Daily life of an American TV drama agent

Chapter 395 Godson and Ron’s Vacation

"The bells of Stormwind are ringing

National alert for the flight of the gryphon

Bronzebeard's War Spear

Flares light up the front

Temple of the Moon God


In the church, as the priest finished speaking, music suddenly sounded from the speakers on both sides. Pritchett's eyes twitched and he glanced around the audience, intending to see who had made such a joke to him.

But he didn't need to look for it, Ron himself waved to him proudly.

The priest shook his head angrily. This was the first time he was interrupted like this during a baptism. These people disrespected God too much!

But there was no way, God would not pay him a salary, and he was not even willing to put on a helmet and go to Korea to fight for his people, so he could only grit his teeth and continue to say with a pleasant smile: "What an interesting idea. , have you decided what to name this child?"

Making money is all business, not shabby~

Pritchett: "Joe Pritchett."

Ron: "Arthas Menethil Pritchett."

Pritchett's mother-in-law: "Francio Joseph Pritchett."

The three people gave three completely different answers in unison. The priest was stunned for a moment. This was the first time he had encountered such a situation after conducting baptisms for so long.

The child's Christian name was not agreed upon in advance, and there was a quarrel during the final naming session. The priest didn't know how to deal with it for a while.

The mother-in-law's opinions were simply ignored. Ron and Pritchett looked at each other tit-for-tat, and Claire could almost see the intense sparks of their gazes clashing in the air.

"This is my child!" Pritchett declared dissatisfied.

But Ron refused to give in: "I thought you asked me to be this child's godfather to name him. You know that the godfather has the right to name the child, Uncle Pritchett."

Pritchett now knows what it means to shoot yourself in the foot.

Originally, he hesitated for a long time when choosing a godfather for his son, because he knew that he was too old and would probably watch his youngest son grow up healthily, while relying on Gloria alone to raise his son. , he felt almost something.

He already has a gay sissy son (Mitchell), and the son Gloria brought, Manny, is like that (also a sissy), and he has despaired of his family.

Fortunately, Ron was there, otherwise he would have had to let his father-in-law's daughter play the role of godfather.

"Well, it's just a given name anyway. What's the significance of this name?" Pritchett was old and was defeated first.

"Of course, this is a sacred name." Luke squeezed to the front of the stage and interjected. You knew without asking that he was also a deep game fan.

Ron took the child from the priest's hand, who kept looking around with curious eyes, and lifted the child affectionately like a chant: "My godson, from the day you were born, the entire forest of Lordaeron was whispering The name: Alsace.

My godson, I proudly watch you grow up day by day and become the embodiment of justice.

You will use your great power with caution. One day, my life will come to an end. And you will eventually be crowned king! "

"Okay, Alsace will be Alsace," Pritchett sighed helplessly. The name sounded pretty good, at least it was much better than naming his ex-husband after his mother-in-law, but he still managed to come up with it. My wife whispered: "We won't call him this name anyway. At home, he will always be my Joe!"

"Sorry, Uncle Pritchett, I heard what you said~" Ron picked his ears.

"That's right, I meant to tell you. Thank you for listening." Pritchett came over and patted Ron on the shoulder: "You haven't come to my family gathering for a long time. I think you should come more often when you have nothing to do." Walking around, I think Luke would be better off with you than with Dunphy. With his dad, he would just look more and more like an acrobat, but with you, he would become more and more manly. "

"I would love to come and have gatherings with my family often, but I still feel that sometimes, you really want to change something," Ron shook his head:

"I think it's better to let things take their own course when it comes to children. Just like Luke, if he wants, he can be an acrobat. We don't have to deliberately change anything. Of course, if he wants to learn from me, If anything, I very much welcome him to come to my base and train with my little apprentice.

But the family gathering will probably have to wait until I get back from vacation. I have been working almost all Christmas without a break. I have just finished a big case and I need to take a good vacation for myself. I plan to go to Paris to relax. "

Well, Ron simply didn’t have enough fun in France when he was working on the CIA case, so he wanted to go there again. After all, the French are famous for their romance, and last time he had an eyesore with a big bald head, which invisibly made him Many opportunities to "have fun" were lost.

The plane landed and as soon as Ron arrived in Paris, he received a text message from Guan Yuming.

"Ron, I have informed my nephew in Paris to pick you up at the airport. I wish you a pleasant stay." Guan Yuming had already arranged a pick-up for Ron.

Therefore, when he walked out of the airport, he immediately saw a yellow man with his name in his hand and a face that was almost the same as Guan Yuming's and waved to him immediately.

Everyone in China knows this face. Although Ron is an American now, in his previous life, he was an out-and-out Chinese. It can be said that he grew up watching his movies.

"Brother Jackie Chan, good afternoon~" Ron extended his hand to the person who picked up the plane.

"You must be the Ron my uncle said. I didn't expect your Chinese to be so good." Jack Chen held Ron's hand: "Everyone says I look similar to him, but in fact, Jackie Chan and I are still the same. There is a difference, seriously speaking, I am a little more handsome than him."

"I'm sorry, I originally promised my uncle to take you to visit Paris, but I just have some business matters to deal with today, so I will let my friend take you to play first, and wait until I finish my business there. Come and pick you up, okay?”

In the car, Jack Chen apologized and explained to Ron that it was better not to say anything. As soon as he opened his mouth, Ron became interested.

"Is this the antique business your uncle was talking about?" Ron's eyes shone. He originally came to Paris this time just to meet Uncle Long in "Twelve Zodiac Signs", but he didn't expect to catch up with them when they went out to work. What a coincidence, it’s a business related to the twelve zodiac signs, right?

If so, that would be interesting.

Of course Ron had watched the movie Jackie Chan in his previous life. If possible, he would of course want to do his part in retrieving cultural relics. Who makes him a white-skinned but yellow-hearted person?

What's more, this trip is not without any benefits. If I remember correctly, they will also find the gold on the old ship that was stranded before. How many kilograms is it? It seems to be calculated in tons?

Thinking of this, Ron was even more reluctant to go to Paris. Although Paris was good, how could there be any gold to attract people?

"Yes, that's right. One of my clients asked me to help him find an ancient antique. I just received the news and was about to meet the seller." Jack Chen said seriously.

"Are you sure that is the seller and not the owner? Let me guess what good thing it is? Recently, Sotheby's auction house seems to have been warming up the bronze animal heads from the Old Summer Palace. You are going to 'get' them back, no? It just happens to be that one, right?”

Ron said with a smile, but his words shocked Jack Chen and the others in the car. How did he know?

Ron said proudly: "Jack, didn't your uncle tell you that I am an agent, and I am also the king among agents? Do you think you can hide anything from the eyes of an agent?"

Jack Chen also wanted to continue to maintain the persona of a serious person: "Well, Mr. Ron, I really do business..."

"There really is no red light district in Amsterdam." Ron also started to get serious.

"How is this possible?" Before Jack could speak, the assistant behind said with an incredulous look on his face.

"Look, even your men know it's impossible." Ron spread his hands and pointed at a bit of black clothing exposed by Jack's collar: "You're not going to tell me that you plan to wear this to see the seller, are you?

Don't worry, I'm an agent with a flexible moral bottom line, and I'm not averse to this kind of thing. I'm just curious and want to see how you work. "

"Okay, then you promise to obey my arrangements in all actions, and I will take you with me."

"Of course." Ron agreed readily.

Jack Chen's car stopped near a large manor on the outskirts of Paris. Ron opened the map and took a look at the nearby terrain. It happened to be the lowest-lying place nearby, which was very suitable for concealment and response.

Then Jack asked two partners, a man and a woman, to pretend to be antique salesmen to sell antiques to the owner of the manor. When the owner of the manor touched the photo album, he successfully collected his fingerprints and came back to crack them.

Another group of information teams responsible for invading the manor's security system is also rapidly cracking the manor's protective network. They only need to replace the surveillance screen in the manor with the fixed screen they have prepared in advance before they can start taking action.

All these methods were old tricks used by Ron's men, but when they appeared on a group of antique dealers, Ron was really surprised.

"Your strength is almost as good as that of the CIA." Ron praised.

"Wow, thank you, thank you for comparing us to top agents." Jack Chen was flattered.

Ron waved his hand nonchalantly: "You're welcome, anyway, the CIA is the second to last existence in the spy circle."

"Then can I know who is the last one?" Jack Chen asked curiously.

"MI6, the whole world knows that today's MI6 is just an IT department that shoots randomly... Hey! They've done it!" Ron looked at the green light on Jack's communicator and said happily: " What do we do now?”

"Of course you have to infiltrate. You are an agent. Have you never infiltrated?"

"Of course there is, but the way we infiltrate is a little different from yours. How do we infiltrate?" Ron was eager to give it a try.

"Follow me and rush in." Jack raised his head and followed the cracks in the leaves of the tree to observe the camera. When the red light above went out, Jack slid down from the tree like an agile monkey and rushed to the villa quickly. Under the window, and then climbed in through the window, Ron quickly followed.

This is the kitchen. Jack also took a piece of bread from the basket and stuffed it into his mouth and took a bite. However, he couldn't bite it and almost broke his teeth. He yelled angrily: "FXXK! Damn baguette, I I really don’t know how these French guys got this stuff into their stomachs.”

"As we all know, the baguette has always been a kind of weapon. It has nothing to do with food. It is better to eat this." Ron took out two sausages from the refrigerator as he did at home, ate one himself, and threw it away. Give Jack one.

They had been lurking in the trees in the manor for almost a morning, and they were all starving. Ron swore that he would never do anything so fussy and infiltrate again unless necessary.

Wouldn't it be nice to use cannonballs to wash the floor, and then pick up what you want from the ruins? Anyway, the animal head is made of copper and won’t break... maybe?

"Shh! We're not here to eat," Jack swallowed the food hard and whispered to Ron.

Ron complained: "It would be more convincing if you wiped the oil off your mouth. Where are we going now?"

"Follow me." Jack pulled Ron. Jack was already familiar with the map of the villa. He pulled Ron from the kitchen to the hall. After nervously looking around the corner for no one outside, he quickly followed the spiral staircase in the hall. Rushing up to the second floor, at the end of the corridor was his destination, the study.

"Did you go all the way to sneak into this manor just to read in the library?" Ron came to the study very disappointed.

"No, you don't understand," Jack explained to Ron while rummaging around in the study: "Rich people like this usually make a secret room at home to store their most valuable things, which are secrets. I have seen the architectural drawings of this villa, and among the entire villa, this is the only one with enough space for him to use as a secret room, and this is probably the location."

"These rich people are really like Zhong Kui jumping into a manure pit and committing suicide."

Jack came to a bookshelf in the study room and checked the books one by one and the wall behind the books. When he turned to the bookshelf in the second to last row, he pulled the thick dictionary down completely, revealing the inside. There is a small door with a small keyboard for input.

"You really got it right, how do we get in now." After sneaking in with Jack for so long, Ron actually found a trace of treasure hunting fun, and quickly urged, wanting to see the treasure inside quickly.

However, Jack Chen glanced at the keyboard and frowned: "It's not good. He used three sets of random combinations of forty-six letters. This kind of password will take two days to solve even with eight computers."

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