Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 187: Breaking and stunned

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This section of the road close to the exit, once again makes people feel the awkward feeling of bending the light, and can see their own back.

"Everything has an omen." Wang Xuan said to himself, here the real immortal's body is torn apart, everyone is blurred, and the body is faint, which is the early reflection of some essence of the secret realm of time and space.

Many people were silent, covered in blood, and some extraordinary people still had broken monster claws stuck in their bodies, and they didn't have time to pull them out.

Many people stayed permanently on the frozen soil behind them, torn apart by the group of mutated living dead, and some miserable people were even swallowed alive.

At the exit, Wu Xingtian of the wolf-headed badger brain saw the second king walking out of the fog at a glance, and immediately greeted him and said, "Brother, you have a great life. It's not easy to come back alive."1

Wang Xuan's blood was not dry, and he looked like he had just broken out of the siege. After stepping on the meteorite, he let out a long breath and sighed, "It's a fluke." 1

Nearby, the extraordinary people have long been fried, many people are in a trance, and many people have sad expressions on their faces.

"I heard that a lot of people died in it.

Miserable. Some five brothers went in, only one came back alive. Some were fellow Taoists, but in the end they were alone. One escaped, hugging the other's **** arm and returning home in tears. "

Wu Xingtian introduced the situation, that is, the group of black peacocks hadn't come out yet, so he was quite worried about Luo Ying.

"You really resisted and didn't go in?" Wang Xuan asked.

Wu Xingtian said: "I walked around near the entrance and admired the scenery of the frozen soil for a while. When I saw that someone became the prey in the rough hunting map on the rock, and died tragically in an instant, I was rather cowardly and ran out."

Wang Yan believes that he has a strong sense of crisis and has outstanding survivability.

Wu Xingtian looked at the entrance and said, "The black-hearted old man came out alive. He really has some skills. After coming to the Meteorite Sea for decades, he can return safely every time he enters the secret realm."

The black-hearted old man with high caliber of magic sticks was seriously injured this time, with a severed hand stuck in his butt, and an animal claw embedded in his shoulder blade, and his body was covered in blood.

"Second King, I bought something good this time. Go back to my booth and take a closer look." After escaping, the black-hearted old man tore off the severed hand from his buttocks and waved hello to Wang Xuan.

"Okay, black boss, see you later." Wang Xuan responded.


Next, Kong Deng, the second king of the Five Elements Mountain, was very leisurely and became an outsider. He stood here and listened to Wu Xingtian's introduction.

It didn't take a long time, he remembered many famous black households in the Meteorite Sea, and it was regarded as an indirect integration into this place.

"Luo Ying, the first young master of our clan, came out. Fortunately, there is nothing serious except for the slightly damaged black dress." Wu Xingtian called Wang Yan to pick him up. 2

Luo Ying's side was also reduced, and the three demon immortals died inside. Fortunately, the problem was not serious.

In the exit area, there was a sudden chaos. People from the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple rushed out and blocked the place. They were all covered in blood, and they glanced at everyone.

Whether it was a newcomer or someone nearby, they were all stared at by them, exploring the light of the primordial spirit, and even the black peacocks of the top demon clan were looked at and looked at by them.

Then, the people from Jinque Palace broke out, frustrated and indignant, and looked at everyone nearby with anger.

"What, the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple were raided. This is a behemoth that is high above and overlooking the sea of ​​​​stars. Who dares to touch them?"!

When the news came, all parties were shocked.

The two Taoist traditions have a very long history. It is said that there have been true saints who are extremely powerful in Yu Taoism, which is unfathomable. Even if the two religions have declined in certain eras, no one dares to explore the root cause.

For a time, under the brilliant starry sky, among the meteorites, the extraordinary was in an uproar.

"Niu, the direct disciple of the Tattoo Palace, Hong Dao, was smashed to pieces by someone with a stick. Which goddess did this?" The color of amazement.

Soon, this is no longer a secret, and all parties here have known about it, and it has been heatedly discussed.

"There's something wrong with the situation. Why are the people in the Jinque Palace more angry than the people in the Tattoo Palace? A few people's eyes are red, and everyone has a sullen look."

After a while, people were in a daze and learned that the Tattoo Palace was attacked, but the Jinque Palace was killed. What was the turning point?

"Mo Qing showed his favor to the Tattoo Palace and blocked the murderer along the way. As a result, several people died tragically in the Jinque Palace. In the end, even Mo Qing got in."

When the truth leaked out, all parties showed different expressions, and it was natural to feel that Jinque Palace wanted to make a good deal with the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, but as a result, the iron plate was kicked, and the core disciples of the family were slaughtered.

In this area, people are both shocked and emotional

Miscellaneous, who is the ruthless person who dares to make such a big case?

In the sea of ​​meteorites, 70% of them are black households, except for the wild immortals, there are also many interstellar fugitives, all of whom are very fierce people.

Because even murderers like them would not dare to offend such a behemoth on weekdays.

"The King of the Golden Horn? I've never heard of it. It's a bit of a dream to even pick three great lines and kill Mo Qing."

On this day, the King of the Golden Horn became famous in the meteorite sea.

The second king Kong Huang and the king Wolverine looked around with long necks, "eat melons" here, and joined in the fun, asking people about the secrets of the battle.

Most of the black households here are refugees who challenged and offended the big forces. Now they have no sympathy for Mo Qing at all. Instead, they feel that the King of the Golden Horn is very courageous.

Hell's Black Ant, Qingyang Sword Immortal, Hei Niu Dao Immortal and other five super peers, they still have a responsibility, and they quit after fighting with a group of monsters in the frozen soil for a long time.

It can be considered that after helping the extraordinary, let the survivors withdraw.

Finally, the passage to the secret realm of time and space is closed, and the full

It is blocked and will not be opened again for a short time.

Five Elements Mountain, Wang Xuan is going to retreat, open up a dojo on the second peak, not only to improve Taoism, but also to brew some medicinal wine.

Wu Xingtian was surprised: "Brother, you have a strong Taoism, and now you will break through again? It's amazing. I feel that you are not too old, right?"

"I spent eight hundred years of my life in vain, and now I have only reached the sixth level of the true immortal. If I don't strive to break through a level, I will really be a waste of time." Wang Xuan responded.

He is naturally not that old. Now he is 212 years old, and he is a real immortal. However, he has broken the limit many times, and his Taoism is indeed very deep, so he hides it like this.

Wolverine was taken aback and said: "It's only eight hundred years, and it's already the sixth heaven of true immortals. This is an extraordinary achievement, okay? I've practiced for 1,600 years, and now I just touched the heaven level. The threshold is like this, others say that I am not slow anymore."

Wang Xuan was stunned and asked, "Didn't you say that after becoming an immortal, some people can be promoted to the first level in 20 years?"

"That's a very rare case. It's exclusive to Tianzong characters, and it's only the initial stage of Ascension to Immortal. The more you go, the more difficult it is to break through."

Wu Xingtian continued: "Anyone who can become immortal within three hundred years

Humans are considered extraordinary geniuses, and those who can reach the heaven level in 1,500 years are considered to be relatively powerful creatures. "

"Congratulations to King Peacock, who is only a few decades later than some people." Wang Huang said with a smile.

"Low-key, not necessarily, maybe it can be done in a year or two, maybe it will take ten years to set foot in the heavenly realm." Wolverine smiled, and he also felt that his talent was extraordinary.

Then he looked at Wang Yan again, and said, "I think you are more powerful than the transcendents of the eighth heaven."

Wang Xuan asked, "Tattoo Palace, Paper Temple, these legendary Taoist traditions, can their disciples become immortals when they are more than two hundred years old? Every 20 years or so, they can be promoted to a level of heaven."

Wolverine said: "There is no need to compare with them. Those who become immortals early may not be able to detach themselves. Some aliens who have embarked on the road of imperialization are all late bloomers. Besides, this time, it is not just a golden horn king. Well, a loose cultivator, who was also in the real fairyland, but he beat out all the brains of Hongdao, and killed Mo Qing, the core successor of Jinque Palace. It's really fierce, a hero, and people have to admire it. I wish I could meet each other. what!"

He sighed like this, which is in line with the atmosphere of the Meteorite Sea. The black households are rebellious and dare to resist the authority, otherwise

Nor will it escape here.

Wang Xuan realized that he could be so popular?

He retreated, sealed the cave with the killing array map, baptized the primordial spirit with the water-like starlight, nourished the flesh, and studied the texture of the parietal bone.

At the same time, he also made wine in Dongfuzhong.

The strange things collected from the backyard of the true saint are mainly collected for prescriptions. If they are turned into aged wine and the medicinal properties are "mellow" in the wine, then he will benefit for a long time in the future, which can help him take the imperial path. this road.

Making wine, comprehending scriptures, visualizing and visualizing the texture on the parietal bone, he had a full and busy life, adjusted his state, and began to eat the five-color bamboo.

It has five sections, and each section has a different color of bamboo.

Wang Xuan used the killing formation diagram to cut a small hole in the first section of the green bamboo. A drop of green liquid rolled out and was absorbed by his mouth. The residual breath had a strong fragrance. After being caught by the open pores, he The whole body is brilliant.

Not to mention, the drop of green liquid that he swallowed directly was the power of the origin of the innate wood attribute. It was full of vitality and activated all the cells in his body, like a new life.

His long black hair skyrocketed, extremely bright, followed by his bone marrow, which made blood violently, replacing old blood.

Afterwards, Wang Xuan used the murderous aura in the array to pierce through the khaki-colored bamboo, and rolled out a drop of the innate soil-attribute origin liquid, which was thick and atmospheric, directly supplementing the origin of the human body.

"It's a good thing." Wang Yan sighed. These five-colored bamboos are far more precious than he thought. No wonder many people are vying to buy them.

The most worrying thing for limit-breakers is that depleting the source of Dao in advance is not conducive to future development, and these five-colored bamboos can obviously make up for it.

Although Wang Yan never worried about himself, he thought that his foundation was strong enough.

But now this obvious change still makes his pores dilate, the light and rain fall, and he floats like a fairy again, and his vitality is as exuberant as the sea.

Then, the other three bamboos were also broken open by him, and he drank three drops of innate origin with different attributes.

On the same day, Wang Xuan broke through and officially set foot in the Third Heaven of True Immortals. His Taoism grew again, and the texture on his skull became clearer and more complicated.

"No wonder they are looking for eight-colored bamboo." Wang Xuan opened his eyes, two lightning bolts flashed across the entire cave, and his strength increased.

The effect is obvious.

The strange bamboo that surpasses the five colors is mostly a change of magnitude. How amazing the medicinal effect is, you can only know it after you taste it!

He regretted and looked forward to it. The group of people in the tattoo palace were too weak.

As for letting him hold the five-colored bamboo to look for it? He didn't want to risk revealing his identity, and the most important thing was that he didn't master the secret technique of finding bamboo.

At the same time, he thought of the ten-colored bamboos in the backyard of the true saint, and completely misestimated the weight of that thing. There is a high probability that it is a sacred object!

Wang Xuan dawdled, and after some geniuses passed the customs, after tasting the sweetness of the creation of strange things, he felt that if he wanted to rise quickly, he had to find some special creations.

A group of little demons stepped forward to give salutes and shouted: "Congratulations to the second king for breaking the barrier, and you are a big step closer to the demon!" Wolverine Wu Xingtian came at the first time, nodded again and again, and then talked about the recent some things.

The people in the tattoo palace made some big moves. After the defeat in the secret realm of time and space some time ago, they came out and began to collect all kinds of treasures and strange objects. They wanted to build a mirror of good fortune to show the murderers.

Wang Deng's heart sank, is there such a thing?

The people in the tattoo palace seemed to be furious. For this reason, they also found such extraordinary peers as Hell Black Ant and Qingyang Sword Immortal, and asked them to help them refine treasures.

"However, the super peers only lent them some strange things, and they don't want to participate too much. They are worried that those who dare to attack the tattoo palace will also have a lot of background." After saying this, Wu Xingtian showed a strange expression.

"What's wrong?" Wang Xuan asked.

Wolverine told that soon, the tattoo palace and the paper temple found the murderer and chased them all the way into the starry sky.

"Have you caught anyone?"

Wu Xingtian shook his head: "No, the strong man will never return once he's gone."

"They were counter-killed?" Wang Xuan was surprised. Which alien Lu saw the injustice shot?

Wolverine said: "No, they just disappeared and never looked back."

"What's the situation?" Wang Xuan was stunned.

Wolverine whispered: "Before they left, they collected a lot of strange objects and treasures, but including the five-colored bamboo, they didn't pay the bill, and then they disappeared completely."

Wang Xuan was dumbfounded. It was outrageous. Could it be a bunch of liars?

This modus operandi seems familiar. Four years ago, a group of liars also appeared in Haichuanxing, defrauding and stealing the source of the super cave-the old holy decree fragments.

This time it's even more amazing. How dare they pretend to be the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, and come here to commit crimes? !

Wang Xun lost his mind, he turned the black to eat the black, and robbed a group of liars of the five-color bamboo?

In theory, the enemy of the tattoo palace should be his friend, but the relationship is really complicated.

"In the past two days, there has been secret news from outside that the real successor of the Tattoo Palace and the disciple of the Paper Temple have been led to a Jedi in the Pingtian Star has been trapped and has not come out yet. "

Wu Xingtian lowered his voice and told him that he couldn't help but want to laugh. This is the atmosphere of the Falling Star Sea. He supports and resists authority, and he respects unruly geeks.

What else can Wang Huang say, as an outsider, just sit back and watch the situation develop.

Until three days later, the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple were furious, and another group of people came to investigate the scandal.

One chapter tonight, every one or two weeks from now on

Just adjust it like this, I realized that no matter how you adjust it, the powerful inertia will be automatically corrected until late at night. However, please rest assured that the overall number of words per month will not be less, and the average daily update is 6,000 words. The total number of words per month has not been less than when the book was opened.

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