245. Did He Strong-arm You?

Translator: Bryan

Without even looking at her, Wei Qing walked over to Yan Chuyang’s bedside.

Li Hushan awkwardly paused in the act of holding out her hand as the smile on her face froze.

“Are you stupid?” Wei Qing said coldly, tucking Yan Chuyang in. “Didn’t I tell you to close your eyes and have some rest? Why are you arguing with an unreasonable shrew? Do you think you have inexhaustible energy or something?”

Li Hushan’s heart did a somersault. She spun around and asked, “Mr. Wei, what’s that supposed to mean?”

“Huh,” Wei Qing sneered, turning around. “You still can’t tell? The one who you just called a poor orphan is the very person I want to protect.”

Li Hushan froze. After quite a while, she chuckled mirthlessly and said, “You must be joking… How’s it possible a man like you knows the likes of him?”

Wei Qing’s eyebrows twitched. “The likes of him? Would you please be more specific?”

“Let me tell you something.” Li Hushan promptly pointed at Yan Chuyang on the bed and said, “This guy attempted to seduce my son while my son was drunk last night. I don’t mind him being gay. After all, everyone has the right to make their own choices, but he shouldn’t have despicably forced my son to do things against his will.”

Li Hushan was tactful. She specially emphasized that she was not biased against gay people.

She knew that Wei Qing had recently announced that he had married a man. There had been all kinds of headlines and television news about it. However, the photos of that person in the newspaper had been mosaiced, so she didn’t know what Wei Qing’s marriage partner looked like.

But no matter what, Wei Qing was gay, so she had to be careful when speaking to Wei Qing. She subdued her disgust for gay people.

Wei Qing turned to look down at Yan Chuyang lying in bed. “Is that true?”

“I didn’t!” Yan Chuyang retorted hurriedly. “I sent him home only because he was drunk. Nothing happened between us! Wei Qing, you need to trust me!”

Wei Qing raised his eyes to look at Li Hushan. “My marriage partner here says he never did that. He’s an honest man. I believe him.”

“Mr. Wei!” Li Hushan frowned and said anxiously, “He’s lying!”

With that she suddenly pulled a wad of photos from her handbag and handed them to Wei Qing. “Here are some screenshots of the video from the surveillance camera in my house. I got these last night. Mr. Wei, take a look at these. Look what he did to my son. I don’t know how he has the nerve to claim he did nothing but send my son home. You can’t seriously fall for that story!”

Wei Qing furrowed his brows and took the photos from Li Hushan’s hand.

There were seven or eight photos. In some of them, Yan Chuyang was pinned under Song Huaiqi on the sofa. Yan Chuyang’s collar was torn apart, his face pale. There were also a couple of photos in which Song Huaiqi was kissing Yan Chuyang, gripping Yan Chuyang’s wrists.

Wei Qing’s breathing went ragged, and he began to emanate a frigid air.

All of a sudden, Wei Qing tore those photos to pieces, stamped on them, looked down at Yan Chuyang with a furious face and demanded, “Did he strong-arm you?”

Yan Chuyang was so frightened that he shook his head repeatedly, hastily raised his hand and gripped Wei Qing’s jacket. “No, please don’t be like this. I wasn’t raped. I didn’t let him. The instant he pinned me under him, I punched him off me. He just kissed me while I was in a daze. That’s all!”

Wei Qing steadied his ragged breathing, trying hard to suppress the fury in his eyes. Having managed to keep his cool, he stooped down and, staring into Yan Chuyang’s eyes, enunciated, “I’m not asking you if you got raped. What I want to know is whether he strong-armed you during the process.”

Yan Chuyang compressed his lips together and kept silent for a while before he hesitated, “Actually…he was just drunk. He…”

“Did he strong-arm you?!” Wei Qing suddenly growled.

Yan Chuyang’s heart lurched and he blurted, “Yes.”

“Very good.” Wei Qing stood up, raised his eyes, looked at Li Hushan sinisterly and sneered, “Madam, I’ve been hesitant about making a move against your family business, but now I finally got a good reason to do that. Go back and tell your beloved son that from tomorrow on, all companies registered in his name will be in my cross hairs. Tell him to get ready.”

Li Hushan’s eyes widened. “Mr. Wei, what do you mean by that?”

“That means your son is going bankrupt,” Wei Qing enunciated with feigned innocence as a smile touched his lips.

“Mr. Wei!” Li Hushan exclaimed, panic-stricken. “There must be some kind of misunderstanding. We’ve seldom crossed paths with each other in terms of business. You’re in the fashion design industry, and my son’s in the real estate industry. We have no conflict of interests whatsoever.”

“There’s no misunderstanding,” Wei Qing smiled grimly. “You have only your cockiness to blame. Of all those people out there, you ran roughshod over my marriage partner. You’re so unobservant.”

Li Hushan’s face stiffened. “What?”

“Can’t you understand?” Wei Qing’s snapped. “Yan Chuyang is my marriage partner. You think he seduced your son? How very ridiculous. Why would he ingratiate himself with a small family like yours when he has me at his back? Seducing your son? That’s the biggest joke I’ve ever heard!”

Li Hushan gave a great shudder and lifted her eyes to look at Yan Chuyang who had been lying in bed silently all along, her eyes full of incredulity.

She thought, “Damn it. This homely kid is actually married to Wei Qing?”

She realized that she had messed with someone she could not afford to mess with.

The look in Li Hushan’s eyes flickered as her heavily made-up face became even paler.

Wei Qing turned to look at Yan Chuyang.

“Mr. Wei.” Li Hushan stepped over with the intention to explain something.

Wei Qing said with a wave of his hand impatiently, “I suggest you get out of here right now. My marriage partner here needs some rest. Since you’re an old woman, I’ll forgive you for making those malicious remarks just now. What you need to do now is go back home and tell your son to get ready as soon as possible because an uphill battle is coming!”

Having perceived that Wei Qing was determined, Li Hushan was consumed with mixed panic and remorse.

She shouldn’t have come to this place so impulsively. No matter what, she should have ascertained Yan Chuyang’s identity first.

She had thought that Yan Chuyang was just a nobody whom she could bully as she please. It had never occurred to her that he had such a powerful protector.

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