Chapter 0075 After all… It was a blow that was pierced through the heart!!!!!


[As Gilgamesh moved, Matthew and Fujimaru Tachika also followed, and at this moment, Uruk’s appearance at this time was completely displayed in front of everyone’s eyes]

Desolation is the first feeling of everyone in the world.

But as the camera moved, after seeing that there were only 500 people left, everyone in the ten thousand worlds dismissed this idea, and the depression was only this place!!!

Everyone has a look on their face about the new day. Silent shocks fill people’s hearts.

[“Peng Yi click–established outside Uruk, Nabistin’s tooth emitted an overwhelmed sound, scarlet pitch-black mud completely shattered this last defense, filled with ominous sludge seeping into the city walls, and the raging tide swept the entire city…”

[Final Showdown… It really comes now!!! 】

[The house is burned by flames… Red and black mud flooded the streets of the city, and soldiers slowly leaned against the wall… But his expression was so calm…]

[“This is…” Looking at everything in front of him, Fujimaru Ritsuka was a little distracted, and he thought that he couldn’t help but feel a little sad when he was mentally prepared… In my mind, I tried to remember what Uruk was like…]

[Originally Uruk… Basked in bright sunshine Uruk… It’s so bright…】


[Not because of the sunshine, but because of the presence of the citizens… Those people of Uruk who are full of vitality and hope are bright…”

[They have gained a lot here… Friends, stories, warmth… Even if you have experienced a lot]

[Few times of life and death, difficulties and dangers… They still can’t say a word when they see this scene in front of them…】

[Why is it so dead now…]

[“Die! Die! Die! “The deformed and ugly Rahem is all over the streets of Uruk, the shrill and noisy shrill sound echoes in every corner of Uruk, they are searching everywhere, destroying all possibility of living…]

[For them, for these new humans… The greatest happiness is to kill all human beings and completely turn this city into a city of dead silence! 】

[Gilgamesh on the side naturally noticed the low expressions of Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, but this king had no time to care, and the scarlet snake’s pupils were no longer reflected in the distance, come, my mother… Debut! “】

[This time the distance is no longer tens of kilometers, far away to be unobservable, thousands of meters away the huge figure quietly stagnated outside Uruk City, endless sense of oppression filled everyone’s heart. ] 】


[“Let the god Tiamat see the last spirit of Uruk!!! “】

[Even if it is a god, the oppression at hand will not make Gilgamesh, this king’s eyes show half unease]

[The breeze blows gently, and the king’s hairband flew gently… Golden light from Gilgamesh’s palm]

[The heart flickered, a book of slate appeared out of thin air, and the scarlet snake pupils stared closely at the god Tiamat who was already close at hand…]

[“All eyes are wide open!!! “】

[The solemn and arrogant voice resounded throughout Uruk! ] The golden spell appeared in the air, and a ring of dazzling light gently embraced Gilgamesh and wrapped around Gilgamesh’s body! 】

[“Weng Yi!!! “】

[At this moment, countless brilliant golden rays shone on the entire Uruk city wall, the incantation sounded, and three hundred and sixty brilliant gems like stars shone brightly! ] 】

[Shining with golden light… Even…]

[Even above that firmament, the dark clouds summoned by despair seem to be completely dispelled!!! 】

[Already in the world of collapse, Gilgamesh… The oldest king… Single-handedly, thoroughly]

[The bottom of this mythical epic battle!!! 】

[This is Gilgamesh!!! This is the ancient king!!! 】

[Even Dr. Roman who was far away in Chaldea couldn’t help but exclaim with wide eyes when he saw this, there was no lapis lazuli, not even soldiers, and the seal of theocracy actually moved!!! “】

[For a long time, because of Tiamat, Chaldea has already studied everything about Uruk, and originally needed lapis lazuli for soldiers to activate the divine seal embedded in the wall of Uruk… Actually Enlightened]


[At the same time, the golden barrel that was originally used by soldiers to load ammunition actually flashed dazzling golden light at the same time, with their own strength! ] Drive it all and point the muzzle at Tiamat in the distance]

[“Hmph! Who do you think King Ben is! A hint of pride flashed in Gilgamesh’s eyes, and the three hundred and sixty divine seals were set in Uruk! All were made by King Ben himself!!! Instill magic and co-ordinate things yourself!!! “】

“This is a proud!!! Wang Zi”

【! 】

[“Peng Peng!!!! “】

[At this moment, between heaven and earth, only endless artillery fire reverberated! ] The dense magic shells were as dense as raindrops, and they bombarded Tiamat’s body with unmistakable accuracy! 】

[Under the fierce fire, even that Mother God of Warcraft, Tiamat Action, had to stop in place and receive the baptism of shells! ] 】

Inside the cold palace, turquoise eyes stared faintly at Gilgamesh in the picture.

Artoria was dressed in a quilt and a crown on her head, and her eyes showed a hint of waves.

“The Oldest King… This is how you govern…”

Type Moon World Winter Wood Church.


The voice of demonic brainwashing echoes in the Holy Church.

Shirou and Rin Tosaka, who had already passed the urine, had not gone far, and his scalp couldn’t help but feel numb when he heard this demonic laughter.

Looking back, which is the church, I don’t know which demon king invaded and just won the battle!

“Hahaha!!!ha Shichen, did you see Ben Wang perform in the video. ”

“See, Wang,” he had already been accustomed to this brainwashing laughter and replied calmly.

Although by continuing to learn with Gilgamesh, Yan Feng Qili is no longer aimed at that point of pleasure.

Looking at the arrogant and domineering Gilgamesh in the video, Yan Feng Qili’s eyes flashed not admiration and admiration, on the contrary, an indescribable feeling welled up in his heart.

He had a hunch…

This is definitely not a video that pleases him, the voice of his heart tells him… There will definitely be people closest to Gilgamesh next…

“Hahahahaha, sure enough, Benwang still leaves the factory as the finale! Grace, King Ben allows you to enjoy the heroic posture of King Ben!!! ”

[“As long as you have a mortal mentality, you are determined to drive this body! can be operated together!!! “】

[“Therefore, the task of pinning Tiamat down again will be perfectly concluded by King Ben! “There is a touch of firmness in the eyes of the scarlet snake, but everyone can see that Gilgamesh’s face is covered with sweat at this time, obviously attacking like this, this king is very reluctant to force himself…”


[Subjected to the intensive bombardment like raindrops, Tiamat once again let out a roar of unknown meaning! ] 】

[A steady stream of golden streamers bombarded Tiamat’s body, not only Tiamat, but even the wanton slaughter of Rahem on the ground was also wiped out by the streamers. ] 】

[“Well… It seems that he didn’t expect Gilgamesh to have such a hole card at all, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew couldn’t help but be a little shocked. 】

[But soon, Fujimaru Rika slowed down and quickly shouted. ] 】

“Eleshkigal, how is the underworld ready?!!!?”

[This is their ultimate goal, to introduce Tiamat and finally fall into the underworld! ] “,】

Sooner, you hold on a little longer, Underworld, Eleshkigar is holding the tip of his gun and trying to finish his work, while responding. 】


[Before she could answer, the orange-haired girl seemed to sense something, her gaze moved to Tiamat in the distance, and a coolness surged in her heart]

[At the same time, the purple eyes of Tiamat in the distance also reflected the figure of Fujimaru Tachika]

[The purple light of destruction shot out in an instant, directly hitting Fujimaru Tachika, this kind of speed, even Matthew unfolded the treasure tool could not be defended! ] The breath of death wrapped it firmly, purple light waves were reflected in her eyes, and the powerful attack made it impossible even for the girl to move! Matthew on the side also ran forward with wide eyes! 】

Not only Fujimaru Rika or Matthew in the video, but even the hearts of everyone in the ten thousand worlds couldn’t help but be slightly tugged.

The breath of death seemed to envelop them as well.


【In the next second】

[Two powerful big hands pushed Fujimaru and Tachika out…]

[That’s Gilgamesh!!!! 】

【”Poof——! “】

[The picture is shrouded in darkness]

[The darkness dissipated, and a pool of bright red blood was greeted…]

[In the video, the girl collapses to the ground with her eyes closed, but the imaginary pain does not come. 】

[But the rust-smelling blood in the air is so real…]

[Suddenly a drop of water dripped on the girl’s cheek…]

[Is it raining.] 】

[The girl gently opens her eyes…]

[“Tick… Tick…”]

[Blood gently slipped on the girl’s fair cheeks, and scarlet blood turned into a pool of blood and gathered under her feet. ] 】


, Fujimaru, Tachika looked at Gilgamesh who was penetrated through the body in front of him in a daze, his eyes couldn’t stop trembling, and Matthew on the side was also stunned in place, looking at Gilgamesh in a daze…

“It’s really hateful to actually play sniper!”

, In the picture, the horrific blood hole in Gilgamesh’s left chest slowly flows with blood, but what is shocking is that even so……… The expression is still so flat…

[This is at the cost of the heart…] Bear the blow of Tiamat! 】

“The aim is quite accurate, this damn Tiamat is really capable…”

[The king’s figure moved slowly into the distance, although it did not express any pain… But. Everyone can see that Wang’s body has begun to stiffen unnaturally]

[After all. 】

[This is…]

[Throughout… A dirty blow…]



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