At seven o'clock in the morning, on Nansha Island, the sky gradually cleared up, the night was replaced by daylight, the sky was still raining a little bit, and the wind was much smaller.

You can see the traces of the storm everywhere, and there are some messy broken branches, leaves, plastic bags, and various unknown debris everywhere.

Three hours after yesterday’s fire, most of the combustibles in the cake house were burned out. The fire was then completely extinguished. The burned scorched earth left a black area, and some places were still emitting white smoke.

The raging wind and rain undoubtedly made the situation worse. Many things on the scene were already wet by the rain, and many traces were destroyed.

The police force on the small islands here is insufficient. Often a few policemen are responsible for managing more than a dozen small islands, and they are called island patrols.They travel between the islands and can only use boats. Those island policemen often need to ride in small boats to bump in the wind and waves, and sometimes squat in the stormy waves.

Due to the long distance and inconvenient traffic, they often waited for the police to arrive. The crime has been over. When there is a strong wind, the navigation is suspended. If there is no time to reach the scene, the traces will disappear, and useful information cannot be extracted, making it more difficult to solve the case.

Small islands are also a difficult point for supervision. People often use islands to carry out some illegal activities. There have been some cases of using small islands for animal and drug smuggling. The nitrous oxide sold in cake shops also took advantage of the loopholes.

The previous explosion was sudden and weird. After discussing it, they decided to come and check the scene of the explosion.

Lu Siyu and Song Wen went straight here as soon as they woke up. In order to investigate the scene, Lu Siyu also took his newly bought, expensive camera.

The two of them were still in this fire field this morning, where the flames were burning before, but now they are dull and silent.

The light rain was still falling, and the two of them wore raincoats and stepped on the scorched earth through their shoes. They could still feel some scorching heat. When their feet moved forward, there would be a creaking sound.

Until now, the signal of the mobile phone has not been restored.

With the dawn, countless seabirds wake up and make various calls.

Lu Siyu took the camera with the telephoto lens removed. From time to time, he saw something and took pictures. When he pressed the shutter with his finger, the camera made a crisp click.

He thought this cake house was not big before, but now it is not small. The hundreds of square meters are in ruins, leaving a trace of overfire. Only the two of them are investigating here.

Song Wen broke the silence while looking for clues: "I used to like to watch some movies about the island for a while. I saw "The Confined Island" from "Island Cry". When I came to the hotel yesterday, I thought Now, this homestay looks very warm. Except for the couple, all the travelers are pretty reliable. I didn't expect something like this to happen this night."

When Lu Siyu put down the camera, Junxiu's face had no expression: "I also like to read stories about Kojima." Then he recalled, "At that time, the most impressive thing was "No Life" and "Battle Royale". There is also "The Whole Story of Jin Funan Murder"..."

Song Wen almost didn't let out a mouthful of blood and said, "Well, you are still cruel enough, I want to live a few more years..."

The joke is a joke, the environment of the island is relatively closed, and there are few people. There are no convenient transportation in some cities or land.

Once an accident such as a fire occurs, rescue and medical treatment are too late.Even communication is easily restricted, so many young people have chosen to leave here and embrace the embrace of big cities. This is one of the reasons why there are fewer and fewer islanders.

Because of this, the island is far away from the city and pollution, and can retain the most primitive style.

The two went to the core of the explosion and combustion, which is the storage room behind the cake house.

The fire has burned the place to the limit. The small storage room has almost completely collapsed, and only some metal supports remain upright.

Lu Siyu looked at the corner. There were some unburnt places and some fragments of the packaging box: "This should be the storage material, but also the place where a lot of laughing gas is stored."

Song Wen removed a piece of fallen wooden beam, and the ashes raised from the charred wooden beam gave a scorching smell. Song Wen was choked with two coughs: "Here, there is a corpse!" Then he squatted down again. Observed carefully, "The body doesn't look too big..."

Lu Siyu walked over and checked. This was the first corpse they found. The corpse was black charcoal because of the explosion and fire, and it was not complete, but some features were still recognizable from the appearance of the corpse.

"Because of the long-term high temperature carbonization, the length of the body has been shortened, the deceased is a female, it should be Yan Min..." Lu Siyu looked at the body carefully, took a few photos, and then stretched out his gloved hand to check briefly. I took a look at the nose and mouth of the corpse. The corpse was burnt to black, and it was very hard to touch. It was very difficult to move and inspect.

The mouth of the deceased was burned to the point that it would be difficult to see the inside of the throat without an autopsy. He concluded: "The preliminary judgment should be caused by an explosion, and then the body was burned. More specifically, an autopsy..."

After Lu Siyu finished speaking, he looked at the hands of the deceased. They were fist-like. This is because when the whole body was carbonized, the muscles encountered high temperature contraction and flexors, which looked like a defensive posture in a boxer match. One of the characteristics of high-temperature burning, but it does not assist in judging whether it was burned before or after death.

Song Wen had seen people burned to death before, but none of them burned so severely. It is a little hard to imagine that the boss lady of yesterday has shrunk into such a small ball.

Then Song Wen began to look around again. This storage room is located behind the whole cake house. It is a separate building, at least about five meters away from the residential area.

He was a little puzzled: "Yesterday the typhoon, there was a power outage here again very early. She didn't sleep in the house this night. What did she do here?"

Lu Siyu looked around and said: "Maybe to check if water is in the storage room..." Then he added an explanation, "Many bread materials are afraid of water. Maybe there are other possibilities, such as her Some voice or person led to this place."

In the ruins, you can faintly identify some bags containing coffee powder, powdered sugar, flour and other materials, as well as packaging for nitrous oxide and balloons.However, all the contents inside were destroyed by fire and explosion.

Song Wen looked down at the corpse and said, "Her body is in this position. I suspect that the fire was not accidentally lit, but because of what she did that caused the explosion..."

If it was a fire caused by a short circuit, the victims should all be sleeping in bed. The explosion happened suddenly and was very violent, even if it was too late to check it out from the house.

Lu Siyu gave a hum. He took a few photos, then looked around, and finally his eyes fell on a few plastic objects in the ruins.

The scene was very messy, but these plastic blocks still attracted his attention.

After the high temperature, the plastic has been burned to deform, almost melted, and turned into a weird round cake. He was not sure for a moment what this thing was before it was burned by the high temperature. If it were a plastic basin, it would not feel so small.

Song Wen leaned over and took a look: "This color seems to remind me of something..."

Lu Siyu asked: "What is it?"

Song Wen thought about how he wanted to express: "It's like the kind of bucket that children use when they play with sand." Then he observed it again, "It may also be the abrasive tool needed to make cakes."

When Lu Siyu heard what he said, he moved in his heart. He picked up a larger piece of plastic, brushed off the black charcoal on the surface with his hand, touched the burnt leftover inside, took it under his nose and smelled it gently. Frowned.

Song Wen saw his expression change, and bowed his head and asked him, "What is it?"

Lu Siyu didn't answer, and pointed down with his fingers. Under the dark color, some white powder appeared on the edge of the bottom of the barrel.

Song Wen's brows also frowned: "Will this be?"

Does this cake shop sell other contraband besides laughing gas?

Lu Siyu touched his fingers again this time, and smelled: "He shook his head. It's not what you think, it may be flour."

Song Wen also dipped some with his hands and touched it. The texture really was flour. He wondered: "Then why is this flour not stored in flour bags, but in these small buckets? Is it used to make cakes? ?"

Lu Siyu couldn't figure it out, and said, "Maybe it is for a special purpose?"

The storage room is located at the end of the whole cake shop. Two people checked this place and came to the front again. The front is obviously a residential area. The overfire area is not as large as it seemed last night.The top surface was not completely destroyed. To protect the scene, Lu Siyu took out the shoe covers and handed them to Song Wen.

Lu Siyu and Song Wen entered the adjacent room. There was a double bed in it. On the side of the room, there was a small bathroom. At this time, there was a corpse lying on the ground. There was obviously no storage room that burned so badly. Although the deceased was completely unrecognizable, it could be seen from the remaining hair and clothing fragments that the deceased should be the cake master Yang Ling they had met before.

After the explosion, the fire soon spread here. His body was lying on the ground without shoes, with only a few traces of struggle.

Lu Siyu took several photos back and forth, then knelt down and looked at the corpse: "The hair of the deceased is curled because of the fire."

Then he looked at the eyes of the deceased, "There are goose claw marks on the outer corners of the eyes caused by closing the eyes. There is no smoke and dust in the cornea. It should be a fire before he was alive. He was in a fire area. The big fire and toxic gas soon caused him. Died."

Song Wen went into the room carefully, looked through it, and concluded: "There are two pillows on the bed. This one is the master bedroom. There are women's clothes in the closet. The staff dormitory next door was almost emptied. Probably the original boss died. From now on, Yang Ling and Yan Min lived together."

There was still some things in the room that hadn't burned out. He pointed to a few opened silver bullets on the ground: "It looks like they are also sucking laughing gas..."

Lu Siyu gave a hum and took photos of all the traces.

When Song Wen saw this, he concluded: "It's not like a short circuit of a wire, nor is it like an ordinary accident. I'm more and more curious now, how did this explosion happen? It will never be the woman's midnight. Sleeping drowsy and unconscious, got up and ordered the house, right?"

Lu Siyu was taking pictures with a camera as they walked. They passed by a small storage room like a cabinet. Song Wen opened the door and looked at it. They were all mops, brooms, and tool boxes.

Song Wen was about to close the door when Lu Siyu called out: "Wait."

Then Lu Siyu took a few photos at a saw inside.

Song Wen was a little puzzled: "What is this thing?"

Lu Siyu raised his head and said, "Do you remember the bone we found at the beach?"

Song Wen nodded.

Lu Siyu explained: "When I was in school, I did an experiment on a subject. The teacher took us to saw the bones of the corpse with various saws, and summarized what kind of marks will be left. The bone saw wound on the seaside bone should be It is this kind of similar saw left behind..."

In other words, if the girl’s disappearance has something to do with this cake shop, the saw in front of her is very likely to be a murder weapon.

Song Wendao: "Then I will remember. When the police here come back, let them test whether there are blood stains and fingerprints on it."

Obviously, the saw has been cleaned repeatedly, but the traces on the saw are difficult to completely eliminate. After inspection, you can confirm whether this cake shop is related to the girl who was missing before.

Next to the toolbox, walking outside is a small room. At this time, the door is half open. Some pink decorations can be seen in the unburnt place. It seems that this is the children's room where the girl sleeps. Closer to the back kitchen and front hall.Because of this, the little girl survived.

At this time, on the bed, the sheets and bedding were messy, there were some burning marks, some black fragments and some ashes fell on it, but Lu Siyu gave a soft hey and took a few photos with the camera.

Song Wen asked, "Is there a problem?"

Lu Siyu nodded: "This bed is a bit regular, it's not like someone got up in a hurry in the middle of the night after sleeping."

Song Wen also understood. Was awakened in a deep sleep. His first reaction was to lift the quilt and get out of bed. At this time, although the quilt was a bit messy, the corner of the quilt was flat on the bed, which looked a bit Carefully.

Song Wendao: "It's also possible that she took a long time to react and covered the quilt."

Lu Siyu took the picture, looked at the ground, and asked Song Wen: "Did she wear shoes on her feet when you rescued her yesterday?"

Song Wen recalled the details and said, "I'm wearing it."

Lu Siyu said: "It seems that there is enough time, and misjudgment cannot be ruled out. After all, these traces can only serve as some auxiliary reasoning."

If there is enough time to wear shoes, then the traces of the quilt will not have enough reference value.

The roof here is relatively intact. There are limited wet areas in the house, and there are no footprints or effective marks on the ground.

Lu Siyu walked to the desk in the house again. There were some elementary school textbooks and extracurricular books on the desk. Because of the explosion and typhoon, it was messy everywhere.

Song Wen also walked over and flipped a few times, and two pictures fell out of it.Because of yesterday’s fire, the surroundings of these two paintings have been a little burnt.

These two paintings seem to be connected to the painting in the outer hall, but the content of the paintings is not so beautiful.

In the first picture, there are many people, each with their eyes closed, their mouths on the balloon, and a man smiling on the side.

The next picture has been burned to the point of fire. The picture is covered with red paint. It looks like blood and fire. Next to it is a man in death clothes with a long sickle in his hand.

"These paintings..." Song Wen has always felt that paintings can reflect the state of mind of the painter himself. He pointed, and Lu Siyu took these two pictures.

The two walked out of the children's room. Not far away was the back kitchen. Song Wen pointed to one of the tables and said, "I found the girl here last night."

Going further, it is where Song Wen broke into yesterday.

Except for a few rooms in the back, the burned area in the front is relatively light.

The main body of the cake house remained relatively intact, the colored lights fell to the ground, and several sofas were burned so that the original colors could not be distinguished.

The entire scene was almost checked, and Lu Siyu walked back down the corridor again.

Most of this corridor collapsed. The main beam that fell to the ground yesterday was burnt to a black, and the ground was very messy.

Lu Siyu walked all the way back to the storage room, which should be the core location of the crime.

He looked around and calmed himself down.

The sound of rain was already inaudible, and the sound of the waves gradually became clear.

The morning sun shone on and reflected on his delicate face, and the raindrops fell on his hand holding the camera, making him feel a bit of coolness.

Yesterday they were in such a fire scene, and now they still have lingering fears in retrospect.

The fire swallowed two living beings. Although the two people were not good people, such deaths still made people sigh.

He was surrounded by ruins. The fire burned to the end only black charcoal was left. You could smell the burnt smell in his nose. Lu Siyu's gaze swept across the ruins without missing any clues.

If all this is man-made, then who caused it?Is the murderer dead or alive?What kind of state of mind did that person bring such a tragedy to happen?

Song Wen found some traces in the front, and came to call Lu Siyu. He looked up and saw him standing alone in the ruins and light rain wearing a raincoat.

Lu Siyu was long in jade, wearing a green raincoat, and raised his head slightly, not knowing what he was thinking.He looked thin and lonely, like a phantom in the mountains.Those burnt black flakes and dust scattered around him, like black butterflies from hell.

Song Wen yelled: "Si Yu. Come here and have a look!"

Lu Siyu walked through the ruins and walked to Song Wen's side. Passing a mess, Song Wen stretched out his hand and pulled him.

The two of them went to a place where there was less overuse again. Following Song Wen's sight, Lu Siyu looked at the traces left on the ground in front of him. Those were some shallow white traces, which would be difficult to find without looking carefully.

After a moment of silence, Lu Siyu said: "I think it should be certain now that this is a carefully planned murder..."

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