Chapter 0074: The Last Step Left… The end of the world!!!

Hokage World Hokage Building Third Generation Office.


Looking at the video, after the silence, the three generations put away the shock in their hearts and looked at the familiar figure on the opposite side.

Light yellow long hair, often combed into a large ponytail, forehead with a yin seal blue-purple mark, light yellow thin short eyebrows, bright brown pupils, light red lips, red nails.

Wearing a tea-green gown with black trim on top, a loose sleeveless top similar to a kimono, a black cloth belt tied around the waist, dark blue cropped pants below, white skin and big breasts, and a plump body, she is a very beautiful and mature female ninja.

If it were someone else’s three generations, they would definitely be tempted to peek a few times, but……… Under the cloak, the three generations lowered their heads and sighed helplessly.

“Tsunade, something like this happened, so I had to ask you back.”

There shouldn’t have been a figure here.

There is some guilt in the three eyes.

After the end of the Second Shinobi War, the original three Shinobi came to the graves of the victims together to pay tribute to them.

And it was also at this time that Tsunade asked Jiraiya what he was going to do next, and Jiraiya thought that he would continue to embark on the journey of cultivation, and maybe he could meet a disciple somewhere again who could change this world.

And the big snake pill thought that Zilai also had nothing to do, and then Zilai also asked 1 snake pill if he didn’t plan to find a descendant to inherit his ninja way, the big snake pill said that his only wish was to be able to learn all the techniques in this world, but Tsunade’s will was the same as Zilai, even if he studied all the world’s arts, human life would not be eternal………

This is the beginning of the disagreement between his three disciples and the end…

Because due to the death of his younger brother Ropeki and his lover, Tsunade was discouraged and did not stay in Konoha Village, and wandered around with his broken niece Shizune.

A flash of memory appeared in Dai’s eyes. A thousand hands…

If I hadn’t been silent in the first place… Maybe that’s not the ending.

“Hmm. I know”, still before, Tsunade sat in front of the third generation with Jiro’s legs up, but this time there was unprecedented silence in his eyes.

“I’ve seen that kid, it’s very good.”

The necklace that was originally worn around his neck disappeared, and Tsunade had already given it to Naruto yesterday as peace.


“I’ll stay here”, Tsunade interrupted the three generations, getting up and walking out the door, his figure pausing at the last second of opening the door.

“Such as. This misfortune…”

“But still a hero…”

“I don’t know whether to feel sad or happy.”

Three generations of old men…

About the last figure in the video in their world, although it is very blurry, but how can it not be seen.

Who would have thought that the child who suffered so much wronged, in the end, would become a hero to save the world, leaving only three generations in the empty room…


A faint sigh fell, and the three generations seemed to be several years old…

The old eyes that have gone through the vicissitudes of the years look out the window, and in the distance the first generation, the second generation… The stone statue of Daihokage still stands tall…

“Konoha Fire…”

“Tsunade-sama, are you worried about something?”

Go back with Tsunade to silently watch Silent Tsunade, Tsunade has not been in a good mood since the video appeared.

Of course, he was also sad after seeing it, but after seeing the good ending at the end, the sadness was swept away.


Shizune observes Tsunade with afterlight, is the real reason because of the video about their world?

“Nothing” Tsunade shook his head and said flatly.

In fact, after the video was played, Tsunade had already felt that the world had begun to stir, and when the video of their world was played, Uchiha was resurrected, and the appearance of two human six paths in Konoha became the final fuse.

And although she was recalled by three generations this time, she can also be regarded as coming back by herself.

Recalling that Kai, who was on the verge of death in the end, although he was holding his life, there was no doubt that for a physically strong person, there was no difference between losing his life.


There was a voice in the distance, and Kai looked at Tsunade with some disbelief.

After all, a long time ago, the three Shinobi had already parted ways and left the Shinobi Village, so it is normal for Kai to be suspicious now.

“Kai, it’s me.”

“It’s really Tsunade!”

Getting the reply, Kai’s face showed a look of delight. If there is anyone Kai admires the most among the three Shinobi, it is undoubtedly Tsunade.

Terrifying physical skills and famous ninja medical skills…

The same physical cultivation Kai naturally knows how much physical cultivation has to suffer.

Even men rarely specialize in physical skills, let alone women, but Tsunade completely broke this law and looked at Kai, and after a moment of silence, Tsunade said softly.

“Let’s reduce going out in the future, except for the necessary tasks.”

Guard the village, that’s what he is doing this time…

“Well, I understand.”

Having watched the video, Kay naturally knows his current situation.

No matter how stupid he was, he knew that he was now on the cusp of the storm, and in order to avoid many troubles, he would try to stay in Konoha.

Myoki Mountain.



“It hurts!”

………… I don’t know how long it took Naruto to compress an energy ball in his hand, and the small ball contained strong power and looked at Jiraiya excitedly and shouted.

“Jiraiya-sensei, look, my spiral pill.”

“Well, it’s really you… Naruto. ”

“Huh? Did Jiraiya-sensei say something just now? ”



“You will definitely become a hero in the future!”

“Heroes who stand tall in the sky…”


【Futuristic main control room…】

[Detected the Tiamat god data, Dr. Roman eagerly spoke,]

“Nope!!! Although her flight is blocked, as long as the black mud is still output, it will not be able to stop Tiamat from advancing towards Uruk! ”


[It is precisely like this, in the video, although the “wings” of Tiamat have been blocked, the ominous scarlet black under the feet is still spreading…]

“Those two pillars of hateful goddesses actually used the existing means to fight the best results, it seems that the goddess of real ability also exists in this world.”

Gilgamesh walked out of the god tower, looked into the distance, and couldn’t help laughing.

[After all, before again, a shavish goddess had completely broken this king’s heart…]

[Ishtar was given high hopes… The bull of heaven was actually lost by that fool! If that cow was there, it wouldn’t have to be so hard! 】

[Beyond Uruk… The dark scarlet dirty mud is no longer able to stop it… Crazy again and again against the walls of Uruk…]

[The ominous and evil aura fills the entire Uruk, the streets are not bustling and prosperous, and the city walls are not heavily defended]

[Nabistin’s tooth, the “white bone” cast into the city wall has also been scarred…]

[In the entire Uruk, there are only more than 500 people left…]

[Is everything over…]


[Inside the temple, Gilgamesh’s figure stands on the heart of the city, and the scarlet snake pupils reflect the figure of the god Tiamat…]

Genshin Tivat continent.

“It’s really…”

“It’s really an emotional scene, the people have such a king, the king has such a courtier, no wonder the people here do not need the protection of the gods, right!”

“Well, this…”

“This so-called king of the most ancient is indeed not a wasted name, right!”


“I’m shocked too, right?”

“Also, in fact, Fujimaru Rika and Miss Matthew are also… Huh? Why leave suddenly! I am your leader! Traveler, you will get lost, come back! ”

“Don’t you need emergency food?”

“The front area, you can explore it later!”

“Come back 047!”

On the street, dressed in white, the small cape behind it is like a change of stars, the eyes are shining, and the starry sky texture is black and blue, but when it is more deep and mysterious from a distance, it seems that you can see the mysterious stars in your eyes.

Little Paimon looked at the distant traveler with some grievances, some grievances…

“Really, obviously what I said is right, why…”


Little Lori wrinkled her nose in dissatisfaction and looked at the restaurant on the side.

“Then eat honey sauce and carrot fried meat today!!!”

[Fujimaru who flew back on the hood dragon in the distance, Rika and Matthew looked at Gilgamesh, and immediately ran towards Gilgamesh after landing, King Gilgamesh, are you okay?] “-You’re back.”

[Seeing that the two did not show obvious scars, Gilgamesh nodded, and the scarlet snake’s pupils reflected the already ruined Uruk…]

“The last step will disappear from the surface, a world e…”

【Camera turns…】

[In the ruined Uruk, scarlet pitch-black mud seeps through Nabistin’s tooth… Defeat and destruction scenes appear in everyone. Ex….]


[There is not half cowardice in the king’s eyes!!! Endless battle intent boils at this moment!! 】

[Not only Gilgamesh, no one will be afraid! ] 】

【More than 500 generals…】

[Children, youth, old people, women. 】

【As far as the eye can see…】

[No one has fear on their faces, on the contrary, vigor, hope, vitality! ] 】

[Come on, Tiamat God!!! 】

Everyone, I’m really sorry, because of some weiin words to fix many times, really sorry ps:, ask for evaluation votes, ask for tips, ask for monthly tickets today 10,000 words, thank you!

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