Count of Wizards

Chapter 1027: Black Blood Fox Bear (2)

Under such circumstances, if we say that everyone is walking together, then there is no doubt that everyone will be attacked. According to the black blood fox's greed for blood food, Connor and De Zelby, who are formally trained as wizards, are in the team. , It will become the focus of the black blood fox attack!

And because of the different identities, coupled with the relationship of mutual use, Connor can be sure that at that time, he will definitely become the one who sacrificed for De Zelby, the arbitrator of the Storm Church, sure Will do everything possible to protect Dezerby and give up on himself. At that moment, with the powerful intelligence of the black blood fox, he will inevitably pick Connor, the soft persimmon, before considering eating Dezerby.

If things have really developed to this level, with Connor’s character, he would certainly not sacrifice himself to save De Zelby and his gang, and he would inevitably run away in the first place, and if Kang If Na did this, Connor himself would naturally be able to survive, but afterwards, the Ferguson family would inevitably be affected by Connor and be liquidated by the Storm Church...

So in order not to let himself be forced to "sacrifice himself for others" while protecting the Ferguson family, Connor thought of the excuse of dispersing and breaking through. With this excuse, even if the church was tracked down by the storm after the incident, Connor was not to blame!

In addition, as long as he breaks through the siege, Connor, who has a formal wizard training base and the blessing of black magic robes, is sure which is the fastest lion runner. In this way, DeZelby and his storm church have become Kang. Connor’s "meat shield" bears a lot of risks for Connor!

As the saying goes, "people are not as good as the sky" was when Connor was a little complacent in his dispersal and breakout trick for himself, when Connor was in a premonition, but it made him a very unexpected situation!

Connor, who had just flown out one kilometer, felt the aura he was very familiar with appeared in his mental power. He was conscious of the identity and intention of the other party, his heart was immediately shocked, his face also changed involuntarily, and his heart also subconsciously emerged. Killing intent.

A few seconds later, Connor gritted his teeth and made a decision in his heart. Instead of pretending to avoid the other party, he turned around to meet him. Since the other party has already come here, it means that the other party is determined. , To pull yourself into the water!

It seems a bit risky to see him now, but maybe he can still control things within the range that he can handle. On the contrary, if the other party is allowed to mess around, then this guy will do everything to survive. When it comes out, it really gets worse at that moment!

Connor appeared a minute later. Behind a large poplar tree in the forest with a thickness of three people, and not far from him, a figure in a blue cloak was silently moving towards this side. Come here.

The mental power quietly observed the vigilance in the opponent's expression, knowing that even if he attacked, Connor could not take advantage of it. He sighed slightly and let go of his intention to kill.

Because there was a threat from the black-blooded fox bear behind him, and the gray-white smoke he displayed was about to dissipate, Connor didn’t have the mood and time to talk nonsense with this guy. He was wary when he saw him, although he was hiding. In a dark place, but after not using the phone to meet, he just took the initiative to stand up and asked coldly: "Filo! What are you doing here?"

Hearing Connor’s icy voice, he was carefully observing the surrounding environment at this time. The figure in the blue cloak, Philo, immediately noticed Connor’s position, and he took a deep look at Connor. , Then sighed faintly, and then preached to Connor without answering what was asked: "Connor Ferguson, you are a smart man, you know it is not a last resort, I will not come here to find you!"

Since Connor decided to come out to see Philo, he naturally expected Philo's reaction. He sneered and said: "Philo! I think you are like this, in the Navas Forest, you still live It's very moisturizing..."

Philo smiled bitterly and shook his head and said, "Don't make fun of me. I have become a bereavement dog and can only survive in this leafy Navas forest."

Feeling the meaning revealed by Philo’s words, Connor was slightly surprised, and could not help but tentatively said: "If you want to go out, I have a way..."

Before Connor could finish speaking, Philo waved his hand and preached: "Connor Ferguson, you may have misunderstood me. I don't want to leave here now!"

"The Navas Forest, for other wizards may be a dangerous place full of warcrafts, and everyone is afraid of it, but for me now, it is a good place. The haven of Warcraft is terrifying, but in comparison, the Church of the Storm is the one who cannibalize people without spitting out bones!" Speaking of his last role, Philo, who was an informant in Black's agency, couldn't help but show a little bit on his face. wry smile.

Connor was a little surprised by Philo's desire to stay in the Navas Forest, but after thinking about it, it seemed reasonable. The Navas Forest brought danger to Philo at the same time. Restricted the actions of the Storm Church.

In the dangerous Navas forest, even if the Storm Church is powerful, it is impossible to ignore the casualties. In order to chase a Philo, it organizes an effective search in the forest, and once it leaves here, Philo is After being exposed to the search of the Storm Church, his ending is self-evident!

Although he could understand Philo's decision, another new question posed in front of Connor. Since Philo was not going to leave, what did he want to do now when he came to find himself?

Although Connor’s calmness made it impossible for people to find out what he was thinking through his facial expressions, Philo saw Connor’s doubts at a glance and took the initiative to explain to Connor. The person who came to look for Connor's purpose, cleared his throat and said: "Connor, although I don't plan to leave the Navas Forest, but this time I am looking for you, I am indeed looking for your help!"

"Here in Navas Forest, the Church of the Storms has nothing to do with me, but Milik, this bastard, is a complete lunatic. In these days, he desperately chases me, no matter where I hide, he can catch up Me!" When he said this, a deep dread and helplessness appeared in Philo's eyes.

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