Dance with Darkness and Light

Chapter 16 - Heavy Rain II

For what felt like a week, Bazuul had fought for his survival in this eerie dark space. Not that he really knew how much time had passed, but he still guessed it to be somewhere around that.

The wounds on his body had increased significantly over this time, as the wounds gaped open and blood slowly flowed out without end. His clothes, tattered beyond saving. It was a wonder that his shirt actually still remained on him, as it barely held onto a thread.

In the exchanges he and...this thing in the darkness had, he had lost miserably. Although he still retaliated, he was not sure if he truly damaged it as he was unable to see much. The dark fiend had already attempted to consume him whole three times, this was the only time Bazuul was sure he had damaged it. The screams coming from it assured him of it. Even more so, when it intensified as he ripped more of it's "flesh" off every time it tried to swallow him up.

Bazuul actually chuckled viciously and taunted it.

"What is it huh?! You scared? Hahaha, then keep on hiding in the dark coward!"

Again rumbling sounds could be heard in the distance, apparently, it didn't appreciate the mocking tone of its prey. Another high-pitched sound that burrowed itself into Bazuul's mind appeared. Bazuul screamed out of pain as blood flowed out his eyes, nose, and ears.

Once more the clicking noises it made resounded in the distance. Shortly after images flooded Bazuul's mind, memories of his past life. Memories of how he tormented people, of how he broke them and felt satisfied at that. Images of how he took the hand that intended to help him and crushed it.

This torture of his past deeds went on when that fiend actually let out a chilling laugh.

Once more, as it was in the past, the bitter taste of regret seemingly paralyzed Bazuul, his mind, dazed by the shame he put on himself with his bullying. Again, just like back on Earth, the depression in his mind took over. The doubt in him rose, as it whispered to him. It told him that he wasn't all that, no, it even elaborated. Beneath the layer of pride he displayed, it said, even he himself knew how pitiful he truly was. He was no "King," he was actual thrash.

Even through the mental torment invoked by that thing in the darkness, a slight rueful chuckle escaped Bazuul. How couldn't he know what he was, he clearly saw how the people looked at him ever since he was little. Apart from her of course.

"Her," he thought as the thought of that one person shook him awake.

He remembered the time, the one interaction he had with her before tragedy swept both their lives away into the abyss.

It was Halloween, and for some reason he was going crazy once again, tormenting the guy she was with because he used the "trick" on their door, since they didn't have the money to buy "treats". To be honest, he kind of went out of control and the whole thing almost turned into some form of kidnapping. Yet, it shook him awake when he heard the two little children that were with them cry.

At this moment he thought. "What the fuck am I doing. It's Halloween for fuck's sake."

He felt so bad at this moment, that he wasn't sure what to do. Out of instinct, he wanted to give them all the sweets he had gathered this Halloween. Only to realize that he didn't take part in Halloween this time around. Then he remembered that he had five euros in his pocket and grabbed it. With the intention of giving the little children the money as an apology, he walked toward them.

At this moment though, she took one step to the side, blocking his path, and stood right in front of him as she looked deep into his eyes and said.

"Do not touch the kids!" With a tone, he never heard from her before and a resolute light in her eyes. That was the time he realized the force the light of the moon carried.

Shocked he actually took a step back. While he was a sun, he had taken a dark path, and the silver light of the moon seemed to cleanse that darkness away.

Back to reality.

"One simple step for you, one step to change my world!" He thought and laughed out loud.

"Yes, yes, a journey of a thousand miles begins with a single step!" He said out loud and laughed.

He took one step forward and the light of the moon, her light, reflected in his eyes. As a force and a sense of infallible pride rose in him. Then his storage ring started to shine and he immediately took a look inside.

The arcane codex page shone in a dazzling bright hue of silver and at once zapped into Bazuul's mind. All the information he needed unveiled itself in him as if it was always there to begin with.

At this moment the dark fiend launched his attacks once more but he was able to dodge them before he lifted one of his hands and yelled.


Rumbling and booming could be heard and then Bazuul seemed to be blinded, forced to close his eyes he heard the dark fiend scream and squeal in pain as it sought a dark corner of this space.

He looked up, and as the codex showed him, a moon had been formed inside of what seemed to be the forming of his own inner world. At least, this was the first part. [Cascading Light] wasn't a martial skill or such, but a foundation for the dark side of one's inner world. If, one had this yin and yang plate as a form of dantian. Once more confirming that he seemed to have some kind of plot-armor.

Velamar apparently had prepared another world and another body for him. Yet, even him - a god - was unable to understand the irreversible truth of his own words.

"You are free to do whatever you want since your fate has already been decided." One had to say that the individual that came up with this saying was exceptionally smart for a human being on Earth.

The truth behind it was incomprehensible if one had not personally witnessed it. As it was truly so.

He was now able to see, inside the dark part of his inner world. Although it was still dark, it was more than enough for him. Revenge for all that torment was finally nigh.

Bazuul chuckled as if a bit tipsy and said. "You better come out.~ This daddy here has a lot of time to make up to you! Not that I can't see you. Hahaha!"

A dark half human, half demon looking figure - with a slightly distorted resemblance to himself - was attached to the dark essence in this space. This was the entity that had attacked him. Had tried to consume him, and dared to make him remember the sins he so strongly regretted.

He dashed forward accompanied by the brilliant light of the moon. BANG! One punch filled with all the emotions he had felt these seemingly last two days were released upon that fiend as it was blown away screaming.

The vibrating sound and rumbling alongside the clicking noises intensified and the fiend retaliated.

An attack that was followed by a sound, it was as if glass had shattered when its attack hit Bazuul spot on. Or not, his [Mirage] technique broke and he appeared beside the fiend, forcefully ripping one of its arms off barehanded.

The fiend screamed, attempting to escape once more but Bazuul simply dashed along snickering just as chillingly as it did before.

"No need to run, this is my world, I am the master and as the master, I will take my time to punish you thoroughly!"

So he did, he constantly punished the dark fiend for the previous attacks and attempts of consuming him whole. He already ripped its arms out for about six times, but each time the arms reconstructed itself at an incredible rate. Three hours had passed since then and Bazuul gradually learned how to control the dark mass around him. Making the very same thing that the dark fiend consisted of his cage or entrapment of sorts.

Unable to move, caged by its own essence and considerably weakened by the constant regeneration of its broken form it slowly fell into a tranquil state.

Bazuul then scoffed and said, "Looks like I've won!"

At this, the black fiend started to chuckle with its mouth closed and looked at him with a sort of pity, before it actually started speaking.

"Won? And what is it that you've won? You may have vanquished the darkness inside and taken control over me but...once you face your light...hahaha, unlike me, the light knows no mercy. It is born with the natural conception of justice and the arrogance to think it is always right."

"Is that so?" Bazuul asked with a questioning smile that exuded a form of mocking disbelieve.

The fiend scoffed, "Mhpf, wait until it comes to get you and then burn for your own arrogance!"


Back in the chamber, the doctors were unable to make a satisfying diagnosis.

Unable to tell the king and the people around what was wrong with his son, Varanur almost broke out in a rage but managed to contain the anger in his heart, before finally chasing them out.

To their astonishment, Bazuul woke up hours later and stood up, proceeding to walk toward the balcony. Varanur and the others called out to him in delight but received no answer. As he stood there in the rain, a smile was plastered to his face with drool dripping from it. Watching the rain seemingly in wonder, lifting his arms and laughing in an innocent yet maniacal way.

The people in the chamber felt dejected. After all that had happened this last month. From his death, to his resurrection, him actually training, and the heroic actions taken by him in the eastern city against Chief Thousand Flowers. Their prince had seemingly turned into a vegetable.

The rain kept pouring down, and the king, queen and their attendants attempted to get him back inside, but to no avail. Each time, he struggled and lashed out at them, leaving many with gaping wounds as if a wild beast had attacked them with its sharp claws.

Then, he turned quite. Another aura started to envelop him and the people in his chamber retreated in shock, fearing the worst. Yet, this aura was different. It was a silver hue of light, reminiscent of the moon. It just lay there on his surface, not expanding but radiating in a certain frequency.

Unsure what was going on, cold sweat rolled down Varanur's back. When all of a sudden, a deep vibration seemed to come out of his son, shaking all of them to the core. They could see their prince standing there still but his form eventually became fuzzy.


The silverish-aura suddenly began expanding, passing through all inanimate objects, pushing all of them back with extreme force, knocking them all out as they slammed against the wall. Even the rain was pushed aside as the aura further expanded as if the rain was unable to pass through the light.

This went on for a while until a large part of the castle was covered in that aura before it suddenly exploded. The impact seemed so heavy that even the clouds were pushed away, their destination unknown. Leaving the ralunian kingdom bathing in sunlight and a clear blue sky.

Bazuul had apparently just left his inner world and was unaware of what had happened outside the last two days. He stood there on the balcony, blinking his eyes for a while, so as to readjust them to the light after two days in almost complete darkness. He turned around only to see his father, mother and his brother Kuzan along with many renowned warriors and attendants of the kingdom laying in his chamber seemingly unconscious.

"What the…" he thought.


An hour later Varanur and some other people in the chamber regained their consciousness. As soon as the king woke from his stupor his eyes darted toward the balcony were his son last stood. Only to find it deserted. Fear immediately rose inside of him.

From behind came a light chuckle, "Ahh father, how was your sleep?"

Varanur and the others that woke up with him turned around and saw Bazuul - brimming with vigor - he sat in his study apparently reading a book.

" little rascal dare mock your father?" He reprimanded falsely, as he was visibly happy that his son seemed to be alright.

Bazuul laughed once more and said, "Father, you must be jesting. How dare I mock the leader of a kingdom?"

Queen A'lora dashed toward him and buried her face in his chest as she started crying. Bazuul patted her head as his robes began to soak in rivers of tears, simultaneously he felt warmth in his heart.

It had been a long, long time since he had felt love and affection from anyone.

"What happened exactly and why are so many renowned figures and attendants in my chamber?" He asked with a frown.

Varanur ordered everyone to keep what happened here the last couple of days under wraps and gave them three days of vacation. After everyone left he narrated everything that happened to his son in a serious tone, clearly still shaken by the events. Bazuul was pretty shocked that the forming of his inner world would cause so much trouble in the world outside.

"Only two days passed?! It easily felt like two weeks in there! What the heck!!" He cursed inside.

Bazuul equally told him what happened which made Varanur frown even more. He had heard of inner worlds before, but it was a thing of legends. Usually, only a trait possessed by the exalted masters on the realm of Mu. On Ytolan, apart from the elves, people with high cultivation were abundant but rarely anyone proclaimed to have an inner world. Even rare body constitutions were found few and far between, but an inner world compared to that was the difference between heaven and earth.

The exalted immortals of Mu rarely showed themselves to the outside world. At the same time, no one was allowed - or rather able to enter their continent. Even if someone somehow managed to do so, they would be killed on sight, at least, no one ever returned.

Thus, the forces on Ytolan that actually knew about that fact, feared and revered those entities. Delivering many offerings once such a being entered the realm or their kingdom, in hopes they could curry favor with them. Even kings and emperors would fawn over them. Luckily the vast majority that bothered to leave their lands remained indifferent to mortal wealth. The majority that is.

"You definitely have to keep this a secret. Never again tell this to anyone. Your mother will also not divulge this to anyone, not even your brothers." Varanur said in a serious tone, almost commandingly.

Bazuul snickered before saying, "Of course, of course, father, I will always keep my secrets and just expose bits and pieces depending on the situation," as he looked at his father meaningfully.

The king nodded at this but soon realized what the underlying meaning behind this way of phrasing was. It clearly meant that even though his son had told him about the inner world, this may only be "bits and pieces" of the whole picture. He had only told them this bit of information in order to calm them due to the overwhelming situation. If the things that occurred in the chamber the last couple of days had not happened, then his son would most likely have kept him in the dark even now.

Queen A'lora did not leave Bazuul's side, even after King Varanur left. He carried her to his bed after she had cried herself to sleep. Whereas this whole ordeal may have been at least upsetting to those present and his "family" - he was excited - happy even.

He sat down with his legs crossed. Meditating on the foundation of darkness he just had created, trying to understand the darkness's traits and of course, furthering his knowledge of the third chapter from the arcane codex, [Cascading Light].

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