
00215 Ear

I grabbed his neck and dragged him around like a bug. His arms and legs were broken, and his jaw and strikes were crushed. You can't kill yourself, run away, bite your tongue, or blow up a dictum. Azin gives him a glance, then looks back at the silver star.

“White Sausage.”

I called her back, but she didn't answer. “The white-saucer.” Again, still no answer. Ajin approaches her. It was a screaming step. “The White Mark.” Asin calls her name, not Sawyer, as she always has. Her silver-haired hair, which seemed dull due to the loss of color, shines like a jewel in the sun. The red blood splattered on your white clothes looks beautiful as if it's not from this world.

“The White Vote.”

Azin's feet stopped. He looks down at the white sign with a blunt face. I can't see her face. The side turned face is covered with faded silver hair. Azin lowers his body. “Ugh... Screaming...” You feel the groaning of a man with a broken jaw.

“Your ears are fine, right? Then listen. Shut up... Oh, my jaw is smashed. Okay, so, just don't make a sound. ”

Don't piss me off. Ajin adds with a smile. The masked man crashes his head to the ground, trembling with his dark flesh crawling from his horse. Half the Silent Dagger was slain without even being properly attacked by that young master. I was castrated in the silent palanquin, but I left a monster in front of me that I couldn't think of as the same person, and my unconscious fear woke me up and trembled.

“The White Vote.”

Azin lowered his knee in front of the White Mark. Her hands are outstretched. Azin clears the side of her head, covering her face. I see a pale cheek with a recess. Recently, I remembered the question of the white token asking me if I don't like dry women because I haven't eaten. At that time, in her blatant temptation, she felt no desire.

That's why I'm thinking now.

Fuck, fuck, fuck. I remembered the image of the White Vowel crying, muttering profanity. Her face continues as she draws a knife to slit her wrists. Then I shouldn't have stopped you. Should have let him die. I don't know why I stopped him from dying like this.

I didn't want to kill him. I felt that feeling for the first time since I was born. I felt a deep pity for someone. To cherish it, Raw Snow said. It was his idea. He felt something had changed in him, and he thought it was humanely right to blunt himself. He was born as a man, but not as a man. It was impossible to empathize with others and I had never felt sympathy.

I can barely feel it. I empathized with someone else's feelings, and I became compassionate.

“... is he dead? ”

The target who gave it to him is now smashed in front of him. I felt like I had a big hole in the middle of my chest. A cold wind was blowing through the hole, making the man called Ajin, who was so cold, even more frozen. Azin lowered his body even more. He looks at the blurred eyes of the White White Void.

“Is he dead?”

I ask again, no answer. I know. The White Voucher is dead. The black woman's heart pierces through her left chest, and the white mark dies soon after. Without a proper scream, without a will. It was a miserable, miserable death. Could he have defended it? If I tried to protect him, could I stop him? If you tried to stop him.

Azin laughs low. He stretches out his hand and closes the eyes of the White Mark. The temperature of the cold corpse that does not breathe feels disgusting and disgusting. I felt like throwing up. I felt the world shake. The humanity in your hands is crumbling like sand. Azin rises up. He looks at the corpse of the White Vowel and opens his mouth.

“I'm sorry. ”

You can't even hear me. Azin turns away. The wind continues to flow in from the hole in the pierced chest. Chug, chug, chug. Azin walks with his feet tucked. He crashes his head into the ground and reaches out to the masked man who doesn't make a sound. “I had no idea.” Azin shrunk in a low voice. Arrgg! Azin swings his foot into the masked man's side. “Cock!” He groans in agony and rolls the ground. Azin mutters as he unravels the island in front of his chest.

“If I'd known this, I'd have kept him alive. ”

The one who pierced the White Vowel's heart with a knife. I was out of my mind for a second. I was out of control. I should have kept him alive and tortured him. Ajin waves his hands, muttering like that. The razor-sharp scaffolding of Basrodel is in his hands.

“Even shorter. I broke his jaw, so I can't give him an answer to a question... I can't get him to write because I broke his arm. I've destroyed the armature, so it's impossible to transmit. Right? I turned a perfectly healthy man into a dog. ”

Azin mutters low and giggles.

“.. then what do we do? I'll just kill you. There's no way you can live with yourself now that you're an idiot. If I leave you here, you'll be food for the beasts. That would be a very special experience. If there's a place called the Underworld, you can brag about it. I can't even scream properly, and I'm waiting on the ground like a bug... What kind of animal is that? Bear or wolf? Maybe some abandoned mongrels. Either way, you're going to die in agony. ”

Azin slapped the mask's cheek with his scrub to the side.

“Compared to that, I can kill you in a very gentle way. So... think about it and answer. Oh, if you answer me right, I might let you live. I'll take you to a nearby village and throw you there. Since you answered the question well, I can get you a groupie and a snake to beg for your body in return. The disciple of the Straggler Gate has become an idiot and is twisting around in the middle of nowhere begging for a penny. That would be quite a spectacle.” Azin stares into his eyes and is troubled. The creature is noticeably shaken. My eyes flutter to the left and to the right, and the saliva in my blood flows out of my mouth. “Let me see your face.” Azin reaches out and takes off his mask. He had thin eyes. It was not a unique face, nor a face I wanted to remember.

“I'm gonna ask you a question. You close your right eye if I'm right, or close your left eye. Understood.”

He nods, and he grins and slaps his head down on the back of his hand. “Grrrgh!” He screams. Azin shakes his head and says,

“I told you. Blink, and like I said, don't make a sound. Don't piss me off. ”

I twisted the scrub on the back of my hand, and he was exhausted. He blinks his right eye. Azin looks at that and draws a scrub. Then he lifts the scaffold again and shoots it down on his index finger. “Shhh!” The joint of your finger cuts and rolls.

“.. if you're right, I told you to close your right eye. I didn't even ask you why you blinked your right eye. Oh, right. I didn't explain. Yeah, in this case, close your eyes. I'm sorry, I'm a little hard on myself. I don't want to be the substitute, but I'll let you see what you were screaming about. ”

Azin looks him in the eye, saying so.

“You are the gateway. Right?"

He blinks his right eye without hesitation. Azin looks at it and moves his scabbard again, cutting off his weakness. “Shhh!” Asin nods as he hears the screams.

“Come to think of it, I have no way of knowing if you're the Gateway or not. So... we're gonna have to push a little harder. ”

Ask Persian to get the information you want easily. But he didn't. Even though he knew you were comfortable and efficient, he chose to torture himself. He simply needed someone to blame. The user doesn't need an opponent to warm its cool chest.

“That's why I told you, it's bad luck.” Azin smiled and said.

After cutting off all of his fingers and toes, Ajin started interrogating properly. He listens to Azin and repeats his blinking eyes.

Is that a paternity test?

He blinks his right eye.

Is that blood you're after?

He blinks his right eye.

Did you attack me because you weren't there for me?

He blinks his right eye.

Was the Wizard never there?

He blinks his right eye.

Then it's a scroll. Was it the Grand Merchant Guild that gave you the scroll?

He blinks his right eye.

The Scarlet Water was defeated. Even knowing the existence of the Blood Witches, they attacked the crowd because they were so burdened by the presence of pain and black snow. If we don't leave survivors behind, we won't be able to keep up with the pleural effluent. If Raw Snow insists on imitating the sword gate and antagonizes him, the sword will cry out for justice and hope for the compassion of Moorish. Since there is no evidence, there is no reason for Master's vengeance. The Blood Sorceress has no power to join them. There are countless Safari masters and doorposts who are burdened by her existence.

Without pain, the blood gate becomes a tiger that loses its teeth. It was also natural for the blood to be adventurous. You didn't think it would fail. If it hadn't been realized, Azin would have died here. Those raiders were strong.

I would have risen from the dead.

“I see.”

Azin rises up. Azin looks down at the face of the man looking up at him one last time. He was asking me to save his life even after he looked like that. “The White Voucher is dead.” That's what Ajin said. Azin's feet are lifted.

“Then you should die, too. ”

Qasim. His head is smashed open without screaming. Azin turns away. You see some members of the Blood Dragon Clan looking this way, terrified. No matter how NPC they called it, it was natural for them to be frightened as they witnessed the brutal torture right in front of them. Azin made no excuses. Instead of the Blood Dragon, he shuts up and looks at the Persian and Raw Snow scents.

“You're late.”

Ajin said in a bold voice. “.. because you didn't feel at risk.” Raw snow scent replied. Azin smiles in relief. Although he was attacked, he did not feel threatened. It was obvious that the black snow and Persian flavors did not stand up. In fact, he didn't even ask them to help him. “Well done.” Azin shrugs, saying so.

“It's a good thing I was able to clean up the maneuver and try a new test. If Master and Persian had helped us, we wouldn't have been able to try. ”

“... Ajin. ”

Raw snow opened my mouth. It was the first time she called him by his name. She looks at the pain with a slight tremor. She looks at the corpse of the White Vowel that collapsed near Azin and died.

“Well, you know, ”


Azin raises his hand to block the words of Raw Snow. He shakes his head slowly. “You don't have to say anything.” That's what he said, and he kept walking.

“.. I have a little favor to ask. Looks like we're gonna have to move the body to the bloodstream. Can you help us? ”

Azin asks. Persian hesitates, nodding his head. Persian approaches the White Voucher. “.. are you okay?” I carefully asked about the smell of Raw Snow. Asin burst into laughter in vain.

“What would be okay? ”

Ajin shakes his head.

“There was no relationship in the first place. ”

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