Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2151: Discuss again

On Jiang Ning's side, he was already guarding the three women.

The three women have the ability. Although they are not as powerful as him, and they don’t have the same experience as him, anyway, if other things happen in this Central Plains, they still have a great effect. , And here, everyone has their own abilities in it.

"How do you feel now?" Jiang Ning couldn't help asking the three women at this time.

"It's okay! I feel my strength, and it seems to be slowly recovering!" Yue'er said first.

Immediately afterwards, Liu Mei and Feng Ying also nodded. They also felt that they had recovered their strength, and they were slowly improving. This is a good thing for them.

Before, they thought that they would be severely hit, and even lost their own lives. But now, they all understand this and they can still survive. After all, the ones who came down had the strength to recover, so there was nothing to say about everything else.

"That's good! That's good!" After hearing the words of the three women, Jiang Ning's heart was hanging, and then he let it go.

The power of curse is an incomprehensible power. People of the Earth Witch clan, their ability to use this power is also derived from their understanding of some mysterious powers. This is their specialty. Legend In the last battle, their king was able to bully the mighty.

Mighty people have already reached the point of being very powerful. It can even be said that a slap can slap Jiang Ning into the air, but they can still bully them. You can imagine how powerful their strength is.

It is even undeniable that they were here. If they didn’t encounter the siege of everyone, maybe they really unified the land of the Central Plains. After all, there were a lot of people in the land witch clan back then , And each one is proficient in using this curse power.

But in the later time, because they were too public, they were united by everyone, and then they fell directly.

If they knew a little bit of tolerance back then, maybe this Central Plains would not be what it is now. There is nothing to say.

Jiang Ning was watching the three women slowly healing. He saw that the three women's complexion gradually became ruddy, and the hanging heart was gradually letting go. He didn't want to see what the three women had. An accident happened. Once an accident happened, he wouldn't even forgive himself.

As for the three women, their faces at this time also gradually showed a smile, because at this time, they already felt the return of strength. This is a great thing. It can even be said that it is lost and recovered. That is a very gratifying thing.

Not long after, the first person who woke up was Liu Mei. Her whole appearance was the same as before, but if her complexion looked better, it was better than before. After all, you can see it here. Her complexion was very flushed, and her aura seemed to have grown a little bit more than before.

"How do you feel?" Jiang Ning asked immediately after seeing Liu Mei wake up.

"It's okay! I don't know what level my current strength has reached, but I can feel that my strength seems to be condensed, even more cohesive than the previous strength!" This, Liu Mei's face couldn't help showing excitement.

Before, she still didn't believe Jiang Ning's words, but now she believed Jiang Ning's words, not deceiving her.

Immediately afterwards, Yue'er and Fengying also woke up one after another. Their state was also similar to Liu Mei's, and their strength was also concentrated.

Regarding this, Jiang Ning was delighted.

Originally, he thought that the power of the curse was indestructible, but after a systematic answer, he was not too scared. After all, all power originated from heaven and earth, and there was no other saying. Coming.

"That's good, that's good!" Jiang Ning smiled.

But at this time, he was already thinking about how to deal with this dark night clan in the future. After all, they have the power of cursing. If they lead people over, the people of the earth witch clan will directly use the power of cursing. They don't have any ability to resist, it is still extremely difficult, after all, everyone here has his own ability.

For example, the previous masked man could not use the power of cursing on Jiang Ning. This means that his strength is strong enough. If he is replaced by an ordinary person, he may have been used to use this power long ago. It will be completely incompetent.

So for such a thing, it must be discussed.

"Go, let's go to the Bale family and see what they think!" Jiang Ning decided at this time. After all, he alone can't fight the Wu family here, and it may even happen. The big problem comes, so be sure to unite with certain people at certain times, so that you can give full play to your strengths.

"Yeah! I also think that we need to unite more people before we can bring our strength into full play. Otherwise, it will be impossible to sanction this witch clan!" Liu Mei also understands this one very well. The situation came, although she was not very strong, but when she thought of things, she was still extremely smart.

Yue'er and Fengying didn't want to say anything anymore. They hadn't found anyone from their race, and they didn't know if they were taken prisoner by the people of the Earth Witch clan.

If they were captured by people of this race, it would still be a troublesome thing. After all, they didn't have the strength to break into this Earth Witch clan.

Everything can only rely on Jiangning. If Jiangning is not enough, there must be no one in this Central Plains that can stop the Wu Clan.

Looking back on this clan of Earthen Witches, they all felt scared, the power of a strange curse, and their tyrannical strength, even more powerful than the original Protoss and Berserkers.

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