Count of Wizards

Chapter 1026: Black Blood Fox Bear (1)

Both Connor and De Zelby know one thing, that is, if they are dealing with a black-blooded fox bear, then there is no problem at all, but if they encounter something like what has been observed now The thing is, a very rare black blood fox, then Connor and De Zelby, as well as the arbiters of the storm church around them, can do is to escape! The sooner you escape and the faster you escape, the fewer people will die!

A black-blooded fox and a family of black-blooded foxes are completely different concepts in the wizarding world!

Because of the extremely high intelligence of the black blood fox, while they have the powerful physical talents of the bear-like monsters, they can also cooperate in a very tacit team like a human wizard. If it is not for character reasons, let the black blood fox Bears prefer to live alone, and few can live together in pairs, so in the world of Warcraft, the black blood fox bear can completely become the overlord of one party!

Even so, the black-blooded fox family consisting of two adult black-blooded foxes and several juvenile black-blooded foxes is also one of the most unprovoked existences in the Navas Forest!

Just when De Zelby and the arbiters were immersed in the death of their companions, Connor, as a spiritual wizard, already vaguely felt that he was not far away through his strong spiritual power. Dao's incomparable aura had already quietly outflanked them from left to right.

Although because the distance is too far away, Connor can’t judge through his spiritual power what the main body of these two powerful and unmatched auras are, but combined with the current situation, Connor has determined that this means that both ends have a formal wizard. The strength of the fourth-level adult black blood fox bear.

Realizing this, Connor immediately changed his face and said in his heart: "Not good!" Looking at the storm church wizards headed by De Zelby, he didn't notice anything. Connor didn't dare to say anything. He hesitated and made a decisive decision. He took out a few smoke bombs from the space ring and threw them on the ground. Suddenly, the gray-white smoke rose rapidly in the forest. After finishing these, Connor was still a little worried, but from He took out a dark green glass ball and fell to the ground.


The glass ball that fell to the ground immediately cracked with a very crisp sound, and as the glass ball broke, the dark green gas that was originally sealed in the glass ball quietly slipped out. The glass bottle was exposed to the air, and it was originally permeated. The gray-white mist around it became green, and the air became pungent.

Seeing Connor's hasty operation, De Zelby asked Connor with some doubts: "Connor Ferguson, what are you doing?"

"The two adult black-blooded fox bears have been touched. They mainly find the enemy by smell. My current methods can temporarily hold them for a while." Connor anxiously asked De Zelby. Explained a sentence, and then everyone in the face continued to speak loudly:

"Everyone is walking together. The goal is too big. It is easy for the black-blooded fox to catch up. Now that I am in the fog, as a cover, we should now disperse and retreat. After we withdraw, we will be at the waterfall ten kilometers southeast Where to gather!" As soon as the voice fell, Connor did not wait for the wizards of the Storm Church to agree to his proposal.

I have to say that as the law enforcement team of the Church of the Storm, the group around De Zelby, the arbiter of the Church of the Storm, is still very disciplined. Although everyone is very interested in Connor’s proposal, they are not. A person acting without authorization is to look at De Zelby, the power to make decisions, the official wizard with the highest cultivation level and the highest status among them.

Under the gaze of my own gang, I saw that Connor was already DeZelby who had escaped first. Although a little angry Connor made his own claims, he could only think quickly, although he was not like Connor. , Is a spiritual wizard with strong spiritual power, but as a wizard of the Storm Church, his spiritual power is not weak. After Connor’s dialling, he naturally discovered the danger after this, so he does not doubt Connor’s motivation for doing this.

However, for Connor’s method of dispersing and breaking through, De Zelby judged based on his experience that the method Connor proposed can indeed help everyone better get rid of the fierce and powerful black blood foxes behind them. Bear.

The Black-Blooded Fox bear has a powerful body and extremely high intelligence. From the perspective of talent strength, more than 90% of the beasts in World of Warcraft. If you have to pick the bones in the egg To say that the black blood fox bear has any weakness, then the only weakness may be speed.

The speed of the black blood fox bear can only be regarded as average among the four-level warcraft comparable to a formal human wizard. Therefore, now Connor and Dezerby are scattered and broke through the crowd, which is the biggest use. The speed of the black blood fox bear is generally weak. The best way to escape.

Although it seems to be the best method at present, I don’t know why DeZelby always feels that Connor’s method seems to have some problems, but after thinking about it carefully, he can’t notice where the problem is... ····

And Dezeer can't think of a better plan than he himself. In view of the current situation in such a crisis, the black blood fox not far away may catch up at any time. Dezeer can't have much more. Time to think, so for the sake of everyone's safety, De Zelby immediately nodded under the eyes of everyone and said: "Just follow Connor Ferguson's method. Everyone gathers at a waterfall ten kilometers southeast of everyone! "

With the order of Dezelby, the arbitrators saluted Dezelby one after another, and then disappeared one by one in the gray mist and retreated.

At this time, Connor, who was escaping in the gray mist, felt the mental power, everyone was scattered and broke through, his eyes were a touch of strange color...

Connor showed off his gray-white mist and released pungent gas, which can indeed play a role in temporarily getting rid of the black blood fox that relies on smell to track the enemy, but unfortunately, Connor’s display of these methods, It can't be supported for too long, at most five minutes!

And after five minutes, whether it was Connor, De Zelby, or the arbiter of the Storm Church who had only the apprenticeship as a wizard, they would all be exposed to the pursuit of the black blood fox bears behind them. !

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