“Mom, you really agreed!”

Gu Nianqing hugged Li Xiuqing all of a sudden and kissed her fiercely.

“I love my mom the most.”

Li Xiuqing enjoyed her daughter’s tiredness, and looked at the happy Gu Nianqing without anger.

“Yes! Agree that you sing that you love me, and that I am a warlord, a mountain that weighs on your heads. ”

“However, I have a condition, after this game is over, I will immediately quit the program group.”

“Yes, yes!”

Gu Nianqing only looked at the eyes.

Moreover, as long as there is a slight loosening of attitude, the rest of the matter will be solved.

“Since people say you lip sync, then you have to perform more perfectly in the next performance!”

“I’ve heard a few songs you’ve sung before! It can only be said that it is general, if you want to show hard power and do better without letting others talk about it. ”

“From today onwards, I will train you every night. Get people to master more skills as soon as possible. ”

“When it’s time for the game, sing me well!”

“Dare to say that my daughter Li Xiuqing lip sync! The clown of the stick country, so quickly forgot about the events of the year. ”

“Howler, Mom!”

For her mother Li Xiuqing’s talent in music, Gu Nianqing has no doubt.

Most of her singing skills are actually learned slowly by watching her mother sing on weekdays.

But when I grew up, I felt more and more mysterious about my mother.

Soft, pleasant, and the sound is very characteristic.

It is not uncommon to see the mother holding hands and singing together after the father’s work.

I used to think my mother sang really well, but since I participated in the star night.

Gu Nianqing found that the little fur she had learned from Li Xiuqing was so powerful.

It’s like a dimensionality reduction strike.

At the opening ceremony, the four mentors also sang songs together.

But she found that she was far from her mother.

Gu Nianqing sometimes imagines what kind of achievements her mother would have if she became a singer.

However, with Li Xiuqing’s contemptuous attitude towards the entertainment industry, this kind of thing can only be thought about when dreaming.

Gu Nianqing, who once again got permission to access the Internet, immediately posted a new news on his Weibo.

“Sorry, I really won’t!”

It can also be regarded as a response to the doubts of the outside world.

In fact, according to her character, she simply ignores the suspicion of outsiders.

It’s just that because Li Xiuqing actually agreed to her participate in the follow-up star night, she was excited for a while and couldn’t help it.

However, when Li Xiuqing saw this Weibo posted by her daughter, she directly deprived her of the right to use Weibo.

“What are you hairing! Forget it, forget it, let your mother and I come. ”

“Sister Fang, it’s me Li Xiuqing.”

Zhonghai in the Great Xia Dynasty.

Jinghai Lianggong.

Located at the center of the Yellow River, the whole river view is in full view.

To be able to live here is either rich or expensive.

Courtyard 1, top floor.

A woman with a graceful posture, lying lazily on the sofa

From the outside, he looks only in his early twenties, but he exudes a mature temperament.

Looking at the crowds in the distance, it was like red dust.

An unexpected phone rang.

“Li Xiuqing, Qingqing! Why don’t you think of contacting me as your academician wife? ”

“No more verbosity. Gu Nianqing is my daughter. ”

Sister Fang was obviously stunned, and then suddenly realized.

“No wonder, there is indeed a bit of similarity between the eyebrows.”

“Huh! Strange, how could you let your daughter go this way, back then you…”

“Don’t mention it, the female lady can’t help it! Today I want you to help! ”

“Hey, it’s rare that we have something to do, and the definition of being a sister is unshirkable.”

“Is it something that this group of people bullied their nieces. But logically, this kind of trifle also needs me to come forward! ”

“Hmph! This kind of thing, of course, can’t easily let them go, this time there is one counted as one can not spare all. ”

“Okay, no more nonsense with you! I still have to find Uncle Jiang and them!” ”

Gu Nianqing watched Li Xiuqing make several more calls, feeling inexplicable, but she felt that her mother seemed to become more and more mysterious.

The domineering momentum on the phone is really scary.

Sister Fang, Uncle Jiang….

What kind of people are these!

Could it be that our mother used to be from the underworld?

Lady of the rivers and lakes!

However, looking at Gu Zhen’s calm look, this is not like ah.

There are more than a dozen calls, anyway, the person on the other end of the phone, Gu Nianqing, does not know a single one.

For half an hour, Li Xiuqing opened Weibo.

Posted an update.

but shocked the entire entertainment industry.

Ask for collections, ask for flowers, ask for evaluations.

Ask for everything.

Thank you.

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