Dance with Darkness and Light

Chapter 15 - Heavy Rain I

Since that time, two days ago - when the fourth prince of Ralun, Bazuul - had fought, and killed Chief Thousand Flowers and some of his henchmen. The rain continuously poured down on the kingdom. Its cities were drowned in a melancholic atmosphere ever since, and still the rain poured on and on.

At this time, Bazuul stood on his balcony in the middle of the rain, observing the scenery and taking in the waters pouring down with a face as if in wonder, a smile on his face and his eyes glittering.


After the fight, Yao Ling was able to be stabilized and eventually saved. It took a day to uproot all of Chief Thousand Flowers businesses but the deed was done at last. They also found the brother and sister duo's mother, Yao Yu Yan. Her physical condition was not as bad as the psychological trauma she had suffered. Especially the fact that her husband had died, and her son and daughter had to fend for themselves, made it hard for her to swallow. Yet, it also helped her that she was reunited with her children once more.

Many citizens were present throughout the whole ordeal and even though the rain kept pouring, they were in an uproar. With smiles plastered on their face, they were singing songs of praise of the little prince that was in charge of their part of the kingdom. The bloody scenes, forgotten as soon as the rain carried the stains away.

Bazuul remained indifferent to those praises, not indulging in flights of fancy. Cold even, if one were to be honest. Even though his eyes had regained their bright amber color, they seemed empty and devoid of anything that usually reflected in his eyes, even the dots of light seemed to be dull and washed up.

"Come with me, you will live in one of the rooms in my court for the time being." He said flatly and went into the chariot prepared for him to return home.

On his way back, he learned that the brother-sister duo was each ten and seven years old respectively. Their mother was twenty-nine.

"Stay here as long as Yao Ling has recuperated, after that we'll talk," Bazuul said, and even though what he said was nice, his voice was completely monotone.

Yao Yu Yan couldn't wrap her mind around what this feeling or sensation was that came from the prince. This made her somehow uncomfortable yet also not. Timidly she nodded with an "en".

After they had been accommodated in the eastern wing. Bazuul returned to his chamber to clean himself and rest. He finally breathed out and wanted to take a bath, as his vision started to twist and turn as if he had drunk too much wine. Sweating profusely for seemingly no rhyme or reason he tried to get a hold somewhere when all of a sudden a mouthful of blood gushed out of his mouth.

The moment after he dropped to the ground, unconscious.

Meanwhile in the throne-room. Varanur and his wife, A'lora, were happily chatting about the latest news of their youngest son's exploits in the eastern city. Not even a month ago he had died and they were about to bury him, and now he was not only among the living, but also a textbook prince in their eyes. Pride and gratitude to the heavens filled them, what seemed to have been a disaster, turned out to become their fortune.

Not that they would have minded if he had remained the good-for-nothing silkpants he was before. He was their son after all.

The king and queen were still chuckling away as three knocks sounded at the door of the throne-room.

"Come in!" The king said and a guard entered.

"Your Highness, something happened to prince Bazuul! As of now, no one is able to get close to him, so the doctors are unable to make a diagnosis." The guard told them with a slightly pale face.

"WHAT?! WHAT HAPPENED?!" The king hollered immediately.

"Apparently the prince returned to his chambers and shortly after, the guards heard loud screaming coming from inside. The guards immediately reacted and entered. They found the prince suspended in the air, growling and screaming to a horrific degree, and the whole chamber seemed to be clouded in an eerily dark atmosphere."

King Varanur's forehead already formed a black line between his eyebrows and his facial expression sunk the more the guard said. There wasn't much difference with the queen's face. Both already unconsciously stood up as the guard narrated what had happened, and as soon as he finished the couple rushed out of the throne-room.


Bazuul himself seemingly woke up in a space of complete darkness. He looked around, but could barely see his own hands. Standing up he called out, but other than the all-prevailing sound of what could be described as - the sound of a waterfall or heavy rain - that vibrated across this space.

Not even his voice seemed to be able to reach out far enough.

Then the volume of the sound seemed to rise, only to abruptly stop. Silence. With his impaired vision and the lack of any noise, he started to lose his sense of orientation.

"What is this place?" he thought.

The ground shook, the sound of rumbling and the noise once more entered his eardrums. Only to feel danger the second after. Instinctively, he jumped to the side but something still managed to scratch his right arm.

Bazuul gritted his teeth and growled.


Out of the vibration came the rumbling again, but this time there were clicking noises that came with it.


The guards that stood in front of their prince's chamber were unable to enter, even though the doors were wide open. They could only watch as their prince floated in the air in the middle of this dark atmosphere. Not knowing what to do.

A roar came from the side, piercing into their ears and the guards turned toward the direction it came from. Only to see their King and Queen rushing toward them.


"Your Highness!" They, alongside the doctor, called out with bits of guilt and helplessness in their expression.

Both immediately rushed past the guards and in front of the chamber's entrance. They looked in shock at the image inside. Their son hung there in the air, his face distorted and constantly changing expressions, his chest heaving up and down as if unable to freely breathe.

The queen called out to her son but nothing other than the almost inhuman sounds answered her calls.

King Varanur then walked in but the aura instantly attacked him, and he had to coat himself with his qi in order to protect himself. Now able to enter unharmed he could feel this dark aura trying to find a way through his protective barrier. Pressing and letting go, sometimes attacking as hard as a rod, then other times, looking for a crack or entrance like some sort of fluid.

He looked around for a second and realized that the walls...well, everything inside was slowly corroding in this atmosphere. Even the bright-white stone walls were now tainted in a greenish-black tone. He proceeded to get his son down there, but as he got closer the pressure exerted by the darkness became increasingly stronger.

He readied himself, but step by step the pressure grew when suddenly a black essence materialized and crashed onto King Varanur.


The moment this essence touched his aura was like two things that should not co-exist and both forces naturally repelled each other. Thus Varanur was blasted out of the room and slammed into the wall.

"Dear!!" Queen A'lora called out in worry.

The wall formed cracks on the point of impact, and a line of blood escaped his lips as his eyes showed a light of weariness but also determination. Varanur stood up after a moment, looked into the room and thought about how he could stop this...whatever it was. Just how would he be able to suppress the dark aura and save the son he had lost not even a month ago.

The dark aura constantly disintegrated everything within it. Forget about Bazuul's clothes, even his body began to show wounds and marks.

Unsure where they came from, even claw marks became visible as blood started flowing out from them.

Breathing in once, Varanur again entered the chamber. This time he wanted to try to slowly envelop this dark aura and cage it within his own. After that, he tried to push it back and extinguish it. Confident that with late spirit realm cultivation he would be able to do so and help his son.

He started to expand his aura onto the walls and detach this dark aura from them. Due to the size of the chamber, this in itself was quite the task, but after doing so he expanded his aura onto the floor and ceiling. Connecting all ends of his aura the threshold between darkness and his aura lit up as if indicating that he succeeded in caging this volatile energy.

Immediately he started pushing it back to its source, Bazuul.

Understand, that as a spirit realm cultivator of the eighth stage he was already one of the strongest beings in the Seven Kingdoms. Top three to be exact, with only the king of Eras - King Edwin Bender - being at the ninth stage and the patriarch of the Vermillion Sword Sect - mostly known under the name Soundless Zheng - also being at the eighth stage, just like him. All three were closely followed by the kings of both Donar and Lumin.

So if even he would be unable to do so, he would only be able to supposedly watch this scene go on without being able to help his son. Since the other two King's kingdoms where rather far away he couldn't really contact them in time, and even if they were only friendly on the surface. Behind the scenes, the true faces of each of them would show itself.

After a while of pushing back, the dark aura seemingly took notice of it and started retaliating. Assaulting the barrier, tearing on it as if wanting to rip it apart. Even the King was pushed back two steps by this attack on the qi barrier he created.

As this went on, Varanur slowly lost his grip on the dark aura as his intestines shook, blood boiled and forehead filled with beads of sweat. He even threw up a mouthful of blood.

"Your Highness!" The guards and servants called out in shock.

Knowing that he would not be able to hold on much longer he called out for support.

"Guards! Come here and lend me your energy, I won't be able to hold on much longer. Servants, quickly head out and tell all cultivators in the vicinity to support me!"

The servants immediately ran off in search for more support and the guards - although afraid of this dark aura - entered the chamber. Standing behind their King they started channeling all the qi they had into the ruler of their nation.

Meanwhile, Kuzan just left his chamber and wanted to head out to the training grounds, alongside him, of course, was his beautiful dark-skinned servant, Bing.

As they entered the main hall they noticed the commotion caused by the servants and experts of the royal court alike. Running to and from the eastern wing, the exact hallway where Bazuul's chamber was. Both Kuzan and Bing looked at each other in askance.

"What did he do again?" He thought to himself.

"Eric, what is going on here?" He called out to the head of the reception in the main hall.

As he saw the first prince he immediately stood up in salute and answered whilst stuttering.

"Prince Kuzan, it's your bro...Prince Bazuul is in trouble, his Highness and the queen are already there in order to save the little prince. Apparently, his Highness was unable to stem this problem by himself and gave the order that every expert was to come and support his Highness in order to save the prince!"

Kuzan's face darkened as he heard this and both him and Bing ran toward Bazuul's chamber. Yet, before they even reached the chamber they could feel strong winds passing through the hallway, accompanied by growling sounds he couldn't really identify. Immense amounts of qi were suffused in the air, dipped with something eerie, something Kuzan had never felt before.

As they reached the entrance of the chamber they saw the state it was in. His father at the forefront, about fifteen experts along with his mother, constantly channeling all they qi into his father, and another ten were on the sides resting in meditation, trying to recover their qi as fast as possible.

In the air in front of his father was a ball of darkness rampaging around, and even though it was caged one could still feel how vile and volatile this aura was. As he focused on this dark ball his vision shook for a second, he could make out a silhouette. He wasn't really sure but somehow he knew that this was his little brother.

He bit his lips and blood flowed out as his eyes turned red.

He thought of how he had taken care of his cute little brother - which he still saw as an innocent little rascal - when he was still an infant and on. How he had taken care of him all this time and doted on this little brother of his before he had left for the expedition up north four years ago.

Of how he felt when he heard that his brother had been killed in their own home and how he felt when he heard that his brother was apparently well and alive.

He only loudly called out once - "BING!" - as he trembled in anger.

Bing looked to her prince, and was stunned for a second at the image of the prince she served since she was a little girl. Never had she seen him like that, not even on the battlefield when the brothers of their warband fell, no matter how much blood flowed and roused the battle intent of everyone on the battlefield. He was the only one always staying calm and composed.

Now it looked like even he had his reverse scale.

Kuzan stepped forward and joined the fray in order to help his parents through this. Lifting his arms and violently channeling everything he had into his father. Inwardly he thought.

"What is it that you want from my brother! WHAT IS IT?! HUH!" Not even knowing himself who he was complaining to.

The king himself could breathe out in relieve about all this support as all he really had to do now was to push back the darkness, and had nothing else to worry about anymore. Focusing only on pushing it further back, the results seemed to be really good even though the dark aura still kept on pushing and tearing on the barrier slowly increasing in strength.

Yet, it still took a full two days to completely suppress the dark aura, exhausting all of them, even those that came later on in the course of these days, let's not speak about those guards that helped from the beginning. They felt drained to the point where they couldn't even move their fingers, so much so that they felt like any activity that would require some force would instantly lead to their death.

What none of them realized was that a book cannot be judged by its cover, and while the darkness was not rampaging anymore on the surface it still did so inside of Bazuul.

He and the rest breathed out in relief, thinking they had finally succeeded. He caught his still unconscious son and laid him down on the bed as he called for doctors to check on his state.

King Varanur and some others, among them was also prince Kuzan, also felt that through this whole ordeal, the control of qi over such a long time, constant exhaustion, and meditation, had helped them increase their cultivation slightly. Kuzan even broke through to the fifth stage of the true qi realm in the middle of it, but now he also lay there on the ground unconscious. All this stress and exhaustion had evidently taken a toll on his spirit.

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