The door of the hotel was opened, and the cold wind mixed with raindrops suddenly poured in. Everything on the table in the house was suddenly blown off. Now this time is the time when the typhoon is the most intense.

Song Wen and Lu Siyu rushed to the outside of the hotel, and Teacher Su followed.

The surrounding area was completely dark, and the wind and rain were so heavy that people could hardly open their eyes. The typhoon instantly drenched the clothes on the body, and every step forward took a lot of effort.

It may be due to the influence of the typhoon. The night tonight seems to be darker than before, and the branches are shaking to reflect the reflection, coupled with the raging fire not far away, as if the gate of the underworld was opened.

At this time, they finally felt the power of the typhoon. The sea breeze roared like a ghost crying, the sound of the wind, the loud noise of the wave, and the violent explosion sound mixed together and impacted the eardrum.

Song Wen tightly grasped Lu Siyu's hand and dashed forward along the road for a while. After dozens of seconds, they finally reached the cake house, only more than five meters away from the burning building.

At this moment, there was another loud noise in the building in front of him. With a blast, the flame suddenly ignited, rising several meters high, and then there was another loud bang.

The burning flames rolled out like waves, the high temperature swept in, and the fire rushed straight into the sky, dyeing the world in front of them into orange-red.

There seemed to be strange noises in the flames, which sounded like screams.

At this moment they were standing so close that they could see clearly that the fire was behind the cake house, and the fire was gradually spreading forward.At this time, the part of the restaurant in front has not been burned by the fire.

"Teacher Su, you stay outside to meet us!" Song Wen shouted.

Teacher Su wanted to say something, Lu Siyu stopped again and said, "It's dangerous inside, and there are more people and it's messy."

After hearing this, Teacher Su stopped.

Song Wen smashed the glass window on the side of the cake house with his elbow and jumped in. There was no flame invading here for a while.

Lu Siyu followed in, and he handed Song Wen a towel, which he instinctively picked up when he left the house.After being in the rain all the way, he was completely wet, he reminded him: "Beware of poisonous gas!"

Song Wen took it and asked, "What about you?"

"I will pay attention to safety..." Lu Siyu stretched his wet coat sleeves and covered his mouth and nose.

Song Wen was patrolling the surroundings with his nose in his hands, recognizing the direction in the thick smoke. This place seemed to be different from the place they had visited during the day. He could only recall the location by his impression, and he said: "The fire is too big. ."

Lu Siyu felt that the burnt smell at the scene made him a little sick, and he turned his head to listen: "I seem to hear crying..."

Then Song Wen also heard it, mixed in the wind and rain, it was the cry of a girl.At least the little girl is alive.

The two people looked in the direction of the cry. The further they went, the larger the area of ​​the fire and the more flames around them.

The billowing smoke can easily make people confused, and the thick smoke will be denser if you go further.

The girl's cry became smaller and smaller, and the two walked to the doorway next to the back kitchen. The door had been damaged by the explosion, and it was tilted to the side, and further ahead was the raging fire.

Song Wen turned his head and said to Lu Siyu: "You wait here, don't go forward, I'll see the situation!" He shook Lu Siyu's wrist and added two more words, "Obey!"

Lu Siyu didn't stubbornly followed him in, and waited outside the door.

Song Wen kicked, kicked the door open, and rushed in.

Now the typhoon is fierce outside, the wind and rain are blowing, the fire ahead is very big, the explosions continue, and the billowing smoke is constantly pouring out of the building. Lu Siyu can feel the tongue of the fire licking his cheek, and there is a pungent pain on his skin. .

He stood at the door of the fire, covered his mouth with his sleeve, held his breath, and counted the seconds from 1 to 90.

Under the burning of flames and smoke, his eyes could hardly be opened, but he dared not close his eyes or miss anything.

This minute and a half was the most grueling wait that Lu Siyu had experienced, his chest seemed to be constantly twisted by a saw.Then he shouted into the fire: "Song Wen!"

Lu Siyu's voice was quickly overwhelmed by the sound of wind and rain and explosions, and the flames were burning with no response.

The overfired building is already crumbling and seems to be in danger of collapsing at any time.

Lu Siyu no longer cared about any harmful gases, put down his hands covering his mouth and nose, gritted his teeth and placed his hands on the door frame, feeling the heat in his palms.

He suddenly regretted that he didn't rush in with Song Wen... But he knew very well that the fire was too strong and it was easy to lose his way inside. His physical strength could not last and it might become a drag. Song Wen went in alone than the two of them. It is much safer.

As time passed by every minute, his sanity was swallowed up by a single minute, and Lu Siyu suddenly felt as if he had returned to the moment when he was blindfolded 19 years ago.

Although he was in the fire scene, there was a terrible chill in his heart. His whole person and whole heart were tormented in the heat and cold.

Is he really an ominous person?Even Song Wen will be tired by him?

If something really happened to Song Wen, how would he face the word "future"?

The burning cake house seemed to be full of hell's karma. Lu Siyu felt like he was in eighteen layers of hell. The flames swallowed everything, and the choking smoke burned his throat.

He opened his eyes and looked around blankly, and then shouted at the center of the flame: "Song Wen!!" This heart-piercing sound was actually a bit of crying, and a tear fell down his pale cheeks and scratched. The burn marks were opened.

The fire was silent for a moment, and someone inside finally responded with a muffled voice: "Come on! Your husband is not dead yet!"

Then Lu Siyu finally saw Song Wen burst the flame and ran out of it.Behind him, a burning beam crashed to the ground, and life and death seemed to be just a step away.

Lu Siyu could see clearly that Song Wen was holding a person with one hand. It was the girl they had seen during dinner. The girl seemed to be in a coma, her eyes closed, and she was wearing only a thin pajamas. Song Wenkang was on his shoulders.

"Song Wen, you... are you okay? Are you injured?" Lu Siyu asked anxiously.

The violent tongue of fire just burned Song Wen's wrist and it hurt fiercely. The towel was also in the fire and I didn't know where it fell.Song Wen coughed and shook his head and said: "I'm fine, but only this girl was saved."

The fire was too strong and the explosion was very violent. Soon after he walked in, he found that the road was completely sealed by the fire, and there was no one alive inside. Fortunately, he found the girl hiding under the table.

The two ran out in a hurry and came to the window where they entered. Song Wen stretched out his hands and handed the girl out. Teacher Su was outside and hurriedly reached out and took the girl.

Then Song Wen jumped out on his own and pulled out Lu Siyu again.

The fire behind him was even more fierce, and it was another explosion. The rolling heat wave pushed them forward. Song Wen had no time to put Lu Siyu in his arms, and the impact of the explosion pushed his back.

Song Wen knew that his back should have been ignited just now. He rolled on the spot and extinguished the flame on his body. The explosion sounded so loud that it made him suspect that the eardrum was about to be shattered. For about ten seconds, Song Wen could not hear anything. , And then he was pulled up by Lu Siyu.

Teacher Su also protected the girl, and when the heat wave passed, he continued to run forward.

A few people finally ran to a safe distance, but in a moment, the flame was like a monster, swallowing the room behind them, and then biting wildly.

When they came to a safe place, Lu Siyu dared to pant and look back at the fire. They had run far away, and they could feel the heat of the flame sweeping along with the wind.

Lu Siyu looked at the flames in front of him in a daze. The rain was still falling, and the cold rain water ran down his cheeks and slipped into his clothes.

On this small island, a stormy typhoon night.The raging fire kept burning, and after that kind of fire and violent explosion, there was no chance for other people in the building to survive.

After a while, Lu Siyu seemed to wake up, blinked his eyes, and took Song Wen into the villa.

The door was closed, blocking the wind and fire from outside, and the flame was still burning and crackling.

The others rushed forward and asked in a rush.

"Are you all right?"

"It was too dangerous just now... it scared me to death..."

Teacher Su also hugged the girl, stretched out her hand to pull down her pajamas a little, covered her legs, and carefully laid her flat on the sofa in the hall.

The two female students hurried over, and the little girl choked twice and moved her eyelashes.

Uncle Wang took out the towel and quilt from the room and wiped the water droplets on the girl's face and the marks on her face. Fortunately, the girl suffered no serious injuries except for some burns on her calf.

Lu Siyu saw some burn marks on Song Wen's wrist, and said anxiously: "Your wrist is burned!"

Song Wen held his wrist with his other hand and said, "It's nothing serious, just wait for you to help me get some medicine."

Uncle Wang hurriedly said, "I have some scalded ointments here, as well as gauze and alcohol..."

At this time, the little girl finally woke up, crying and raising her blackened face and asking: "My mother...and Uncle Yang..."

The others were silent for a while.

With such a big fire and such a violent explosion, she was indeed lucky to be rescued. Other people, I am afraid there are no bones left.Fortunately, during the recent holiday, there should be only the proprietress and the cake chef there, which avoided more casualties.

Teacher Su sighed and looked at the girl with sympathy. She stretched out her hand to help her smooth her hair: "What a poor child."

The girl sat up, folded her hands on her knees, and started crying again.

Song Wen watched silently. The girl had her father died before, and now her mother was burned to death, and the family's cake shop was destroyed again. She didn't know what to do in the future.

Qiu Lan helped the girl wipe the marks on her face, raised her head and asked softly: "Then now... what should we do?"

Chen Zui asked nervously, "The fire won't burn, will it?"

Uncle Wang frowned for a while: "Now... the communication on the island is interrupted, and it is impossible to call for help, and there is no fire station on this island..." This fire cannot be saved at all on such a stormy night.

Lu Siyu had seen Song Wen’s hand injury, and it was indeed not serious. He finally calmed down: “The fire in the cake shop was burning badly, probably because there were a lot of combustibles and some explosives in it. It's on the cliff. There is not much vegetation nearby, and it will not spread too much. It should be a few hours before the fire will go out by itself."

He was outside the fire scene just now and had already observed the surrounding situation. The fire will not spread.

Everyone looked back, and between these words, the fire was clearly reduced as he said.

Then Lu Siyu looked at the girl and asked, "What happened last night?"

The girl was still crying: "Last night... after eight o'clock, the hotel’s electricity went off, and then we all went to bed early. I... I was sleeping when I heard a loud noise. Then the fire ignited..."

Lu Siyu asked again: "Did you not sleep with your mother?"

The girl wiped her tears: "I have been sleeping in separate rooms with my parents since I was six years old... My room is near the lobby of the cake shop. After hearing the explosion, I ran out and hid under a table. , I called for help a few times, and was scared to cry by the fire, and then my uncle came to save me..."

Song Wen took out his mobile phone with his uninjured hand and checked the time. It is now three o'clock in the morning. Now they and the girl are very embarrassed. He pulled Lu Siyu and said, "Let’s do this tonight. , Let’s go back and rest for a while, pay attention to the fire in the cake shop, and wait for the rest tomorrow morning."

Uncle Wang looked at the girl and said, "The female worker on our side has also gone home from get off work, then this child..."

He is a man, and it doesn't feel right to take this girl.

Qiu Lan took the initiative to say: "This child will clean up on our side first. Let's sleep for one night. I have some clothes and I can put on her first." She was full of sympathy for the child who suddenly became an orphan.Jiang Jiang also nodded aside and agreed with Qiu Lan's decision.

It was confirmed that the fire gradually became smaller and would not affect this side, and the people who were still in shock went upstairs.

Entering the room, Song Wen sighed and said, "Tonight, it was a troubled night... Did you have stomach problems again?"

Lu Siyu shook his head, anxious about his injury and said: "I will help you deal with the wound now, and put some medicine..."

Song Wen covered his wrist to prevent him from looking again: "Little ancestor, I'm really fine, please change your clothes quickly."

Lu Siyu could only change the wet clothes first obediently. Song Wen also took care of it with one hand at this time, and turned on the air conditioner in the house.

After Lu Siyu changed his clothes, he hurriedly walked over and took his hand, and looked at Song Wen's burned wrist.

When Song Wen entered the fire scene, the fire was very strong. He blocked it with his hand, covering his head and face. The circle around the sleeves was blistered and turned black and red. Fortunately, he just wore one piece. The thick denim jacket, wet clothes, played a protective role, and the rest of the body was not burned.

Lu Siyu was afraid that Song Wen's wound would hurt, so he wiped the area around the wound carefully to eliminate the poison, then lowered his head while blowing, and carefully put the ointment on him.

The ointment was cold, but it was still tingling when applied. Lu Siyu had been extremely careful, and Song Wen still hissed with pain.

When the ointment was finished, Lu Siyu helped him wrap a bandage and carefully wrapped it around his wrist a few times.

After everything was done, Lu Siyu still felt a slight pain in his heart, and he didn't know how to express his feelings.Pulling Song Wen's hand, lowering his eyelashes, gently rubbed his cheek on the back of his hand.

There was chaos just now, but now the room is quiet, and the wind and rain outside are much quieter.

"It's really not serious." When Song Wen watched Lu Siyu, his hands were itchy, making his heart more itchy.

Lu Siyu raised his head to look at Xiang Song Wen, with a pair of nice eyes sparkling.

Song Wen couldn't help but stretch out his other hand and wiped off the black spots left by the smoke and dust on Lu Siyu's face with the pads of his fingers, and said what he thought in his heart: "You look like a A little tabby cat."

The cat looked obedient, so he reached out and rubbed Lu Siyu's hair, then hugged him and kissed him.

"I was very scared just now..." Lu Siyu remembered the thrill of being in the fire just now, and he still had some lingering fears, and then he whispered: "You are fine if you have nothing serious."

After speaking, Lu Siyu got up to wash, and also took Song Wen a wet towel to wipe it.

After doing all this, Lu Siyu tilted his head and looked out the window. The flame that was still burning just now shrank and became a looming ball. At this time, he also saw clearly, the center of the fire scene, It should be behind the cake house, the back kitchen and the storage room.

Seeing that he was in a daze, Song Wen walked over to look at the outside scene, and said, "It is possible that the typhoon has caused a short circuit of the wires and ignited the stored laughing gas or the gas tank."

There is no gas on such a cliff, and it needs to be heated by ovens and gas tanks. The laughing gas is also flammable, and it is precisely because of this that it caused continuous explosions.

Lu Siyu lowered his head and said, "I have a strange feeling... I think this incident may not be an accident..."

Song Wen watched the dwindling fire and said to Lu Si: "Whether it's an accident or not, your top priority now is to take a good rest. For the rest, wait until dawn."

Only then did Lu Siyu go to bed again, and Song Wen was a bit tired by his side, and soon fell asleep in bed.

At this time, Lu Siyu was a little bit unable to sleep. He rolled around repeatedly, thinking about the details of coming to the island this time.

He felt as if he was holding the white bone in his hand, and he was in a daze when he saw Yang Ling smiling and brought them a huge birthday cake, facing the crying Li Ting'er for a while, and for a while he felt as if looking at the lady boss Yan Min, the sky and the earth were suddenly illuminated by fire.

Then he felt that he had opened Wu Hongyou's book and turned to the last page...

Numerous images were superimposed on his mind, pressing him down made him feel a little breathless.I don't know when, he finally fell asleep.

He didn't know how long he had slept, and when he opened his eyes, he felt that he was hungry.Song Wen had just got up and was already dressed.

Lu Siyu awoke for a moment and asked Song Wen, "Does the wound on your hand still hurt?"

Song Wen glanced at the gauze on his wrist, shook his head and said, "At least normal activities are not affected."

Lu Siyu got up from the bed and put on his clothes. He admired Song Wen's recovery ability.Then Lu Siyu turned on his mobile phone, and it was almost seven o'clock.

Seeing that he was awake, Song Wen opened the curtains and asked him, "Are you hungry? There are still tea eggs over here. May I iron two for you?"

Lu Siyu nodded, feeling the wiseness before Song Wen.

The typhoon outside has passed, and the sky is clearing. There was only a light rain, crackling on the windows.

Looking out of the window, you can see a vast expanse of sea water, the surging black waves yesterday, and now they are completely quiet, looking submissive and gentle.

That typhoon passed, not far away, where the cake house was, the broken building was burned to black, reminding them that everything last night was not a dream.

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