Crossing the Invincible World

Chapter 2150: Withdrawal

Now in this situation, the only way to retreat is to retreat. After all, the life of the three daughters is extremely important.

Jiang Ning has vowed from the beginning that he must protect the three daughters. Now if anything happens to the three daughters, he will not forgive himself. After all, here, his strength is very good. Strong, if you can't even protect your own woman, then nothing needs to be said.

After setting up the three women, Jiang Ning immediately penetrated his own power into the three women's bodies, and checked their inner parts, what was guiding them.

But when Jiang Ning started such a thing, he didn't feel anything. He didn't feel that the three girls had any accident. This made him extremely speechless.

But when he thought that this was a mysterious curse power, he let it go. After all, this kind of power is not something he can understand. If he can understand it, then there is no need to be afraid of the one just now. Face people.

"System, what the **** is going on?" Jiang Ning could only ask for help from the system at this time. Although this system is really useless in normal times, but regarding some intractable diseases, It is still relatively understandable, after all, it belongs to the omnipotent existence.

"In fact, they have nothing to do, just a serious illness! This kind of curse power only temporarily loses their power. For humans, it doesn't hurt, even so to speak. , As long as they are strong, they will be of great benefit to themselves!"

When Jiang Ning heard the words, the whole person was stunned.

Isn't this the omnipotent curse power? Isn't it a terrible curse power? Why don't they have anything to do now? This is an extremely shocking thing for him. It can even be said that once some other unnecessary things happen, there may be major problems.

But what the system said, Jiang Ning would never disbelieve it. Although in normal times, he didn’t make a lot of achievements, and even after he became stronger, this system did not help him much, but its ability It still exists, after all, here, this may have a very powerful knowledge system.

After hearing the words, Jiang Ning let go of his hanging heart. As long as they have nothing to do, everything is okay.

Once they had a problem, then Jiang Ning would definitely not let go of this witch clan, because it was a terror.

Formidable strengths such as the three daughters are unable to resist the power of this curse. If they are replaced by other people, they will not be able to resist it, because this kind of curse is indeed extremely scary. .

It is an intangible and invisible energy. Once it happens, it will be completely finished.

"You stand firm and there will be no problems! And once you pass this crisis, your abilities will definitely improve!" Jiang Ning could not help but comfort the three girls at this time. At this time, it is extremely important to give the three women confidence.

He wouldn't be like other people, attacking the three women, after all, at this time, what the three women need is comfort and encouragement.

The three women also believed Jiang Ning's words very much. Since Jiang Ning said that they would not have any accidents, then there would be no accidents. After all, here, they have always trusted Jiang Ning's words very much. , And here, I haven't made any mistakes. This is something everyone knows.

As for other people, there might not be an authority like Jiang Ning. After all, the principle of the supremacy of strength comes.

When the three women confronted the curse, Jiang Ning could be said to be inseparable. After all, the three women now have no strength at all. Once they encounter other people, it will be a big problem, so Jiangning must Stay by their side, not allowing any accidents to happen.

Jiwang Mountain.

The leader of the dark night clan looked at the distance and couldn’t help but laughed: "I used a little trick, and you believed so, so you can’t blame me! If my witch clan had such strength, it wouldn’t be the case back then It’s lonely. We also used this kind of curse power back then to completely lose the ability to fight and then kill them, but now, we are about to try it on!"

"Tootou, why didn't you even confuse the man just now?" At this moment, a young man came and couldn't help but ask.

"Do you think it's so easy to confuse? I tell you, his strength is very strong, even if I use my full strength, it may not be able to kill him, so for such things, you don't need much After thinking about it, if you are backlashed by him, then you will be injured yourself, so we must be careful when we use the power of curses. It is not something that can be used by everyone!"

At the end, the leader frowned.

The time just now, he did use a trick to get Jiang Ning away, but if Jiang Ning knew what he was thinking, then he would still be very dangerous. After all, their witches were already targeted, no To say more, at least there are so many races eyeing them.

Therefore, when combined, they will be extremely strenuous.

Now they just want to quickly fix these altars so that everyone in their clan can use the power of the curse. By then, even if other people attack, they will not have it. Any fear.

They had already thought about it and could get it done quickly, but they didn't expect that half of the time, they would have already met Jiang Ning, which made them extremely depressed.

It can even be said that here, if Jiang Ning gave other people information and attacked Laiwang Mountain together, then they would still be finished. After all, their strength is only average, and they simply cannot cope with so much. Of the race.

"I know! But our altar still needs a period of running-in. There are not many people in the clan who can master the power of curses. Once we fight against the people from the Central Plains, the chances of winning are not very big. !"

"I have known this a long time ago, so we must take this defensive measure, otherwise, it will be completely given to others!"

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