Chapter 0063: This is the Creation God, Tiamat!!!!!


[In the video, Ishtar showed a satisfied smile, like ruby eyes dazzling, but what is even more brilliant is that it has been covered with golden light, which represents the full blow of the goddess of Venus! ] 】

[Gold and silver intermingled, arrows appeared out of thin air, and Ishtar suddenly waved his white arm to cut through the air and instantly disappeared into the sea of stars behind him]

“That’s all my power!”

[When using the treasure tool, she will first teleport to Venus, use administrator permissions, take the concept of Venus into her hands, and stuff it into the Maana magazine as a concept planet and launch it, and the huge Venus suddenly turns into a point of light only a few meters in size and falls into Ishtar’s hands]

[Bright and dazzling, like a beautiful existence]

[But. 】

[In the midst of the joke, this goddess has completed the act that even the Supreme God would fear!!! 】

[Ishtar loaded the shell into the chamber, grabbed his arm with one hand, and extended his fingers with the other hand to lock on Tiamat in the distance, and Maana immediately fully unfolded, and a huge pillar of light slowly emerged out of thin air, shining brightly, wiping dazzling sparks]

“Crush it!!!

[The point of light turned into a purple arrow of destruction spiral. 】

“Mountains shake the salaries of stars!!!”

[The bright purple energy arrow shot out, carrying the power of destroying all things, and the raging torrent of magic power completely smashed down at this moment! ] Like a meteor falling and smashing on Tiamat’s huge body, the furious energy suddenly swallowed Tiamat! 】


[A blow through heaven and earth suddenly smashed down, and the huge roar made heaven and earth can’t help but reverberate, dazzling white light lit up, and dusted tens of thousands of miles! ] 】

Everyone in the Ten Thousand Realms was about to open their eyes at this time, although they were not pulling Venus down directly as they thought, but they could be sure.

This blow…………

Strong cannot be described, this is the god!

[The dust and smoke dispersed, and what appeared in the picture was a huge deep pit, tens of thousands of miles of sea surface was hit by this terrifying energy for a long time and could not be recovered, countless rahems in the sea were killed alive under this terrifying blow, but Tiamat over there disappeared]

[“Doctor! Seeing this 823 scene, Fujimaru Tachika hurriedly called Dr. Chaldean Roman]

“Make sure that the Divine Spirit Base of Tiamat in the Sea collapses, and the magic furnace stops functioning!”

[The camera turned, came to Chaldea, Dr. Roman and Leonardo da Vinci in the main control room, with the number on the screen to zero, Dr. Roman said excitedly. ] 】

[“That is”, the orange-haired girl had a look of anticipation and relief on her face. 】

“Well, beat!”

, far after the Chaldean doctor opened his mouth to respond.


“Senior, we succeed!”

, Matthew, who had been staring at the sea, also smiled and said easily.

“Really, have you already defeated?”

As the blonde big sister of the South American main god, Quizar Koyatl had a slightly worried expression-

“Well, as long as you wait for the sea to calm down and then take back the Holy Grail, the mission will be over!”

“I haven’t shot for a long time, and it’s so painful to.”

, Ishtar said in a flat tone.

“Well, but I don’t have a chance to perform.”

[Although there are still some worries in her heart, the blonde big sister still laughs. ] 】

“The spirit is very intact, and you can use it at any time.”

[A relaxed voice came from the Chaldeans. 】

[Immediately everyone flew towards the distance under the setting sun, accompanied by a cheerful and happy atmosphere]


[Before going far, turbulent waves surged on the calm sea, and the hot breath emerged from the bottom of the sea from the bottom up, and the terrifying energy of the sea stirred up 10,000-meter waves]

[“Danger avoidance! All staff retreated!!! “, Doctor Chaldean shouted furiously, and the two pterosaurs also randomly ascended]

[A huge black shadow emerged from the surface of the sea, hundreds of meters of waves exploded on the surface of the sea, a pair of huge and terrifying horns came into view, followed by a huge figure also surfaced]

[Tiamat… Safe and sound!!! 】

Seeing this scene, everyone couldn’t help but be stunned, such a devastating attack actually did not bring the slightest damage to this goddess of monsters?

How can it be!

But then subtitles appeared, allowing everyone to understand how strong this goddess of Warcraft really was…

[One of the creation gods in Mesopotamian mythology, the corpse was divided in two to create heaven and earth!!! 】

[The red-black mud gushed out like a tsunami, and the aura of scarlet destruction filled the entire world! ] This is the second stage transformation of Tiamat! 】



Winter wood church.

“Is this what the king went through?”

Looking at the huge monster in the video, Yan Feng Qili turned his gaze to Gilgamesh on the side.

“Well, sure enough, it’s a waste goddess.”

After seeing Naraman’s special effects hit, after more than ten years, Wang finally determined that he saw that rule in the comics.

There is no harm in smoking!

“Take a good look, Qili.”

The corner of the mouth of this oldest fat tiger showed a touch of arrogance, and this kind of video viewed from an all-round perspective really made this king feel very happy,

“Next, let’s enjoy the heroic posture of this king!”

“I’m looking forward to…”

Yan Feng Qili replied.

[Red and black intertwined, the four of them fled out in a hurry, and in an instant, the mud swept the earth! ] The huge watchtower on the seashore was instantly engulfed, and the cruciform purple-red eyes stared closely at the ancient city-state on the land in the distance.

“That guy is looking at Uruk! “Fujimaru Tachika immediately discovered the other party’s intentions, and those shining eyes were full of death]

“Is that the ontology?”

Apparently not half conscious, Ishtar looked at Tiamat unharmed and asked, but the numbness on his face that he tried to hide was still accidentally revealed… What… For [what drops the chain every time he arrives…]

[Everyone: “…”]

[Then let’s go back to Uruk first and join Gilgamesh, the blonde big sister tried her best to calm her heart and said, now even if I use all my strength, I can’t do her the slightest harm]

[Hearing this, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew showed a surprised look, after all, they knew the identity of this blonde big sister – one of the supreme beings in Aztec mythology in Central and South America, who once ruled the Sun Quetzalcoatl God! ] 】

[If even she can’t help…]

[Fujimaru Rika looked at the black mud and clenched her fists weakly, but in the end she could only give up helplessly…”Go back…”]

[“The camera of the report switched, came to a luxurious hall in Uruk, the palace above the dome is not known by what kind of decoration, there is light spilled, now the light is dotted, reflecting the morning sun, there is no doubt that it is the heart of Uruk, but also the Gilgamesh chamber! 】

[Blonde hair sitting on the throne, a carved face, vermilion eyes reflected like snake-like pupils, the upper body is slightly bare, agitating the mountain rock muscles, the skin is covered with red circuits, and the light is as bright as a god]

[“Black mud has engulfed the city of Lagosh and is flowing towards the city of Uma and the city of Uruk! “】

[“It’s like a roaring black flame”

[“The walls of Uma City cannot be stopped]

[“The distance is still there…” The soldier below anxiously spoke, but the next moment the king raised his hand to signal that he had interrupted enough]

[Wang’s tone did not have half a wave, the scarlet snake’s pupils revealed endless calm, slowly got up, looked into the distance, and raised the anchor!!! “】

[The blood-colored tide rolls madly, death condenses on the city wall, once it is contaminated, the consequences do not look at the imagination]

【! 】

[“Nabistin’s tooth, unfold! “】

[“Boom!!! “】

[The earth is trembling, and countless ivory pillars soar into the sky! ] 】

[Just like that dead warrior, the white bones of Senran are magnified countless times!!! 】

[But… In the eyes of everyone, this terrifying scene did not make anyone feel fear… Inside the city walls, there are people silently holding tears…]

[They know… This is the king guarding them… This is the dead relatives… Guarding them…]

[The unstoppable tide instantly roared violently when the stone pillar was installed, and the sky was slowly approached with ominous smoke]

[But you can’t advance by half a point anyway!] 】

[This is the guardian! ] 】

【”Oooooooooooo!!!!oooooo “】

[Bathed in the shouts of countless people, Gilgamesh, the body of the most ancient king, reflects endless brilliance, and a faint smile appears on his face, this is the king! ] 】

This was the first time that everyone in the ten thousand worlds had seen this king, and this virtuous king had been expecting everyone, and when he saw this scene, he couldn’t help but be shocked.

Maybe they didn’t show much strength, but that king momentum deeply shocked them. Moon World.

“Is this the Gilgamesh idea?”

Wearing a tight black suit showing heroism, Altoya looked at the king in the video and fell into deep thought.

Having fought with them, and even mocking Artoria during the meeting, she never agreed with each other, and although the conversation with them was only a few words, Artoria could feel that it was a completely different concept from herself.

I’ve been listening to how the king boasted about his demeanor, but the video appeared in front of him, and Artoria had to admit that this king behaved.

Far better than her!

In the video, Uruk will definitely die in the end, this is the change of historical tide.


Artoria, who had been pursuing the Holy Grail, looked at her hands a little confused. Is the attempt to redeem Great Britain the right idea…

Is it really wrong to do it yourself…

Looking at the video again, Artoria did not give up her point of view. She’s looking forward to the end of Uruk…

At the same time, the parallel world is very similar to Artoria, but the figure is not known how many times the victory, holding a long gun, looking at Gilgamesh in the video nodded faintly.

Apparently in recognition of Gilgamesh performance. Chop! Crimson Pupil World Palace

The emperor dressed up as the little emperor clenched his fists tightly, his dream was that he could become a bright king, a sage king.

As a fellow emperor, he naturally can’t help but make comparisons with Gilgamesh in the video. But…

It is incomparable either in governance or personally.

In the video, Uruk’s harmonious and peaceful atmosphere, the little emperor was deeply attracted, although not whether it is land occupation or building technology, Uruk is obviously much weaker than the imperial capital, but the street full of life breath is how magnificent the building, advanced technology can not compare.

When he saw that king, the little emperor’s eyes showed deep envy. He is in charge of everything, and the people love this king.

And himself…

Holding a high position, he is only a powerless puppet, and his daily information can only be learned from the mouths of Minister Ernest and General Bude, but the two are inconsistent.

As an emperor, he could only be locked up in this palace every day, as a puppet… It’s ridiculous…

It’s ridiculous to death!

Thinking of this, the little emperor even bent down and laughed.

After broadcasting so many videos, even if you are stupid, you will not be naïve to think that your country is not half in turmoil.

Why doesn’t a single person in their own country dare to come out and face the rules head-on. A terrible thought came to mind…

Own country…

It’s beyond imagination!

“Next time…”

The young emperor, lying on the soft bed, his eyes were full of firmness!


“… Qili, what are you looking at! ”

In the Dongmu Church, Gilgamesh watched the salute that kept shifting his gaze between the video and him, and the king opened his mouth with displeasure.

If it was just an appreciative or admiring gaze, Gilgamesh would not care, but the other party did not have half an insult, but it made the king feel an insulting gaze, which made Gilgamesh very displeased.

“Wang’s current state is very different from in the video.”

Yan Feng Qili returned to the Dao.

“Hmph! Stupidity! You just need to admire the heroic posture of Ben Wang! ”


Yan Feng Qili nodded and continued to look at Gilgamesh in the video.

It was as if one had seen through the world, but the other had not yet grown up. After many years of getting along, Fat Tiger’s interest is also full of words.

According to the comics, now Wang is the second disease in the proper middle. Heart…

As if filled with something, a different pleasure filled the heart of this bad priest.

[Illustration: The author wants to feed Tima the Holy Grail]

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