
00154 Outgoing

“I enjoyed it.”

Persian expression was satisfactory. He had a headband with a pouting lion ear on his head and a cruel balloon with his head cut off in his hand, a mascot in an amusement park. Azin, who was about to faint, was still loyal to my role. He pulls the handkerchief out of his pocket with a pale, dull complexion, and slaps the fluffy cotton candy on the side of her lips.

“Humanitarian entertainment, but it was fun. I mean it.”

The sun was setting. I entered the amusement park just before lunch and was bored with rides thanks to the charms of magic or the abilities of vampires. Desperately suppressing the rising vomiting and stumbling for hours following Persian trails. I've ridden all the rides in the amusement park, and I've ridden several more terrible things like the Blue Dragon Train and Vikings. But there is light in hell, and the terrible hour is finally right. Azin bows his head to Persic, feeling a sense of salvation.

“.. if you're satisfied. ”

It's a relief. He lets out a long sigh without holding back. Persian glances at Azin, smiling and puckering. So, where do we go next? Azin checks his watch. It's a little after 6: 00. It will be dinner soon.

“.. what would you do for dinner? ”

“Dinner's ready. ”

Persian wags his head. Well, I almost ate all the food I could see around the amusement park. Starting with cotton candy, churros, Tteokbokki, oden, soft cones and slushies. One by one, the endless food entered Persian camouflage. Even though he ate a little bit, he was so upside down that he couldn't tell if he was eating food or garbage.

“.. then, where to next? ”

“It's night now? ”

Persian said with a big smile. To be precise, it's not night yet. Sunset and sunset are red. But that sun will soon fall completely, and it will be a dark night. Azin nods.


“What can men and women do at night? ”

Persian grins and hangs on to Azin's arm. A soft chest touched his arm. Clothes only embody the texture by shadows, and are actually naked. I suddenly remembered what Persian had to say. Azin turns his head to the side.

“I don't know. What do we have? ”

“Mischievous person. Are you asking because you don't know? ”

Persian eyes narrow. She taps her elbow against Azin's side and laughs. Azin swallows a gulp. Persian looks at nervous Azin's face and shrugs.

“Well, let's stop. ”

Persian hands rest on Azin's arm. She takes a sneaky step back and touches her headband.

“I had enough fun, so I'm fine with it. I don't want to burden him any more. ”

“I never thought it was too much...”

“Then, will you spend the night with me? ”

Persian smiles and asks. Ajin was unable to answer and kept his lips shut. Seeing the silent azin, Persian giggles.

“Is that also impossible? ”

“.. I'm sorry. ”

Looking at the muttering azine avoiding his gaze, Persian nods as if he knew it would be. She squints and looks at the balloon she was holding.

“That's why I'm fine. I don't need to do more because he can't give me what I want. It was fun enough not to. ”

I have no complaints. Her smiling face is like that. You're a strange woman. Azin stares at Persian's face. Just for today. You bit my neck in the morning while I was sleeping. It was your doing, without my consent. If only you had been willing, you could have killed me, turned me into a vampire.

And here, in the amusement park. You could have bitten my neck any time you wanted. But I didn't. Even if I say what I want, and I say no, You don't do anything even if you have the power to force it.

What if Azin was Persian? If he were Persian, he wouldn't hesitate to act. If the opponent had the chance to agree or not, he would have turned them into vampires by biting their throats and forced them to refuse. Because it's easy and fast.

I mean, I don't get it.

“Well, what are you going to do? ”

The mood is complex. Azin looks at Persic and asks, "Do you think about it for a moment while touching his jaw?"

“I'm thirsty. I just need a drink. I'll just drink it and go back. ”

“.. back to where?" ”

“Of course, in your shadow. To my castle.”

That's the end. Persian doesn't want anything more. Today, going out with her is the end of this. Azin nods and turns.

“What kind of drink? ”

“I hear Coke is delicious. ”

“Coke, then. ”

There was a vending machine nearby. Percik looks behind Ajin as he approaches the vending machine and touches the string of balloons in his hand. Thin, thin straps like that. You see Azin's back in front of the vending machine. Take the coins out of your pocket, put them in each one.

I'm thirsty. Persian raises his hand and touches his lips. A little, it was dry. It's not enough to drink in the morning. Persian sighs and licks his lips, his tongue out. It's not enough. I can't stand it. It's not too late. Run in there right now, put your lips around his neck. I want to put my fangs in and drink blood.

No, it's not enough to drink. My heart palpitated a little. I wanted it, and I got greedy. There's no problem. I can hide my eyes, and there's no one here to stop me. He can't stop me, either. It's over if I want to. My head is numb, and the urge to aspirate blood that I've always had, like a chronic headache, fills her up. What the hell are you waiting for? You can if you want to. Why are you hesitating?

Shut up. Persian thinks. If you say you want to do it, you're an animal. If you want to copulate with animals that are devoted to instinct and can't think of anything, if you want to eat and copulate, it's cheap. I'm not that kind of animal. So, shut up. Percy grabs the rope tightly as he shoots at the impulsive desire.


In his hands, he stooped down and held two cans of soda. Yeah, I'm thirsty now. I know you can't fill this thirst with that drink. That drink is sweet and cool, but that's not the sweetness I want, and I need to be hot and sticky to cool my body. We need something very red, like that. Seeing Azin on his way back, Persian giggles.

'So, wait.'

You're used to waiting, aren't you? I'm used to patience. So hang in there. Don't mess around. Let's settle for today. After tonight, there's tomorrow night. Persian releases the balloon he was holding. Percik smiles lightly as he watches the balloon soar into the sky.

You don't want to be hated, do you? '


It felt like a long way back home. Ajin tilts his head halfway to the glass of the waving taxi and gazes at the frown. I can't get through today. Even the shaking of the taxi came to a fierce intoxication, whether it was because he had been riding a moving riddle for a long time. Azin squeezes his stubborn lips and suppresses vomiting.

As soon as the taxi stopped for a while, Ajin paid a price and got out of the taxi. I stood down, my feet twitching for a moment, but I barely fell down and stood up balanced. The light in the bright shop illuminates the darkness, and the ground is shaking with a dark shade. Right now, she's probably enjoying the rest of her life in there. Ajin takes a sigh and walks into the alley and bites a cigarette.

'Still, I'm glad this is over.'

There are no Persian attacks that seem to concern you. She enjoyed going out gracefully, and that's it. I'm glad it's over. Ajin thought, unbuttoning his shirt. Now there is no debt between Persian and us. Tomorrow, you can go back to First and work as a Blood Dragon, the great master of the Blood Dragon Clan.

'.. I should refrain from asking Persian.'

It's great to pay for a vampire as strong as she wants, but as long as her intentions are questionable, she should refrain from asking. You can give blood in the game as much as you want, but if you are aspirated from reality right now, you feel anemia. We need to minimize contact with reality as much as possible. Of course, Persian can emerge from reality any time he wants. But at the very least, it would be better to refrain from giving him excuses.

'Someone might recognize you from today's outing.'

That's what you think is dangerous. She wore sunglasses under her own disguise, but she was the same face as Persian with a striking appearance. Players who know the azin working on the fence should be able to see enough contact with reality. Of course, players working on the wall are not only in this country, but it is good to be vigilant. First, let's go home and do a quick search. What the hell am I supposed to search for? A couple of foreigners from Amusement Park? Asin dropped his cigarette thinking in a bad way.

'.. Jung Yoobin.'

If there really is a risk, it's her. A woman who knows Ajin, knows Persian. What if she puts on a first? If I could just go around the web right now and watch a Beta version of playback, I would be able to match the azine in First with the azine in reality. As long as you show your face next to Persian, there is no excuse for a similar face. It bothers me. He covers his face with his hands. Distribution of virtual reality devices is done in almost every household, and First is the pinnacle of the gaming market for virtual reality devices; it is unlikely that 24-year-old women will do it first.

'.. thankfully, she's doing me a favor.'

It's been explicit since the beginning of school, and it's been six years, but it still seems to be functioning. I wanted to ignore it as much as possible, but I couldn't just ignore it if I thought of the worst. Azin scratches his head.

I hate to break it to you, but I've got a few more stops to make before I go home. Azin sticks his hand in his pocket and drags his foot. The streets are close. I don't intend to lengthen the story. It won't be awkward. It's been a long time since I met my classmate, a friend from school. Exchanging contacts is a natural flow.

'Maybe we can trade cosmic accounts.'

Virtual Reality Community, Cosmic. Few older people in their 10s and 20s don't cosmic. First of all, we can exchange accounts with Euvin and Cosmic, and have him confine himself to proper relationships. As long as she has a crush on you, she won't say no if she asks.

'This is why I didn't want to come out.'

If I had stayed home, I wouldn't have to worry about this. Meeting alumni, thinking about other people's eyes.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =


It looks like the slaughterhouse is softer than the @ butcher. Well, it doesn't make any sense, but in a normal expressive sense...

Yep, I fixed it.

It's a secret!

Have @ Zakari ever been drawn to an amusement park by women like Ajin?

I've never been forced to go, but it's true that you can't ride a ride-along.

Ultimate Miku

Do you think @ Persiq will be able to cross the Raw Sugar star? I got a little positive.

They think the direction of glamour is different. I think it's an advantage for Persian to surpass the rawness of the Black Snow.

White bear milk @ Sunae)!? Harems don't suck?

Harem...; I don't think Ajin is in a position to be a Harem.

I'm also watching the new author, Lucianmu @ ^ ^. Is Hero O'Bliss year-round? T_t

I want to write Hero O'Bliss, but I have so much writing right now...

Will Tutlize @ Paradise's pooper and IS close like this? I'm gonna die of old age waiting for a piece of Raisen shit.

Someday... someday...

I want to lick a sip of Pokari @ Raw Sugar...

I want to lick it too...

Super Technique

It's a request, not a question... draw me a bridge. You have to promise me sometime. I want to see you cry. I want you to help me with some kind of device or gold.

Uh, well, if there's a lot of people who want to, uh, develop a story and get into a cover story, I'll give it a shot.

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