
00214 Ear

It looks a little slow.

From the blade in her chest, spilling blood out of her mouth. The blade through his chest was red, so he slipped back inside. There's a lot of blood up.

Look, I don't know.

Slowly, the body of the White Mark collapsed. Ajin stands tall and watches the white sign fall to the ground. As the White Mark's body flinches, red blood bubbles out of her mouth. The white clothes on the white sign were stained red. Only then did Ajin take a step. Everything around him was blurred, but the appearance of the white sign was so clear.

It's annoying.


Azin opens his mouth. The masked man who pierced the White Mark's chest looked back at Azin. “I'm not talking to you.” Azin's voice sank low. The passive of the Thousand Mazim has changed to active. The Red Devil rises behind Azin's back. The Thousand Magi's Active Skill, Thousand Rainforests, was expressed.


Azin opens his mouth again. We don't call the masked man who killed the White Paper. Then, who is he calling? Azin looks at the white sign lying on the ground. “White Saucer.” Azin calls to her. The white paper did not answer. It was just a quiet flow of blood.

This is why you shouldn't do anything that doesn't suit you. Azin takes a slow breath. It was the first time I've ever been born that I didn't kill the man I was supposed to kill, or pity someone.

For the first time, he mutters in a low voice. But you ruined my first time. I should have killed you. Azin mutters in a quiet voice. Not as furious as I thought. How dare you kill the White Vote? There was no dramatic or heartwarming anger. Rather, his head sank cold. Very cold.

“I guess I should live to the fountain. ”

What the hell are you talking about? The masked man raises his hand, thinking like that. The masks who were dealing with the Blood Dragon crew quickly returned behind the sickness. Azin bursts into laughter, looking at the masks surrounding him. “Wrong choice.” He mutters like that and slowly backs away.

“Why didn't you run away? ”

As if regretting it, Ajin kicked his tongue. And Azin walked forward. Kuang! The Thousand Mountain Rainforest is powered by this forest. None of the masks here were as strong as Devello, a huge pressure to press through the earth. Devello was unable to withstand the rainforests and the rainforests.

Everyone does. Just one step forward, the masked man takes a deep breath and breaks his knee. Ajin continued walking. The pressure is increased each time you walk. The knee that was trying to reach out was thumping and twitching. I would have laughed if I was normal. I didn't even smile this time. Azin looked ahead with his narrow eyes. I saw the fallen White Voucher. It's not moving. Is it dead?

Very confidently, without any anger or discomfort. Azin accepted that the White Voucher was dead. There's no reason to bother. Rather rejoice. No, you have to be angry. Azin raises his fury. Because...

Those bastards did it all they wanted. Azin's hand moves. The devil's hand moves. The apocalypse ceiling has expanded. Kuaang! The ground is turned upside down with a loud sound. Just a blow, seven masks roll back to it. Their intestines are crushed in the workplace, and they're shivering with blood. Ajin slowly moves forward.

“It's a scavenger hunt.”

The answers to the questions you ask won't come back. Actually, I didn't ask. Ajin smiled, revealing his teeth. “Well, yeah.” He mumbles like that and walks forward again. Kwung! Every step of the way, those who stood still opened their mouths and vomited black blood. I can't believe I got internal injuries just by walking. The unbelievable eyes turned to him.

It wasn't that relaxing. The Rainforest doubles the power of the Blue Mask, but it consumes the air that quickly. Already, the internal air in Azin has fallen by less than half. It has decreased rapidly enough to be seen by 900,000 internal air eyes. Since it was expanding so dramatically to the Thousand Kingdoms, the consumption of the air was fast. It was his choice to complement it. Ajin took the Thousand Armed Forces and put on a method of conception. The suction coil method was no different from the energy drain in its use. The user collects suction in both hands and makes contact with the target to suck out its internal air. If the energy drain is simultaneously unfolded, the energy drain runs through the air table suction method.

That's the theory, but what about the actual theory? The pressure pressed down disappeared. The Thousand Horsemen's Record was taken. Instead of asking why, those who were held captive came rushing to the pain. A sword flew in from everywhere. Azin stopped breathing once.

Paang! The blow has blown away. The masked man who was shot in the chest did not fly backwards. “Cough!” The suction gathered from the palm of the hand grabs the masked man and greedily sucks his inner air. He struggles with the palm of his hand.

“Here's the thing. ”

Azin nods and mutters. It's safer than I thought. The rising air was no more than the churning air of the rainforest, but the covers would not be impossible if the achievement of the suction method increased at once. Azin turns his head to the side.

“It's a scavenger hunt.”

Azin asked again. No one still answers. Well, it doesn't matter. A shriveled, wrinkled mask falls down his throat. Ajin said as he kicked it.

“It's a shame everyone's so quiet. ”

What the hell was that? The masks shared their eyes. The masks' faces became readable. They didn't know what Ajin wrote, but they felt that it was dangerous. They had to kill the bloodlines and the bloodlines here. It was an ambush that led the horde. If any of you were alive to tell us about this, the monstrous Master of the Blood Shining Dragon would try to bring down the Great Sword Gate.

The power of the Bloodline Dragon is dangerous. Even if we do not achieve them at that young age, we will bring the Blood-Shining Dragon side by side with the old master within a decade. In addition, the mysterious witch who raised the BL did not lack the level of the BL. There is a Blood-Shining Dragon in the bloodstream that was falling due to the aging of the Hallucinogenic spirit. If he's engaged to the blood's white token and later becomes the blood's sigil... the blood's power grows too great. The Passage Gate will grow too big to keep up with, and it may surpass the Killer Gate.

It should not be. I saw an opportunity from the start. There are no blood witches among the members of the family. Is he out of the game first? I saw it as an opportunity. The Grand Merchant Guild prepared Gracia's finest magic scrolls, and he left half of the silent swordsmen at the Passage Gate behind. Even if they are strong, the magic scrolls and ambushes should be enough to catch them.

By the way.

“Let me ask you again. Who will answer my question quietly? ”

Ajin smiles and asks. There was no answer to the question. The masks rush in without shouting. The Silent Swordsman is a garbage disposal unit for the Stragglers. They learn how to endure pain, how not to scream, and how to cruelly kill and torture their opponents. Azin speaks as he looks at the swift runners.

“Here's the deal, then. ”

Azin lowers his body.

“I'll have to pick the one screaming first. ”

What? Azin's body hits the ground. Baaak! His fist clenches the jaw of the nearest one. His jaw cracks open and he rolls the ground. The attack continues. The devil's body shakes and moves. Azin raises his arms. Heave-ho! The old bag appeared. Cawing! The swinging sword slams into the old armor, and it smashes and flies up. The eyes beyond the open mask are filled with awe. Queek! Red blood gushed out every time the old armor touched. The man with his arms cut off stumbles back and falls back.

“I've never used it in real life. ”

Azin mutters like that and looks down at the old pack. Finger joints were raised sharply, and iron wrapped around forearms and elbows was like a sharp blade. So was the leg. Azin grips his hand and smiles low, bleeding.

“Thank you for this. It gives me an opportunity to use it sooner than I thought. ”

The ceiling of the Thousand Marriage License. Due to its title and celestial stature, there is little decrease in the air. Every time Azin's hands and feet moved, the red devil appeared behind his back. The cliffs shake and the masks spurt blood, rolling the ground. The rest of the Dagger of the Apocalypse against the Blood Dragon Army rushes to Azin. Azin smiles madly and swings his arms wide. Krrrrrrr! A long, drawn force lures the space mercilessly. “Cough!” Someone screams. Azin looks back at you and smiles.

“You're out of luck. ”

You stagger back, chasing him and wiggle your hands lightly. Baaak! You smash the jaw first. It was because I was worried that I might have hidden a single dagger under my molar. Then I smashed his armor with my fist. I broke every bone in my arm and leg because it was not enough. A curving scream echoes out. “I thought you were mute, but you make good noises.” Azin glances around, looking at the man hanging around. There are fewer than five of the original Unsullied who attacked from the cliffs. The Blood Dragon crew was similar in number.

‘There was magic, there was panic, but they were strong. ’

Although the silent paladin was not well revealed, it was a force within five fingers of the fence. And half of them were nearly wiped out by azine. The true power of the Celestial Shrine was so great. Azin reaped the Rainforest. The red devil that was hovering behind his back fades away.

“I'd rather run, though. It looks like the objective I set in the first place has failed. ”

Ajin asked with a bloody smile. Survivors who trembled at the question rushed in unison. I want to go back, but I can't go back. If the raid fails, all they have to do is wait for death. I used all the magic scrolls I had prepared, but they didn't hurt him properly.

Again, they come together. Azin smiles in relief. I advised him to run, but he didn't want to let me run. A sword slashed at your waist. His face is crushed by the back of his hand, which he holds in his silent armor. So take a step forward. You twist your torso away from the sword, plunging it down your shoulder, and pierce his chest with the blade of an elbow. He pulls back in a panic and swings his arm wide. Papa Paak! The shooter turned his body into a beehive.

“Now, wait a minute."

The last one panics and says, "Moore." “I've already left him with an answer.” That's what Ajin said, smiling. “And you're lucky.” Qasim! His head is smashed in.

“Better to be dead. ”

Azin turns around. He looks at the creature biting like a bug on the ground, and then he looks back at the white pennant. The White Paper was lying there helplessly. “White Saucer.” Azin calls out her name.

The white paper did not answer.

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Among the previous ripples,

If a player learned from Hiddenpiece about the immortality of Hiddenpiece when he defeated it, instead of the immortality of Hiddenpiece, the gods remain unchanged and Gladiolus remains a god.

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