
00336 Legacy

Persian was in the lead. She familiarizes herself with the dense jungle, following the recollection of the eclipse. Azin looks around, following Persian. I couldn't see a human being.

“According to the boy's memory, ”

Persian opens his mouth.

“Most of the people on the island are trained as artisans and martial artists, but not all of them. There were certainly people who were unfamiliar with the arts. They were shipped off the island before the bridge could start a war. just in case. ”

“When I lost? ”

“Maybe so? If the Bridge is defeated and someone is taken captive reveals the location of the island... the rest of the island won't look good. ”

He nodded his head quietly. After all, there is no one left on this island. “Maybe they won't find anything." ”According to Azin, Persian nods in agreement.

Thousands were prepared just in case. He doesn't seem to be thinking about losing, but he's preparing for losing. You can tell just by looking at the unfamiliar inhabitants of the island. If you're thinking about losing, there may be very little legacy left on this island.

But I couldn't go back without checking for myself. “Let's just keep going.” At the words of Azin, Persian walks again. They take a long walk deep into the forest. Along the way, Ajin looks at a few small houses and finds traces of human contact. Cropped trees, fields... Thousands of people have lived on this island for a hundred years. There can be no trace.

“This is it.”

Persian said, she didn't need to talk to me to know. Azin narrows his eyes and looks forward. There were other big buildings that I had seen so far. “This was the home of 1,000 horses.” Persian is troubled.

He approached the door. I pushed my hand slightly to open the door. The door opened smoothly. Azin swallows his breath as he looks around the room. Then I slowly walked inside. You see a magnificent chair set in the distance. That was all the furniture in this vast battle. Azin was able to easily imagine the shape of the thousand horses sitting in that chair. There would have been a thousand laws on either side, and there would have been ten lords on their knees in front of the chair.

“That's pathetic.”

Azin mutters. The battle appears humble, given the power of the character named Thousand Horses. Even though it was a Muslim war, it was bigger and more glamorous than this. Azin shuts up and crosses the battle. He looks at the chair that Heavenly Horse would sit on, and he touches it with his hands. There was no special decoration. It wasn't like there was a device.

“But what exactly are you looking for? ”

“No official business.”

Azin replies. He passes through a thousand horse chairs and heads inward. “Honestly, I don't expect jewelry or gold or anything like that. because the greatest legacy of martyrdom would be unofficial.” That's what Ajin said, and he walked through the inner door.

“A hundred years ago, the Bridge plundered numerous factions as it waged war against the Advance Forest. Before that war, they said that Bridge attacked without hesitation from the faction or from the Safa. In fact, almost all the gates of the Jinsun Moors have been robbed once by a bridge. ”

“But they were recovered a hundred years ago when the bridge collapsed. ”

“There must be a copy. ”

Azin shrugs.

“Plus, you don't have to be an architect in an old file room. because martial arts is also excellent. Five thousand trained artisans. It must remain unofficial. Moreover, a handful of monks who had learned eclipse right away. It was the feast of the Arctic Ice Palace. If you look at what it does to the eclipse, there will be no other work besides martial arts. ”

“Why don't you tell me the truth? ”

A voice suddenly approaches. It smells of raw snow. Azin glances behind him. The scent of Raw Snow stares at him with a fat voice.

“Isn't the Celestial Master the one he's trained to covet? ”

“Of course I am. ”

Azin smiled and replied.

“Didn't the master tell you? The Celestial Master who was trained by the Emperor is a master of the natural guardians. Once I learn that, I don't have to suffer from internal deficiencies. You get absolute self-defense, and you can use all the powerful tools you want. ”

It was the Black Snow scent that revealed the secret of the Celestial Shrine. She told Azin that she was a shaman who used to use a Natural Keeper, leaving the shaman behind. If the astronaut was an astronaut using a natural keeper, as Raw Snow said, it would have been the same with a spring that did not dry up.

“And if you don't get another shaman, you can grow your disciples a lot.” Azin walks again, mumbling like that. He opened several visits and left the room without earning much. Most of the room was empty. At least I found one big bed. He couldn't bear the thought of how a man named Thousand Horses lived.


Finally, inside the door is a staircase leading to the basement. “Usually, this is the right answer.” Persian shivers. Azin shrugs and climbs down the stairs. After a while, you run into a heavy iron gate. Azin raises his hand and pats it lightly.


Azin mutters and pushes away the iron gate. It didn't seem to have any other locks. Open the door.

Azin was stiffened for a moment. It was a miserable room. A spacious room with nothing, the walls themselves made of solid iron. There were all kinds of wounds left on the wall. Nail scratches, fist cuts. Each of those wounds had something black clawing at it, and it was doing something.


Persian mutters. She steps forward to the wall. She scratches at the blood on her hands. The moment it touched it was crumbling and crumbling. “It's very old blood.” She mutters like that and rubs the bloody crumbs on her hands, reaching out her tongue and licking it. “Ugh...” You frown as if you didn't like the smell of raw snow.

“.. it's been so long that I can't remember, but I think it's been decades. ”

Persian mutters like that and tastes the other blood. “Ugh... gross...” The smell of Raw Snow mutters in my eyes. Persian glances at the scent of raw snow and finishes speaking.

“And it's the same person's blood. ”

“.. of a thousand horses? ”

“I don't know about that. I can't read memories. I've never tasted the blood of a thousand horses. ”

Persian pounces. “Maybe a thousand horses of blood.” Raw snow has opened its mouth. She looks around the room and says,

“Looks like this is a concert hall. These are irregular wounds... They're all connected. It's a repetition of balls. And then my body couldn't take it anymore, and there was blood... and it made me sick. ”

“That's why you must have been so strong. ”

Azin replies. He crosses the concert hall. Thousands of horses would have learned nothing here. A hundred years, that's what Thousand Horses said. How long has he been here in the last hundred years? Azin heads for the other door.

You open the door, and the first thing you see is a standing room full of books. Azin stares at it dazed. You didn't defend yourself against the subject of your defeat. I was soon able to answer that question myself. The defeat of martyrdom. It is extinction. The thousand horses are dead, the martial artists are dead... What's the point of an independence book while they're all dead? Azin goes to the nearest bookshelf and pulls out one of the books.

‘Maelstrom Marriage Law.’

I saw the name on the cover. When I opened it and looked at it roughly, it was written in the name of the sword. “Would you like to take a look?” Azin glances at the scent of Raw Snow and asks. In response, the black snow scent nodded its head and received a sword from Ajin.

“.. I like it. ”

I slowly turn over the bookshelf and mutter as I sweep through the contents. “Excellent sword. It's a feast.” That's what she said. She put the Maelstrom Blade back on the shelf.

“We have to find the Thousand Mascot first. ”

Azin mumbles as he walks. There's another door inside. First, let's go deeper. He thought so and approached the door.

“It's magic.”

Persian says, “Magic?” Azin looks back at Persic in a surprised voice. In response, Persian nods his head and approaches Azin. She takes a light breath and reaches for the door with her hands. Her glance frowns.

“Simple magic. Magic that cannot be opened unless it is a specific person. Looking at the linked magic, if you try to force it to open, it will explode from the inside. ”

“You mean you can't open it? ”

“You have to open it. Instead, you won't be able to see what was inside. ”

She mutters and frowns. “The level of enchanted wizards doesn't seem to be that high... but this simple enchantment is hard to crack.” That said, he kicked his tongue small. It seemed clear that there was something important inside, but if you can't open it, it's meaningless.

“Can't we do something about it? ”

“I don't know. I could try, but...”

Azin sighed and approached the door. He reaches for the closed door and grabs the door hook for no reason. It was that moment. Hiccup. The door opens as you hear a sound inside.

“Huh? ”

Persian sounds surprised. Surprised, so did Ajin. Looking inside the door that opens lightly, Ajin places a door hook. He looked at Persik, and he said, "How did you do that?” Persian opened his lips halfway and asked.

“.. I don't know. ”

Azin mutters as he walks inside the open door. It was a small room. Azin looked around the room. There was no door leading somewhere.

Instead, several books were placed.

Ajin approaches you. I picked up a book on my desk. When I saw the title written in red, I felt sick. It was a glamour of something rather than shock or joy. He said he couldn't open it unless he was a specific person. On that topic, the door was opened lightly, and inside it was a Thousand-Man Shrine Office. He thought things were going too well.

“This is...”

Azin looks at the book next to the Celestial Shrine. I reached out and grabbed it. It was not unofficial.

It was a thousand horses' journal.

Ajin looks over the bookshelf slowly. I think it's a journal. It was a simple record. From the day I arrived on the island, I wrote down a minimum number of records. Azin handed it over without saying a word.

It was bland. I just documented where the progress of the shameless was, and I didn't see any realization or anything like that. Personal emotions were a list of content that was completely excluded and purely contained the meaning of the record. It wasn't much fun. Ajin couldn't be interested in such a thing since the innards of the Emperor of Heaven suddenly recorded it.

Azin's hands, which had been handing over the bookshelf, were stiff.

‘I raised a thousand knights. ’

‘I abandoned my name and became a thousand horses. ’

‘The name Puppy Jin is asked here. ’

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The title... Wait... Wait a minute...!

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