
00246 Bloodstream

“The Iron Throne has been known to be strong for ten years. ”

The enemy touches the cup of tea and says, The azine sitting in front of her furiously frowns. The immediacy is over. The guests have all gone back, and Ajin has come for the enemy. You release the vampire and let him chase the faithful out of the bloodstream, but the faithful and their disciples abandon their pursuit and abandon the walls.

When he couldn't keep up with his whereabouts, Azin found Chonghyeong-lu and met the enemy. Ten years ago, I worked in the Moors with the stars that the enemy was a hemorrhage. And it was ten years ago that he worked in Moorim as the star that declared his allegiance to be iron. It was because I thought I would know about the faithfulness because I was traveling in the same age.

“Even back then, it's still common. He's confident in his work, he's lacking opponents. They wander off hungry for a fight. Choose your own opponent, go and challenge them. ”

The enemy smiles bloody.

“The Iron Throne was unmanned as well. He just showed up. What was his shaman, where did he come from? No one but the Iron Throne knows that. Three stars named the Iron Throne. The first wave he challenged...”

The red eye frowns and taps its glabellar. It seemed to be a bit of a memory. But if it doesn't work, the red eye sticks its thumb deep into the fang. She drenches her lips and sucks blood.

“... what are you doing? ”

“The Goddess has lived too long. I won't forget what I heard once, but it was a long time ago and I don't remember anything small. Blood is the source of vampires. There's nothing like this when you're stuttering on memories you don't remember. ”

The red eye smiles slightly with its red lips soaked in blood. “Let's just say, the Celestial Lady's memories are engraved in the blood of the Celestial Lady. I drink blood, I think of memories to find... in my head. Very naturally.”

The red eye pulled his thumb off his lips and stole his lips with the back of his hand.

“The first clan to challenge the Iron Throne was the meteor gate. At that time, the doorway of the Gate was called the Naked Wall, and the master of the law was a figure within ten fingers. At that time, the Iron Throne was only thirty years old, and his fist collapsed without holding back fifty seconds. Afterwards, the Fallen Gate fell after declaring that it would never clench its fist again. ”

The enemy said in a bold voice.

“In this way, the Iron Throne has never been defeated by a famous gospel, or by a master of the law of wandering without leading it. The Saints gave him the star of the Iron Throne, and they paid attention to when the Iron Throne would be defeated. ”

Whether he was strangled by the continued explanation, he drank a sip of tea.

“Before disappearing, the Iron Throne sent a challenge to Prohibition, one of the three sects. Challenge only, sent. Then he disappeared from the Moors. Some say that a sensation of crisis struck the Iron Throne, and some say that the Iron Throne had already won the battle, but the Iron Throne was defeated and hidden. But rumors like that soon disappeared. I was in denial because of my abstinence. The rest of the rumor... was that the Iron Throne was attacked by the undefeated. It was just this stuff. ”

“The One Who Calls Power. Were you strong?”

“I am considered to be an cilantro. He's also a great teenager. ”

“What was the skill of the Iron Throne then? ”

“Enough to challenge Prohibition. He was defeated by all the authoritarians, who were the supplies right under his power. But... I don't think the Goddess thought the Iron Throne at the time was much of a match for power. ”


“.. the current legislation is hardly active in the Moors. The Feast of Three is more seasoned than the Swordsman. The reason Swordsmanship is called the Purgatory is because three feasts are almost hidden. The whole bloodline, the hallucination thing, you can tell that, right? Humans cannot overcome time. To win time, you must become human and not human. She's dying because she can't do it. If the Three Days were no longer human, they would be stronger than Sword Blade. ”

“Compared to a single blood sample, ”

“Blood for blood. The Goddess has never seen a blade of blood. But on the basis of 10 years ago, the Iron Throne would have been stronger than the Blood Clot. ”

Ajin frowns and thinks. The herb I shared with the caterpillar was thirty seconds. Azin did not fully overpower him. It was shocking that he could not get past his defenses, even though he had used up all his strength. Ten years ago, he was a master enough to challenge a teenager, so now he's even more a master than that.

‘Moreover, thirty years ago it was said. ’

Then it's only about forty now. Forty is enough for an unmanned body. It's experienced, it's internal, it's deep.

‘What would have happened if I had done everything I could? ’

He wasn't a force either. At the end, he was punched in the face by Azin, but he could have avoided as much as he wanted to. I simply welcomed him. To get away clean and clean. Ajin kicks his tongue small. It bothered me. I had thought about it in the Moorish, like the famous Salt, the Magpie, and the Thousand Horses of the Namhae Bridge that the New Moon used to say. His sudden rise of the Iron Throne is too strong.

‘This is a world. ’

Ajin chewed his lips well. Story does not exist The emerging NPCs' profiles are neither friendly nor open, and even at this moment, NPCs are acting in an unknown location. Perhaps there are more Masters than the Swordsman.

‘Still not enough. I need to be stronger. ’

The original plan was to swallow the whole line. Starting with the blood gate, he expands his power, eats up to the slaughterhouse, and takes over Safa as a whole. After that, they wage a war with the sperm forest and place the sperm under their feet. And then I decided to go to Gracia.

‘I should also care about the bridge of Namhae. ’

The appearance of the Iron Throne made Azin nervous. I thought I was done eating, but then I thought about the possibility that a stranger might come out and scatter the ashes. Azin's enemies were not the only ones exposed. To conquer the jungle, he had to be stronger than anyone else.

‘Mind the Hiddenpiece. ’

It is now known that none of the players except the surrogate made contact with Hidden Piece but the bridge they met at the Blind Dance. He was the man who was the King of the Silent Blossom. Its indestructibility can be counteracted by an energy drain, but it may not be possible if its level of perforation is higher. There may be other players who have won Hidden Pieces. There will definitely be more. And the Celestial Horse of Namhae. It was the most frustrating thing that made him currently sick.

How great is the power of the Namhae Bridge. How strong is their thousand horses? Compare the Heavenly Horse and Raw Snow scents here? What happens if you fight the current bishop? 1st place in the player ranking. This is where you rank. NPC should be kept in mind. Players can grow faster than NPCs, but that doesn't make them any weaker than players.


Azin calls out in a quiet voice. An enemy looking at pain with his expressionless face tilts his head.

“In Rouge's view, how strong do you think the text is? ”

“That's an odd question. Heavenly women do not know the power of hematology. ”

“I can show you. ”

Azin narrows his eyes and shoots at the enemy. A feeble, blood-soaked teenager is one of the best. At the same time, she saw the martial arts war a hundred years ago with her own eyes. The enemy stares at Azin's face.

“Are you asking for a massage? The Heavenly Mother has been laying down her sword for a long time. ”

“It's good to be strong. ”

Ajin said quietly. He nodded his head, looking at the pain for a moment. “If only I could show you.” Agin swallows his breath at the words of the enemy.

-Koong! A red aura emanates from Azin's body. An unstoppable internal air erupts. The whole front wiggles and the red hair flies back. The enemy stares at him with a expressionless face. The Red Devil rises behind Azin's back. Azin squeezes his eyes and shoots at the enemy. His gaze settles on his lips for a moment.

“I think it's great. ”

Azin's strength subsides. The red devil collapses and the building stops trembling. The enemy rises up. Her eyes linger in the room in slow steps, not far from Azin. Azin places his hand on his knee and waits for the enemy's word. At that moment, the hand of the enemy flies to the neck of Azin. It was a swift refreshing sword, like the space was cut. Suddenly, a sword was grasped in her hand. Phew! A dark armor of some shape and an enemy sword collided.

“That was close.”

Azin mutters. The enemy nods and turns his sword.

“Seven shares of power. ”

The enemy has spoken. If the enemy had tried his best, he would not have been able to stop it. It's a little late to notice. And his neck would have been blown off.

“Faster than the Black Heaven of the Sword. ”

The enemy plunges the sword into the shadow.

“The bloodstream is strong. I can't believe it's a force of that age. However, there are many older people in Bloodmont than Bloodmont. They poured their lifelong ships into the void. And some of them may have the same gifts as the bloodwork. ”

The enemy speaks with a bold voice.

“The Blood Moon promised the Queen Dowager a brisket. The bloodstain pushed out the hallucination and became the bloodstain's mark. And the bloodstream now holds more power than it has in the past. I have brought down the Gateway and am continuing to increase its power. However, the bloodline. ”

The enemy waves his head.

“Do not underestimate the Moorish. If Bloodmont wants to eat some ramen... It won't be possible until 10 years later. What's the rush? Bloodstains are young, and the current Moorish masters are old. Ten years from now, they'll be older. It's not too soon.

“Ten years too late. ”

Azin rises up.

“I see your shortcomings. I've been so arrogant lately. The defeat of blood made me too blunt. I shouldn't have done that. I must be sharp, Rouge. It needs to be sharper and stronger than anything else. That way I can get what I want. ”

Azin takes a low breath.

“It was unfortunate to be able to defeat the blood supply. Nevertheless, I thought my own strength was better than his, so I only laughed. Even Ruiz's sword, which he placed ten years ago, cannot be completely avoided. ”

Azin bursts out a low smile.

“I know the subject, Rouge. Half a year ago. It was said to Luju that he would eat Moori. Dreams are high, but I was too low. Thank you for not pulling out your sword at that time. ”

Ajin drank tea in his breath.

“I'll avoid it next time. ”

Azin muttered. He turns around.

“Without stopping. ”

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