Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 246: Undefeated True Fairy Kong 10 punches


The people who controlled the field were also anxious and said, "I didn't expect it to be so fast. Just now, the big ring on the ninth floor was being arranged. Who would have known that he was so fierce. In the blink of an eye, everyone would be killed!" Bronze Giant Palace The person in charge of this iron cage was dumbfounded, and the rhythm was completely chaotic. Someone immediately shouted to control the field, close the player channel, and don't let anyone in.

"The eight masters who came out didn't even have the ability to pick up ten punches from him. Isn't this Kong Xuan weaker than Lu Renjia, another undefeated true immortal?" Xuan Tian, ​​Jin Yu, Hei He and others also came, seeing this The scene was surprising.

Yuan Sheng was also beside him, his face was not very good-looking, and said: "I'm really looking forward to it, he will meet the Lu Renjia in Yihai's rumors."

In fact, Wang Xuan has restrained himself, except for a few people who were kicked out by him, he deliberately delayed until the tenth punch.

"Brother Gu, come on, there's a monster in the iron cage on the third floor of the Bronze Giant Palace, you must not miss it, there is an 'accident'. I disrupted the rhythm of the fight by myself, haha, it's really interesting!" For a time, the spectators called friends and invited acquaintances who were also in the city of the sky to come and watch the battle.

"I'm not a member, so I didn't make an appointment in advance. The business there is too hot, and it is estimated that I can't buy tickets." Outside, when someone learned about it, they felt sorry.

"This is the 'expedited arena', a temporary life-and-death battle, allowing the two parties to enter the Bronze Giant Palace to duel. Brother, you don't need to make an appointment now, just buy a ticket and come in. The venue is very large and it is not full yet.

"Okay, I'll be there soon!"

In an instant, people kept pouring into the No. 5 arena on the third floor of the Bronze Giant Palace.

Before, many people didn't know about Kong Xuan at all. Although the second king of the Five Elements Mountain had a certain fierce name in the past, it was limited to a certain range, and only some great disciples knew about it.

In the city of the sky, there are too many people of all races and religions, and a large number of extraordinary people have never heard of him in the past.

Today, Kong Xuan's name has begun to spread among other groups. In the iron cage, on the bronze platform, Wang Xuan was very calm, he had already stopped fighting, but his opponent was not strong, he waited for the next opponent to appear.

But it is clear that the Bronze Giant Palace has made mistakes and will not let anyone in for the time being.

"Everyone, what do you think of this newcomer? Can he compete with the newly-rising Yege who has swept across the Six Domains and has no rivals?"

Under normal circumstances, the iron cage arena will not arrange a host to explain, because the rhythm of the life and death battle is very fast, fast and fierce, and the commentary will become noise and affect people's perception. But now the commentator has to come out to save the field, and he has to slow down for a while. Otherwise, it will be an instant kill, and everyone will be beaten. What will the audience watch in the follow-up?

Earlier, Kong Xuan was not so famous, and many seats in the auditorium were still empty, so the Bronze Giant Palace did not stop selling some.

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Now people continue to come in, these are the gold masters, and they have to be satisfied.

If the fight ends quickly, should the latecomers watch the air, or watch Kong Xuan stand still on the bronze platform alone, and let him walk on the show?

"Seeing no, the host is sweating. It's obviously a 'combat accident'. The rhythm is too fast. He's helping to delay." Someone whispered.

However, the newcomers don't buy it, they don't see anything, what's the point of just listening to a male host nagging? It would be fine if the first beautiful host of the Bronze Giant Palace "Beast Girl" came to power. "Come on down, we're going to watch the fight!" someone shouted.

"Arrangement!" The host is still very experienced, and must not arouse the dissatisfaction of most people, and he flew away decisively. Then, he beat the drums himself, and let several heavenly fairies come off the stage, and staged a passionate battle dance as the opening, and left the heat for the battle that followed.

In general, the main reason is that people are about to be beaten by Kong Xuan, and there is not enough time. The host tried his best to make up for it.

Finally, the ninth heaven-level expert entered the "fair arena" of the true immortal level, his face was pale, and he already knew the fate of his colleagues.

As soon as he gritted his teeth, his primordial spirit was burned with blood and energy, fully releasing his potential, regardless of whether his original foundation was damaged or not, he just hoped that he could survive this battle.

Obviously, he thought too much. When he entered, everything was out of his control and fell into Wang Xuan's rhythm.


No more, no less, for a full ten punches, this person exploded, was smashed by Wang Xuan, and both body and spirit were destroyed.

"It's over so soon, and it's over?!" The host was a little flustered. He had never encountered such a passive situation before, and it was very difficult to save the scene.

A total of ten extraordinary law enforcers besieged Wolverine and Chen Yu, plus two companions were arranged to destroy the records on the mirror, a total of twelve accomplices.

Now, there are only three of this group left.

"Niu Xing, it's fun to watch, although it's short and fast, but I like this kind of violent temper. When I go up to it, I'm going to beat it up. Those fights for eight hundred rounds are all fake fights!" Someone applauded and urged to continue.

In such a short time, the audience seats are almost full. This kind of temporary "expedited venue" can have so many ticket sales and such a high attendance rate, which is extremely rare.

Mainly because of word-of-mouth effect, Kong Xuan's "accident" in the arena caused people to scramble to watch. The host wanted to come on stage again, hoping to say a few more words, but as a result, many people shouted and was kicked out.

The tenth person appeared, still unable to escape the catastrophe of the ten fists. With a bang, he was penetrated by Wang Xuan's fist like the sun, and evaporated instantly.

"Brother, save the fight!" The host was about to cry, and secretly sent a voice transmission to Wang Xuan, begging him not to be so quick.

Because, just now, the host was severely warned by the supervisor on the floor of the Bronze Giant Palace to punish him for this "gladiator accident".

Wang Xuan was stunned, what is the situation, save the killing of the enemy? Soon, he heard the host's brief complaint, and he was suddenly speechless.

"Isn't there still someone from the Torch Dragon Clan behind?" he asked.

"We have arranged a 'special event' for you, which will be held on the super giant bronze stage on the ninth floor, and needs to be prepared. We want to inform important people among the various VIPs, and we are also rushing to improve your reputation. Make some beautiful battle cards, etc., and give them to the spectators. In short, we are here to warm up, warm up, and further publicize, all need time, you can save it. "

The eleventh person appeared on the stage, and he was considered a powerhouse among the heaven-level masters, but this time he committed a crime and was forced to enter the fair arena of the true immortal level.

Wang Xuan didn't act immediately this time, which gave the controller some face, and a billowing black mist billowed outside his body, and the demonic aura was soaring into the sky. Wolverine in the audience said, "I see, this is the signature style of Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains. I played too hastily just now, I guess I neglected it, and now I make up for it."

"It's very ceremonial," said Xiong Shan of the Black and White Bear Clan. "Yes!" Wolverine nodded seriously. A group of acquaintances were speechless. In fact, seeing Wang Xuan's former opponent among the supernatural beings with monstrous black demonic energy, his complexion changed at this time.

For example, the younger sister of Jinque Palace, 11 years ago, was almost beheaded by him in the Meteorite Sea, and now his face has changed.

There is also the second senior brother of Jinque Palace, Gu Cheng, who had his foot cut off by Wang Xuan last time in the Five Elements Mountain.

Finally, the battle broke out. In the dark clouds, Wang Xuan took out a mace and smashed his opponent ten times.

Wang Xuan has tried his best to slow down the rhythm. Every time he swings the mace, the action is not very fast, which prolongs the fighting time somewhat. Add the robot QQ2364529668 to get the latest chapter and all parties vibrate. This is really a real fairy, and there are few opponents in the same level!

Even in the VIP seats, some big figures showed strange expressions, such a tyrannical real immortal is really rare.

"I finally understand why you were almost knocked off your waist by Kong Xuan. It's really amazing." In the VIP box, Zhuo Yanran touched Jing Jingqi's waist with a charming smile, but it was clearly provocative.

"You vomited and vomited, and you were beaten to tears by Lu Renjia twice." Jingqi fought back, and then directly touched her pure and beautiful face and teased her. At this moment, the male commentator was reprimanded by the person in charge of the third floor of the Bronze Giant Palace.

Before the person appeared, the beautiful female voice had already passed

Lai: "Looking up at the starry sky, you and I are like ants and insects, aliens can't guarantee to escape the calamity of the era, and the true saints may also be fighting and confronting outside the world. In a world of great competition, the stars are bright, the road ahead is long and night is long, accompanied by blood and the universe Poisonous fire, on the way to rise and struggle, you should be self-improvement, you and I encourage each other."

The most famous hostess of the Bronze Giant Palace, "Beast Girl", appeared. Her figure and face were indeed extremely beautiful. The key was to have her own characteristics. A pair of fluffy cat ears moved playfully, and behind her there were ten snow-white ones. Foxtail.

Sure enough, after she appeared, the rescue was successful, because she had a high popularity, and was often more popular than the duelists in the iron cage.

Although the beast girl looks youthful and beautiful, she is experienced and able to control the scene, changing the topic instantly, and giving a testimonial along this line of thinking.

"If you don't really rise, don't detach yourself from the top, you and I will probably become the losers in the competition after the arrival of the next era, dying in this abandoned universe, unable to keep up with the pace of the new transcendent center. The next era I haven't arrived yet, but it's already sad, I don't know how many comrades will be forced to stay. Acquaintances, relatives, you and me, how many people can I see in the next era, who can accompany me?" Then, her His voice changed, and he said, "So, you have to fight hard and fight hard to get to the next era. Although the gladiatorial fights in the giant bronze palace are cruel, they are also helpless. In order to cultivate the strongest people in the way of raising gu, come here. Cross you, me and him, and enter the new universe together. Do you think that Kong Xuan can become one of such seed characters? Come, let's watch the last match between the true immortals today. "

Zhuo Yanran showed a strange expression, looked at Jingjing Qi, and said, "There are some words in front of you, you said it casually when you attended an event in Xinghai where the Moon Holy Lake is located? It seems that this beast girl is paying attention to you, it's you my fangirl"

The battle is on again!

The last person among the extraordinary law enforcers appeared. He was a master in the late stage of Heaven, and he had directly defeated the surrogate man who jumped from the head of the wolverine. His level was suppressed to the pinnacle of true immortals, which is naturally very impressive.

However, despite his fierce flames and amazing mana, Daoxing is rare in the realm of the real immortals, and it is still not enough to see. When he meets Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, it can only end in tragedy.

This time, Wang Xuan smashed him with one punch after another. The man first broke his palm, then his arms disappeared after ten punches, and after ten punches, there was no bones left. He vented his anger for the Wolverines and their son, and got it back. justice.

So far, the battle of the True Immortal "Fair Arena" has come to an end. "The people in the late stage of the heaven were suppressed into the real immortal realm, and they were beaten by him with ten punches? I'm so careless!" already."

Fortunately, what reassured her a little was that the seats were full, the tickets were all sold out, and the last people who came in also watched one or two battles.

Outside the bronze platform, there was a sensation, and many people were cheering. They preferred direct and fierce battles rather than fancy sparring.

"Kong Xuan, the second king of the Five Elements Mountains, is strong!" Wolverine was the first to call out.

"Brother Kong Xuan is really good!" Xiong Shan of the black and white bear clan also admired from the bottom of his heart.

The ring No. 5 on the third floor of the Bronze Giant Palace was completely noisy. Xuan Tian sighed: "This Kong Xuan is the real murderer, probably on par with Lu Renjia. No wonder there are rumors that Jing Qi left from the Black Peacock Sacred Mountain with a thin willow waist."

"You don't want to live anymore, she's in the VIP seat, maybe overheard." Heihe reminded him. "I've been careless, I forgot!" Xuan Tian shrank his neck, and then he felt a chill on his back, as if someone was staring at him.

Many people are talking about it, and they are very satisfied with this kind of back-to-back matchup.

"Have you noticed, all the opponents, no one can block his ten punches, it's really against the sky, Kong Shiquan, amazing!" The crowd was hotly discussing, and many people praised.

Of course, there are also people who are dissatisfied, that is the opponent of the second king of the Five Elements Mountains.

"Kong Xuan of Gouyue, you can meet him anywhere, and he is even more fierce than before!" In the audience seat, Yuan Hong, a disciple of the Hedao Sect, had a gloomy expression on his face.

The last time he was in the Meteorite Sea, he didn't end up with a stubborn face. He didn't fulfill his promise and escaped death. After 11 years, we met again here.

Of course, it was mainly because he saw that people in his circle were discussing heatedly, saying that he would regret missing the battle here, but he couldn't hold back and ran here to see the enemy coming.

The male host was reprimanded. However, Gu Ming, the man in gray, had a great conversation with the supervisor, and he was praised.

The main channel of the third floor of the Bronze Giant Palace: "Your vision is indeed sharp, this Kong Xuan is hot enough, tough enough, and can be trained as a seed player. Earlier I thought he could only be Lu Renjia's sparring partner. Sent on the road, become blood and bones, and now I can see that I can compete with Lu Renjia, who is stirring up the situation in a different sea." "Everyone, it's over, this is the end. But today's duel between Kong Xuan and others is not over yet, and the next one will be even more exciting. One After the hour, he will compete with the candle dragon clan heaven-level masters on the huge bronze platform on the ninth floor!" After the beast girl finished speaking, she twisted her slender waist and exited the stage.

Before leaving, she took the initiative to greet Wang Xuan with a smile. She already knew that this would become a gold medal champion, the red demon.

At this time, the candle dragon clan was under a lot of pressure. Although they estimated that Kong Xuan was very strong, they did not expect him to be so outrageous. It has been determined that he can indeed compete with the masters in the early days of the heaven level.

An hour later, Wang Xuan was standing on the ninth floor of the Bronze Giant Palace. This place was very special. There was only a huge ring, covered by iron nets, far exceeding the previous venue.

Because, the entire floor consists of this giant arena. Even so, the audience here is full of people, and the popularity is overwhelming.

In an hour, enough news was fermented, and everyone in the city of the sky knew the name of the ten fists of the undefeated true immortal Kong.

The first candle dragon man to appear, the moment he opened his eyes, the void was like a lake, darkened, and finally it went dark and was completely imprisoned.

With a squeak, a dragon tail swept out behind him, more terrifying than the Heavenly Sword, with runes dazzling and dazzling, heading towards Wang Xuanxi. At this moment, Wang Xuan's whole body was boiling with immortal power, and he slammed his hands hard, tearing open the imprisoned space, and his right hand swiped with force, and with a puff, the sword light soared, and directly cut off the dragon's tail. He grabbed the remaining dragon's tail, stabbed his fingers into the flesh and blood, and smashed it towards the bronze ring.

With a bang, the bronze ground shook violently, the runes shone, and bright red blood splattered high. When the two first confronted, the Heavenly Master of the Candle Dragon Clan suffered a huge loss, and the space spell was broken. He was carried by his opponent, and he came into contact with the bronze platform fiercely, collided fiercely, and many bones were broken.

With a puff, he cut off his tail on his own, and flew out, his mouth was covered in blood, his eyes were cold, and he roared, his technique blossomed, and blasted towards Wang Xuan.

On the giant bronze platform, the two fought swiftly and After several collisions, with a puff, Wang Xuan twisted his neck and made a punch with his other hand, which directly exploded.

The first sky-level master of the candle dragon clan died violently.

With the first one, there is the second and the third. Wang Xuan was so demonic, holding a mace, he smashed a human-shaped one, and tore a dragon-shaped one with his hands.

In a blink of an eye, he killed three Heavenly Rank masters in a row.

Of course, these three times were not instant kills, and he couldn't be too strong and unmatched, worrying about being targeted. Even so, it shocked the audience.

"Hey!" This time, it was the beast girl's turn to change her face, she quickly stepped onto the stage, and she secretly transmitted her voice, saying, "Brother, come slowly and save yourself the fight!"

She told Wang Xuan that some VIPs were accustomed to arriving late and would not arrive at the first time. If no one came, there would be no one on the field.

Wang Xuan said, "They're a little weak. If Chao Peering dares to come out and fight me in the fair arena, I guess it will take a long time. I don't know if that Chao Peer from the candle dragon clan will end up."

Although he lowered his voice, some people who did not carry the VIP seats with their mental fluctuations were talking about the extraordinary peers of the candle dragon clan.

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