Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 414: commit a sin

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The blood-stained clothes fell on the cold and fair hands. She was in a trance that she couldn't even tell, but now she suddenly woke up.

Just a few steps away, she seemed to have walked for several years, and it felt extremely long. She was struggling all the time and had all kinds of thoughts.

Is it to slash out suddenly, or bow like this? A few short steps seemed like the most tormenting part of her life.

Although she also had a hunch, she was not sure, not even herself, what the final decision would be like:

As the torn, blood-stained clothes fell on her arm, Leng Mei's snow-white and delicate cheeks suddenly turned red.

Her peaceful heart for so many years could no longer be calm. The crimson color spread from her beautiful and flawless face to her neck, and her whole body felt a little hot.

It's hard to describe her mood. I feel that Kong Xuan is really hateful, even more than she guessed. He is clearly deliberately tugging at her heartstrings and disturbing her emotions.

She was a little embarrassed, threw the blood-stained clothes back to Kong Xuan, and quickly touched her face with her hands, so that her troubled heart quickly returned to peace.

"You can't do this well?" Wang Xuan took the clothes, looked at her in surprise, and said, "Blushing?"

"Who's blushing!" Leng Mei's heart thumped violently, and then she ran the scriptures to suppress it with Dao Xing, and then used magic to cool down, and the blush on her face dissipated

"Then go wash it." Wang Xuan threw the clothes over again and threw them on top of her.

The lake water is clear and blue, and ripples appear when the ten-colored fish swings its tail, which is also like a very cold and charming heart.

At this time, she was holding the clothes with the other party's body temperature, and she even smelled the smell of Kong Xuan, which made her feel a little hot.

She has never washed clothes for others, even her own battle clothes and inner armor, etc., a sacred water wave has been purified.

Now, she has done the same, directly purifying it with magic techniques, and after several times, the clothes woven from star silk have become bloodless, clean and fresh.

"If your heart is not pious and your intentions are not sincere, why do you ask about going on the road?" Wang Xuan looked at her and said with a serious expression: "The Tao is simple, original, and the source of thousands of rules. On weekdays, we Every word and deed, and when observing all things, you should go straight to the essence through the complex appearance of the world. Therefore, wash with your hands, return to the original, and maintain the mentality when you took the extraordinary road.”7

Leng Mei was still listening attentively at first, then she just picked up her clothes and turned to leave, she walked away, and came to the side of the lake, she wanted to say: You let me wash the clothes by hand, just say it!

Her back is slender and feminine, with black and gold inner armor under her snow-white dress, her whole body is light and ethereal, she squatted down by the lake and began to wash her clothes.

She has never done this kind of work. If it wasn't for an extraordinary item, it would have been crushed by her directly, which also showed that she was uneasy and worked really hard.

"Take a little effort, are you rubbing me in your heart?" Wang Xuan sat naked on the boulder by the lake, and picked a yellow and fragrant fruit from a big tree. , all of a sudden the mouth is full of sweetness.

Leng Mei originally came to ask for the truth with a sincere heart, and she gave it up, but she was disturbed by the manipulation, and now she really regarded the clothes as he was rubbing.

Fortunately, after physical cooling and Daoxing meditation, she recovered quickly, instantly calm and peaceful. Browsing *browser* search*: @…fastest update…

"This is the closed disciple of Yaoting? The true saint is willing to pay back a favor for her. This is really raised as a daughter." The strange thing on the mobile phone appeared silently, and it has always been haunted.

Wang Xuan pondered and said, "Following Wang Yusheng, if I abduct Leng Mei away, will the old monster be so angry that he will directly come out with a knife to find someone."

"It's very possible that the one on the left is surnamed Wang, and the one on the right is Wang. No one can stand it." said the strange object on the phone.

"How do you talk!"

On the edge of the blue lake, Leng Mei squatted there, the curves undulating, outlining the beautiful and soft back, and blending with the serene beauty of the dusty place here.

"It's done." She regained her original temperament, calm, slightly clear, and charming. "Also." Wang Xuan threw away the core, and threw the boots and the lower body suit to her.

Leng Mei frowned slightly, and her mood was turbulent again. Fortunately, the other party was wearing inner armor, she quickly meditated, adjusted her breath, and regarded this experience as a kind of cultivation, and she was praying devoutly.

"It's like this in the future, can you adapt?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No problem." Leng Mei took a deep breath, she didn't pass the first level, what else do you want to talk about? While speaking, she also smiled and adjusted her mood.

In an instant, she changed from a cold aura to bright, charming, and a natural charm. Just like the two photos that were circulated earlier, she smiled and did not smile, and it really was two completely different verve and demeanor.

"This is not bad, don't always keep a cold face in the future, smile before speaking." Wang Xuan asked. "Okay!" Leng Mei nodded.

As the legendary 5-time limit-breaker and the strongest heavenly disciple of Yao Court, an unusually rare and mysterious holy relic was born in the primordial spirit. She is naturally very human, with super adaptability, and she quickly became the best. All right.

Moreover, while washing clothes, she also took the initiative to chat with Wang Xuan, asking where the cow demon, yin-yang dog, and ten-tailed demon fox went.

"They are not traitors, they can't escape, and they established the Hell Demon Court. Well, they are all in the Blessed Cave Mansion on my body." As Wang Xuan spoke, he released several demon immortals.

In an instant, the scene was quiet.

The bull demon's eyes are as big as copper bells, the yin and yang dog's mouth is wide open and then closed, the demon fox's ten tails are like a peacock's open screen, the black swan's neck is stretched to the limit, and the void mouse's golden bean-like eyes fly out an inch long light.

The five demon immortals were petrified, unable to believe what they saw. Kong Xuan only wears part of the inner armor, shirtless and barefoot, sitting by the lake eating fruit. Their most powerful disciple, the legendary Leng Mei Tian Xian, was actually washing his boots and clothes for him.

Several monsters felt like they were sleepwalking, thinking it was illusory, and the background was too fake. 1

Leng Mei naturally felt the first moment, turned around, and directly broke the tranquility, saying: "You five traitors."

"No, we are in hell, and our heart is in the demon court!" The cow demon hurriedly shouted.

"Fairy Leng, you are doing laundry, do you want us to help?" The Yin-Yang Dog didn't know if it was true or fake, so he asked directly.

"No!" Leng Meiqingsi fell down, squatted down, and continued to do laundry by the lake. She really couldn't blame a few people for anything, she herself appeared beside Kong Xuan.

"It's never happened before that the saintess washed the clothes by herself. It's so outrageous, what happened?"

Several demon immortals secretly communicated in spirit, and they felt unbelievable. The sky of demon creatures seemed to be overturned. They knew that Leng Mei's status was unimaginable.

According to legend, the true sage of Yaoting has always treated her as a strict father. It is suspected that she is being raised by a pro-Fujian daughter. Many people even suspect that this is the daughter of the true sage of the Yaozu. In order to protect her, it has not been made public. .

"Kong Xuan is a bit outrageous, is this the first immortal of my demon clan? If the true sage knows, will he be furious and come to **** in person. Legend has it that in that extremely ancient era, he has lost a daughter. It will definitely be protected.”

"It's okay, the true saint also dares to go to **** easily. This is not necessarily a bad thing, maybe Kong Xuan will become the son-in-law of my demon court, looking at the posture, it is entirely possible that Fairy Lengmei is actually washing his clothes by himself! "browser *search*: @…fastest update…

"I heard that being the son-in-law of our demon court will be very difficult, not to mention that it is almost the same as going through 9,981 disasters. However, it's none of our business."

The five demon immortals communicated in secret, and the more they talked, the more vigorous they were, and they talked with gusto.

"The five of you, can you not "conspiracy" in front of me?" With Wang Xuan's current strong perception, he could completely hear the voices of his primordial spirits.

The spiritual voices of the five demons stopped abruptly.

By the lake, Leng Mei, who had an extremely beautiful figure and was hard to pick out a single flaw, turned around quickly. Obviously, her spiritual realm was also exceptionally strong. I also heard it. She used physical cooling. After Daoxing meditated, her face was still slightly flushed, very Glancing at the five demons.

"You guys, you really don't know how to chat, so stay away from here." Wang Xuan put them into the Fudi Cave Mansion, and then shook his hands and threw them. The Fudao Niu was nibbling on the fairy grass, and the strange treasure of the cave was hung precisely on a cow's horn.

Soon, Wang Xuan put on a clean suit, with brand new boots flowing with Dao Yun under his feet.

Even the strange objects on the mobile phone sighed, letting the closed disciples of the real sage of Yaoting pick up the clothes by themselves. It has been the only one in recent years, and the old monster is the most protective of the calf.

"You'd better be careful, don't let the true saint of Yaoting know." It reminded secretly.

Wang Xuan said: "Really? Then hurry up and make more orders. Leng Mei, go and cook a pot of colorful fish."

By the lake, in the pitch-black iron pot, the exotic fish wafted out a strong fragrance, and the entrance was very fresh. It was not because of the cold and charming cooking skills, but because this pot was very special. After the food was cooked, it tasted naturally delicious.

"Even my master has never eaten fish cooked by me." Leng Mei blamed herself and felt that she was not respectful enough. In fact, where the true saints need food, that is, when they show up at major events, they will eat the rarest treasures in the world. "Just get used to it in the future." Wang Xuan said.

Then, he didn't break his promise, performed some kind of rhyme, and even mobilized the flower of vision to let her comprehend. In fact, the most important

For his own cultivation, it is rare to have a heaven-level superhuman who has broken the limit 5 times by his side, and is the most ideal experimental subject.

He wants to pass the level, and the most important step is naturally to realize the change from nothing to existence, and to master one more trump card to balance the third mysterious holy artifact that may appear in the primordial spirit.

As for "there", he has been able to use it. For example, between the eyes, some objects can appear directly out of thin air, and even abrupt objects such as nearby creatures appear in front of him.

However, it is still a bit stagnant, and it is still not smooth enough to "have" creatures out of thin air.

Right now, he took Leng Mei as his experimental goal. That divine flower bloomed, inserted in her hair, the immortal and splendid flower of vision, which set off her to be born in abundance, incomparably bright and bright.

This time, Leng Mei clearly sensed this flower and tried to understand it, but soon she was a little lost, unable to distinguish the real from the illusory. Browsing *browser* search*: @…fastest update…

Wang Xuan didn't take care of it, but turned it around, evolved the "you" formula, and instantly made Leng Mei's body glow, more vivid and real than before.

He was showing his cold and charming real body and wanted to "have" her.

In the distance, Yaoting is in the stronghold of hell. She is contemplating and comprehending the law. She is instantly shocked and stunned. She finds that she is a little weak and wants to disappear from here. What happened?

Then, she saw that the main consciousness of her real body appeared in a avatar that was submerged into her by the blue lake, and she understood everything here.

"You're here?" Wang Xuan said.

Leng Mei was shocked, the real body and the clone were merged into one, what method was this, and she was detained by thousands of miles apart? What is so real and clear right now is by no means a dream.

"How?" Wang Xuan asked.

The moment Leng Mei's real body and avatar merged and reunited, he immediately knew what was happening here, nodded immediately, and said, "I come here to seek the Tao with a sincere heart, everything I said earlier is true, and nothing is false. "

The avatar also woke up. Looking at the flower of vision, after she and the real body became one, her heart shook, and then she felt a sense of gain. This kind of enlightenment was really good for her.

Wang Xuan said: "I'm going to break the limit 5 times recently. You and I will go on the road together. First go to the city behind you, you will attack, and we will go there to get the Dao Yun."

Not far away, there is a huge city, which was named Baicao City by Wang Xuan. It is full of plants. Once you break in, all kinds of plants and trees will rise from the ground, which is extremely crazy and bloodthirsty.

In front of him, there is one of the strongest disciples who has broken the limit 5 times. With a bang, the city gate smashed open, Leng Mei took out the holy relic in the primordial spirit, and went straight in. It was indeed extremely powerful, destroying all the way to the center of the giant city.

"It's really good to have such an angel following me, so I don't have to do it myself." Wang Xuan nodded, his 5 times of breaking the limit began, someone made a way for him, and he walked slowly behind him.

"Although Wang Yusheng took away the daughter of the real saint of, it was not successful. He was hunted down, wanted, and blocked from the universe of the transcendent center. Do you want to avenge him? Jiang Lengmei How would the old monster react if he was kidnapped?" he said to his phone there.

The strange thing on the phone was extremely solemn and serious, and said, "Something is terrible." "Well, what's the matter?" Wang Xuan asked it.

"A tragedy is unfolding." The mobile phone strange thing said extremely heavily.

Wang Xuan was made hairy by its tone, and immediately asked, what happened?

It sighed: "It's really not easy to be an old monster in Yaoting. What kind of sins did you do in your last life? In this life, you will meet the three next-door universe old kings at once."

"You better shut up!"

Baidu search for the other side of deep space@…seconds, masters remember for a second:!

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