Chapter 0062: This Woman Actually Pulled the Stars Down!!!!!

[Below the sea, countless rahems are exposed to the surface, tongues full of filth are exposed on the surface of the sea, and white teeth and pitch-black bodies appear so incompatible]

[The dark body invades this blue sea, it looks so out of place]

[In the distance, endless black clouds cover the sea]

The safest place in the world, Gakuen City.

“That black mud is the source of evil.”

In the dark enclosed space, an emotionless voice sounded. The mysterious solution emitted a faint glow, soaking Aresta Crowley and looking at the picture and saying.

Arguably the greatest magician of the twentieth century, Aresta can see the source of these rahems just by looking at them.

“Although it is a juvenile state, these gathered in Lahem are not something that ordinary people can resist, and judging from the picture just now, this video seems to involve magic again.”

“Different levels but overlapping boundaries are real, and your plans are completely disrupted.”

A figure slowly emerged in the dark space, with long hair, shining tall figure, and loose white cloth covering the limbs and torso, which was summoned by Aresta through his beloved wife as a medium, at this time Evas looked at the video and slowly spoke.

Evas is the angel of the world at the bottom, purely physical laws. This world was established by stacking many heavy magic camp phases on the laws of physics, and it has the power to destroy the world with the movement of a finger of light.

But he only acts according to his own interests and whim, even if mankind is destroyed and the world disappears without a trace, Evas will not change his face, and even completely unconcerned about his own existence.

But this time, for this video to appear, every video Evas is watching carefully.

“… Success or failure must lead the result in the same direction, and the chessboard is expanding, isn’t it. ”

“There really is magic…”

Mikoto Misaka, who stayed in the dormitory, watched the video in a daze, because of this video, even the school has begun a temporary vacation.

This is also the reason why you will be in the dormitory during this time period.

A series of videos have already greatly impacted this little girl’s heart. Love, affection, friendship, sadness, blood, ambiguity.

Mikoto Misaka can only say that this video is really interesting!

“I don’t know where Kuroko went?”

Taking advantage of the fact that there is no important plot in the video screen, Mikoto Misaka shook her white and slender feet and looked out the window, trying to find the figure of the perverted student.

“Huh? This electromagnetic wave…”

【Screen continues】

[In the sky, two pterosaurs carrying three women soaring in the sky, accompanied by a magical car similar to a “bow” floating in the air, and the owner of the car is a scantily beautiful girl – Isher! ] 】

[The four of them stared closely at Rahem below, every second there would be countless Rahem coming out of the water, the newborn Rahem did not react to the people flying over, it seemed very slow, but everyone knew that as long as it was not long before Lahem under these games, Rahem would become like Elidu]

[Killing is their only pleasure…]

[But… The funny thing is that they actually claim to be a new human, and now it seems that it is just a terminator device.]

[As the four people continued to move forward, ominous clouds appeared in front of everyone, and then a huge figure came into view, in a sea of blood…]

[Floating a huge woman, long blue hair, purple-red eyes are star-shaped, the face is stunning, the beauty is suffocating, under the huge avatar, the figure is unusually beautiful, but the fabric on the body is extremely small, a large snow-white can not help but be exposed to the air, with the arrival of several people, the sun opens the dark clouds and shines on the face of this mother god]

[It seems that he noticed the approaching people, and immediately raised his beautiful face, and the cherry lips opened lightly, aaaa “】

[A cold and ethereal singing voice sounded. The song turned into a storm and swept the sea, and the endless currents frantically rushed towards the four people from top to bottom.

[“It’s too dangerous to get close! Don’t get too close to her! Ishtar said eagerly as he drove Maana. 】

[This is their mother, just singing has unimaginable endless power! ] 】

[Stopping the pterosaur who wants to continue to go to Fujimaru Rika and Matthew, Ishtar gently flicked his bangs and looked at the sea Tiamat in the distance, let me use long-range attack means to end the battle in one breath! ] “The corner of the girl’s mouth raised a smile, and she looked back at her imperial lord, since that’s the case, then the backup work will be handed over to you, Fujimaru!” – Hmm]

[Orange Hair Vine Maru Tachika’s delicate face showed a determined color, raised his slender arm, three special lines appeared in the picture, but one of them began to look a little dim,]

“Please, Ishtar!”


[With Fujimaru Rika’s shout, the voice fell, and the spell on the back of his hand began to flicker non-stop, and then turned into a beam of magic visible to the naked eye, all pouring into Ishtar’s body]

[This is to give the heroic spirit power in the name of the spell!!! 】

[“Wrap it around me!”] “Soaring in the sky, a huge magic appeared on Ishtar’s body, bathed in a torrent of mana, then glanced at the sky and suddenly waved his arm]

“Hey, King Ben remembers that there is zero damage here, right?”

Looking at the new pleasure that Qili began to pursue on the side, Gilgamesh looked at Ishtar on the screen with disdain.

Others don’t know, can he still not know? This trash goddess!

Although not very optimistic, after all, the vast majority of the world has not even heard about Sumerian culture, deeds.

I don’t even know that this beautiful woman is actually a goddess?

But despite this, everyone in the ten thousand worlds tightened their screens, wanting to see what kind of power this slender and thin beautiful woman had.

After all, watching so much, everyone also knows that if the characters appear in the video, if they take people by their appearance, they will undoubtedly hit themselves in the face.

The next scene completely stunned countless waiters, and then their scalps began to numb.

[Above the sky, after only a moment of dimness, a crack opened from the sky, extending to tens of thousands of meters away, a bright light flashed in the deep void, and then began to shine more and more dazzlingly…]

[A planet slowly emerges!!! Quietly hovering behind Ishtar, the aura of destruction that revealed it was chilling!!! 】

Hokage World.

“… Black absolute, black absolute, you see!!! ”

Hei Jue, who had been pondering for a long time, was suddenly interrupted by a voice on the side, and Zou frowned in dissatisfaction.

The sudden appearance of the Hokage World video was really the biggest change in his plan in thousands of years.

Even if he lives for a thousand years, he can’t help but have some headaches, now Uchiha is the primary flag, but it has been exposed to everyone’s vision, although the last Moon Eye plan is not exposed, but in Hei Jue’s opinion, it is not much worse, and now the entire ninja world is closely monitoring everything in the ninja world.

Instead of targeting Konoha as before, there was a concerted external impulse.

And this is also Hei’s scruples, his purpose is to rescue his mother, and the premise of rescuing his mother is to make that fool Uchiha become the six immortals in the video again.

And to become an immortal body, you have to collect tailed beasts in a big way, and at this time, even one less person will cause an uproar.

But this is not a problem, what worries Hei Jue the most is who the new Six Dao Immortal who appears at the end of the video is!

When were the Six Dao Immortals so worthless?

And that open the door of death Matkai, Kuro can definitely be sure that it is definitely Madara luck, if that kick on Madara is estimated to have cooled long ago.

Although he has some strong identification with his mother’s strength, Hei is not sure whether his mother will be kicked to death by the other party when she comes out.

Now it seems that there can only be two paths, one is to continue to lurk and slowly consume known personnel. The second is to don’t care about anything, let Uchiha be reckless!

After all, with the current strength, if all the people use it together, it will only take a moment to reproduce the video scene. And the people in the video obviously didn’t have that kind of strength until many years later.

The idea is very good, but the suspicious black will eventually choose to continue to lurk, and at this time he is considering his own choice, even without watching the video, the whole person is thinking here.

“Why, what’s the name…”

Raising his head, Hei Jue looked speechlessly at the side fussing Bai Jue, this is a product of spots, so whether in the brain or other aspects is a bit similar to Madara.

Just about to say something, it was suddenly stuck, like a cattle in the throat.

The huge planet stretched for 10,000 meters, and Hei Jue’s eyes widened and he roared in disbelief.

“What is that!!!?”

“It seems to be Miss Ishtar’s ability…”


Hei Jue looked at the scene that was more shocking than the shoulder river star vein in the video and fell into sluggishness.

“Perhaps… It’s not bad to let my mother come out later. ”

And what Hei never knew was that in the center of the moon in the sky, his old mother didn’t want to come out for a long time. In an instant, most of the people in the ten thousand worlds moved their eyes to the beautiful woman in the video. After all…

The stars above your head are so dazzling, but you can only watch them from afar. But…


Just kidding! This woman actually pulled the stars down!!!

[Illustration: Ishtalda]

Please set your own mind, o [π.π].

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