
00134 Jang Mt.

“Son of a...! ”

He sharpens his teeth and raises his knees. The knee flew into the abdomen, and the pain reached the shoulders. The man takes Azin's shoulder by hand and swings his sharp elbow like a sword into his jaw. Grab him by the hand. And place it in the chest of another man's fist. The man reaches out, frowning. Stop or catch. Neither. Just before his fist touched, the man twisted his wrist and pushed his outstretched fist aside. As soon as the balance breaks and Azin's body thumps, the man's fist flies to his chest. Kuang! I got hit this time. Azin frowns and backs away, his expression distorted.

“You're flying. It's pretty heavy... and a great achievement at that young age! ”

The man squeezes an outstretched fist and mutters bloody. Ajin sweeps his frown off his chest with his hands. Her internal air was resistant and not fatal, but frozen and palpitated. Azin kicks his tongue and looks around. The rest of the bandits stare at you with their cautious faces. I have to finish this quickly.The bandits that went out are going to be a pain in the ass when they come back. But it wasn't just urgent. In a pinch, there are ways to escape into the shadow of Persia, and there are ways to seek help from Persian. It was because I believed in Persia that I came here without knowledge.

“I don't know what he is, but for whatever reason, you're going to die today. ”

The man sharpens his teeth and lifts his inner air. His arms fill with blue light. It is not strong enough, but it means that it can aggregate energy like that tightly. Looks like you're really going to try. Azin picks up his breath and pulls up the internal air.

Just a moment ago, I punched one in the fist, but it wasn't very pushy. I don't know if it was his or not, but it was important that he wasn't pushed that hard against a master. Experiences and techniques are not yet catching up, but this level of experience and body alone can lead to more growth depending on the direction ahead.

The man approaches with a loud voice. Azin takes a step back and takes a low breath. I can't help it. I wanted to deal with him a little more when I had time... But Azin raises his strength. Azin's arms bear a similar red energy as that of a man. The man's face twitched on it.

“You..? ”

I do not wait for the end of my words. Azin lunges at the man who's beating the ground. The man makes a dizzy vision and shakes his fist, shouting in surprise at the rushing azin. Arms full of internal air rushed in like a storm. Kuang! A loud bang raises the man's arm behind him. But Azin did not twitch at all.

“What the...”

There is no need to answer the surprised murmur. Azin reaches out to the man holding his fist tightly. The man distorts his face and closes himself with his other arm. It's no use, quack! The man's body is shot back like a cannonball. He throws up blood and rolls the ground, and Azin mutters in a surprised voice, gripping his outstretched fist.

“Did you make it?”

Until now, when Ajin decided to use his strength, everything he touched was destroyed. But the man survived. It's not up to the strength, but it's quite substantial, so maybe it's offset to some extent. Azin reaches out to the man with a bloody smile.

“Are you the Blood Vee or the White Paper? ”


The man couldn't answer because he was bleeding. Seeing him, he shrugs as if he had no choice. This is the boss, nothing to see. Azin looks around, thinking that way. He smiles, looking at the bandits with his frightening face. I've suppressed the White Paper, but let's clean up the area first. I've never met such a master before, so I can't let him go easily. Let's eat the White Paper with an energy drain when we're done. Azin thought so, and approached the bandits.

But he couldn't move as he thought. He twists his body to a fleeting sensation, and together, he flicks his hands across his waist.

Kuang! As Azin shakes the ground next to him, the dust rises from the clouds. The storm blows through the dirt and gazes at the direction the wind is blowing. I was in a hurry to get my hands on it.

“What is this? ”

The best fighters are trapped in vain. He glances at the pain as if it were a curious thin scale. Azin stares at himself, blinking at the man.

“Blood, avoid! Miss!"

The man shouts. At this, the girl's eyes distorted, and she went down the stairs and approached the man. She kicked the man in the shoulder lightly, saying.

“Where do you think you're going? You take care of yourself, Black Juice. It's so embarrassing.

The girl grunts and looks up at the pain. Her gray hair glistens and her eyes turn red. He is not a good man.

“Who are you? Are you a hunter here to hunt down this bloody Hobo? ”

The girl asked with a straight voice. The words made Jinn a little numb. Bloodbath? That girl is bloodbath? Even from the looks of it, she didn't appear to be the leader of these reckless and vicious bandits. When the pain became numb and he didn't answer, the white sign grimaced and clenched a small fist.

“Well, that's fine. You're the one who threw a goat's arm and leg! Good balls, you son of a bitch. Seeing black liquor lying around, you must be pretty good! ”

The white pennant lunged at Azin with a sharp shout. Fast! Azin's expression is steady and steady. Papak! The workshop came and went. Azin flinches back while defending against the attack. I looked down on him a little, but he quickly threw it away. This girl is strong. From the speed to the weight of the hit, I can't compare it to a man named Black Juice.


However, the sigh was thin enough to drown out. The girl throws out her white clothes and swings her fist tightly, and Azin chases it with his eyes and defends it, but can't take the weight of the hit. There, the whitepaper's attacks become lighter and heavier, and Azin has no choice but to retreat without hesitation. No matter how much you look at it, even if you stop it, the chase is dizzy and defensive. Kwung! The White Void's fist is stuck in his waist. Azin takes a deep breath and catches a crouching body.

“Hey, hang in there? ”

The White Vowels grinned. And her attacks became stronger and faster. Azin quickly pulled up his self-defense booster because he didn't want to go this far. After throwing an outstretched fist at Azin's face, the White Voucher looks surprised and quickly retreats back.

“.. self-defense? ”

The white sign was a face of embarrassment. She takes a few steps back and shakes her head excitedly.

“What the hell is all this? Fighting is nothing, but self-defense... What are you? Did your master give you an internal affair while he was dying? ”

He doesn't answer. Azin presses the white pennant with a thousand words. In a vision full of sight, the white sign bit his lips and pulled his body back. An attack by the White Void cannot threaten the azine while exerting self-immolation. No, it's not like that. The white pennant hands behind his waist and holds the red glowing whip in his hand. She grabs the whip with both hands, lengthening and biting herself even further back. She starts swinging her whip, keeping her distance from Ajin. Papa-pang! The vision of the whip blurs over, and the white sign twists its wrist and whips again.

Of course, it's the only way to penetrate the defensive thrusters. But that's the case with conventional weapons. Chuckle! Asin's body twists with a loud voice. Azin looks surprised and looks at the whip rising into the air. Surrounded by white-white whites, it seems to be wielding the light. It's a whip that blows through the air.


The white pennant wielded the whip again. Ajin raises his arm, kicking his tongue. You get hit, you get caught. That was the plan, but as soon as I hit my whip, it popped up. Swinging the lupus didn't hurt much, but it bothered my nerves. Let's narrow it down. Azin puts pressure on his knees. I flew back towards the pain of the whip. A weapon that can be used against a whip. It's hard to narrow the distance, and it can be a very unusual attack, depending on the level of the person using it. Ajin also had it in mind. He curled up and pulled himself up even more. The internal air is great, but it's still fine.


The White Paper frowns as it sees the coming pain as it attacks. The body of the White Mark became a little faster, and on the contrary, the time of the pain stopped. The acceleration of consciousness opens up the world of azin. He catches the slowly falling whip. I looked into the reaction of the White Mark with my eyes, and Azin tugged his whip tightly into his hands. With him, we narrow the streets. The two eyes of the White Milky Way opened wide. Ignoring it, Azin swings his tight-fitting white face.

Kwak 'jic! With a heavy voice, the head of the White Vowel turns. She screams, rolling around the ground. Azin plucks his fist and drops it on the ground to whip. The white sign groans, holding its right cheek.

‘I'd be dead if I couldn't write internal affairs. ’

If that had been the case, Azin would not have been able to handle Black Wine, rather than White Paper. He grinned bitterly and approached the White Voucher. I won't kill the White Paper right now. Let's break your arms and legs and eat slowly later. He spits out his smashed teeth and reaches out to grab the bloodshed of the White Void's arm.

“Now, hold on! ”

Black liquor stammered and cried out to the azin. He has deep internal injuries that prevent him from moving properly, but he grips his teeth and barely raises himself. Blackju stutters toward Azin, who looks back at him with deep eyes.

“Boo, please have mercy...”

“What a strange thing to say. What kind of mercy? ”

Ajin replies, glancing at himself with boiling eyes. In response, Black Ju calls to his body and sits down. On his knees, he said with his head to the ground.

“Covenant, please..! ”

“There's no reason for me to listen. ”

Azin is grumpy. If he appeals to mercy like that, there's no reason for him not to kill the White Voucher. First of all, Azin thinks so, and grabs the thin arm of the White Mark. The white paper bites its teeth tightly and keeps staring at the pain.

“Ah, the lady! ”

Black liquor cries out.

“Young lady, the granddaughter of the Gate of Bliss! ”

Azin's hand stops. He glances down at the White Voucher. The white sign closes its eyes and turns its head. While looking at it for a moment, Azin slowly turns his head and looks at Black Juice.

“What the hell is that? ”

“Yes, it's true. The Great Coffin... The young lady is the bastard of the Great Coffin, the son of the Hallucinogenic crest. I mean...”

“What does that have to do with me not killing this woman? ”

As if the words weren't unnecessary, Azin empowered the hand holding the white mark's arm. A faint hiss of bone echoes out of his mouth.

“The Boat and White House Convent don't like you very much... but the Welcome White Convent loves you terribly. So, if you let her live, I'm sure she'll be very generous.”

“.. I don't know. I don't think I like the guy who blew up his favorite granddaughter's face. ”

Ajin smiled and said. At that, the White Voucher, who was silent, replied.

“.. I was hit because I was weak. What's wrong with that? ”

The white-glass screams in a sharp voice and stares at the pain.

“I don't want to beg for my life... but if you let me live, I'll tell my grandfather well. Grandfather likes strong unarmed men.”

Azin didn't say anything, and he stared at the silver sign. The white sign swallows and faces Azin, smiling at her.

“... Well, good. ”

Azin's hand rests on the white mark's arm.

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You won with your skill set.

Persian is good... But the support of the Black Snow scent is too strong...

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