Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 413: Turn the enemy into a father-in-law

The blue lake is as clean and beautiful as the sky in hell. Of course, it is only limited to the daytime, and it is not known what monsters will appear at night.

Wang Xuan is fishing here, not to kill time, he is adjusting his mood, it is not far from breaking the limit five times, just in the past few days!

The delicious ten-colored fish in the lake has not yet been caught, but a magnificent "mermaid" has come to the door by herself. It seems that even if there is no hook, she will take the initiative to approach.

The person who came was Leng Mei, the five-time limit-breaker of Yao Court, the strongest disciple of the heavens. Although she was outside the giant city at this time, she obviously did not dare to attack.

Because, within a few hundred miles of the city, launching an "extra-class" attack is a violation of the balance rules of hell.

She was dressed in a white dress that surpassed the snow, and her long legs were vaguely visible. The black and gold armor inside made it easy for people to misunderstand that she was wearing black stockings.

At this time, Wang Xuan realized the change of nothing and nothing. As for Dao Yun, he had accumulated enough, but next, he still wanted to enter the most prestigious giant cities and visit the places of interest.

Regarding Daoyun, he is not too much, he pays attention to 'nature' and the real 'Great Perfection'.

As for being blocked, that doesn't exist anymore. With his current Dao Xing, in this huge city area, it is very safe, and no one can stop him.

However, once the limit is broken 5 times, the movement is estimated to be very large! This requires him to be on guard. It is best to find a real no-man's land, so as to avoid people interfering with him to pass the customs, or even burning jade with him.

"Aren't you afraid that I will kill you?" Wang Xuan opened his mouth and put down his fishing rod. He really wanted to take action.

Leng Mei, walking on the blue lake, fluttering in white clothes, fluttering blue silk, bright and bright under the cold temperament, outstanding, put it in the sea of ​​​​stars, and indeed can be called a peerless beauty.

"I have no malice at all, and come here with a pious heart."

At this time, she was a veritable fairy Lingbo, with no fear on her fair and delicate face, she stepped on the waves, very calm, and looked at Wang Xuan generously.

"Seeking the way from the enemy?" Wang Xuan looked at her. Although she had the sacred artifact, they both understood that if they couldn't stop the ripples, it was very dangerous for her to come here and she might die.

"Wu Chengdao, the 4th core disciple of your Yaoting, sent news to all the sects and wanted to kill me with a knife, but I ended it with my own hands!"

He added, admitting this matter frankly, he killed some people in the Yaoting advance army.

Of course, Wu Chengdao finally activated the alien-level weapon, which made him not want to carry the blame of Quanhuo.

Leng Mei Lingbo came to the front, and it was not false at all. She sat on a bluestone several meters away from Wang Xuan, and said calmly: "The conflict between the true saint disciples will not affect the final relationship between the two dojos."

She continued: "In the transcendent world, there is no permanent enemy. For the true holy dojo, friends of the same faction in the previous era may be mortal enemies in the next era, and the opponents of the previous era may become allies in the next era. indefinite."

"Because of that must-kill list?" Wang Xuan asked, with some interest.

"Yes, it has a lot to do with it." Leng Mei nodded.

He didn't do it, he really wanted to know something, and asked, "How much do you know?"

Leng Mei said: "The non-true saints don't know the secrets of that field. But I know that all the true saints will discuss it once every century. In a hundred years, whoever is on the must-kill list will be circulated one after another."

Wang Xuan did not speak, and thought for a moment.

Some things he had asked about cellphone wonders, but it didn't talk about the realm of the Holy Land.

Leng Mei said: "Your interpretation method and spiritual flower involve my future path. It is very possible that I can use them to find an opportunity for sanctification. So, here I am, I am devoutly seeking the Tao, and I am not afraid of life and death. ."

Wang Xuan looked at her and said, "Joke, you and I are not related, not related. Whether you are holy or not, what does it have to do with me? Besides, you and I have fought each other before, so I should kill you when we meet!"

"I'm willing to pay any price!" Leng Mei raised her snow-white chin, and with a clatter, she took out a pile of strange bones of the Imperial Way, all of them glowing brightly, with mysterious and complicated textures, which was amazing.

There are also some scriptures, all with a strong Taoist rhyme.

She added: "These are all my personal collections, and they don't involve the secrets of the Demon Court."

"I killed you, aren't these all mine?" Wang Xuan probed his hand, his own mark of the Imperial Dao was activated and spread to his arm, he grabbed Leng Meixuebai's neck.

With a bang, he grabbed it.

Leng Mei did not evade, the blue silk fluttered backwards in the strong wind and the rhythm of Taoism, there was no fear on her flawless face, her eyes were calm, and Ren Xuebai's delicate vitals were imprisoned.

"This is only equivalent to my half-life, you want to kill, no problem, I am willing to pay the price of blood for the previous conflict. However, my real body really can't die, if I lose my life, how can I go to the true path ."

At this moment, she has no seductive color, and always maintains a glamorous temperament. She candidly informs that this body is shaped by the 'Life Dao Lotus' and has half of her primordial spirit.

Losing this body will make her Taoism drop a bit, but it can still recover after a certain period of time.

The lotus of life is an extremely rare thing in the real holy dojo. If someone loses the body and gets this thing, they can reshape a body, which is not weaker than the body, or even stronger.

Wang Xuan looked and looked, no wonder she felt that there was something wrong with her. Life Dao Lotus is a rare and rare thing that is similar to Hunyuan Divine Clay.

She whispered: "I am willing to be your most loyal ally, the most credible person around you is in this world, what kind of kindness is the greatest? Give the opportunity to become a true saint. If you reach that level, even the kill list will not be able to. Change this relationship. In the past, in order to repay this kindness, there was a true saint who did not hesitate to save a friend who was on the kill list, and finally got himself in, but he had no regrets."

Wang Xuan clenched her snow-white neck, stared at her flawless face, and said, "Why should I give you this opportunity? If there is such a definite path, I believe that all the extraordinary people in the world will come to serve me. My friend, why should I choose you?"

"Others can't get through this road." Leng Mei raised her eyebrows, the corners of her bright red and glamorous mouth were slightly raised, and her beautiful eyes were extremely powerful and self-sufficient.

With the brilliance of the letter, he said, "Only I can walk this path. In the future, you will have one more loyal and true friend, who can fight for you when you face a desperate situation!"

Wang Xuan said indifferently: "I don't know what it means, blind confidence. There are so many strange people in the transcendent world. The so-called 5 times breaking the limit is said to be a true saint, but 90% of them are gone in the end. In the end, 70% of the strongest disciples will be eliminated, and the remaining ones will only be able to become true saints."

Then he said again: "Again, this is my law, the flower of my spirit, can't I walk that way by myself?"

"If you break the limit 4 times, you will be able to kill the strongest disciple of the Holy Spirit. I know that your path is very broad and wide. You will not only take this path. I will fight with you in the spiritual realm. When I feel part of your Dao rhyme, your heart is very big, you and I have no Dao conflict." Leng Mei said.

Her curvaceous and graceful figure flows with the most essential Dao rhythm, and she opens up her spiritual realm to show Wang Xuan without conflicting with him.

She exudes a hazy light, and her spirit resonates with the rhythm of Taoism to show that she is speaking sincere words: "My instinct tells me that this is indeed an important opportunity for me to become a true saint in the future, and it can even shorten the time of my sanctification. If you are willing to pay any price, you can ask Yaoting True Sage to help me repay my kindness this time."

"Aren't you a bit big?" Wang Xuan looked down at her.

Leng Mei looked at him, her beautiful face glowing, and her unique mark of the Imperial Dao resonated, and she spoke again, saying: "The true saint is my master, although I rarely see it, I can finally be guided by him. I am his close disciple, and he once said that when I find an opportunity for sanctification, I can work hard to pursue it, and he will help me pay back a favor."

"He's been good to you." Wang Xuan let go of the hand on her neck, not because she was a disciple of Yaoting Zhensheng, but because he thought of Wang Yusheng, who was wanted, and wanted to take the opportunity to ask.

"Although he is very strict, I haven't seen him once in many years, but I think he is like a strict father." Leng Mei said.

"Is there a rival to your Demon Court True Sage?" Wang Xuan asked. Step by step, there was a rare chance to get to know the most terrifying "hometown" from the mother universe.

"There is a very powerful opponent." Leng Mei nodded solemnly, she bluntly said that for so many years, Yaoting Zhensheng has been in retreat all year round, just to deal with the future enemy.

Which dojo is the true saint? "Wang Xuan asked.

"I didn't set up a dojo, I'm a true saint who walks alone." Leng Mei informed that she didn't know the specific name, and she was not qualified to know.

"Are there any other mortal enemies? People who are more hostile, etc." Wang Xuan asked, wanting to lead to Wang Yusheng. Just now, he suspected that Yaoting Zhensheng's opponent was the king, but after listening for a while, he didn't feel like it.

Sure enough, Leng Mei mentioned the names of three ancient superhumans who died and disappeared, and then finally mentioned the king.

"Wang Yusheng, wanted by the true saint himself, resented and disgusted with him."

In an instant, Wang Xuan's ears twitched, which must be understood. He quietly guided him and asked about some things in the past.

"Wang Yusheng, once was an extraordinary person, the cause of the conflict is unknown, and I don't know why the true saint resents and hates him. But then..."

Leng Mei's next words made Wang Xuan almost lose his composure, but it was a shock from the ground, making him speechless and unable to believe his ears.

Wang Yusheng was wanted and hunted down by the True Sage of the Demon Court for half an era. It was really miserable, and he was almost caught out. In the end, he abducted the only daughter of the True Saint of the Demon Court and became a Taoist companion.

"Can this work?!" Wang Xuan took a long time to digest the news.

His elder brother really did not take the usual path, turning the great enemy of the true saint who could not be defeated in that era into an old father-in-law.

He had to sigh that there is really Wang Yusheng, and no one else.

"Have the hatred resolved?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No, the true sage hates him even more, saying that there is no good person surnamed Wang, and he should be killed. He is a bully in the same line."

Even if the only daughter of Yaoting Zhensheng wrote a letter, they could not ease the relationship between the two parties, and they were almost found by the real saint.

It is reported that in those years, Wang Yusheng could only take his Taoist companions to hide near extremely dangerous restricted areas such as **** and the depths of the Origin Sea, otherwise he was guaranteed to be caught.

"The relationship hasn't eased at all?" Wang Xuan asked.

"No, the true saint really wants to kill Wang Yusheng, and he is even more angry than before, even his two parents and children can't beg for mercy."

Yaoting Zhensheng had five sons and one daughter, but the eldest son, the second son, and the third son all died in the terrifying blood chaos, leaving only two sons and one daughter.

This also shows how cruel the transcendent world is. When it really comes to the darkest moment, when the true saint is also powerless, even the children may not be able to keep it.

At the same time, it can also make people feel that the true sage of Yaoting is indeed tough, and the youngest and only daughter can find a Taoist companion.

Wang Xuan could see that the relationship between the true sage of Yaoting and Pharaoh was really bad, to the point of being so bad that it couldn't get any worse. Even if the king went to steal the house and became his son-in-law, he couldn't resolve it. That grudge.

"What realm is the daughter of a true saint, can she become a saint in the future?" Wang Xuan asked.

"My senior sister broke the limit 4 times, became a top alien, and became a true saint... It's hard to control." Leng Mei said.

Wang Xuan was stunned and said, "Children of true saints, the bloodline talent must be very scary, isn't it a five-time limiter?"

Leng Mei shook her head and said: "5 times the limit is broken, sometimes it is very "ideal", and the blood and resources cannot be piled up. In fact, in various dojos, most of the true saints have not broken the limit 5 times since it was recorded. . "

"Where did Wang Yusheng go? For so many years, I haven't heard of him, so he shouldn't have been killed." Wang Xuan was quite worried.

Because, he really felt that the true sage of Yaoting was not a joke.

"It is reported that their couple was blocked from the universe of the new transcendent center." Leng Mei informed, and described the indifferent words in the rumors of Yaoting Zhensheng.

"Go the old way of your bully Lao Tzu, stay in a bad place, or you will become an old turtle, or you will become a big dragon that breaks free from the shackles of the universe."

According to legend, in those days long ago, the true saint of Yaoting said so, but in this era, few people dare to mention these old things.

Wang Xuan's discoloration changed, Yao Ting's old guy is so ruthless, even his daughter is blocked outside the extraordinary universe, it's too bastard.

In addition, this old demon resented their family very much, and blocked the king in an inexplicable place, which made him strongly dissatisfied!

At this time, he was very worried about Wang Yusheng, and finally knew why there was no news of the king for so long. It turned out that he couldn't move with the Transcendent Center.

"The real saint of Yaoting values ​​you very much?" Wang Xuan asked.

Leng Mei nodded and said, "Yes, maybe, he regards me as his daughter. The news that Zhensheng lost his only daughter has not been heard from for many years. He is actually very lonely and has a very contradictory mentality. I can feel it. Now, he still misses my senior sister very much, but I don't know why he can't let go of certain prejudices."

"You look like his daughter?" Wang Xuan asked.

Leng Mei shook her head and said: "It's not like, the true saint accepts disciples, and the most important thing is potential. He said, I may be able to become a saint, and I am the one who has the greatest hope among the disciples he has accepted in the past. After me, he will never again. Accepting disciples, saying that if no one has successfully taken that step, no matter how disciples are useless."

Wang Xuan showed a strange look, the domineering and ruthless old monster in Yaoting seems to be really optimistic about this closed disciple.

Leng Mei felt that his eyes were different, and her sense of spirit was naturally very sharp, and her heart jumped, she always felt that something was wrong with him, and now he looked like a bad embryo.

Wang Xuan asked: "You see the flower of vision, and you want to ask for the Tao. If you have the opportunity to be sanctified, you are willing to follow me, and you can give anything?"

"Yes!" said Leng Mei.

Then, she took two steps back, feeling that something was wrong. The other party's aura had indeed changed a bit, and she didn't seem to be a good person.

She suddenly thought that Kong Xuan had asked so many things about Wang Yusheng, wouldn't he want to follow suit?

Then, she saw that Kong Xuan took off the blood-stained shirt during the battle of Tianchaocheng, revealing a naked upper body with a lustrous luster, and said to her, "Come here!"

In an instant her face turned pale, she stood there, her red lips slightly parted, her beautiful and flawless face was expressionless and lacking in blood.

She thought a lot. Does Kong Xuan have a grudge against the true saint of Yaoting, and wants to imitate Wang Yusheng today?

"Didn't you say that you are willing to pay any price to follow me, you can't do this trivial thing?" Wang Xuan asked her.

For a brief moment, to Leng Mei, it seemed as long as an era in the past.

Then, she ruthlessly tugged at her snow-white collar, but let it go again, without undoing it.

After a while, she took a hard step, walked towards Kong Xuan, and slowly approached.

"Go, wash it!" Wang Xuan threw the blood-stained shirt into her hands.

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