Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 362: know everything

Wang Xuan was in a trance. After all, he didn't have a chance to try it. Can Mao bump into Zhang Jiazu's wrist?

He found that the acquaintances in the room talked most about hell. I don't know since when, the Jedi of the disciples of Tang Limo's holy dojo became a hot spot and the focus.

This time is obviously different from the past, because when it comes to the issue of Mo Sheng's life and death, there are things that can change his life, and all parties are taking the initiative to enter the venue. More and more people will pay attention.

During the banquet, Wolverine, Jin Ming, Zhongxiao, Luo Ying and others were all laughing and toasting frequently. This warm and beautiful atmosphere deeply infected Wang Xuan.

He hoped that it would be like this in many years. When these people talk about hell, they know that there is a crisis of life and death, but they are all light-hearted and open-minded.

"Pay attention," Wang Xuan reminded.

Wolverine sighed, "Actually, we've also heard that the Five Tribulations Mountain is moving forward with a heavy load, and there may be an accident. Over the years, the atmosphere has been very wrong. This way of leaning resources to cultivate masters, can't wait to exhaust the secret library, the situation of Wujie Mountain is obviously abnormal.

The old people of the black peacock tribe have appeared many times to teach the scriptures and the law for them in person, and the words are a little heavy, making them work hard to improve themselves, and even mentioning that how far they can go in the future depends on them. There are no simple people who can come here on their own. They keenly capture some kind of repressed breath, and they all swear to wake up. For decades, they have been paying attention to observation, and they are even closer to the direct line of Wuji Mountain, and each has some hunch in their hearts.

Although they didn't know that Mo Sheng was on the must-kill list, they guessed that there might be a big rival in the Five Tribulations Mountain, and there would be a battle in the future.

&qu;It's useless to think so much, every year, more than 90% of the extraordinary people will die. Either die old in the old universe, or die in battle on the way to the transcendent center, there are not enough people who can live to the new universe, we can live every day. &qu;Luo Ying said, compared to the past, she was a little more heroic, her originally soft face took on a wild charm unique to the demon clan.

Jin Ming said, "The true sage is standing against the sky, staring silently into the deep space. The aliens are pessimistic and are responsible for preparing for war. As for what we should do, we will do as usual."

The steady and serious two said "life is a journey," passing one station after another, **** is the next station, just walk over and witness. No one knows where the end point is, maybe it's the next stop, maybe it's the drastic change in the Five Tribulations Mountain, maybe it's the year when the era fell.

It turns out that they know everything and have some guesses. All open-mindedness and openness may just be a forced choice.

If Wudong Mountain changes drastically and falls down, then the big enemies who are attached to this Mosheng Dojo, including the Black Peacock Mountain, will not end well and will be liquidated. They looked into the future and understood that when the big ship was going to sink, everyone in their big camp would not be in a good situation.

Wang Dui said solemnly, "The future is unpredictable, and no one can control the full trajectory of Mao Qing's fate. I can't guarantee anything else. When we go to hell, we will just walk together, and no one should be left alone.

"Brother, can I walk with you?" National Treasure Xiong Shan said. It was a serious matter, but he was too festive, so he directly attacked the slightly heavy atmosphere. A cluster of black, white and purple, specializing in yin and yang, and after reaching a certain height, it can be full of yin and yang, and it will be auspicious and evil. He vaguely feels that sitting next to Wang Xuan is more secure. He added &qu;Although I am a bear from the Moon Holy Lake, we are so close, we should move around more when the time comes. Wang Xuan nodded and said, "Okay, if you go to **** with the group, you can come to us when the time comes.

"Second father, have you broken the limit 4 times? I heard that in the True Holy Dojo, this kind of talent belongs to a small number of core disciples. You are the one who broke the limit with your strength outside and forcibly rushed to this step, like this It's a pity not to leave a descendant." Langtian opened his mouth and turned it around completely. Since he was young, he has been heartbroken for the two elders of Wuxingshan. Obviously, he also deliberately found a light topic in order to counteract the depressing atmosphere just now.

&qu;Low-key, just go your own way. &qu;Wang Xuan said, quickly posing as an elder.

In the bed, he learned that Zhu Yan brought by Langtian also came from the god's nest in the secret realm of the Meteorite Sea in the past, and came from the same place as Langtian. Zhu Yan was the divine egg that Elder Ankong brought back to Black Peacock Sacred Mountain. She was born more than ten years later, and was then brought to Wujie Mountain. Today, 80 years later, the battle in the holy temple in the Meteorite Sea Time and Space Secret Realm has come to an end, and some news has come out. The advent of the outer universe civilization was actually a three-way encounter. The duel each held prohibited items for many years, which could be called a collision between powerful ethnic groups. In the holy temple, the civilization headed by the Sirius won. He was a top-level alien, but he was sealed there in the end and was not allowed to step out. Because, in the early years, two or three true saints appeared, and when they went there to pick up the outer universe civilization, Sirius did not know the external situation and chose Wujie Mountain. Although he won in the end, he was blocked. road. It can be understood that he made the wrong choice and was targeted.

It can also be considered that other True Saint Dojos cherish their talents. After all, he is an extraordinary person who does not want him to be born now and leave it for the future, giving him a chance to choose. Wolf Sky is a descendant of an extraordinary alien, with a very close blood relationship, possibly within three generations, or even a parent-child. &qu;Don't worry, everything is possible in the future. &qu;Wang Xuan comforted Langtian.

During this period, he also showed a few hands, this tavern can give free dishes, but depending on your performance, the more amazing the wine, the more amazing the wine and Da Ying presented, Wang Xuan's demonstration of Yu Dao, as well as extreme yin and extreme yang The interpretation of the texture, etc., caused the people in the tavern to be very generous and sent a large pot of stewed Tianlong meat. In addition, there is tiger bone wine, which is made from the real bones of top white tiger beasts.

In the end, the tavern also sent a delicacy that can replenish the origin, the real fish from the different seas, this is something that you can't buy even if you want to buy it, here is the star. Satisfied with food and drink, the group left with satisfaction. On the way, Wang Xuan found someone was messing with him, and there was a purple-haired woman looking at him in the distance. He was calm, but his heart was a little turbulent. The eldest lady of Guiyan Dojo, Yi Ziying, who died on the mothership at the beginning was really just her clone. Wolverine, Jin Ming, Chongxiao and the others live next to them, in the same construction area. The surrounding environment is very good, and the mountains and plains are full of miracle medicines, sacred trees, fairy grasses, etc.

Wang Xuan met Qi Yi, the demon ancestor, and after he was sure who he was, he had a problem. He originally wanted to go to see Elder Qingkong and others before leaving this place.

But Jin Ming, Luo Ying and others went to tell him, wait a moment, or have a chance, some disciples of the Holy Dojo of the True Saint Dojo were invited, and they would be a little suspicious among the moon officials in this other courtyard. Benefits are desirable.

It is also considered to be a gathering of 4 Limit Breakers in a sense, and there are core disciples who will attend. Obviously, the gift to the True Saint Gate disciple will not be simple, otherwise the Five Calamities Mountain will not be available at all. In addition to the true saint disciples, those who have broken the limit nearly 4 times can also go and will be invited.

&qu;Nearly 4 times of breaking the limit, this kind of person is also a little surprised. Wang Xuan is surprised. If this kind of person is trained, his future achievements will not be low.

Luo Ying told &qu; very few, but there are indeed, people from the true holy dojo are walking outside, just looking for people who have broken the limit. Bring the good seedlings you just found. "People from several dojos have traveled far and wide, but they have not achieved much. They searched in the major star fields, and most of them returned empty-handed. It was found that there were people who exceeded the limit a little more than 3 times, and it was suspected that some clansmen helped.

Wang Xuan went to visit Elder Choukong and learned that she was in retreat. She should know what the Five Tribulations Mountain will face, and the Black Peacock Mountain is tied to this chariot.

On the contrary, Wang Dui saw the great elder of the Black Peacock Mountain, and the old man gave up on becoming an alien, but his attitude was much better, and he even adjusted his appearance to a younger state. The 9000-year-old old man looks like a young man of 21 or 20 years old. Wang Xuan suggested that he should have red lips and white teeth, and be younger. He can walk in the red dust and hang out with the younger generation. Maybe his mentality will be different. There are unexpected things. gains and breakthroughs.

Unexpectedly, the old man slapped his thigh and immediately did so. On the same day, there was a young man carrying an immortal sword on his back. Not long after he left, people from the Wujie Mountain Courtyard found Wang Xuan, knowing that he broke the limit very powerfully, and asked His state, he said in a low-key manner, is still working hard.

The old man was kind, and took him into the important place of the Five Tribulations Mountain Courtyard, and talked for a long time, saying that if he really couldn't break the limit four times, he could finally come here to force him to break the barrier. "Of course, this is a helpless move. The final choice is yours to measure." The old man informed him of the stakes.

In general, the artificially piled up 4 limit-breakers, with improved combat power, invincible in the realm of immortals, and placed in the sea of ​​​​stars, are all legendary figures. However, this boost doesn't help much further down the road.

Moreover, to be helped to break the limit in this way, it will take a certain amount of time in the future to make up for one's own foundation and so on.

Of course, there are also advantages. In a certain period of time, you will break the limit once more than others. Even if you enter the heaven level, when you are in the same realm, you will have higher combat power than others. The old man of Wujie Mountain is a peerless person who failed to attack the aliens. He did not hide it from Wang Xuan, and even took him to the core area of ​​this other courtyard.

There is a good fortune pool here. When necessary, all kinds of heaven and earth treasures will be put into it to make good fortune Mo liquid. Moreover, the texture on the pool is an amazing mark, leaving the previous experience of breaking the time limit 4 times. .

Obviously, the people who can leave the sentiment are all great people.

The old man said, "There is a part of the imprint, which is a memory extracted by foreigners, and their past insights, which are left in the pool of good fortune." Wang Xuan was surprised.

In the major Mosheng Dojos, the process of artificially creating 4 limit-breakers is almost the same. The most important thing is the perception of the predecessors, which is equivalent to the direct path, telling the next step how to go. Even so, many people can't reach that level.

"The Pond of Creation can ensure that there will be no accidents. It can nurture the body and keep the primordial spirit from being exhausted. Coupled with the insights of the former sages, this road is very stable, at least there will be no worries about life." Wang Huang nodded and said Understood.

The Moon Palace Small Gathering, a gathering exclusively for the True Saint Master and Disciple and the 4-time Limit Breaker, is about to begin, and the list is being determined. Exactly who will be invited is decided by the core disciples of the several True Saint Dojos participating in the meeting, not by one family.

Regarding Kong Huang, when deciding whether to invite him, there was some controversy. Some people suspected that he had not made progress for so many years. Was it the Taoism that was piled up by the black peacock mountain back then? "If so, even if he has broken the limit more than 3 times now Some, it will not be possible to break the limit four times in the future." Some people questioned and objected to the invitation, so we must first make sure. In fact, this is obviously a bit targeted, because, mainly in this person's camp, there have been extraordinary people who have suffered from Kong Huang's big loss.

The people from Wujie Mountain did not object much, and even if Kong Huang could not attend, he could still send him a strange item to make up for it afterwards. This also prevents him from being targeted during small gatherings.

The people of Wujie Mountain felt a little pity, because they could really get substantial benefits by participating in the conference.

The 4 exchange meetings of the limit-breakers, discussing Taoism and demonstrating the process of imperial Taoism, can only be experienced by visiting the site in person. In order not to lose the prestige of their own dojo, each participant has to take a few steps. The people of Wujie Mountain didn't say anything, but the other party retracted the agreed to invite Kong Huang, which made the people of Wujie Mountain unhappy. , the rosy season is flowing, sacred and hazy, hanging high in the sky, as if detached from everything, with an eternal charm,

Wang Xuan came, and since he was invited, how could he not attend the meeting and not come, but he was thought a lot. He entered the Moon Palace purely for the purpose of "taping and eating" and watching the disciples of the true saints, "This is Fairy Ling Qingxuan of Xuankong Mountain. &qu;Wu Lindao took Wang Xuan into the Moon Palace and introduced the attendees to him on the way.

"I saw Xianyan at the Longevity Fruit Festival. It's an honor to meet Xianzi again and gather in the Moon Officials." Wang Huang said, looking at the lady who had been beaten four times with an iron rod by him. &qu;This is an amazing young talent, Chang Sheng, the core disciple of Yaotian Temple, broke the limit 4 times very early.&qu;Wu Lindao helped him introduce others. &qu;Breaking the limit 4 times, Brother Chang is really a gift from heaven, and in the future, he will definitely be the master of the demon clan who has a spleen in the world. &qu;Wang Xuan compliments. "This person is" Wu Lindao introduced another person.

&qu;Admiration, Daoist brother is surrounded by divine rings, Daoyun Tiancheng, really a generation of Tianjiao-level figures&qu;Wang Xuan sighed, test praise&qu;This is&qu;

"The four-time limit-breaker who is less than 500 years old is really the reincarnation of a god" Wang Xuan said solemnly, and his color was serious and not false at all. Wu Lindao looked at him a few times and was very surprised that this thorn can speak tonight "This is"

"I admire, the fairy really has the talent of a true saint." Wang Xuan earnestly complimented.

In the end, Wu Lindao looked surprised and felt that it was a bit too much. Tonight he was so numb.

Next chapter, around 12 noon. It's actually better not to give notice. The main reason to say it is to encourage myself to update a chapter during the day, otherwise I'm afraid it will be night again.

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