240. You Seduced My Son!

Translator: Bryan

“I know. I know,” Yan Chuyang pulled him out of the car with great difficulty and helped him to the front door of the mansion.

“Senior, what’s the combination for the lock?”

“I want to drink!”

“I know, but I need to open the door first before I can get you drinks.”

“Don’t lie to me.”

“I’m not lying to you. I’ll drink with you after I get inside, okay?”


It was a long while before Yan Chuyang managed to wheedle the combination out of Song Huaiqi. He opened the door and supported Song Huaiqi into his room.

It was seven o’clock in the evening and the room was pitch dark.

Yan Chuyang fumbled on the wall for a moment and found the light switch.

“Sit here, Senior.” Yan Chuyang settled him on the sofa and said, “I’ll go and get you a glass of water.”

Having finished speaking, Yan Chuyang turned and headed for the kitchen.

But he had hardly gone two paces when Song Huaiqi gripped his wrist. Caught off guard, Yan Chuyang exclaimed and flopped down onto the sofa.

Song Huaiqi abruptly rolled on top of Yan Chuyang, pinning Yan Chuyang under him.

Yan Chuyang’s scalp tightened in alarm and his eyes widened as he growled, “Hey, Senior! Let go of me!”

“No.” Song Huaiqi gripped Yan Chuyang’s chin with his hand. “I’m not going to let go. I don’t want to hold it in anymore. Chuyang, I like you. I want you to be with me!”

Yan Chuyang was shocked.


“I have feelings for you,” Song Huaiqi drunkenly murmured as he gazed into Yan Chuyang’s eyes in the dark. “I developed feelings for you many years ago. I didn’t have the guts to tell you. I was afraid of being rejected by you, and I feared my parents might hurt you. Do you know how helpless I am? My parents have me under constant watch. They arranged a marriage for me. They forbid me to have feelings for you, but I can’t help it.”

Song Huaiqi stroked Yan Chuyang’s cheek, his eyes glinting with ardor. “Chuyang, I can’t hold it in anymore.”

Those words sent a chill down Yan Chuyang’s spine. “Senior, calm down. You’re drunk. I know you’re not in your right mind. I don’t want to hurt you.”

“No! I’m very sober!” Song Huaiqi said through gritted teeth. “I want to kiss you. I want you to be mine.”

With that Song Huaiqi’s eyes grew fierce and he began to tear Yan Chuyang’s thin shirt.

A ferocious look appeared in Yan Chuyang’s eyes. With all his might, Yan Chuyang roughly pushed Song Huaiqi off him.

Caught flat-footed, Song Huaiqi thudded to the floor.

“Hmm.” Song Huaiqi clutched his wrist and let out a pained groan. Clearly he hurt his wrist.

Yan Chuyang furrowed his brows, straightened his collar, helped Song Huaiqi to his feet, took two steps backwards and said, “I told you I didn’t want to hurt you. You left me no choice.”

Song Huaiqi made no response. He remained silent for a while. Suddenly, he held his arm in pain and said, “Chuyang, my… my wrist hurts like hell. Can you take a look at it for me?”

Yan Chuyang hesitated for a moment, but then he realized that Song Huaiqi was drunk and not in his right mind. Even if Song Huaiqi wanted to manhandle him, Yan Chuyang believed that he could overpower Song Huaiqi.

Therefore, after thinking about it for a moment, Yan Chuyang stooped down and asked, “Where are you hurt? Do you have a dislocation?”

Song Huaiqi clenched his teeth and said, “My wrist.”

“Stretch out your arm so I can see it.”

Song Huaiqi slowly reached out his arm, but before Yan Chuyang could touch it, Song Huaiqi quickly grasped Yan Chuyang’s chin and planted a kiss on his lips.

Yan Chuyang roughly pushed him away, took two big steps backwards, wiped his lips twice vigorously on his sleeve and said through gritted teeth, “Senior, do you know what you’re doing? To be honest, if we hadn’t been friends for years, I would sever ties with you because of what you just did.”

With a mirthless smile, Song Huaiqi looked up at Yan Chuyang and said, “It’s already come to this. You’ve developed feelings for someone else and decided to spend the rest of your life with him. If you think I can keep my cool in these circumstances, you overestimate me.”

Yan Chuyang lapsed into silence, his face taut.

“Chuyang, can I hug you?”

“No,” Yan Chuyang said without hesitation.


“Because of what you just did, I can no longer trust you.”

“But I like you. You’re getting married. Can you not even have pity on me?”

The look in Yan Chuyang’s eyes flickered. Fists clenched, he said, “Love is not a handout. I have no feelings for you. I should stay as far away from you as possible at this point in time. I think I should leave.”

“I just want you to give me a hug. I…”

“You unfilial son!” An angry roar came from outside the door, interrupting their conversation.

Yan Chuyang’s brows twitched in alarm as he jerked his head around to look in the direction of the door. Only then did he see a gorgeously clothed woman staring at Song Huaiqi who was sitting on the sofa, her face full of anger.

“You undutiful bastard!” Looking distressed and heartbroken, the woman walked to the sofa and slapped Song Huaiqi’s face without hesitation.

The crisp slap echoed in the quiet living room.

Having been slapped across the face, Song Huaiqi sobered up, rose from the sofa and said with faint surprise, “Mom, why did you come here at this late hour?”

“Why did I come here? Humph.” The woman said with a grim smile, “I would’ve missed a good show if I hadn’t come!”

Yan Chuyang’s face changed. Feeling that him staying in the room would only make the atmosphere more awkward, he turned around and headed for the door, but he had only just gone two paces when the woman thundered, “Stop!”

Yan Chuyang halted.

The woman pivoted around and walked over to Yan Chuyang. Staring fixedly into Yan Chuyang’s eyes, she sneered, “Humph. You do have attractive looks. No wonder my son’s besotted with you.”

Yan Chuyang felt a pang of unease. “There’s nothing going on between me and your son, madam. You have nothing to worry about…”

“Stop lying!” the woman stormed, interrupting him. “I saw and heard everything when I was outside the door just now. You seduced him. You tempted him into kissing and hugging you! You’re a young man. How can you be so shameless?”

Yan Chuyang pulled a wry face. “Are you sure you saw and heard everything clearly? You’re doing me a terrible injustice.”

“I’ve had enough of your lies!” The woman suddenly opened her handbag, fished out a Polaroid camera and snorted, “I’ve photographed the whole thing. Evidence cannot lie. It’s no good trying to deny it!”

Almost speechless, Yan Chuyang sighed, “I don’t want to argue, and I scorn to argue with you. You can believe what you want, but please step aside. I need to go back.”

“You can’t leave!” the woman said through gritted teeth. “No wonder my son’s become defiant lately. He used to be very docile, but now he’s become disobedient. He refused to go to the blind dates I arranged for him. He even founded a company without my and my husband’s knowledge. It turns out you’re the one behind all that. You incited him to do that!”

“Mom!” Song Huaiqi frowned and said coldly, “It has nothing to do with Yan Chuyang. I did that because I couldn’t stand being controlled by the two of you anymore!”

“Shut your mouth!” the woman flared. Then she stared at Yan Chuyang again and continued, “You have two options. Either you leave Song City on your own account, which is the right thing to do, or I banish you from this city. The choice is yours.”

Yan Chuyang didn’t know whether to laugh or cry, “Why should I leave? Song City is my home.”

The woman’s face contorted with rage. “So you’re not leaving?”

Yan Chuyang shook his head. “This is ridiculous. I have no reason to leave.”

The woman sneered. “It’s money that you want, right?”


“I’ll give you money!”

The woman suddenly pulled out a bank card from her handbag and hurled it at Yan Chuyang’s chin.

The sharp edge of the card slid across Yan Chuyang’s jaw, leaving a thin stripe of blood on it.

The look in Yan Chuyang’s eyes flickered as he felt a sudden surge of anger. “Are you soft in the head?”

“There’s 2000 grand on this card. It’s not much, but it’s a great fortune for people like you. I’ll take it as a handout for a poor wretch. I hope you know what’s good for you. Take the money, leave my son and leave Song City!”

Yan Chuyang gritted his teeth and snorted, “Madam, I’m going to say this one last time. I have feelings for someone else. There’s nothing going on between me and your son. You may rest assured that I’ll never do anything to compromise his career. You’re trying to protect your son, and I can totally understand that, but you can’t be so shameless. Also, as a mother, you’re pushing your son too hard. You’re an unfit mother.”

With that Yan Chuyang shifted his gaze to Song Huaiqi and added, “Senior, you’ve helped me a lot. No matter what, I still look up to you. About what you said to me when you were drunk, I’m very grateful, but I can’t accept it. If you come around and let it go, we’ll still be friends; if you can’t do that, I’m afraid I’ll have to stay away from you.”

Having finished speaking, Yan Chuyang turned around and left.

He had put it very explicitly. It was utterly unnecessary to prolong his conversation with Song Huaiqi’s unreasonable mother.

The woman looked from Song Huaiqi to Yan Chuyang’s receding back. She snorted coldly and stood there in silence, her face dark with rage.

Night had already fallen.

The place where Song Huaiqi lived was a distance away from the highway. Yan Chuyang had to turn on the built-in flashlight of his cellphone when walking slowly forward in the dark.

After walking five or six minutes, Yan Chuyang gradually sensed that something was amiss.

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