For the dynamics posted by Gu Nianqing herself.

Her fans were immediately relieved.

Heaven forbid.

How depressed this group of fans has been these days.

For the hotly discussed Gu Nianqing lip-syncing incident on the Internet, they struggled to defend it at the beginning.

The casual words of a passing star of the country of sticks can also be taken seriously.

However, as many insiders remained silent, this storm intensified.

More people flocked to it, and Gu Nianqing’s Weibo comments fell.

They all called her a liar, and there was a behind-the-scenes promoter behind her.

Although Gu Nianqing’s fans are large, they are too popular and their cohesion is not strong.

After many fans were led to the rhythm, they gradually became suspicious in their hearts.

Coupled with the fact that she was deprived of the right to access the Internet, there was no movement for these days.

At the very least, there is no rebuttal.

More and more people have bad ideas.

This causes many people to lose their powder.

However, there is also a benefit.

Those who can stay and continue to believe in her are hardcore true fans.

Now the Buddha-figure came forward and sent a rather ironic dynamic, which instantly moved them to cry.

Thanks to this popularity, her fans skyrocketed to more than one million.

Recently, live streaming brought goods, and the income soared.

If you get used to this heat, you will want to rub it all the time.

After learning about this, Huang Meixian was not willing to be lonely, and also posted a dynamic at the same time.

“I’m sorry, I don’t think you can really sing.”

Although he did not name names, people with a heart can see at a glance who he is talking about.

This seemed to have sounded the clarion call to attack Gu Nianqing.

Originally, the conflict must have come and gone before it became lively.

Gu Nianqing has not responded to this matter, many have been instructed to criticize Internet big V, and media bloggers are completely talking to themselves, and there is no fun at all.

Now I suddenly appeared.

The gold lord behind this group of people was excited and quickly let them continue to attack Gu Nianqing, making sure to splash this basin of dirty water on her body.

“In this world, a lot of people are behind a set of surfaces. It is said that there will be no lip synching, but it may be real lip synching. ”

“For Gu Nianqing, this girl, originally I still admired it very much… But lip-synching is unforgivable. ”

“Gu Nianqing, turn back to the shore! You are still young, occasionally do wrong and there is nothing, admit a mistake, correct it, we will definitely forgive you. ”

“Originally, I didn’t actually believe her lip-synching, but looking at her latest releases, it’s ambiguous. It is obviously a confusion between right and wrong. Isn’t it brave to say that lip-synching is so difficult? ”

And countless online trolls have been on various platforms on the network, fishing in troubled waters.

In fact.

As long as Gu Nianqing responds to this one, then this group of online mobs has already won.

No matter what she responds to, with the strength of this group of people to reverse black and white, it will always misinterpret her original meaning.

Gu Nianqing is young and does not understand the trickiness in this.

Although Gu Zhen’s IQ is high, he is not a person in the entertainment industry, and he does not know how sinister people in the entertainment industry are.

However, Li Xiuqing can see it at a glance.

That’s why she posted her second update.

[Anti-liptto Initiative].

This is the title of the second dynamic.

The content is very simple, I hope that all singers in the music industry can respect and love themselves and maintain a good atmosphere.

Performing in any public place without lip synching!

Any singer who violates the proposal is banned from singing for one year.



How serious the lip-syncing in the entertainment industry is, many insiders know it.

Some are already secret secrets.

Many singers are invited to the party and will cryptically ask for lip-synching.

Even in his own concerts, lip-syncing is not uncommon.

If the acting skills are better, everyone can’t see it, naturally it’s hello me, hello everyone.

Comrades with poor acting skills, such as taking the microphone back some time ago, that is, issuing a statement, apologizing, indicating physical discomfort and other reasons.

Bad money drives out good money.

There’s no risk at all in lip-synching, so why not.

This trend is also intensifying in the music industry.


Now that I really signed this proposal, what if the lip-synching is caught in the future?

If you really ban singing for a year, this loss is great.

The person hiding behind did not expect Gu Nianqing to be so ruthless.

Once this big trick is released, no proof is needed.

However, this is really a desperate plan.

No matter what the maned dogs hiding behind the scenes may be, the ultimate goal is the same.

Forced Gu Nianqing to bow her head.

Unexpectedly, this girl was so strong that she came up with such a trick.

This is the lifeblood of their group.

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