
00153 Outgoing


Cool autumn weather, not hot.

The worst conditions met. The amusement park was filled with people who barely voted. You got me wrong. He thought, swallowing a sigh. I wanted to smoke a cigarette, but I couldn't because the whole park was smoke-free. In reality, he is surprisingly law-abiding, and should not be told not to do so by law. Of course, it is not that sincere, and you can do whatever you have to do without being caught by the law, but smoking is not part of the ‘must do'. Ajin tears the wrapping paper from the xylitol gum and pushes it into his mouth.

“That's a lot.”

Persian said, looking at the people around him. He nodded. A lot. I should have thought it was the weekend and the weather, but this is a miscalculation.

“.. then, first, towards the Blue Dragon Train. ”

Persian says he wants to ride it, so there's no denying it. There's too many people. I thought about it again. It's crowded. That is to say, there are many eyes. I should have worn a hat. Azin kicks his tongue and scowls at Persian. I made them wear sunglasses, but it was more noticeable. Azin frowns like a child and lowers Persian on his arm.

“.. were you not angry? ”

“I'm angry.”

A hissing voice. No anger can be found in a mixture of laughter. Persian raises his head and looks up at Azin.

“Well, you're going to have to try a lot. ”

When he glances at his tongue like a joke, he turns his head again. So he is a man after all, so it is natural for such a beauty to be slightly shaken when she shows such an aesthetic look on her arms. Maybe we should put some distance between us. It's going to provoke her. The head was complicated, the throat wound, morning dizziness. How many times have I asked you to become a vampire? Roads that once ruled the Thorn Forest Vampires, excellent wizards, and vampires that bite people's throats. That was the Persian Duna that Azin knew. The Persian image that Ajin knew, and the Persian image that is now hanging on his arm. The two are not united, making discord, and it confuses the pain.

Really, a simple date?

No offense, just a date?

Why the hell not?

That was the reason for Azin's confusion. The target is favored for a variety of purposes. That was natural for him. Reminds me of the favor Acacia gave me. As a transcendent, she gave her surrogate, Ajin, a lot of comfort. When I first joined the First, she gave Azin considerable power by holding her body. At the meeting afterwards, Acacia continued to do him favors and connect with him. Of course it was. According to Ajin's actions, Acacia will be victorious.

The same is true of Raw Snow scent. Azin became a disciple of the Black Snow through the relationship of the church. In fact, since it was fate, the smell of raw snow saw the possibility of a surrogate to Ajin. Since then, the favors of Raw Snow have become more evident. Give azin free rein, body and mind. Something beyond the relationship between master and disciple arose between the smell of raw snow and aching. The two became united. Raw Snow wanted to win, and Azin also wanted to win. It is natural for us to be together because our objectives are mutually aligned.

But what's going on between her and Ajin? There is a bridge called Raw Snow, but that's all. If Azin wins, the smell of Raw Snow can be lifted from the curse of eternal life and prove that his work is the best. If Ajin wins, Acacia will be a god to the transcendents. Persian? Nothing. There is nothing for Persian because Azin is victorious.

That's why I'm confused. I don't know why Persian would do himself any favors, having built up friendship with him and got nothing. To put it this way, what Persian wants is for Azin to become a vampire. Are they trying to establish friendship to seduce us first? That sounds promising.


Following a confused thought, Persian calls out to Azin. Azin wakes up from his thoughts and looks at Persic. She tilts her head and looks at Azin.

“What makes you think that? ”

“No, it's nothing. ”

I shake my head. I can't ask, and I feel more frustrated. Persian was a different kind of being from what Azin knew. At least, on the line now. Just like Rivera. Ajin kicks his tongue small. No, it's not like Rivera. Libera was lustful. A woman who was loyal to what she wanted to do. What Ajin cannot understand is that her desire is cruel compared to the ‘wish' given to the winner of this game. And I was so devoted to that desire that I looked at winning the game. So Persian behavior is also due to her desire. Her desire to make friends with me? I mean, with that act,

What the hell is Persian getting at?

“... that we have to wait about three hours. ”

The end of a long line. When I checked the horse, the waiting time was about 3 hours. It's crowded, and if it's a Blue Dragon Train, it's like an amusement park flower. This amount of waiting time is natural. But Persian wags his head as if he didn't understand.


“There are a lot of people. ”

In response, Persian squints. She said, looking at the back of the crowded people standing in front of her.

“So many of these people, are they waiting for me to ride on what looks like fear? ”

“Of course.”


Persian asked again. She frowns and crosses her arms.

“They're people. ”


“I don't understand it any more. It's called the Blue Dragon Train. If you fall from that high, swift, spinning ride, the weak human body won't make it. Isn't that right?”

“There are safety measures in place. ”

“Even so. That doesn't exactly suppress fear, does it? ”

“I'll ride to enjoy the terror. ”

Persian faces were unacceptable. She grunts, puffing her cheeks.

“I'm a vampire, so it's okay to fall from that height. So you can ride. But I don't understand how humans can ride that thing. ”

So, what the hell are we gonna do? Ajin chews one more xylitol without answering. Again, I just wanted to go home. Persian grabs Azin's hand.

“Now, wait a minute. Persian?”

“I'm going ahead. ”

Persian leaves the rope, dragging Azin forward. Azin tries to brace his legs, but Persian tension does not mean he will survive. As I stagger and dance to become a bride, I hear a jolting smile around me. Damn it. Azin grits his teeth and shoots them.

“Moving forward doesn't mean you can ride. ”

“Hold still, hold still. ”

Gear Persian drags Azin to the front of the line. With many eyes on this side, Azin bows his head. I wouldn't count on it. Having that thought, she looks at Persian, not sure what she's thinking, but she's full of herself. Persian approaches the steward in a loud, noisy pace. A new customer was just boarding the Cheongryong train, and the usher seemed busy. Persian grabs the guide's shoulder.

“Can I get in? ”

I lowered my sunglasses slightly. Her red eyes flash a little darker. Only then did Ajin realize what Persian was up to. Delusional. The stewardess' eyes are dazed and she nods her head.

“Yes, you can go in. ”

“Wait, yes? No, there's no line.”

The man who was about to enter protested with a glance, but the shout stopped as soon as Persian gaze reached him. My eyes are wide open, and I drool from my open mouth. Persian glances at Azin with a cheerful smile.

“You can ride. ”

Crunching, Fersik lightly slaps Azin in the chest with his elbow. Ajin shakes his head because he has nothing to say. Working on this useless thing.Being a vampire wouldn't be so bad if it were so convenient. With that in mind, Azin and Persik soon boarded the Blue Dragon Train.

Hustle, and the safety bar came down. Percy, sitting next to Ajin, looks around in a strange manner and touches the safety bar that holds his chest.

“This is the only way to ensure the comfort of your body, and to enjoy such dangerous things with peace of mind. ”

Persian grunts and grunts. She squeezes Azin's hand.

“Don't worry about him. If this thing falls out of the air, or this safeguard becomes worthless, I'll save him. ”

“Thank you."

That's a relief. Azin grunts and takes a deep breath. He rides with beggars, but he is not a fan of rides. Even when I came to make excuses for mathematical trips. I liked seeing it better than riding. I didn't want to get in line.

I just didn't like the ride. That was empathy with what Persian said. This is a fast-paced, rotating toy from above. I can't believe I'm riding in a bar with this much danger if I fall. No way. With a rattling sound, the blue dragon train begins to move. I started to get cold sweat. Azin bites his teeth tightly and closes his eyes.

I was not afraid of heights, but enjoying them and rides is a completely different level of story.

I didn't want to scream, so I empowered my lips. You begin to accelerate, and hear Persian voices in the midst of a loud wind. Joyful chattering, I wouldn't be riding this thing for the rest of my life if it wasn't for this woman. Azin grips Persian's hand without even knowing it. Yes, you can trust her. Even if this train stops with half a turn and its safety bar falls loose. Because Persian is next to him...

“Ugh...! ”

Salim, the unpleasant sensation of the wind hitting your face and your whole body pulling back. Azin barely swallows a bursting scream.


Persian smiles widely. Azin sets his hand on his clumsy head and barely follows Persian on a stumbling and falling step. Persian walks, his arms shaking pleasantly, and he turns and giggles.

“It's slower than I run, but it's pretty fun to climb on a mount. Do you want another ride? ”

“.. There are many others. ”

Asin shakes his head desperately at the gentle question. In response, Persian nods his head, touching his chin.

“Well, yes. How about that next one? Hey, a boat that rises up and down. ”

Vikings. No, I can't. Now, even riding a slow-moving carousel will induce vomiting. But Persian didn't wait for Ajin's answer. She grabs Azin's hand and runs straight for Viking.

“Now, wait a minute. Persian, take a little break and...”

“Why? One day is very short, Ajin. You can't not enjoy it when you can. ”

Opinion is silent. I feel like a pig being dragged to the slaughterhouse. Azin resigned, pressing his fluttering insides.

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

This episode, in addition to mood swings, I tried to show you how Azin, who was a selfish, self-serving psychopath, changed as he went through the event.



@ really curious writer, since when do you expect there to be so many Raw Sugar Cultists?

To be honest, I had no idea that black snow would become so popular. Raw snow scent was a middle-aged man when I first wrote this novel...


@ Why are you suddenly Persian and Moon? The Moon is not a frown specialist! Do you happen to have Raw Sugar in the amusement park? The grunts behind the solo? If it's Raw Sugar, it'll come out right away.

If the story now has a Raw Snow scent next to Azin, the story doesn't go through the effort of Azin. Basically, he's not going to help if Azin doesn't ask for it, and he wants to make sure he gets paid for it. But because he thinks that if there's a murky grapefruit on the moors, it's going to be a twist, so for a while he's going to eliminate the frankincense, and he's going to weigh heavily on the red dot-stained Persians.

bl off

How many chrysanthemums did @ Butterfly flower complete? When will it be done again? Yukari, you're such a hypocrite.

Butterfly Flowers... Butterfly Flowers are in the middle of the middle of the year, but I don't know when they'll be finished...


How was pain in high school? A bully?

He was a student who played on the axis. because there's nothing uncomfortable about it. Of course, that doesn't mean that Ajin was leading the way, but that he got to know the kids and hang out with them.


Are you going on a whirlwind ride...?

So far, so progressively. It's because of the love of black snow that Azin, the cold-blooded one, became a bit of a humanitarian.

From Patriarch @ 's personal perspective, which of Persian and Raw Sugar is more beautiful, mature, beautiful and cute?

Raw Snow is a character with a collection of my fetishes, so I like the look of Raw Snow better. Personality is more attractive to Persians. If you look beautiful and mature, it smells like black snow, and if you look pretty and cute, it's Persian.

Super Technique

@ Personally, I'm curious, but didn't you know the writer was this popular?

Yeah, I had no idea.

@ back on the ripple, we'll rip you off next time

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