
00310 Conversation

The silence has gone on for a moment. Azin shuts his lips and looks at the woman sitting on her knees. Moon Gyeong-hee is the ceremony for the ceremony. She was a small, curly-haired woman who had been silent and staring at the pain ever since she entered this room. Ajin did not avoid her gaze, and did not ask Mungyeonghee anything in particular. The silence made thus lasted for a period of time. Mungyeonghee, who blinked his eyes, slightly pulled his chin back.

“Do you have any questions about the girl? ”

Mungyeonghee's lips opened. Azin clutches his chin with his hands without immediately answering. He looked at Mungyeonghee's blinking face and slowly opened his lips.

“Aren't you the one with the curiosity? ”

The horse brain said that curiosity is why he wants to meet the Blind Fellow of Blood. In saying that, Mun Kyung-hee silently folded her arms and stared at Ajin. Asin, sitting in front of her, was an unmanned member of the bloodline, and one of the Sappa unmanned was named after the salt pot. Nevertheless, this little girl is looking at what is in front of her like a horse stall.

“You're young.”

“Something new.”

Azin smiles in relief. Most of what the first people who met him said was that. Young. Young... Reporting his work without a job is a great accomplishment at that age. When you talk about the future, you're still young. A compliment or something. Ajin grabs a cup of tea with a grumpy face. I poured the slightly cooled tea into my mouth and followed the tea again.

“Was that all you wanted to see? ”

“If so, what happens to the girl? ”

I asked to be Mungyeonghee. In the question, Ajin put down the teapot with a big smile. He opened his eyes and looked at Mungyeong-hee. She stares at Ajin's face as if searching.

“Nothing will happen. ”

Ajin replied. Mungyeong-hee's eyes curled. “A girl dares to meet a bloodthirsty blighter out of curiosity, and here she is, being rude. Aren't you going to blame him?” Mungyeonghee asked. In the question, he waved his head with a big smile.

“If you wanted to blame your curiosity, you would have blamed your father without meeting him. If I didn't like your manners, I would have kicked you out, killed you, or punished you as soon as you were rude. The throne was also curious, so I wanted to meet you, I don't know. I'm not sure I understand your rudeness. ”

Mun Gyeong-hee laughed low in Azin's answer. “What if she's even more rude?” Mungyeonghee asked again. When asked, he shrugged his shoulders with a bloody smile.

“What can't you say? ”

Immediately after saying that, Mun Kyung-hee grabbed the cup of tea. Then, without any hesitation, he splashed tea water on Azin's face. Queek! The cold tea hits Azin's face. Ajin raises his hand and touches his face without saying anything. The bitter tea flowed into my lips. Azin smiles in relief. He opened his eyes and looked at Mungyeonghee. She glances at him with a pompous look on her face.

“Is this rude? ”

Mun Gyeong-hee asked. When she asked, she lightly wiped her wet head with her hands. “Let me ask you why. Why did you do that?” Azin asked. Mungyeonghee, who blinked her eyes, put down the cup of tea.

“I wanted to see how the viceroy would behave against the girl's rudeness. ”



At that, Ajin grinned. It's because I never imagined that Mungyeong-hee would do such a sudden act. So, what do we do? Ajin stared at Mungyeonghee's face. From what Ajin sees, she has not mastered the art of shamanism. If I had my heart, I could kill Mungyeong-hee with one finger. But I didn't intend to. Ajin opened his right hand to Mungyeonghee's face. Mungyeong-hee did nothing and watched Azin do it. I folded one of the five fingers spread out in front of Mungyeong-hee.

“Five times. ”

Azin was exhausted.

“That's four times now. This is the number of times I can bear to see your father's face. Five times, five times... the throne will endure the five times of wrath and punishment you feel, facing the face of your cerebellum. The cerebral cortex is what we need. I don't think killing you will grumble against the throne, but don't you have a father's heart? If my dinner comes back as a miserable corpse, he will suffer a lot. So, I don't do anything. ”

“Even if you get angry right now, you mean it? ”

“Didn't I tell you? That's five. Now that's four. For the next four times, no matter what you do, the script will do nothing to you. ”

“At the end of those five times? ”

“By then, you'll be dead. Very miserable. Humiliation will be suffered by that little body, and all suffering will be suffered. The throne will see you like that and it will wait for you to beg for your life. Praying for your life won't change anything. When your body becomes a place where you can no longer feel pain or insult, and you can barely breathe and stay awake, then the throne will kill you. ”

“What about my father? ”

“If I told you I'd given you five chances, you'd think you had nothing to do with it. He's a wise man. Rather, you will bow your head to the throne and pray for the rest of the meal, and you will thank the grace of the throne for giving you five chances. Don't you think?”

Mungyeong-hee smiled at Ajin's answer. After that smile, Mungyeong-hee stood up. Then I got down on my knees and hit my head on the ground.

“I apologize for my rudeness. ”

“Done. You said you'd give me five chances. Sit up."

In Azin's words, Mungyeong-hee smiled at Bashi, then got up again and sat down. She looks at him and opens her mouth.

“I thought the Viceroy wouldn't kill me. ”

“Why? ”

“As the Viceroy said, I thought my father's existence would be a shield to protect my life. And curiosity.”

Ajin did not deny it. If Mun Kyung-hee hadn't said anything and put the water on the top of the tea, Ajin would have killed Mun Kyung-hee without hesitation. No, you have the face of a cerebral cortex, so even if you didn't kill it, you would have been punished accordingly. But I didn't. It's because Mungyeong-hee said it beforehand. What if he showed greater disrespect? Ajin smiles in relief.

‘Obviously. ’

It's not as stupid as hot water. I was a little curious. Why did Mun Gyeong-hee do that?

“I want to serve the Blind Lord. ”

Mungyeonghee bowed her head. Ajin, who had wiped his wet face with his hands, opened his eyes and looked at Mungyeong-hee. “Suddenly.” Azin mutters in a low voice. Mungyeong-hee's head bowed even deeper.


“Stories of three years and stories from my father. And when I saw the Viceroy, I thought it was a great person I could take him with me. ”

“So you picked a spot. What is the rumour of three years, and what did your father say? And what else did you see? ”

“The rumored blood horse is cruel and will not forgive his enemies. It is also said that even at this young age, he is higher than the great masters of the jungle, and that if the blood horse survives after 10 years, he will be the first of the jungle and the best of the gold. ”

“What does your father say? ”

“The Viceroy Lord is an unmanned Safa who knows Dory and logic and can see the future. He wants to change the future of the old and rotten current safa, and the ambition of the young is greater than anyone else. ”

“You're putting gold on my face. ”

Azin laughs low. “So, what's your point of view?” Azin asked. The question made Mungyeonghee smile widely.

“You know how to control your emotions, so I think it's less likely to make a mistake and lose your neck. ”

In response, he laughed loudly. “Yes, I want to take you because I don't think you have much to die for. That's what he said.” In Azin's words, Mungyeong-hee nodded, smiling.

“But it's funny. There are a lot of talented people around the table. I heard from your father that you are wise, and rumor has it. But if that's all you see, why would you let yourself down? ”

“What would you describe it in words? ”

“At least let them know what they can do. What the script saw in you, yes. I see the magnificence of splashing water on the face of the throne. ”

At that, Mungyeonghee smiled low. “What's with the Blind Lord?” Mungyeonghee asked. Ajin stared at Mungyeonghee.

“There are a lot of people. Do you want to tell them one by one? ”

“Among them, the Blind Lord truly gives you heart, can rely on you when you are in trouble, can tell you what's in your heart, what the Blind Lord says will be done with your life, and if you ask for it, you can give your life. But who is truly weaker than the blind? ”

In Mungyeonghee's words, Ajin's face was slightly stiff. All conditions preceded were understood. But the condition of the last, absolute weakness, was a little difficult to understand.

“An absolute weakling. Why do you need it? ”

“That's who I am. ”

Mungyeong-hee confidently opened her chest and placed her hands.

“I'm weak. You don't have a ball. When the wind cools, you catch a cold easily. And when it gets hot, the dizziness is so intense that it doesn't even run well. ”

“I don't know what that has to do with anything. ”

“Most of the people next to the Blind Lord are strong. ”

Mungyeonghee smiled widely.

“Certainly not compared to the Viceroy. But even in the absence of the blind, they are strong enough. They are the ones who can leave their blind Lord and achieve their work if they wish, and the blind Lord can stab him in the back when he is weak. But not me. No matter how weak he was, I could never kill him. I'm an absolute acronym, and no one will try to come under me. ”

“Even if you are weak, you can still take power. ”

“This is pointless. ”

Mungyeonghee waved her head.

“I am weak, how can I betray the strong?" I'd be better off betraying myself if I did. So I don't betray. At any time, you can be an absolute ally of the Viceroy. I can empathize with the anxiety that the Blind Lord cannot let go of. Why? Because I'm short handed. You can't empathize with it and let it out. ”

Mungyeonghee widened her hands.

“I thought, what about me, this young and weak woman, to serve the Viceroy?" What the Viceroy doesn't have right now is an absolute weakling. Those who are close to the blind are similar or weaker or stronger than the blind. If they're pulling him up, I can be the guy pushing him down. Consider me a garbage can and a toilet. Speak to me and be refreshed by the weak and vile affliction of the Blind Lord. There's nothing I can do, and if the Buddha wants me dead, I will die in front of the Buddha without telling anyone the secret of the Buddha. ”

Mungyeong-hee said that without changing her face. It was an unusual experience, not degrading myself. I'm saying it as it is. So there is no shame in it. He opened his eyes and looked at Mungyeonghee. In fact, there was no one like that around Ajin. Even the Black Snow and Persian flavors closest to Azin are stronger than that.

“... funny. ”

Azin smiles in relief. Purely interested and curious. What can Mun Gyeong-hee do to talk like that? What can that arrogant weakling do that says he's wise? Toilets and trash cans. Ugly, weak bullies. Azin laughs low.

“Where's your room? ”

“The Mainland is the Munsi of Guangyang, where...”

“I'll give you your own room. ”

Ajin poured a new tea into Mungyeonghee's cup.

“Live there and sit at the door of this room every day. Come in without answering. ”


Mungyeonghee smiled widely.

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