
00245 Bloodstream

Do you know who it is?]

By giving the naked wrapping to the maid, Ajin sent a message to the Song. Immediately, the answer came back.

[Iron Throne Faith. A romantic who wandered around the forest about a decade ago and challenged a famous question: It's been a while since he's had his hand smashed shut.]

[You say you're strong.]

[I've never met him, but if you think about the level of the doorway he smashed and the gap of ten years...]

I didn't hear anything else. I didn't want to be careless anyway. It would be better to show as much power as possible, even if it is not necessary to show power. Even if you mix your hands lightly with entertainment, many people see it, so you can't be humiliated. Since it is formal to be a blood crest in the forest, you should show the majesty that fits the sentence.

“I'll give you about thirty seconds. ”

Limited the number of herbivores exchanged. It was to prevent in case. “Enough,” the faithful replies. Azin stares at the faithful in position. There seemed to be nothing special about his riding ceremony. His fist was as big as a cauldron with deep calluses. He clenched his fist.

“Come first. ”

Azin raises his hand and says, It was more natural than arrogance. Although Auo is said to be a leader in Murim rather than Azin, this is the Bloodline, and Azin is the Bloodline. As the owner, I concede my virtue to the guest. Loyalty also did not complain about him. He lowered his waist.

Immediately, you are shot. The attack on the faithful is quick and sharp on a subject that looks like a bear. Azin leans back slightly, raising his arms. Papak! He kicks the flying fist out of his face with his left arm, grabs the wrist of his left arm raised with his right hand and swings it. The left elbow flew to the neck of the fig. The fillet tilts its torso back as it pulls its chin. Azin's elbow cracks open the air.

The feet of the caterpillar slide sideways. The torso leans backward and shoots forward with a recoil. The wet ledger aims at Azin's clown. Azin leans forward. An outstretched ledger touched my hair. Ajin stretches his legs wide and narrows his distance to the caterpillar. Paang! The back of the swinging hand slams into the chest of the fig. The faithful stagger and step back.

“Um... ”

The filler sighs a short while fixing his posture. He loosened his grip, but it was a precise blow. The feeling of touching the back of my hand was heavy. If he had enough stamina, he would have been able to kill the faithful in a blow just now.

“Do you want more? ”

Azin clenches his hands and bites. As he sweeps his chest, he turns his head to the side and spits. “Less than ten seconds.” The faithful spit it out. Azin nods.

“Come first. ”

Ajin said again. The fillet extends its foot forward. A little... faster? Azin doesn't back down, but confronts him. I was going to end it quickly. In an instant, my fists and fists were intertwined. The user attacks the target without being hit by the target. It either rolls or spills.


Ajin was a little surprised. With a quick thought, the fillet is not pushed any further. Well, you can't beat him like this because he said he's a master. But I couldn't do everything I could. If we spend a thousand rainforests on these things, it will be a laughingstock. Moreover, resin is not right. Even if you defeat the faithfulness with even a thousand rainforests, you can get very little.

A little acceleration, then. Azin empowers his eyes. The world seemed slow as I went away. How many seconds do we have? Eight seconds. That's enough. The body of the faithful seems slow to move. We can beat him unilaterally and back off neatly. Azin thought that way in his head.

Beating a slow-moving person. Seeing the gap exactly, it strikes at the inevitable moment, so nothing can go wrong or fail. Azin breaks his fist into the flank of the appendix.


You're blocked. Was the target too shallow? Ajin did not hesitate. Immediately following the attack. But it all got in the way. No neck, no clavicle, no chest, no sharpness. An attack that pierces through every crack, but not one of them enters. What? My head is white. This attack is inevitable. We're evading and blocking them all. It's a slow world. I'm not only aware of its slowness, but also its slow posture in this world. Workshops seem to be running at super-speed for others, but not for Ajin. Slow attacks and defenses only.

So it's blocked. It means that the fiddle has a reflex velocity equal to the current azine. This is absurd. Not even a single blood sample could do that. Even the talented Devello was a little slow to catch up with. You don't know exactly where it came from, do you?

One last second. He clenches his fists in annoyance. At this rate, we'll be caught up. That's it.If I try my best to keep up, I won't be able to keep up. The fist stretched out was faster than before. If you're right, you could die.

His eyes glanced at the face of pain. The gaze of Azin and the faithful met. Something in my heart twitched. Azin's fist touched the cheek of the fig.

The acceleration is over. Kwadang! The body of the faithful rolled around the ground. Azin stares at the stubborn faithful without folding his extended fist. Surprise, noise, and faithfulness arose. He scratches his cheeks with his hands and spits at his head. The smashed tooth falls to the ground.

“I thank you for your teaching. ”

Chongho said while taking possession. Azin glances at the face of the faithful and takes possession of his head.

“Thank you for putting that in your hands. ”

At the end, I remember the eyes of the faithful who were looking at me. He could have avoided. I could have fought back, avoiding. Nevertheless, I did not avoid it. Just, I got it right and ended the situation. This made it impossible for Azin to hold on to the faithful any longer. It would appear that the loyalty was earned by others. The filler turns around and takes his disciples out of the training ground.


Ajin clenches his fist. I didn't do everything I could. As was Ajin, so was faithfulness. I felt a shallow crisis. What would happen if we did everything we could? The Iron Throne, who fled Moslem 10 years ago and disappeared. Ajin kicks his tongue small.

I thought I should find out.

“Didn't you say you were going to bud? ”

Jiun asked as he followed behind the faithful walking in front. The faithful do not answer. They come out of the bloodstream without a doubt, and they return to the camp they had locked up on the cliff. Jiun grimaces and chases the steps of the faithful as the faithful do not answer.

“Imperative law.”

“He said he'd step on any bud he needed to step on. ”

The fillet was a sad face. He rubs his fingers on his chapped lips. The pitchfork drops. The caterpillar spins its head and spits blood.

“It was a bud that didn't need to be stepped on. ”

The filler said as if it wasn't bulky. He frowned. “Weren't you pushed?” I glanced at him as if he were pathetic, filled with self-interest.

“He didn't mean it, and neither did I. That was it. Even if he did give it his all... frankly, if he did, he might be stronger than me. But that's just it. ”

That was the honest feeling of loyalty. He was strong. Ten years ago, none of the adjectives challenged him to such a fierce attack. The blow is not heavy with considerable strain, but an attack that cuts through the gap is admirable.

But that's it. I was able to stop it, and I was able to spill it. If he had done his best, the attack would have been heavier and faster, but so would his loyalty. The blood horse. The fillet smiles in relief. As always, rumors of the Moorish are exaggerated.

“If I were to remain in the Moorish, I would be called Kwon Ma. ”

The faithful smile. He's strong. It has an unusual strength that is not suitable for the age of 25. And maybe, in a decade or so, they'll be strong enough to be called the highest bidder. But that's a story 10 years from now. Ten years later, Moorish will be under the bridge.

“He has a teacher. ”

Su-young opened her mouth. The fillet who was walking in front looked back. “I've heard rumors. I heard it's even better than Safa's finest salt.” Young-ho nodded at the muttering of his allegiance.

“I saw a master of bloodline and a swordsmanship in the long line. ”

“Sword... I've heard rumors about him. Swordsmanship or better. The forest is vast and the audience is endless. There are strangers crawling out here and there. ”

The fillet kicks its tongue small. Hyun Moo-Rim is not a threat. However, if the bridge is officially revealed, the elites who hid will lift their heads as one. Such invisible power is more intimidating to Mahjo than blind or dead astronomers.

“How about comparing the power of the Master and the Heavenly Mother? ”

“.. how can I bear your strength? ”

Swimming silently said. She had seen the power of the thousand horses. It's called strength. You have been defeated unilaterally. You cannot see the difference in power. After leaving the palace, I broke into the self-organizing party and took two of the three memories of the party. Then I heard the rumours of the Namhae Bridge.

Rather than pure curiosity, it was greed. The user needs an opponent to test its new memory, and a strong working force is needed. The female king's shaman is the shaman of murder. Not suitable for frontal confrontation. She knew Azin was a martyr. If the rumours of the martyrdom around the Namhae are true, there will be martyrdom.

The female king respected her decision. A player. It doesn't die. Even if Namhae Bridge is a true bridge, players don't have to risk their lives. Under the king's silence, she left the magnet and reached the Namhae and loaded herself onto the punitive force's ship.

The Punitive Force has been wiped out.

I remembered the appearance of the Heavenly Horse coming to the sea. He came down from heaven and had the dignity to say that he was truly a god. The slow expansion tore the sea apart and destroyed the ship. People died in the horror of the father. The boat shakes like an upside down in a rushing gust. In awe of the hidden carcass, she flies to live. The thousand horses that came down on the boat walked slowly and killed all of them, without distinguishing them from the runners.

I ambushed you. I hid myself and fell behind 1,000 horses. Two of the three memorizations taken at the sugar table were used. The attack was inevitable. I did not avoid the thousand horses. I picked it up without avoiding it, and the memorial that the party boasted couldn't even reach the Thousand Horse's Self-Powering Force. When she regained consciousness, she was strangled by the Heavenly Horse.

Who is it? Gocheong-ma asked.

“He is absolute. ”

Thousands didn't kill her. He was interested in no swimming, and he took no swimming as an escort to Namhae Bridge. He also named it 'no swim'. The reason why no swimming went to the bridge was really simple. She saw the power of the bridge and the power of the thousand horses.

Hyun Moo-Rim cannot handle the bridge.

If you can't build your own forces, you think it's the right answer to go to them.

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