Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 247: Accidents are frequent in the arena

The furry ears of the beast girl originally drooped slightly, but now they stand up quickly, and the pretty face with a sweet smile is a little stiff, and the ten snow-white fox tails behind her are instantly fluffy. 2

She was frightened, and her youthful and beautiful face was full of surprise. What is the second king of the Five Elements Mountain going to do? After staring at the super peerless, he wants to fight with the VIP seat of the candle dragon clan?

She is used to seeing masters, what kind of real fairy has not met before? As the first beautiful commentator of the Bronze Giant Palace, she has seen all kinds of Changsheng Leizhu, and it is the first time she has encountered such a rebellious demon.

In the VIP seat, Zhuhai's expression was calm, but his eyes were extremely cold, and he swept into the iron cage. A true immortal caused trouble to the young extraordinary of the Zhulong clan, and even provoked him again and again.

For a moment, he really wanted to fall from the sky and slap the demon king into meat sauce.

The beast girl was quite frightened just now, but she was experienced on the spot, and her ability to control the field was super strong, so she immediately changed the subject and praised Kong Xuan's combat power.

"What did I hear a lot of people shouting just now? Kong Shiquan.\" She was in the iron cage, with a graceful figure swaying, dragging a snow-white fox tail, with a kind of bewitching beauty.

Outside the giant bronze platform, many people nodded, and many people are still in high spirits, and they really recognize the strength of the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

"Yes, Kong's ten fists are powerful, and ten fists can kill a candle worm!" Wolverine shouted.

The beast girl hurriedly twisted her slender figure and didn't look in his direction, thinking that she was here to dismantle her, didn't she see that there was going to be another gladiatorial accident?

Many people laughed, hearing the Candleworm for the first time.

The Candle Dragon Clan group almost all stood up, and a gloomy gaze turned to the Wolverine.

The beast girl hurriedly said: "I can see that everyone recognizes and loves Kong Xuan quite a bit. After today, the name of the undefeated true immortal Kong's ten fists will probably spread to the stars. In the bronze giant palace, Chang Sheng There are many champions, but, in the first

It is extremely rare to become a true immortal on the stage in one day. "

However, the main master was very uncooperative, Wang Xuan didn't turn around with her, still facing a certain direction, looking at Zhuhai, with a very serious look.

The beast girl was no longer calm, she quickly secretly transmitted her voice and said," "Brother Kong, don't look at it, no matter what, it is also a peerless person in the VIP seat. If you want to challenge, you can talk about it after today, okay?" 1

Some people also noticed the details here, style=\"display:inline-block;widtdisplay:inline-block;wdata-ad-client=\"ca-pub-12data-ad4185134\"\"data-ad-region =\"cont_mid\"data-ad-slot=\"6246767822\"data-ad-(adsbygoogle=w[]).push({}); all of a sudden showed a different color, what is the situation, today Will there be a big collision in which a planet hits the sun? Kong Shiquan is actually eyeing the super peerless candle dragon clan.

In an instant, a buzzing sound of discussion sounded, and many young spectators were immediately excited. This was a major event that mobilized people's emotions.

It's not a big deal to watch the excitement, especially when they buy tickets to enter the arena. The more intense the battle and the more alarming the emergency, the more they look forward to it.

"I'm going, it's really arrogant and courageous, the demon power and the fairy light resonate, he wants to have a fight with the super peerless candle dragon clan?" Many people shouted.

For a time, everyone noticed the scene on the stage, and they were all stunned. The arrogant demon king on the stage was too daring!

"Brother Kong, don't watch, Super Peerless will not end." The beast girl was sweating, and the rhythm was no longer under her control for the first time.

Outside the bronze platform, the black-and-white bear clan's Xiongshan Mountain has huge dark circles, temporarily guest commentary, explaining to acquaintances around him: "Look at the way they look at each other, their eyes are actually talking, I will translate it for you. Say, what are you looking at? Kong Xuan said, look at you, I want to hit you. Chao Pei Shi said, come out, try it. Kong Xuan said, come down, you will die. Chao Peer..."

With a bang, a piece of the remaining bamboo shoot smashed into his head. Xiong Shan shrank his neck and shut up immediately, being warned by the super peerless of their family. 1

"The Black Peacock Holy Mountain has found a good seedling, a demon king from the outside of the mountain. This is to destroy the younger generation of the candle dragon clan by himself."

"Well, wild and aggressive, and want to fight Zhuhai? Interesting, haha."

Even in the VIP seats, there were such words in some boxes.

The beast girl felt that she couldn't hold it anymore, and immediately shouted: "Now, let's invite Zhushan, the next heaven-level master of the Zhulong clan, to appear!"

She didn't want this kind of discussion to ferment, she could only let the battle continue without delaying time.

Wang Xuan finally turned around and looked at the entrance of the iron cage, where a heavy bronze door slowly opened with a rumbling sound.

However, the heavenly woman Zhu Shan did not appear for the first time, it was very quiet there, and no figure appeared.

"No, the contestant Zhushan is gone, she should have... escaped." Backstage, someone exclaimed, and the fourth player of the candle dragon family disappeared.

The people watching the battle are all extraordinary, and the people who can come here are all strong and keen, and they can catch this exclamation at the first time.

There was an uproar in the stands outside the iron cage. Although the battle was fierce and exciting today, there were frequent accidents, and there was another gladiator accident.

"She can't escape. This is the giant bronze palace. No one can break through without permission." The supervisor on this floor said with a cold face.

He ordered: "Go and bring her back. Since she has made a contract, she can't break the contract. If she resists, it doesn't matter if she lives or dies, she can bring her body back."

It can also be seen from this that the strength of the bronze giant palace is really strong, and it is not afraid of top-level great teachers, even if the Tian-level disciples of the candle dragon clan breach the contract.

"Something went wrong, solve it immediately. Now, there is a candle dragon clan heavenly class....\" The beast girl is ready to invite the next master to appear.

Someone interrupted secretly and informed her, saying: "Stop, the fifth person didn't come back after going to the pantry, and they should have escaped with Zhushan."

The beast girl Yingbai sweated on her forehead and changed her words urgently, "Now, please enjoy a passionate battle dance to ease the tension."

She didn't dare to call the last player, the sixth player, on the field, for fear of an accident. She knew very well that those people could not escape from the Bronze Giant Palace and would be caught soon.

"I went, and the fifth person also escaped. This kind of situation rarely happens in the arena, unless the dominant and brutal champion comes on stage and makes the opponent despair. This Kong Xuan is on stage on the first day. Become a monster."

Some people are discussing, but they are not dissatisfied, but are very interested, and they are all talking about it, wanting to know how it will develop in the future.

Obviously, the two were terrified.

Kong Xuan's 12-game winning streak in the True Immortal Battlefield was nothing more than that, and in the Heavenly Arena, he quickly and violently killed the three Heavenly Masters of the Torch Dragon Clan, shocking the two opponents behind.

Zhu Shan and Zhu Ming were really scared. The three dead masters were higher in Taoism than the two of them. Those three people deliberately appeared first and wanted to get rid of Kong Xuan as soon as possible.

Earlier, Zhu Shan and Zhu Ming were very aggressive, and they signed a life-and-death contract, but when they really faced the final death threat, they were frightened and regretted.

Six-eyed Jinchan shook his head and said, "Look at the potential of the candle dragon clan. First, they bribed the extraordinary law enforcers and pulled people into the water, and then they became angry and wanted to go out and fight against Kong Xuan in person. already."

Black Peacock Chongxiao nodded and said, "It's a joke!"

At this time, the True Immortals and Heavenly Masters of the Torch Dragon Clan were all looking ashen, some were ashamed, some were shocked, and some felt ashamed.

This kind of accident made their own people feel extremely embarrassed and embarrassed. How could they run away in a blink of an eye with their impassioned signing of the contract earlier?

Since the two clans are opposed to each other and the feud cannot be resolved, Luo Ying, the first true immortal of the black peacock clan, didn't mind blowing it, and said, "Actually, you have no right to be angry and blame those two people. At least in the early days, they did have the courage to come to the bronze giant. Palace's life-and-death arena. At that time, none of you dared to stand up and make a contract, even worse than those two."

The effect of this blow is explosive, and the lethality is huge. All the people of the candle dragon clan stood up from their seats, embarrassed, indignant, and their murderous aura soared, feeling that they could not stay in this place any longer.

"Sit down.\" On the VIP seat, Zhuhai scolded them secretly, isn't that shameful enough?

He knew very well that this time the Torch Dragon Clan was indeed planted. The disciples and disciples were too unsatisfactory, and they were not the opponents of Kong Xuan, and they even fled in fear of the battle.

In the iron cage, Wang Xuan sat on the side to rest, drinking tea. In fact, he didn't use it at all, and he didn't feel tired at all.

On the bronze giant platform, several heavenly fairies danced the battle dance, and even the beast girl came off the stage, swaying, and ten snow-white fox tails swept through the void, bringing their own illusions.

They dance gracefully, passionately and energetically, especially the beast girl personally leads the dance, the blue silk is flying, and the battle dance is exciting, which really attracted the attention of many people in the audience.

"Good dance!" Many people cheered.

"It's a little lacking. If you let me dance together, it will be flawless and completely perfect." Someone also laughed.

Only the candle dragons were sitting on pins and needles, wishing that the battle in the bronze giant palace would end immediately and escape from here earlier. They felt that when everyone saw them, their eyes were different, and they couldn't stay any longer.

At the end of the battle dance, the beast girl bent over, her ten tails were raised, Yingying gave a salute, and said, "The duel continues, and I invite Zhushan, a sky-level master from the candle dragon clan, to appear."

In fact, there is no need to compare the next two games. Zhu Shan and Zhu Ming were caught back with dozens of broken bones, barely alive.

The Bronze Giant Palace was so strong, it threw the two of them into the iron cage one after another and let them participate in the battle.

Wang Xuan waved his hand and let people carry them away, disdainful to make up for the knife, many people in the candle dragon clan were startled, especially the two people lying on the ground, who were short of breath and looked complicated.

In a sense, they avoided the battle and escaped, which was considered a success, after all, they were not dead. However, when they saw the eyes of the super peerless candle sea, they both fell into an ice cellar, their souls felt frozen, and they were extremely fearful. The two knew that if the candle dragons were to lose face, they would have nothing to do.

The sixth heaven-level master of the Candle Dragon Clan appeared, and he was also the last one. Zhu Zheng is indeed very strong, and he was originally strategically ranked at the end of the finale. If the opponent is really terrible, after the first five rounds of consumption, it will create quite favorable conditions for him.

But at present, those clansmen didn't play any role, Kong Xuan was too sturdy, he really pushed all the way, and after a fight, he directly smashed the top three heaven-level masters.

"Fall to the ground and admit defeat." Wang Xuan said, and until now, a lot of bad anger has appeared in his heart. Thinking in another position, this kind of person who came here purely to die is also a little pitiful.

"When I got into this arena, I didn't want to go on safely. Without you, without me, without you, the candle dragons are not all cowards like Zhu Shan and Zhu Ming, and I'll wait!" Zhu Zheng said. , the sound shook the entire arena.

When Wang Xuan heard such words, he gave him a high look. This person wanted to rectify the name of the candle dragon clan, and wanted to earn some **** and fearless face.

But since the other party has said that this is a life-and-death battle, and with strong hostility, then he doesn't need the kindness of women, and he just needs to cut it off.

In fact, Zhu Zheng just wanted to die in a **** battle to save the last face for the candle dragon clan.

"I will fulfill you!" Wang Xuan opened his mouth, seeing what he was thinking.

Zhu Zheng stood on the ground, the sword energy rushed into the sky, and one after another thick sword light rose from around him. Around him, densely packed, all were dragon-shaped fairy swords, and then in his loud roar, they slashed forward with him.

Many people were moved, immortal swords turned into dragons, as if there were hundreds of thousands of heavenly dragons, tearing apart the void and slaughtering their opponents, and it was like a dense array of swords, piercing the space, and reaching the opponent's eyes.

Wang Xuan was fearless, and countless runes appeared on the surface of his body, interpreting a space that was invincible. They will all be smashed into pieces immediately, and will be obliterated into extraordinary factors.

At this time, he was domineering, undisguised release of murderous aura, in the bright space, his whole body seemed to be covered with a sacred robe, his robes were unfolded, his sleeves were waved, those fairy swords were exploding, those heavenly dragons were Wail, torn into two pieces.

With a swipe, Wang Xuan held the dazzling space, as if standing in the thunder, rushed over in an instant, killed his opponent, and the two fought decisively.

He gives respect to the other party, and he has no mercy. Since he wants to defend the dignity of the candle dragon clan with his blood, he will fulfill this person, and there will be no need to see each other in the starry sky in the future.

There were broken swords everywhere, floating in the void, with blood stains, and with a puff, Wang Xuan's last blow shattered the man, destroying his body and spirit.

There was silence all over the place, and then there was a bang, and there was a lot of noise and heated People's emotions were high, and many people stood up because the battle was over.

However, people were surprised to find that Wang Xuan turned around, looked in one direction, didn't say anything, but his eyes were firm, and the target was actually the peerless candle sea in the VIP seat.

"Do you want to die?" Zhuhai was extremely indifferent and secretly transmitted his voice. In his capacity, it was naturally impossible for him to enter the arena and fight with a true immortal.

If he sees it in the starry sky, he promises to press the dead hole directly! 1

"You come down, you die!" Wang Xuan responded. When the other party was in the strange object area, he once directly reached out his big hand and wanted to grab him to death. For this kind of strong hostility, Wang Xuan also thought about killing him. Kill it back!

The two of them were transmitting their voices spiritually, but their eyes met, revealing something, and there was a chilling air.

Everyone is stunned, what's the situation? There are frequent "accidents" in the arena today. Could it be that there are major surprises coming?

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