
00135 Jang Mt.

“.. let me ask you something first. ”

The squatting whitepaper stares at him as he grows older with the arm held by Azin. Then she notices the bandits making noise.

“What are you looking at! Get away from me!"

At that sharp shout, the bandits swiftly turn away, crouching their shoulders. As he watched the bandits flee, Azin was able to see a little glimpse of how frightening the White Mark was to this bandit group. The white mark, which was panting, grumbled as he rubbed his torn lips with his hands.

“Oh, really... sell your...”

She sighs loudly. Then I remembered that I had stopped trying to ask questions, and I quickly lifted my head and saw pain.

“Hey, I want to ask you something. ”

He rubbed his thumb against the blood coming from his lips and said, as Azin kept his mouth shut, his glance tightened. Attitude and speech are impertinent. I spared your life for trying to kill you, and now you're out. Why don't we do a little training? No, I quit.


Ajin stares at the white sign with his dimmed eyes. On that cold gaze, the white and white white eyebrows were slightly puffed up.

“What the hell have you been working on? ”

However, the attitude was still the same. Azin stared at the white pennant. Asin stared at herself without answering the white paper, and her lips puckered. Silence followed for a long time. The moment Persian sitting next to him twisted his side head, bored to yawn, and the unbearable white sign tried to open his mouth.

“Why should I answer? ”

In most cases, unmanned people do not talk about which work they are doing. Especially for a cynic who does not belong to a doorway. They have a lifeline that will save their lives in a crisis, and they are under psychological pressure just knowing its existence. The opposing Pokémon doesn't know what they're doing, so there's no reason to talk to them on their own.

“Well, I can't help it if you don't want to. But you, you're so weird. ”

Maybe he was a little intimidated by Ajin's cold answer. The white sign grumbled, lowering its stiff shoulders slightly. Azin glares at the muttering of the white sign.

“Strange, what is it? ”

“It's not balanced. ”

I immediately replied as if I didn't have anything to think about. She touches her beaten face and recalls the process of her becoming like this.

From the time she was able to walk on two feet, the White Milky Way had learned to be free from her heart. From the internal cardiac arts to the basic gymnastics, you have learned to attack your opponent with universal techniques, power and longevity. The talents of the white paper were in the market, so she could follow the teachings of the anniversary without fail and become a master who could hardly find an opponent among those of her peers and seniors.

But she was defeated by Ajin. First of all, Baktu. When struck barefoot without the use of special balloons. Ajin's provocation was quite good, but it was nothing compared to the silver star that had been formally anointed with one of Safa's three great masters. Although it was surprising that they fit together quite well, there was plenty of room for the white paper.

“Your physique is quite good... but not much better in the deep interior. ”

It was what the white paper couldn't comprehend. Unsullied are honest; they spit out the result of their efforts. Of course, talent is a different result, even if you make the same effort. But in the case of azine, it was too asymmetrical. I have that much physical skill, but I have such deep internal air, and I can't believe I'm free to pull out self-defense and strength.

Of course, the White Eun Tables also had deep internal air compared to their age. However, it was possible because she had received various elixirs from her childhood, along with excellent internal cardiac arts from the spiritual soul. And even with such support, White Paper was pushed out of the battle with Azin, and it was possible to blow the internal air into the whip, but not as far as the level of strength. It is not because there is a lot of internal strength. Break walls, cross walls, gain enlightenment. It is possible to completely renew the values ​ ​ that you have embraced and revolutionize your mind.

“I can't understand it myself. ”

The White Paper mutters in a low voice. I play physically and internally. It can be understood to some extent. Many of the youngsters are quite young after gaining a performance and taking a great elixir. No, not like them. The White Paper stared at Azin. He handled that ignorant internal affair pretty well. It draws strength, it surrounds itself with self-defense... and finally, what was that? His expression flickered. When I got punched in the face. The attack, which pierced the gap in the attack, was so natural and clean that it made it impossible to avoid the white paper.

“You don't have to understand. ”

Azin understood what the White Voucher was talking about. He's imperfect. Azin knows that, too, and he keeps pointing at the smell of raw snow. There was a huge gap between what he reached and what his avatar could use.

Salsa changed the body itself and completely changed the limits of what Azin could do. But it was already something else out of thin air, so it couldn't be used perfectly as a pain. Simply an expanded sensation, a moving body at the moment of thought. Yes, a change in the body that Salsa makes is the only thing. However, depending on how it is written, the power is shifted by a thousand steps.

The black snow perfume made the aphrodisiac and completely overwhelmed the aphrodisiac. Twenty years ago, the aphrodisiac did not overcome the aphrodisiac, but the heart was first taken from his sword. But it was reversed by completing the martyrdom. Azin also saw enough of its power. Had it not been for Salvation, he would have been brutally defeated by Devello and may not have been able to deal with a broken stone.

‘It's tricky.’

How it is used and its power depends on the experience. Depending on their physical abilities, they increase their power several times and make their limits disappear.

Azin was an ordinary human being. Repeating the virtual reality game gave me some sense of battle, but did it really make me sick? Senses are just senses. First battles are difficult. Using just powerful skills, the battle became professional and authentic, unlike the previous single game. Azin, who had only a sense and had never learned that he was a shaman, had mastered the ruins he would have mastered for decades. It was only slightly pushed by the Black Wine and White White Leopard, even more so. I increased the physical value of a human named Ajin many times.

But not enough.

What is lacking is experience. I'm saving enough on him. It is a skillless task to develop skills, but lacks the experience to use them properly. And that's not a problem that's going to be solved right now. I came here to find a Bandit Hand that I can ignore to gain experience. In the short run, you have to deal with the herd in order to do so.

“Enough nonsense and let's move on to the deal. ”

Ajin shifts his gaze to the white pennant and turns to talk. ‘Trade.' The white mark's lips twitch. Azin spoke, not caring what she accepted.

“I can kill you. Same as before, same as now. ”

The white pennant sharpened its teeth. I hate to admit it, but it's true. The White Paper knew the imperfection of Azin, but it did not possess the ability to turn it upside down. Black liquor did not fully heal internal injuries. White Paper was only punched in the face, but he was relatively better, but he was not confident in beating Asin.

“But I didn't kill you. Because you're the granddaughter of a happy girl who runs the bloodline. Oh, not just for that, of course. Whether you're the granddaughter or not... I honestly don't care. Did he call you" Black Juice "after he killed you here? Kill your men. If you kill all the bandits here... I don't know. No matter how good a man is at flying and flying, can I make certain that I killed you? ”

Azin smiles. Hearing that, the white sign kicked his tongue small. She is wise. If there is no one left to speak to, no one will know what happened here. But the white paper did not want to acknowledge it.

“Do you think you can do it alone? If I'm going to catch one of these bad boys... I think I can get one of these guys out of here. ”

You're bluffing. Azin grins as he looks at the face of the White White Vowel, tightly gathered to come.

“I'm not alone. Too late for introductions.”

Azin glances at Persic. Maybe she was a little bored. Persian squirms, yawning and swooping his sleepy eyes. Azin blinks and tilts his head as he looks at him.

“My colleague. Do you know about the Wizard? ”

“... Wizard? ”

The white paper asked again with a dull voice. Wizards are not uncommon in the Jinsun. But a truly great wizard is not easily seen. The only thing you can see is a low-level wizard who can shoot sparks at the very least to accompany the plaque. The face of the White White White Leopard fainted.

“What's that? ”

“I shouldn't ask you that. He's an excellent wizard. ”

[You didn't even give blood. Please cooperate.]

The words pucker Persian lips. At that moment, her body plunges into the shadows. The White Mark screams in surprise, and a Persian who appears behind her reaches out and stabs the White Mark in the cheek.

“Well, that's just it. That's funny, by the way.Before I fell to the ground and said that... Why are you so ashamed of me for begging for my life? ”

As Ajin was dying, the face of the White Mark was flattered. She lets out a sigh and shouts, standing up.

“Oh, yes! All right, all right! I'm gonna take you to the blood gate and make it up to you for not harming my life, okay? ”

“Good. I'm on my way. ”

Azin stood up and said, following the white pennant. At that, the white sign blinked at the pain with a slightly dull face. Her lips open, stammering.

“W, now? ”

“Yes, now. ”

I don't wait for an answer. Azin turns around, and the white sign groans as he looks at the pain coming out of the hut naturally. Chewing her lips, she said, looking at the black liquor still sitting there.

“Go, I'll go back and forth... keep the Black Juice safe here. Okay?"

“Oh, miss...? ”

“Oh, this sucks! ”

The White Paper chases after Ajin, screaming heavily. Ajin casually walks behind him and hears the sound of the white sign's footsteps. His lips gave a slight smile. I can't believe the Heavy Guard, the head of the Den, is the granddaughter of a happy girl. But when I think about it, it wasn't that strange. It is close to the wall and is the fastest way to reach the cliffs and rubella. But there was a bandit's hand pressed against the mountain. There is no way I will let the rampant bandits of my district, Sappa's prestige, stand idly by. However, the vendor said the Longnam Mountain Bandit defeated him a few months ago. I was curious about the silence of the Bandits, but I don't think they wouldn't understand if the leader of the Bandits was a granddaughter of the bridegroom.

‘Thanks to this, I made contact with the happy couple. ’

The largest harvest is that. The original plan was to go to the wall and slowly catch the eye of the happy. As far as the Wall is concerned, he gains his full attention and is recognized. If she is recognized and becomes a member of the blood family, then she is part of the group and receives the services she can serve. With time like that, he was going to grow up under an illusion. If you're confident enough to fulfil the old man's spirit, you might as well swallow the whole bloody door.

The reason for using such a cumbersome method was because Azin could not form his own group. Even if they can accept the blessing, there is nothing for Ajin to give them. Notoriety? Yeah, that's definitely high. But it is limited to the player. However, you can't build a reputation against NPCs. We don't want to get killed.

Then, what do we gather the disciples with? Ajin has nothing. Notoriety, notoriety. I have no money. I have no men to teach. Unless the opponent is a player, there is nothing Azin can give against NPCs. However, the player's strength is still too weak to take on the player.

So initially, we focus on NPCs. Weakening blood was a good prey. And it is now more greedy and ripe.

‘Baek Eun Bo, Ra. ’

How am I supposed to cook that scabbard?

= = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = = =

The sailors are falling, but they're working hard. And the reason for Salvation and Azin not collecting on the front reef is this one. If you have any other questions, please leave a reflow.

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