Deep Space Beyond

Vol 2 Chapter 186: Strong head will turn around

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Wang Xuan smashed it down with a stick, and with the rules of immortality, at this moment, there was no need to cover up the energy fluctuations, the void was torn apart, and the woodland exploded directly.

This is a powerful blow from the demon "Golden Horn King". The black iron rod in his hand comes from a mutant double-headed man, which is extremely heavy and hard.

However, the original immortal iron rod was refined by him with the killing array diagram, and now it has become a short rod, which is more than one meter long, but it is even harder.

Hongdao didn't look back, nor did he move laterally, because it was too late, his body seemed to be floating, and he flashed forward at an unbelievable speed.

His knees were not bent, and he disappeared after teleporting, but after the pitch-black immortal iron rod at the back was swung down, it stuck to the back of his head, never moved away, and moved forward.

Wang Xuan teleported with him, the black iron rod in his hand almost touched his scalp, the rules of immortality were intertwined, and he was determined to open his skull.

Hong Dao's scalp was bleeding, and at this moment, he used dozens of secret techniques, but the opponent was very strong, and he responded with color. In addition to the glow of the iron rod, he also bombarded him fifty-four times.

The way the two of them fought was too weird, volleying across the sky, one after the other, almost sticking to each other, the rules intertwined with each other, and the dazzling rays of light bloomed again and again.

At this time, the immortal sword wheel, feathering fist, animal skin condensed by tattoo runes, innate five-color divine light, etc., were entangled between the two, erupting, and the scene was terrifying.

There was a big explosion in the void, the forest was razed to the ground, the permafrost was sinking, a dark rift appeared, and the immortal-level living corpses that rushed to the vicinity were minced.

Wang Xuan was covered in haze, evoking ten violent extraordinary factors behind the life soil, and they were unified in advance, flowing with radiance and pouring out.

This is like a catastrophe, but different from the previous manifestations, it was embodied by Wang Xuan and became a vivid sea of ​​stars, covering the opponent.

The stars one after another detonated one after another, and the stars were intertwined one after another, surrounding the disciples of the tattoo palace, and the thunder continued. There were cracks in Hong Dao's battle clothes, and all kinds of secret techniques could not be prevented. The main reason was that the opponent was sticking behind him like a dog-skin plaster, and it was difficult to avoid it.

The falling of the cosmic stars is like a rehearsal of the battle in the real holy realm. The galaxies are intertwined, the bright stars are falling, and the miniature universe constructed of mythical substances is constantly roaring.

Hong Dao's body was scorched black, and his face was full of anger, because he was not able to turn around at all, and the iron stick kept pressing on his head.

This is the most embarrassing battle he has ever fought, with his back to the enemy!

He knew that he couldn't maintain the detached image of looking down on his peers, at least now he was about to be embarrassed once, and maybe it would be tragic.

With a bang, the skin opened and the flesh burst open, his fairy clothes exploded, and the cosmic galaxy that blessed him radiated ten colors of light, drowning him.


Finally, Wang Xuan dropped a stick, and the result of "Never leave and never abandon" came to fruition. The dark iron stick wrapped around the immortal rune and knocked on the back of Hongdao's head.

Hongdao's eyes were staring at Venus, all kinds of magical powers and secrets were released to the fullest, and he traveled through the void many times, but he couldn't get rid of it.

Now his skull is cracked, the pain is incomparable, and blood is splashing, but it is precisely because of this that he has released the "close connection" with the other party.

The way of fighting just now made him hate it, and felt it to the extreme.

However, his suffering did not end. At the same time as the skull split in four or five, the ten-color universe star sea that possessed the body also exploded.

In an instant, his eyes turned black, and this time he was really hit hard. The ten-color beam pierced through him, and his primordial spirit was not stable.

With a bang, his arm was blackened and broken.

"Bring it to you!" Wang Xuan snatched the strange object, the five-colored bamboo, and threw it into the life soil with his backhand. He washed away all traces with the ten-color transcendent factor, and took it back to himself.

He smashed the immortal iron rod in his hand again, and with a bang, Hong Dao's parietal bone was smashed, and at the same time Wang Xuan's fists and feet slammed into the opponent's body.

The attack between lightning bolts and fire was very tragic, Hongdao was torn apart, and the whole person was blown up.

Wang Xuan followed up and made up the stick!

The one-meter-long immortal iron rod was quite handy, and it fell with the immortal rune.

The murderous aura in the distance is monstrous, but there are many masters, both the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, and there are many heaven-level creatures, surrounding them together.

Mo Han, a woman from the Paper Temple, was not far away. She arrived in the blink of an eye, and slashed forward with a knife, cutting through the entire sky. This woman was quite powerful.

She is a creature in the late stage of the true immortal, and she is a genius who breaks the limit. Now she is equivalent to a very strong heaven-level master attacking.

Wang Xuan raised his stick, and with a bang, it collided with the Xue Liang fairy sword in her hand. The regular rune continued to bloom, and this woman was extremely strong.

He didn't delay, turned around and left, because he didn't want to be surrounded and beaten. A group of people are like meteors from outside the sky, with beams of light, coming from the permafrost, from the forest in the distance, at high speed.

"Ah..." With a low roar, Hong Dao really didn't die. He was proficient in some kind of regeneration technique and walked out of the blood mist. His eyes are sharp and his heart is indignant. He has traveled all over the world for all these years, and he has never suffered such a violent loss. This is a veritable black stick.


He shuttled through the space, chasing and killing at extreme speed.

"It's very strong, but he didn't kill him." Wang Xuan looked back and glanced at him. He was quite regretful, but this kind of comment was really unpopular.

Whether it is Hong Dao or Mo Han, the expressions on his face are extremely gloomy, this demon is too arrogant, does he know who he is dealing with?

Hong Dao didn't say a word, he looked like a thunderbolt under the sky, pierced through the void, and kept disappearing. He wanted to narrow the distance between each other and win this person.

Wang Xuan's speed was supernormal, and sword wings appeared on both sides of his body, vibrating the sword light, and leaping away, not only seemed to penetrate the space, but also seemed to cross the time.

He jumped out of the encirclement in the middle of nowhere. Those people failed to close the gap. Dozens and hundreds of beams shot from them, including flying swords, lightning, and swords of immortality, all of which failed and failed to hit him.

"The King of the Golden Horn, you stay here!" a middle-aged man shouted. He was obviously a master of the heavens. Attacked and ran away.

Now, they are acting here in the name of an alliance between the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple, and some people dare to break ground on Tai Sui!

"I don't have time, I'm going to the True Holy Palace for a drink. Let's leave today." Wang Xuan increased his escape speed to the limit. Although he really wanted to kill the people in the Tattoo Palace, the timing was not right.

A group of living corpses rushed to the place, mainly because the aura of the living in this place was too strong. So many true immortals and heaven-level masters gathered together, attracting the attention of those monsters, and a large number of ghosts were killed.

On the way, someone blocked halfway, and accurately judged Wang Xuan's trajectory. When he just shuttled out of the sky, he sacrificed a palace tower and covered him.

"Are you courting death?" Wang Xuan looked cold.

It was Mo Qing, the descendant of the top sect Jinquegong, who stood on a high ground to warn Hongdao with his Primordial Spirit earlier.

"You're so brave, a true immortal of the Golden Horn Monster Clan, and he dares to attack a sage Taoist like the Tattoo Palace, and sneak attack on Brother Hong Daoist. Seeing the injustice, I will shovel you!" Mo Qing, a disciple of Jinque Palace, is righteous. Words, urging the strange treasure - the grand shrine, fell again, and the rules and symbols shone, blocking the void.

"Don't leave me here with awe-inspiring justice and disgusting. I thought about it, the Jinque Palace is also famous, are you kneeling and licking the Tattoo Palace?" Wang Xuan showed no mercy, just so straightforward.

He was covered in thunder, and while he was talking, he had already started, the technique was blooming, and he was swinging the black iron rod and smashing it at Mo Qing.

The dense lightning strikes the palace, preventing it from falling. The pitch-black iron rod collided with a cyan skyge in Mo Qing's hand, and the sky collapsed.

swish swish...  

There were more than a dozen people who appeared, not from the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple. This area was all experts from the Golden Palace, hunting Wang Xuan.

Fortunately, there were so many corpses in the distance that the people who attacked the Tattoo Palace and the Paper Temple frantically, even drowned some people.

This caused the heavenly masters there to be tangled, some people went to rescue, and some people hesitated before chasing them again.


Wang Xuan opened the door, and after fighting against the Scarecrow in the backyard of Zhensheng, he displayed the four-page sword scripture obtained by him, and directly slashed a middle-aged man in the Jinque Palace, without even escaping with his Primordial Spirit.

A master in the late stage of the True Immortal, he was killed in a single encounter.

With a bang, Wang Xuan overturned Mo Qing's golden palace tower and went away again. Mo Qing was chasing after him, and the people around him also blocked him.

"Fellow Daoists, hurry up!" Mo Qing made a voice transmission to make the people in the tattoo palace go faster. He was trying his best to stop them. Wang Xuan took a deep breath, and his whole body glowed. He embodied a piece of paper, inscribed with the supreme scripture, which was the first of the Scarecrow's four-page sword scripture. Splitting apart a heaven-level expert from the Jinque Palace.

It was just a page of paper, even more terrifying than the peerless fairy sword. It pierced through this person's body, causing him to disintegrate piece by piece, and then shattered, and the primordial spirit was also beheaded.

Mo Qing was furious, and two people were killed on his side. He went all out to control the golden palace and attack Wang Xuan with the light of feathering.

The other people in the Jinque Palace also followed and besieged and blocked.

Not far away, Hong Dao and Mo Han came, and the heaven-level masters they brought along with them hunted.

"Thank you Brother Mo for stopping him," Hongdao said.

At this time, another person was killed in Jinque Palace and was beheaded by Wang Xuan, which made Mo Qing unable to bear it, and fought close to him in an instant, trying to lock Wang Xuan's way of escape.

"Grandpa, I've been waiting for you for a long time!" Wang Xuanhan said, with symbols all over his body, one after another, the divine chain of order that manifested rushed out of his body.

He is like a phoenix nirvana, with countless divine feathers blooming, extremely dazzling, piercing through the void, and entwining them.


Wang Xuan broke through the air and left, and took Mo Qing on the road together. From the very beginning, this person warned Hongdao that he wanted to please the tattoo palace with Wang Xuan's life.

Just now, Mo Qing was blocked with strong hostility, which made Wang Xuan annoyed.

There was a big explosion in the void, and the two were entangled in the process of leaving, constantly attacking.

The people in the back were chasing after him, especially the experts from the Golden Palace, who were a little anxious. It was not a good thing to help others to hurt themselves.

Fortunately, Mo Qing is very strong. Although he was brought on the road by the opponent and entangled by the rune of order, he had contacts in the process of confronting that person, and Mo Qing was strong enough.


People from the three major organizations hunted down together.

However, what surprised them was that the King of the Golden Horn was so fast that the horn on his head hung in the void and disappeared very far before it would reappear.

This is Wang Xuan's initial experience on the path of becoming a Taoist in the realm of real immortals. Now there are those runes condensed on the golden horns, which can break through the air very quickly.

During this process, when the two were fighting fiercely, Mo Qing suddenly let out a shrill scream, and he was provoked by the horns of the "Golden Horned King" who issued a mysterious rune pierced through his chest. With a puff, Wang Xuan shook his head, and the man was torn apart, shattering into the void, and even the primordial spirit was annihilated.

Wang Xuan was in a trance for a while, and initially set foot on the road of Yu Dao transformation. Although the rune is very unstable, after the successful realization just now, the power is really strong!

He killed a core disciple of Jinque Palace so quickly, but Mo Qing's regeneration technique was not able to be used effectively to revive himself.

"What?!" A group of people in Jinque Palace were shocked helped people stop the enemy, but one of their direct descendants died!

Wang Xuan escaped again, this time disappearing more completely, and finally got rid of the group of people and disappeared in the boundless permafrost jungle.

"After all, it's not strong enough. If I am a heaven-level expert, and I break the limit many times, one person can sweep all opponents." He reflected.

However, now he has obtained the five-colored bamboo, which is an extraordinary treasure, containing the innate power of the five elements. Wang Xuan felt that he didn't need to spend more than ten years. With this thing in hand, he should be able to improve his realm again in the near future. In addition, the road of imperialization can also be expanded.

He escaped all the way, and when he reappeared, he put on tattered clothes dyed with blood from a living corpse, and became the second king of the Five Elements Mountain again, Kong Xuan, and walked towards the exit.

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