
00311 Chat

“Isn't the lamp too sudden? ”

The car on my face was already dry, but I was wiping my face again with a towel because it was a bit awkward. Persian sticks his head out in the shadows. Ajin laughed as he put down the wiped towel.

“The lamp? What do you mean? ”

“Just now, that rude girl. ”

Persian lip twitches. I couldn't see the appearance of Raw Snow. There was nothing to ask. I don't like Ajin's actions, so I don't have a bright face. Azin shakes his head, smiling bloody. “There's never been an equal.” That froze Persian's eyes.

“Did I give her a job? ”

Persian blinks and smiles at Azin's question. He was right. Ajin did not give Mungyeonghee a position. I gave her a room and told her to sit at the door every day. Mun Kyung-hee who saw Ajin was definitely an interesting person. He called himself an absolute acronym and asked me to think of him as a toilet or a garbage can. As a woman, you can't say that easily. No, leaving being a woman, as a human being, is not an easy thing to say. However, Mun Gyeong-hee didn't seem to hesitate a bit about saying that.

But that is not the only way to acknowledge abilities. Anyone can do a shampoo that lowers their head and shaves themselves. Anyone can do this by putting honey on the tongue of Sethi and spilling aromatic words. It cannot be equalized alone. Azin clutches his chin with his hands.

“I'm going to keep it close. Whether or not you really want to match her depends on her abilities. ”

“She's a girl, isn't she?”

Persian smiles widely and asks. “Is Persian uncomfortable?” Azin asked. The question blinks and shakes his head slowly.

“I'm not as narrow as Racunda. ”

“Who's narrow! ”

I heard voices. “Face, can't you show me?” Azin asked. The only answer I heard was the sound of breathing. Hmph, he shakes his head as if he can't help it.

“I haven't decided yet whether she's the kind of person I need or not. ”

“So, what. ”

“I'm just keeping it with me to judge. If I don't need it, I'll throw it away. ”

“What if I have to?”

Raw snow gives out a slight head. Azin looks at the black snow scent looking up at him with his fat eyes and smiles deeply. “Then I'll leave it with you.” I thought you might say that. The smell of black snow puckers my mouth.

“Keep it with you because you need it. That's it. What Master thinks never happens. And, for the record, She's not my type. ”

Ajin said with a serious face. The eyes of Raw Snow twitched. “Then what are your tastes?” Raw snow scent asked. Asin looks absurd to answer the question, then raises his hand to Raw Snow and Persian.

“Isn't it right in front of you? ”

The expression of the black snow made my face numb. She blinks and blushes her cheeks as if someone had punched her. “Er... ugh...” The smell of Raw Snow growls and hesitates, closing her eyes and inserting her face into the shadows. Persian smiles at the smell of raw snow.

“You've grown a lot. ”

“I mean it.”

Azin smiled and replied. At that point, Persian sneaks out and licks his lips with his tongue, looking up at Azin. “Really?” There is temptation in the secret question. Azin smiles bitterly, looking down at that Persian.

“Is that a lie?”

“Glad to hear it... aah?! ”

Persian smiles and suddenly screams as he approaches. “Now, hold on! Raccoon, what am I...!” Persian folds his arms, and her body is pulled into the shadows. The black snow inside must have attracted Persian bodies. Azin smiles bitterly at it. Absolutely weak. He looked down at Mungyeonghee's half-empty cup of tea. Think of the tea on your face, think of the bitter taste. Azin raises his hand and touches his face.

“.. weakness does not mean weakness. ”

Azin mutters in a low voice.


My eyes met.

Azin narrows his eyes and looks down. As I said yesterday, Mungyeong-hee was sitting at the door. The preparation is thorough. There are cushions and wide contusions. Plates and teacups, rice paddles, brushes... and books and paper. “Hello?” Mungyeong-hee smiled brightly. Azin looks at her for a moment and nods.

“You're early. ”

It was early in the morning. “How long have you been here?” Azin asked. The question made Mungyeonghee smile widely. “I just got here.” It didn't seem that way. Azin shrugs and opens the door and tries to get inside. No, wait. Ajin stopped and looked back at Mungyeong-hee. He stares at the document she was looking at.


“Here comes the Viceroy. ”

Mungyeong-hee smiled and said. The moment I heard that, Azin's glance frowned. “I didn't give you that authority.” Ajin spits it out. At this point, Mungyeonghee smiled and reached out his hand in front of Ajin. Two of the five outstretched fingers were folded.

“Three more times. ”

When he spit it out, he lost his words. Eventually, he bursts into laughter. “I see. Three more.” After Ajin muttered so much, Mungyeong-hee smiled and lowered her hands. Then he lowered his head slightly and said.

“May I speak to the blind about these? ”

Mungyeong-hee asked. Asin was silent for a moment. He nods slowly. “Come in.” You open the door and go inside. Mungyeonghee hugged the documents to her heart and followed behind Ajin. When Ajin sat down, Mungyeong-hee placed his seat in one hand in front of him and sat on it.

“With the three feasts joined, the current Moorish has the power to stand up to the Heavenly Horse of the Bridge. ”

Mungyeonghee quickly opened her mouth. Ajin didn't say anything and listened to Mungyeong-hee.

“That's what the document said. Now we're ready, and we can't wait any longer. The swordsman's apprentice, Wall Swordsman, slashed the necklace of the New Horse Swordsman, and tried to provoke the bridge by putting it at the gate of the commander, but the bridge is not showing any visible movement. The bridge hasn't changed. They're subjugating other areas by surrounding the longitude, not aiming this way. There are traces of a bridge in rubella. ”

“Rubella. That's where the volcanoes are. ”

“Yes, there's been no major damage since the breach has already been breached, and the volcano's main mountain hasn't been burned yet, but other small breaches have been breached." Of course, there were no casualties. ”

“Why do you think the church is doing that? ”

“The isolation of the commander. The Chinese leader was big enough to be called the capital of Jinsun, but now he is like a pot full of oil, where all the unmanned people that used to spread across the sea are gathering. It's just a little bit of greasy. And bridges are fire. ”

Mungyeonghee raised her hand. She bends her fingers and groans. I did something and I described the flame by hand.

“The pot is boiling sweet potato oil. The oil falls on the flames, and the flames burn even bigger. In the end, the pot burns black. Or explode. There are too many unaccounted for, different ideas, different ideologies and affiliations. You have to bump into them. ”

Ajin nods quietly.

“In numbers, this side is dominating. No matter how strong the martyrs are and no matter how monstrous the Celestial Horse is, it would be a huge loss for them too. What would the Bridge be after? Why were they crouching for a hundred years? Once they've gone to the mosque with the flag of the Church, all they can do is kill and reign, or they can be killed. So they will definitely try to work. As we continue to create disbelief and boredom within ourselves... the longer it takes, the less bridge we lose. ”

“That's what the paperwork says. Now that we are ready, we must strike the bridge. How?”


Mungyeong-hee shook her head.

“The bridge is like a snake with a hundred heads. You can't kill a bridge unless you cut off its head altogether. What you have to do to do that is you don't want to let the bridge hit you head-on. Honestly, it's not that bad. Since advanced UAVs were humiliated and evacuated this way, it is only their pride that is injured by the attacks on the Bridge area. Power can be conserved. ”

“But I can't help you. ”

Ajin shakes his head. Just as I thought Mungyeong-hee would say that, she held the table with her hands and pushed her face closer.

“If it's hot, it should cool down. ”

Mungyeong-hee was tired.

“I heard that the murals challenged the Viceroy. ”

“I did.”

Azin nods. As soon as Ajin answered, Mungyeong-hee said without changing her face.


“... what? ”

Azin's eyes frown. Mungyeonghee pulled his head back as if he knew that Ajin would react that way.

“The current waves and safaris are the worst. ”

Mungyeong-hee said.

“The sects persecuted the powerless Sappa Unsullied, and the bloodthirsty ones took strong retribution for it. And the Viceroy mentioned him during the meeting, and he made sure that when this happened, the sects of the sect would punish them in the bloodline. Yeah, there's nothing wrong with that. That's what it looks like. But the human mind is cunning, and most of the reason is rooted in emotion, and anger against the other causes reason to be blunt. ”

Mungyeong-hee put her hands on her chest.

“The acquiescence of the Declaration is not the case with the Old Testament and the Seggas. They won't say anything about the punishment of the bloodthirsty, but they'll put a knife through their chest. ”

“What does that have to do with me losing? ”

“How far do you see, Viceroy? ”

Mungyeong-hee smiled and asked.

“Are you looking at your work with the Bridge? Or are you looking at the aftermath of your relationship with the factions? Or is he watching you rule? ”

Mungyeonghee's words made her eyes narrow. He looks at the little woman who teases Sethi as she pleases in front of him. After receiving that gaze, Mun Gyeong-hee's expression did not change.

“We need to establish a friendly relationship with the faction right now. We need to get them ahead of the game. We need to stimulate their conscience. The bridge that committed the merciless massacre, as they did a hundred years ago, must be instigated to end it with their own hands. We have to get the public to want him. We need to make them want to be heroes, and we need to make them heroes. ”

Mungyeonghee smiled brightly.

“The doorway is a doorway to bloodline, a doorway to bloodline, and the strongest man in the Muslim world, named Hematoma at a young age. Most people say it's a low voice about the actual owner of bloodblindness. When asked who is the finest master on safa in the future, they say," Hematoma. "What the spermatozoa think is most eye-catching right now is hematoma. What if a blood horse like that loses to a Wall Swordsman he once defeated? Who is the Wall Eye Painting?”

Mungyeonghee widened her hands.

“She's a disciple of the sword. He cut the head of the new horse swordsman and was the first and only person to win against the bridge. If there is a hematoma on the safa, there is a wall-to-wall sword on the sperm wave. Some people are already calling her the Swordsman. Sword howl! What a magnificent star. What if the post-mortem quadrant defeats Safa's hematoma? What if I make the hematoma kneel before everyone? ”

I held out my open hand.

“It increases the morale of the faction. On the contrary, Safa is demoralized. All a blind man has to do is catch it. That's enough. If the postmortem defeats the hematoma, the faction's unmanned will gain morale and confidence. They will empathize with the heroism of defeating Madu in Safa. The public will chant the name of the sect. And then, when it comes to bridge and all-out war, they'll come forward heroically. The dominance of the blood-blind and the Muslim blind will be completely overtaken by the blind. ”

Mungyeonghee's smile darkened.

“The defeat of the Viceroy will change many things. The Blind Lord is in that position. What do you think? For the greater good, can you endure the humiliation right now? ”

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