love.”

Persian is cold. He spits low, and the smell of Raw Snow stares at Persian. She grips the camel by the side of Azin. When he saw it, Persian also moved the camel and attached it to the side of Azin. The woman opened her mouth halfway and looked at the scene.

“Well, it's not a bad marriage. ”

“I'm not married yet. ”

Persian said, puffing around. She glances at Azin and quietly asks.

“Have you thought about when? ”

“Well, that's... once the rush is over.”

Azin desperately tries to talk back. I looked at it as if the mercenaries were strange. I suddenly remembered someone talking to me. He was a brunette.

“By the way, I heard there's been a big incident in the jungle lately... Did you know that? ”

“What do you mean? ”

Azin lit up his face and looked at the young man asking questions. I had a chance to change the horse.

“W-what did he say? Bridge? I heard there was a war going on between them. ”

“Oh, that story. I heard he died a lot, right? Thousand horses or something. I heard it was a big monster.”

“He died, right? Someone killed him.”

Brown hair and freckles exchanged words. “Ain? Ah, well, that's the name.” The bald man listening frowns. When I heard what they said, I remembered the effect of the title "Safa Hero." Greatly increased impact on normal NPC opponents.

‘This is annoying. ’

It's annoying to be able to influence yourself to traverse the desert peacefully, even when you don't know for sure. Ajin has been spoken to since some time.

“Hematoma azin. He's a blind man. He killed 1,000 men, didn't he? ”


I looked at him with surprised eyes. “You have the same name?” He said with a big smile. Ajin smiled at me without explaining.

“Across the desert, we reach the Hizen territory. ”

Lawrence said.

“A land with huge mines. Oh, you didn't ask me this. Where are you going in Gracia? ”


Ajin replies. The Gold and Bloodline Merchants Guild and the Bloodline are in Hsien territory. Once there, the goal is to fully understand the situation. On second thought, Azin opens his mouth.

“I heard a little rumor about Gracia. I heard there's a warrior in Gracia... Did you know that? ”

“How can you not know Rivera? ”

The answer was brown hair. He smiles brightly and starts explaining because he's excited.

“He's one of the most famous men in Gracia right now. Rivera the Warrior and Vasrodel the Great. You're both heroes of Gracie, but you don't have a lot of color. ”

“Is it that famous? ”

Azin tilts his head. I never thought I'd be so complimented by an NPC from Gracia. I've heard that Rivera has significant influence, but I never imagined it would be this far.

“Well, you don't know him very well. He's a civilized man. The Barbarians of the Galios Kingdom in the west sea have recently invaded the western region of the Gracias Empire. 10,000 troops. At that time, Marrigos' territory in the West Sea was completely destroyed by the Barbarians. The castle was taken. They blocked the roads. They held the territory hostage. ”

The brown head pauses.

“Rivera and Vasrodel were just in the area. They set out to reclaim the territory of Marrigos before the Imperial Army of Gracia even moved. The two of them went to the land occupied by the Barbarians. When I heard the two of you were coming, the Galyos' Barbarians came out of the gates armed. Of course not. He thought it was an opportunity to kill the hero of Gracia.” In fact, Ajin knew the story of a brunette. We were continuing to hear about Rivera's activities through bulletin boards and so on. But Azin listened to what the brunette said. What he was curious about was not the conclusion of the story. I just wondered what the NPCs of Gracia thought of Rivera.

“They say it's magnificent. Thousands of Barbarians marched to kill Rivera... Rivera said she walked towards them with nothing. But I heard that none of the weapons the Barbarians wielded hurt Rivera. Meanwhile, Bashrodel went into the camp and killed the Barbarian leader and reclaimed the castle. The two of them defeated an army of their own. ”

“You're a great man. ”

Ajin replied because he was grumpy. “Isn't that right?” The brunette nods loudly. A warrior. Ajin kicks his tongue small. Apparently, they even got sergeants on their own turf.

“Then, is Rivera the strongest in Gracia? ”

“Not necessarily. ”

freckles received a word.

“Just as there are a lot of strong people on the move, there are a lot of strong people in Gracia. Rivera is called a warrior... I don't know. It's the strongest, I don't know. Basrodel is also called the Grand Wizard...”


“Hm. The five wizards of the Pentagon are monsters beyond the Archmage, and Kurk, also known as the Mercenary King, is monsters beyond the human category. There's Duke Biggenhardt, the swordsman of the Kingdom of Hemonia... The knight captains of the Gratia are monsters that have crossed the path of the Sword Master. ”

“Then why should Rivera be considered a warrior? ”

“It's not because a warrior is strong. ”

My freckles smiled.

“The Pentagon wizards are busy with research, and mercenary kings don't move unless they have money. Duke Biggenhardt, the swordsman, lived in the Kingdom of Hemonia, and the commander of the Knights of the Empire followed only Imperial decrees. But Rivera and Basrodel are different. You two move for the people without paying anything. This was also during the retake of Marrigos' territory. You didn't get paid anything. It wasn't driven by anyone. ”

“... you're a great man. ”

“You're amazing. ”

My freckles widened.

“Not one of the Gracians hates Libera. ”

I hate it.

Ajin thought with a smile.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

Someone else killed him.

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