
00337 Legacy

[The name Puppy Jean is asked here.]

The moment I saw that sentence, Azin's accident stopped. because I didn't understand the meaning of the sentence. Azin's gaze went up. He began reading again from the top of the page. When Thousand Horses turned 30. He completed the Thousand Horsemen. By completing the Thousand Horseman, he abandoned his name and took Thousand Horses as his name.

Before the thousand horses. His real name.

‘.. puppies? ’

Used to be a name. Had to be. It was Azin's real name. Is it just a coincidence? I wish I could say that. Azin's body was thin.

‘It's enchanted. ’

"Magic that can only be opened by certain people."

I remembered what Persian said. A enchanted door. Azin's neck turned stiff. He looks at the wide open door. An ominous premonition struck me. He covers the book and breathes. “Azin?” Persian tilts his head at the pain.

“Are you sick? Why are you so cold?

“.. wait..”

Azin opens his mouth. He staggers toward the door. “What's the matter?” Raw snow scent asked. Ajin didn't answer. He looks at the open door and swallows a gulp. His lips tremble.

“.. Can you... come outside for a moment?" ”

Ajin said in a trembling voice. “What's going on?” Raw snow has tilted my head. Persian eyes widen and gaze at the pain as if he couldn't understand it either.

“... Hurry up! ”

You shout. The black snowflake and Persian flinch. Azin walks out the door, making a loud noise, ignoring the two of them. Following the azine, the black snow and Persian scent come out the door. The door closes. Azin looks at the closed door and opens his mouth.

“.. magic. ”

It was a tight-knit voice. Azin desperately wanted to deny what he thought. He doesn't see Persian. All he saw was a closed door. “What?” Persian tilts his head to see that he's insecure.

“Magic... hanging, are you sure? ”

Ajin barely speaks. Hearing that, he felt something unusual about Persian and Raw Snow. Persian gazes at the door, swallowing a gulp. Her expression became serious. Red magic rises along her hand. The stretched magic grabs the door lightly.

“.. I'm sure. It's enchanted. ”

“.. what kind of magic? ”

“.. as I said before, it can't be opened unless it's a specific person. ”

“Open it.”

Ajin said, vomiting loudly. Persian glances at Azin. “Me?” she asks. Azin nods slowly. At Azin's words, Persik looks at Azin for a moment. If forced to open, the magic will detonate the inner chamber. However, this does not mean that turning the door hook will lead to an explosion. Persian slowly approaches the door.


Persian turns the door hook. But the door didn't open. “It won't open.” Persian replied. Azin glanced at the scent of Raw Snow. I tilted my head to look at Azin, and the smell of black snow met my eyes and slightly nodded my head. She slowly approaches the door.


The door is still not open. Azin laughs low. It was a weak smile. “No way.” Azin mutters in a small voice. He approached the door.

You open the door. The door, which had not been opened by Raw Snow and Persian, was easily opened as if it had never been locked from the beginning by Azin. You stare at the pain with dazed eyes of Persian and Raw Snow. Azin looked at the open door, inside the room, and he saw the book in his hand.

I sat down. What is it? My body trembles. You can't open it unless you're a specific person. Raw Snow and Persian couldn't open the door. The only thing that could open the door was Ajin. He looks at the books in his hands. Thousand horseman, 1,000 horseman. The name Puppy Jean is asked here. His name was Puppy Jean.

Only a thousand men could open the door.

Azin opens the door where such magic was cast. His name was Puppy Jean. Ajin's name is also Puppy Jin. The magic at the door saw Azin as equal to a thousand horses. Thousand horses were azin.

Where's Ajin?


Azin's lips opened. “... Acacia.” Azin mutters. The fretful look of Raw Snow and Persian perspiration caught my eye. Ajin raises his trembling body.

“Acacia..! ”

Azin shouts. He looks around and continues to shout. “Acacia!” He rushes into the room. Looking into the only room at the desk, Azin cries out again. The answer, "Acacia!” never came back. Ajin turns away, grinding his teeth. He leaps out of the ground in an instant. He walks across the library and up the stairs.


Ajin continues to call her name. I thought Acacia was the only one who could explain this. He jumped in the hallway and ran into the war. I was beating like a heart. “Acacia!” Azin shouts again. The battle rages on in his cry.

“Here you go. ”

You hear a voice. Azin grinds his teeth and approaches you in the direction of his voice. Acacia crouches on a chair that would have been a thousand horses. She hugs the knees she brings to her chest with her arms and smiles at the pain. Acacia opens her mouth, staring at Ajin's face.

“Congratulations are late. Boss of the line, defeated the bridge and the thousand horses. Congratulations."

Acacia smiles widely. Azin shuts his mouth and looks at Acacia's face. Acacia continued, looking at Ajin.

“All players who participated in the war received public experience. In your case, the man who led the war and defeated the thousand horses. Rewards are titles and titles you hold in your hand. ”

[Title, ‘Safa Hero’ obtained.]

[Title, "The Thousand Horse's Successor" has been obtained.]

“The title of the Thousand Horse's successor will change to 'Thousand Horse’ if you fight for the Thousand Horseman. Safa Heroes and Thousand Horses... are among the top titles on First. What's wrong with your face? I got the Thousand Horseman. I gave him two titles.”

Acacia tilts her head.

“Why are you so angry? ”

“Are you pretending not to know? ”

Ajin spits. Acacia smiles at you. Late, the Black Snow and Persian flavors arrived. The pair stared firmly at Acacia sitting in a chair. “You look good together.” Acacia shudders. She comes down from the chair and stares at him.

“Pretending not to know. You never asked me anything in the first place, did you? Why don't you ask him something like that? ”

“The name of Thousand Horses. ”

Ajin lets out a big breath. He puts his hand on his chest and calms his breath. However, my shaky heart seldom calmed down.

“.. the name of the thousand horses... and the magic on the door. What--what is it? Why is the Thousand Horse's name my name, and the magic of the door that others used to block... did I accept it? ”

“That's it.”

Acacia replied:

“You were the thousand horses. ”

Ajin didn't answer. He doesn't react. He just shuts up and waits for Acacia's next words. Acacia smiled and said, looking at that face of Ajin.

“The world is not one. You know that, right? There's a world where you live, there's a world where there's black snow, there's a world where there's similar, but there's a lot of other worlds. The world set in First is new for First use, but the NPCs that live in it are artificially creating history by manipulating memories and bringing them to the right people from different worlds. ”

It was a story I already knew.

“But there are artificially made NPCs, just like we artificially made history. A thousand horses is one of them. I don't know what to say. You know the word doppelganger, right? ”

“Doppelgänger? ”

“No, the word doppelganger is a little different. The Thousand Horses were made to have you as your mother. To be precise, it's your copy. We set a man, a puppy, up as the son of hell, who died a hundred years ago, and he escaped as the descendant of the bridge and arrived on the island. ”

“It wasn't like me. ”

Azin spits. He mutters, wrapped around his head in his hands.

“It was... different from me. No face, no personality.”

“I grew up differently from you. ”

Acacia replied:

“A hundred years. For a hundred years, puppies in this world have grown up in an environment completely different from yours. To the Son of Hell, and the last descendant of the Church. It has a different background from birth, not to mention the growth process. Something else, of course. Because all you shared with him was his name and his existence. ”

Acacia shakes her head slowly.

“Honestly, I don't get it. Why are you shaking? Is it that unpleasant to kill yourself? Don't worry, he's separate from you. Killing him won't make anything unusual happen to you. ”

Ajin shuts up about Acacia's words. His fist trembles. Acacia was right. After all, Heaven and Ajin are different. Just because a thousand horses made of azin died as a base, it doesn't mean that Azin died or do anything.

But killing yourself was not a pleasant feeling. Thousand horses were the indigenous people of this world. For centuries, the world's azin has lived for reconstruction of the martyrdom and vengeance against the dense forests. Ajin saw the concert hall he had seen earlier. Where the blood is clotted. Thousands of horses there, Ajin. He would have driven himself away thinking only of revenge. Azin recalls his glorious face that he saw on Mount Cheongseong. I think of him in the White Yard. Just before he died,

I was afraid of the sea, so I remembered his face telling me to bury him in the ground. I couldn't put myself on that face. It was too different, but... Ajin shuts his mouth. I felt vomiting.

“.. did you have fun? ”

Ajin barely asked.

“Let me kill myself. Seeing that... did you have fun? ”

He said, "I don't understand. ”

Acacia replied:

“I was once human, but that was too long ago. Right now, I can't empathize with the feeling of pain. Fun? I had fun. It was propagated by a representative I chose. That's all the joy I felt. ”

“Why me? ”

Ajin spits. Acacia grins.

“You're not the only one. Five delegates, including you, all made up of NPC in the world. But not all five of them were trialed. They are clearly NPCs in an important position... but they have no intention of destroying a faction like Thousand Horses. And that's what happened, because he grew up that way. ”

Acacia shrugs as she says.

“Don't think too hard. Like I said, Thousand Horses is nothing like you. If someone other than you had killed Thousand Horses, Thousands would have been seized as a reward. The reason I'm telling you this... is because you came here. That's all.”

Ajin stares at Acacia without saying a word. Acacia tilts her head to the silence of Azin. “Well, I can't help it if you're offended.” That's what she said, and she approached him.

“Congratulations, by the way. Thanks to you, I'm one step closer to victory. ”

Acacia said that and smiled. Her body turns dull and disappears. Azin continues to stare at the disappearing face of Acacia. Soon, Acacia's body was completely gone. Ajin gritted his teeth.

“... fuck. ”

Thousands and azines are different.

Nevertheless, I had no choice but to feel shitty. Ajin grips his hair as he spits. The Thousand Horse's face, which he had blown away, was clear in front of my eyes.

The feeling of killing yourself was terrible.

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