Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 363: The Gathering of the Four Limit Breakers in the Moon Palace

The moon palace hangs in the air, inheriting the rhythm of the world, circulating the haze, and surrounding the chaotic matter. It is like a round of immortal divine moon, swept across the world, and never falls.

The people present were very peaceful and calm. The most outstanding thing about the disciples from the True Holy Dojo is their self-confidence and confidence. After some people were praised, it was because of their steadiness and self-confidence that their expressions did not change, and they simply nodded in response.

And some people really think that is the case, they themselves think so, they are the arrogance of the world, and they are destined to stare at the sea of ​​​​stars. Therefore, they were not surprised. They felt that it was normal for outsiders to be surprised and sighed. It is not surprising that a "backward progress" who broke the limit three times more than this is such a compliment. Wu Lindao said, "You're alright tonight, just don't cause trouble, otherwise I won't be able to explain to Qingtian after something really happened.

In fact, he really wanted to say that the force was a bit too much, and everyone praised him. At first he thought that the thorn was sincere, but he was afraid, and was in awe of the true saint disciples. However, after watching it for a while, he felt that it was not the same thing. Seeing one complimented the other, it was impossible to be like this with normal awe. This thorn is not at all nervous and nervous, and every time he looks at the other party quite directly, and looks at the person carefully. Wang Xuan said, "I'm just like that, simple and unpretentious, I will never provoke anyone, but please rest assured.

Wu Lindao nodded, expecting that he would not dare to go out of his way in such a place, after all, he is only a true immortal who has broken the limit more than three times. You must know that there are some true saint disciples who come here today, from true immortals to heaven-level, and then to super peerless.

If this stinger dares to toss, he will definitely suffer a big loss. I think he understands it himself, so he is so responsible tonight, Wu Lindao thinks. &qu;You understand, just work hard, you still have a long way to go, watch more tonight, study more, talk less, and gain more knowledge. When Wu Lindao left, he was busy with entertaining some people, so it was not bad to be able to introduce Kong Xuan in person. Wang Xuan became a free body and began to wander around in the Moon Palace. It was a luxury. Every scene and object is a fortune-telling atmosphere. For example, the fish in the pond, the fiery red is the real fish, and the silvery white is the snowy moon fish, all of which are sacred things that complement the source, and are difficult to catch in different seas.

The flowers and plants in the palace, the streams of light, the bright clouds, are composed of clusters of star river flowers and many small sun trees that are about a foot high. It is like a dream, standing in the palace tower, like being in the sea of ​​stars. Wang Xuan has been since childhood. A sun fruit was picked from the tree. The golden sap was sweet and delicious. The entrance was warm, and it instantly turned into the breath of life and flowed to all parts of the body. Tonight, in the Moon Palace, all strange things can be taken and used by oneself, and any creation can be directly attacked.

Wang Xuan walked to the long table aside and took a glass of wine, which was actually Huanyang wine. Back then, at the Longevity Fruit Festival, this could be limited, and this thing is extremely beneficial to those who take the road of imperialization. He can only sigh with emotion, it is worthy of being a true holy dojo, even if the rotten boat is about to sink, this kind of background is not what the extraordinary people in this world can imagine.

I don't have to say, let's drink, he is really not stingy here, of course, he can't ignore his image, and then he begins to eat and drink gracefully and decisively.

Not far away, on the jade table and in the bamboo basket, there is a basket full of Ziying fruits. This is a special product of the monkey family. tribute. This kind of fetish, even after the myth has decayed, if you eat one, it can prolong your life by 300 years in the time when you lost the extraordinary. It is considered a kind of strange fruit.

67 years ago, at the Longevity Fruit Festival, the peaches were served in slices, just two per person. On that day, Wang Xuan really couldn't eat to the fullest. It is to steal some of others, that is, to just taste it.

There was nothing to say, he naturally whistled the peach, and the moment when the big purple peach of Hainan broke its skin, the rich fruity aroma was refreshing and intoxicating. , Some people came one after another, and almost all the people who participated in the meeting were there. Wang Xuan turned around and found that he didn't know many of them. The only few familiar faces were introduced by Wu Lindao just now. Relatively speaking, the most familiar is Ling Qingxuan who was beaten and beaten again and again by him at Kongling Dojo.

As for the purple-haired woman, Ziying, who had returned to the Ruins Dojo, she had also dealt with her at a farther distance, but he ignored him directly.

At this time, he was not embarrassed to be alone, but in order to avoid people's attention that he was constantly consuming the wonders of creation, he walked forward, ready to chat with acquaintances while eating.

"Fairy Ling, after a few decades of separation, your spirit is even better than before. You are wonderful in shape and spirit. I expected the fruit to be successful, congratulations." Wang Xuan said, a fruit of years disappeared in his mouth, which is no less than The fetish of Zifu Tao.

&qu;This is not the style of your second king of the Five Elements Mountains. Tonight is so elegant, how long will it take you to break the limit four times? You can be sure of your trip to hell.” Ling Qingxuan said. Back then, she greeted Jingqi, Kong Xuan, Wu Tian and others are preparing to go to **** in a group.

However, there have been some changes in the past few decades. The true holy dojos have never been more focused on hell, and the importance of **** has increased more than ten times in the past. Now it seems that she may not be able to come out alone and team up with others, everything depends on the situation.

&qu; Hell is so dangerous, no one can say what will happen, but I still have some confidence. &qu;Wang Xuan said, raised his glass, served first as a tribute, and finished another big glass of Huanyang wine.

Soon, Ling Qingxuan noticed. While the two of them were talking, the guy's mouth never stopped. Conversation was second, and eating was the main thing. It wasn't long before, and there were few wonders of good fortune on the table nearby. two percent.

When others see her, they will please her without saying anything, but why should you focus on communication? In the name of small talk, he focuses on eating and drinking, and comes to find her to fight for her appetite" Fairy Ling, I respect you. &qu;Wang Xuan raised his glass again.

Ling Qingxuan's face turned slightly dark, and after a few toasts, it was already four.

"Brother Kong, come, let's have a drink." Ling Qingxuan's second brother Ling Qing came more and more, the laughing sheep pulled Wang Xuan away, so that he and Ling Qingxuan would not stand so close, then clink glasses, this person also appeared at the longevity fruit event, This time, he obviously thought too much, and thought that Kong Huang was pestering his sister and was chasing a toast. "Brother Jingling." Wang Xuan refused to come, and soon, he drank three cups with him in a row, and destroyed a pile of strange things, and ate most of them. Ling Qingyue's eyes were strange, this is a rice bucket, toasting, pestering her sister, it may be an illusion, he ran over to eat and drink, and then he didn't care, he left quickly, he didn't have time to help him cover, and rushed to accompany him. liquor.

Overall, Wang Xuan gracefully completed the task of eating and drinking, without attracting strange attention from other people, of course, except for the Ling family brothers and sisters.

"You eat;" If you're not full after you've eaten, go for a walk yourself. "Ling Qingxuan can't stand him. I've never seen such a person. I'm going around her mainly to eat.

Wang Xuan said, "I'm ashamed, I'm laughing, I've never been to a place outside the world, a true holy dojo, and I've been wandering in the world all the year round. There are many strange things I haven't seen before, so I want to try it, and I'm greedy."

Then, he changed the subject and said, "By the way, Fairy Ling, I have some news about Sun Wukong."

In an instant, Ling Qingxuan's body was tense, her spirit was highly concentrated, she took the initiative to take three steps forward, stood very close to him, and asked the inside story. &qu;I also heard from a friend, but it should be very reliable. &qu;Wang Xuan uses spiritual voice transmission, mysterious and mysterious.

The two of them got together and whispered in spirit, making Ling Qingyue in the distance start to doubt again. Although Wujie Mountain is good, but now the building is going to collapse, and no one can save it. . &qu;The two of you are having a good time talking, I hope you don't disturb me&qu;

A young man came, with loose blond hair and a warm face like jade, raised his glass to signal, and joined the conversation. He introduced himself, his name was Yuan Tian, ​​he was from the Guixu Dojo, he was a late-stage student, and he was just a disciple in the realm of immortals. In fact, he is a 4-time limit-breaker and has been cultivated as a core disciple.

Wang Xuan had already noticed that this person was coming from the purple-haired woman. It was obviously aimed at him.

Forty-seven years ago, the people of the Guixu Dojo used a karma fishing rod to fish him away. As a result, their own people disappeared and they lost Qibao. They couldn't find him for so many years. When they met him today, they came over naturally.

Wang Xuan was already mentally prepared for this. He knew that he was cautious, but when the other party saw that he was alive, he also believed that everything in the past was related to him. He needed to find out the secrets from him, and he would attack him sooner or later.

Although Yuan Tian was very gentle, and all the interactions were about old things from more than 40 years ago, Wang Xuan was very "reserved" and not very enthusiastic. The other party twists and turns, based on the conversation, to determine whether Wang Xuan is guilty, and to guess where he was in those years. Therefore, Wang Xuan didn't want to perfunctory him anymore.

Up to now, they know each other well, and can roughly guess what the situation is. In Yuan Tian's view, Kong Xuan was rescued in the past.

&qu;In those days, I am afraid there were some misunderstandings, but these are no big deal. We lost something, as long as we can get it back, everything will be turned over, and we are still friends. &qu;Yuantian said with a smile that Wang Xuan drank, but did not give a warm response.

&qu;47 years ago&qu; Yuan Tian briefly mentioned it, implying that one of their mother ships was attacked and lost something.

Wang Xuan's heart was on fire, and he was very disgusted. The other party wanted to ask for the karma fishing rod back. It was extremely hypocritical. It was as if they were attacked and became victims.

In the end, Wang Xuancai looked alert and said, "Forty-seven years ago, I was also attacked and killed. It was very tragic. Fortunately, a stranger who passed by took action and took away a group of villains, but unfortunately I didn't allow me to thank him. float away.

Yuan Tian suddenly changed the subject and said, "Brother Kong, you are a prodigy, you are extraordinary, are you interested in joining the Guixu Dojo, so that you can break the limit 4 times. Since you don't want to come back for the fishing rod for the time being, then just pack the person and take them away. He wanted to talk to Kong Xuan about changing ships.

In the distance, Wu Lindao's face sank. Decades ago, he had a pair of Shunfeng ears and four ears, and the sound transmission of the divine sense within a thousand miles could not be concealed from him. span

&qu;Everyone, everyone is here, let's chat casually and talk about our practice experience. Well, we also prepared some lucky draws. &qu;Wu Lindao opened his mouth, and then invited people into Yueyan's dojo, where there are special people to guide, arrange seats, etc.

There is no doubt that Wang Xuan's "backward move" can only sit on the edge, listening and watching from the back. The Moon Palace is huge and has countless beautiful views. This is an immortal dojo.

The Taoist vine is as thick as a water tank, and it grows meanderingly. It sprinkles a soft Taoist rhythm in the dojo, and it is filled with chaos. Wang Xuan focused his attention and stared at the true saint disciples who showed their hands one after another. He attached great importance to them, and some of them were indeed powerful. Some people are interpreting the profound meaning of the source of time, all methods are rotten, for him eternity, standing in the rules of the avenue, detached from the top.

There is no doubt that the Tao of Time is an extremely bright pearl among all Taos. Anyone who picks it can be proud of the other party, and the achievements are limitless.

There are also people who show pure power. As long as their own power is unparalleled, anything immortal or long-lasting, everything can be broken breakdown, only my body is the most real, during the period, Wujieshan took out The color head is directly sprinkled in the void, and whoever gets it belongs to whom, of course, it is very careful, and almost everyone has it in front of it.

"The real bone with the texture of the Royal Dao, this thing has a destiny with me." Yuan Tian joy, apologized to Wang Xuan, and said that next time he encounters other strange things, he can give it to him, and he needs to take this real bone. Then, he went straight to pick up the odd bone floating on Wang Xuan's head.

&qu;This thing is also related to me, sorry. &qu;Wang Xuan caught it with one hand, as fast as lightning, even Yuan Tian, ​​who had broken the limit four times, didn't catch it. This is hanging on his head, and the other party is still coming to grab it, Wang Xuan naturally has no good face, and while the other party is stunned, he shoots again, "This thing is also related to me." Wang Xuan's right hand carries the rules and charm , snatched away a page of scriptures on Yuan Tian's head. Nearby, some people showed strange colors.

Yuan Tian's face was ugly. Not long after he was robbed by a true immortal who had broken the limit more than three times, after someone performed a unique Taoist method, he came to the lottery giveaway link again.

Yuan Tian didn't say a word this time, and went straight to grab the strange thing on Wang Xuan's head. Of course, he also took care to protect the thing on his own head. However, he didn't grab it again, and failed. Missed again.

Moreover, he clearly heard that "This thing is related to me again." The strange thing on Yuan Tian's head was not saved again, and was inexplicably robbed by Kong Xuan. Nearby, someone showed a strange look and said, "Kong Xuan, you really didn't break the limit 4 times.

&qu;There is a problem with the practice, and I will not be able to experience the road of breaking the limit 4 times in the future. I am a waste. &qu;Wang Xuan sighed. &qu;I&qu; The anger in Yuantian's heart hit his forehead, you are a waste, what am I

Many people could see that there was an atmosphere of discord, and they were looking forward to it. bpgfg score

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